MTL - Hidden Corner-Chapter 561 confirm one

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 Chapter 561561 Determine one

"What are you hiding from?" The Red God was silent for a moment, looking at the flock of wild geese flying past outside the window. "I don't know what I'm hiding from. That day, the royal city suddenly caught fire, and the bright and terrifying golden light exploded instantly, followed by the royal city. Disappeared, and the original land fell into chaos. I was only a soldier in the Chiba Army at that time, not a middle-level or high-level person, so I don’t know the specific details.”

 “But what?” Li Chengyi asked.

"However, the disappearance of the royal city has been foreshadowed for a long time." The Red God sighed, "The previous emperor went against the grain and unscrupulously destroyed all living things within sight. He was keen to combine all the vitality of each ethnic group into a race. The flower is stored in the imperial palace. It is inevitable that many Black Sea races will perish because of him."

“.” Li Chengyi was speechless. It seemed that the red **** also harbored resentment towards the new Emperor of Flowers.

“As for after the destruction, many forces will share the resources of the royal city. That is a matter of course. There is nothing to say about the winner and the loser.” The Red God continued.

“In other words, if I rebuild the original city now, I won’t encounter any danger?” Li Chengyi asked.

"To be precise, the Black Sea is boundless, and it is impossible to encounter the original group of eaters. I didn't understand it at the beginning, but now, I have some understanding." The Red God paused and continued, "No matter what The first generation of emperors and the second generation are all pursuing the ultimate level of intelligence, that is, the realm of omniscience. They seem to have reached the ultimate level of omniscience and begun to touch the boundaries of taboos."

 “Omniscient.” Li Chengyi frowned. This was the second time he heard this word. The last time I learned about it was from Professor Miman.

 It is said that Lan Meng also touched the edge of omniscience.

 “What is the dividing line between taboos?” he asked.

"That is the dividing line between the unknown and the known." Red God replied, "The reason why the Black Sea is black is because most of everything is unknown. Living things understand the outside world through sense and intelligence, so when an individual without perception relies on How do you know everything about the outside world?”

Li Chengyi thought thoughtfully. It is true that no matter what civilization, its root is perception. From ignorance to civilization, perception is the cornerstone of all disciplines.

 “So what’s the answer?” he asked.

"I don't know. I'm just a pawn. I've only heard my superiors discuss this type of issue. It is said that the flower **** generals of the previous generation have also touched the realm of qualitative change due to Your Majesty. So their power is strong. To the point where everything is frightened. Their way of existence has completely transformed into a form that we cannot understand." The Red God shook his head.

Li Chengyi had a lot of thoughts and insights of his own flashing through his mind.

The Emperor of Flowers failed. Now it seems that what really defeated them was not civil strife, but an accident.

 “What are your plans for the future?” he asked in a low voice.

"You are the flower **** general of the royal city, right? I am willing to follow you and rebuild the original royal city together." Red God said seriously.

"Really?" Li Chengyi looked at the other party's sincere expression, and naturally he would not believe it so easily, but the Red God was indeed extremely powerful. Without wearing the Flower God Clothes, he really couldn't kill the opponent completely. At most, he would Its defeat.

“The Royal City is a thing of the past, but the remaining resistance forces should still exist. Please be careful,” the Red God continued.

 “What are they?” Li Chengyi asked in a deep voice.

 “The Mother of Nothingness and the Behemoth Asladuni.”

“.” Li Chengyi was speechless, his feelings were those of old acquaintances. Professor Miman belongs to the Behemoth Sect, and the Mother of Nothingness is one of the oldest existences in the Black Sea that the leader mentioned when he was in Panguang.

"But in the past tens of thousands of years, I have heard one after another that the Mother of Nothingness and the remaining flower gods joined forces to fight and were defeated. Both parties died together, leaving only the remnants lingering. The giant beast Asladuni was seriously injured and fell into a deep sleep, and the time of its awakening is unknown. It is unknown. The dream world transformed into countless blind spots in the black sea.”

“.” Even in a dream, he can create countless blind spots. This level is indeed a bit too high for him.

 Let’s think about something more practical now.

 For example, first find Paine and his family.

"By the way, I have something to ask you for help." After Li Chengyi knew the other party's identity, he became more and more polite to him.

"Please tell me. If you can do it, you must try your best." Red God responded calmly.

"That's right, I'm looking for my family and subordinates. According to induction, they should also be in this prison." Li Chengyi said.

"Some time ago, a group of people did come in, but they are very good at hiding. I searched several times, but I couldn't find any trace of them. According to the approximate range, they should be in this area."

Hong Shen stretched out his hand a little, and a translucent shadow suddenly appeared in the air in front of the two people, showing the core space inside the prison.

 Seven planets slowly rotated around the fireball, and an area around the fifth planet was individually circled.

“Can you help me find them?” Li Chengyi asked.

"I am willing to serve you." The Red God bowed slightly and instantly turned into a red light, shrunk into a red dot and disappeared.

 Li Chengyi was left sitting alone on the chair, turning the pen in his hand, thoughtfully.

 After a long time, he stood up, dispersed the death energy circle, and walked out of the office.

 Outside, Nilan was sitting on a small stool beside the bed, basking in the sunshine in a daze.

Dunis was away, and Niya went to attend the banquet, but she still didn't come back.

The rest of the employees were checking information and saluted when they saw Li Chengyi.

 After walking out of the office, he unknowingly came to the begging intersection where the dwarf was.

Anya’s exclamation just happened to sound again.

The dwarf who was begging turned around, used his hands and feet together, and rushed into the alley skillfully. With three strokes, five divided by two, he knocked the two gangsters who were teasing Anya to the ground with wooden bowls.

 The gangster screamed and fled, leaving only the two of them looking at each other, speechless.

