MTL - Hide And Cultivate In The East Palace, Only To Find The Prince Is A Girl-Chapter 15 Goodbye Ji Xueyan

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  Chapter 15 Goodbye Ji Xueyan

  Transform all the Xuantian Zhenyuan into Xuanhuang Zhenyuan, possessing various charms and greater power, and even break through to the third level of the Heaven-Human Realm.

  Zhang Ronghua pondered: "Is this a magic technique?"

  Heaven-level skills and above, also known as supernatural powers.

  Among the many supernatural powers, the god-and-devil level exercises are the top cultivation methods. Each one has the power to destroy the world. Once practiced, it will be like a **** and demon, standing on the top of the mainland.

   "Cousin come out to eat quickly."

   went out the door.

  After washing up, I ate the breakfast bought by my cousin, steamed buns, fried dough sticks and tofu nao.

   "I will ask for a day off later. If His Highness asks, just say that I am practicing."

   "Then you promised me the exercises?"

   "I'll give it to you when you break through to the master level."

   "Thank you cousin!"

   After eating.

  Zheng Fugui left and went back to his room to continue practicing. Zhang Ronghua didn't stop until the afternoon.

  His current talent is already terrifying. Even so, he has been cultivating since last night until now, and he has only been able to cultivate it to the state of the first glimpse of the door.

  If you want to practice skills close to Tao, you have a long way to go.

   But he is not upset, every day, his talent will increase a little bit, after a year or two, his talent will accumulate to an even more terrifying level, and it will be easy to cultivate it to a great achievement.

   Just now.

  Although he is in the third level of the Heavenly Human Realm, his strength is much stronger than before, and he can beat the previous ten himself with one hand.

  The melodious sound of the piano came from Jingxin Lake.

"is her?"

  After thinking for a while, Zhang Ronghua decided to go and have a look.

  Leaving from the side door, stopped by the lake.

  Lake Center.

  A beautiful back, with her back to him, wearing a moon-white short skirt, is playing the piano, and the beautiful and pleasant sound of the piano comes from her hands.

  With a thought, Zhang Ronghua made a move.

   Grabbing with five fingers, a huge suction burst out from the palm, sucking a leaf, holding the leaf to his mouth and blowing.

   Xiao Yi has been fully ordered, and he does not stick to any form. Even a leaf in his hand can play beautiful tunes.

  One person plays the piano and the other blows the flute (blowing the leaves). The combination of the piano and the flute is like a fairyland on earth.

   One stop.

   There was a sound of breaking through the air, and it shot from the gazebo.

  Zhang Ronghua stretched out his hand to catch the flying jade flute, and Ji Xueyan's cold voice sounded: "Use this."

  The piano sounded again.

  This time she showed her full skills, making it even more beautiful, beautiful, and ups and downs. It is not far from touching the artistic conception.

   Seeing this, Zhang Ronghua did not refuse, played the jade flute, and played with her again.

  It was replaced with a jade flute. With the blessing of the jade flute, the sound of the flute is more beautiful. With the sound of the flute and the sound of the piano, various beautiful sounds of nature are performed.

   It took a long time for the two of them to stop.

   "Why don't you come and sit?"

  Zhang Ronghua walked over and sat down opposite her.

   Still wearing a veil, covering her face.

  Ji Xueyan took the teapot and poured him a cup of tea.


   "How is your Highness recently?"


   "The royal family is the most ruthless. At this point, if they don't take any action, if they drag on, they may not even have a chance to make a move."

  Zhang Ronghua drank tea, but didn't answer.

   Finish a cup of tea.

  Ji Xueyan put away the guqin and stood up, "You are very good, this flute is for you."

  Turn around and leave.

  Looking at her back, and then at the jade flute in his hand, Zhang Ronghua smiled wryly, what is this? He just came to take a look, why did he accept her gift?

  Leave the gazebo and return to the mansion to continue practicing.

  Zheng Fugui came back very late, and it was two hours before he was on duty before returning home.

   Seeing his cousin waiting for him, he felt guilty, lowered his head, and didn't dare to look directly into Zhang Ronghua's eyes: "I'm going to sleep!"

   Hastily dropped a sentence and fled into the room.

"what happened to him?"

   Wait until tomorrow to ask again.

  Ten miles away from the capital city, there is a county called Chen County. Thanks to its favorable location, it has developed very well. It has a population of more than 100,000. Even the county magistrate is equipped with a high-ranking grade eight.

  Hundreds of thousands of people stay up in the middle of the night, all of them are like ghosts, their eyes are dull, lifeless, with a strong stench, like dead bodies.

  Led by the county magistrate, they walked towards the capital.



  Take my cousin out and eat breakfast at the market, while the diners around whisper to each other, discussing in a low voice.

   "Have you heard? An ancient stele descended from the sky to warn Da Xia that the prince is a daughter. If he is not abolished, disasters will spread throughout the world, and the Da Xia Dynasty will be separated and collapsed."

"You didn't see that the hundreds of thousands of people in Chen County were all infected with the plague. It is said that the plague was spread from the ancient stele, but anyone who was caught by the plague would rot and die within seven days. The four major city gates Closed to keep them out, and guarded by the army to prevent them from spreading."

   Take one or two pieces of silver and put it on the table.

  Zhang Ronghua got up from the chair with a serious face: "Go!"

   Hurriedly rushed to the East Palace, put on Jiaolong Jiawei and went to see the prince.

   Xuanhe Hall.

  The leader of Jiaolongwei, Dou Jianwu, was reporting what happened in the city. Zhang Ronghua came and listened.

   "Go down!"

  Dou Jianwu led the order to retreat, and when he left, the haze in his eyes flashed away. He was the leader of Jiaolongwei, but His Highness didn't reuse him, but actually appointed Zhang Ronghua, which made me very angry!

  He is now the deputy commander. In time, wouldn't he want to give up the position of commander so that he can take over?

  The door of the temple is closed.

   "Have you gained anything?"

   "Breaking through a small realm by luck."

  Zhang Ronghua is now exposed to the outside world only at the second level of the master realm. After practicing the Xuanhuang Kaitian Kungfu, the effect of restraining Qi will be even stronger.

   "Yes." The prince nodded.

   His face was solemn and his eyes were cold.

  The matter of the tenth prince has not stopped yet, and the conspiracy has come again. The people behind the scenes are determined to bring him down and replace him.

   "Have you heard what happened in the city?"

   "It is for this purpose."

   "Follow Gu into the palace!"

  Getting into the car, Zhang Ronghua led a battalion of troops and his cousin and rushed towards the palace, and stopped outside the inner palace.

   Watching the prince enter the palace.

  Zheng Fugui pulled him to the side, and asked his confusion: "Cousin, why did they attack the prince again and again?"


   "Why didn't you fight before that?"

"The prince and Ji Xueyan are about to get married in about half a year. Once they get married and have the support of the Taifu, it will be impossible for other princes to touch him! It can be said that as long as the prince does not die, If you don't commit the great crime of treason, that position will be his sooner or later."

   "Aren't we dangerous?"

   "Do you know you are afraid now?"

   "It's so wonderful to be in power to order others to do things, but still have to look at your own face. I'm already obsessed with it." Zheng Fugui said.

  (end of this chapter)