"Thank you for saving me this time." Anya stood up and bowed to the dwarf seriously and skillfully.

“You’re welcome, it just happened to me.” The dwarf replied with a smile.

Even though it was the twenty-third time he rescued someone, when he looked at Anya, he already felt warm all over and felt extremely comfortable.

 Although he didn’t know why Anya was always being bullied around him, the results were good, and that was enough.

“Although the routine is very old, isn’t the effect very good?” Li Chengyi watched this scene from a distance and smiled with satisfaction.

 He could feel that the consciousness in the dwarf's heart was undergoing qualitative changes little by little, moving toward a sublimated state.

 ‘Two more times to go. According to this improvement progress, sublimation can be achieved. ’

Thinking of this, he simply found a nearby teahouse, went in and sat down, and once again used bright light to amplify the evil thoughts of the bad people around Anya. Then arrange the takeout order to get it close to the dwarf's location again.

 It is just before 11 o'clock in the morning, and a heroic rescue has just happened.

 At 3pm, give them a few hours to rest before starting again.

 Then when you go back to sleep at night, you can do it again, and you should be able to get the sublimation effect.

Li Chengyi saw that the two of them were in love with each other. It was obvious that he no longer had to deliberately promote the relationship, and he felt quite relieved.

Time passed slowly, and when night came, the dwarf was exhausted and preparing to go back to rest under the bridge when he heard the familiar cry for help again.

He rushed there reflexively, rushing into the dark alley.

Li Chengyi patted his windbreaker in the teahouse, stood up, paid, walked out of the shop, and returned towards the office.

Behind him, there was a faint sound of sobbing belonging to Anya. Two lonely figures hugged each other tightly.

 The consciousness belonging to the dwarf finally reached a qualitative change at this moment.

 At the same time, in Li Chengyi's Yuanshen Sword Palace, a brand new human-faced Yuanshen Sword was formed again, and a dwarf's human-face relief slowly appeared on the palace wall.

The twentieth elemental seal emerged on the human-faced Yuanshen Sword. At the same time, the blade also flew towards the huge sword furnace, and was pieced together like a jigsaw puzzle to form a huge metal sword blade.


The illusory flame inside the sword furnace finally gradually turned into reality, spreading and penetrating outward.

 Twenty engravings are lighting up on the giant sword at this moment.

The giant sword is the sword furnace, and it is Li Chengyi's original soul.

 He quietly felt all the changes, feeling the double improvement of his body and consciousness.

 The first realm of true fire, virtual fire, has been successfully reached.

 Void Fire forges the most ethereal part of the body, the spirit, which is also the most important first step in building a foundation for the future.

Walking on the street, Li Chengyi looked up at the rising crescent moon, and suddenly felt an inexplicable loneliness in his heart.

The earth and moon have undergone great changes, relatives and subordinates have escaped, and the origin of the Flower of Evil has begun to emerge. Now he has reached a level where he can still protect himself.

 What the future holds and what will happen in the future, he doesn’t know.

Since he came to this world, he has been lonely. The pressure from the outside world is forcing him to move forward step by step.

But now, stepping into the real fire, there finally seems to be a chance to breathe.

 Walking under the street lights, the dim yellow lights divide the road into pieces.

There are still light yellow mud patches on the black-gray stone road, and some green grass shoots are struggling hard to come out of the gaps.


Li Chengyi sighed. After entering the realm of true fire, he could finally relax a little.

Put your hands in your pockets and step forward slowly. The cool air, along with the faint scent of perfume left by the passers-by in front, unexpectedly turns into a pleasant smell.

He lowered his head and followed the curve ahead, walking out of the range of the streetlight. His boots made a noisy sound when he stepped on a cracked stone slab.


 Suddenly, a strange and huge distortion instantly enveloped everything around him, completely fixing him in place.

"Huh?" Li Chengyi frowned and struggled with all his strength, but he couldn't break free.

With a thought in his mind, death energy stirred up and enveloped itself, but it was still useless.

Then the sword of wisdom transformed by consciousness was used to protect the body. The invisible blade quickly broke out of the body, ejected from the pores, and flew around him in a circle.

 But Hui Jian had only flown around once before it was suppressed and twisted by the invisible huge pressure, whined, collapsed and disappeared.

'what happened! ? ? ’ Li Chengyi felt awe-inspiring in his heart, and the powerful true fire generated by the twenty seals burned blazingly. With him as the center, the skin all over his body began to ignite with a faint golden flame.

The flame was translucent and extremely hot, squeezing out all abnormalities around it.

The virtual fire flame, which is a mixture of physical, energy, consciousness, etc., is not an attack capability at a single level, but can burn directly at different levels according to the fusion type of Yuan Yin.


Everything around him was still, except for the shrill sounds that slowly appeared in the midair in front of Li Chengyi.

 In the transparent space, a huge vortex two people high seemed to appear.

 In the translucent vortex, a huge traction force was emitted, covering Li Chengyi, trying to pull him in.

At this moment, all the atmosphere and power from the outside world were faintly pushing Li Chengyi towards the vortex.

'This feeling.! ? ? ’ Suddenly Li Chengyi felt a familiar atmosphere in his heart.

 “Is it a blind spot!?”

 He reacted instantly. This should be a dead end pull and teleportation, but the process has been slowed down countless times. In addition, he is now stronger and can watch the entire process.

  How the blind spot captures the person in the blind spot? The whole process was completely incomprehensible to Li Chengyi before.

 But now, under the protection of the virtual fire, he can see the whole thing clearly as if watching in slow motion.

 The huge twisted power and Li Chengyi's virtual fire power were in a stalemate for a while, and then slowly disappeared after more than ten minutes.

 (End of this chapter)