MTL - Hidden Corner-Chapter 555 expansion three

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 Chapter 555 555 Expansion Three

Baihaizhou is a huge polar area located on the edge of Anze, which is shrouded in ice and snow all year round.

A huge hole opened in the dark sky above the countless glaciers here.

 The dark red light is projected from the crack.

 Inside the crack, looking from a distance, one can see dense patches of light bubbles that are constantly generating and exploding.

Among the colorful light bubbles, white is the most numerous. A large number of rainbow-like light bubbles of various colors constantly surround and impact white.

 “Is this the Anze battlefield?”

In a glacier below, two mysterious men dressed in white, with their faces shrouded in a strange pale halo, were looking up at the battlefield in the sky.

"To be precise, it is the battlefield of the Exiled Land near Anze. According to our research, the essence of the Exiled Land is to cut out a part of Anze's time and space, destroy all life in it, and use it as a battlefield for the gods. "The other person replied hoarsely.

 “How many of the destruction ritual tables have been arranged?”

“About seventy-two, with a small portion remaining.”

“As soon as possible, Pure White Praise has a deep foundation here. We can directly swallow their network and save time.”

"I understand. But if the gods find out, how should they deal with it? Killing them would be too eye-catching."

 “Let Gray Oak come over, he is best at parasitism control.”

 “That makes sense. What about the time limit?”

 “Complete within ten years.”


The two finally finished their exchange, and looked up at the cracked battlefield in the sky, which silently melted into two pools of wax, evaporated into black smoke in the blink of an eye, and disappeared.




 In a dark and endless space.

 The huge Anze blind spot rotates slowly, like an irregular blue planet.

 It belongs to Mosha and is part of its main body.

 Ink yarn dead ends in general. Including Anze and the Kingdom of God controlled by many gods.

As Li Chengyi saw at this time, above Anze, there were dozens of blind spots of various sizes, large and small.

 Same as below.

They are like giant burgers, sandwiching Anze in the middle, with strands of tentacles extending from all the dead corners, linked to the surface of Anze's body, and rotating with it.

“This is the huge space where the plane is located, what we commonly call the star realm.”

 God Randy said in a deep voice.

While explaining, he was also observing Li Chengyi.

As early as the first time he saw the other party, he recognized that Li Chengyi was definitely not a native of Anze. The strong ancient aura on his body was evil and vast, so that he had to pay full attention just to watch, in case he was accidentally attracted by the other party. Affects the mind.

That breath cannot be detected by non-gods.

 As for such a powerful existence, they generally call it an alien god.

“Is this the star realm?” Li Chengyi looked at the surrounding space with interest.

This space is not completely dark, but overall black, with some inexplicable wreckage and unknown creatures floating and flying by from time to time.

It's like a garbage dump.

"The star realm contains all the historical traces of the past world, and contains information about countless dangerous and powerful people who once existed. It is a collection of information and an abyss of knowledge, useful, useless, dangerous, uncertain, and all impurities. , were thrown out of the major planes and abandoned to the star realm. Of course, there are also many explorers and travelers trying to get ancient heritage from it. After all, it is also known as the cemetery of gods. After the gods completely fall, they will also. Pulled down by the star world, he will sleep in the deepest place forever.”

Randy God continued.

"Looking at it this way, it is indeed very mysterious. What about the Kingdom of God?" Li Chengyi scanned it for a while and then focused his attention on the Kingdom of God.

The so-called Kingdom of God, he could see at a glance that those colorful bubble-like things were small blind spots.

Most of them are much smaller than Anze, and only a few are larger than Anze. Their surfaces reflect various patterns and symbols representing gods. Clearly strengthened.

“The ones that meet your requirements are the elves and gods first.” Randy pointed.

 Suddenly, a group of dim green, blue, and brown **** appeared in Li Chengyi's sight.

“The power of the elven pantheon is much weaker than it was thousands of years ago, so if you want to take action, they are the most suitable.”

Randy glanced at Li Chengyi.

"However, the surface thickness of the Kingdom of God is extremely strong, and it is enhanced by divinity, and the inner layer is wrapped with strong divine power. Ordinary weapons are completely ineffective against it, and only extremely powerful alienated types of elemental attacks can cause damage to it. I don't know. "

Li Chengyi understood this sentence. It is a normal attack. No matter what type you are, it is ineffective against the Kingdom of God. Only extremely powerful attacks can break through the defense.


 He remained calm as he quickly approached the group of elven gods and kingdoms.

 It wasn’t until he was much closer and far away from other kingdoms of gods that he slowed down and stopped.

Hand out his hand, countless golden lights condensed in his palm, turning into a slender golden sword.

 He stared at one of the smaller brown dead ends.

 Slowly raise the sword above your head.


The blade of the sword was pointed downwards, and a golden chop was instantly produced.

 The astral realm has no air and is a complete vacuum, with a large amount of messy matter and energy mixed in it.

 At this time, when the chopping wave came out, it immediately brought a large amount of impurities around it, rapidly expanding and expanding.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a golden storm with a diameter of several thousand meters, crashing into the surface of the brown divine kingdom.        Chi!

There was a small opening on the surface of the Kingdom of God, but it soon disappeared as the surroundings squirmed to compensate.

 “It’s really very resilient.” Li Chengyi praised.

The strong people in this place are almost full of recovery power, and it is completely different from the same way from the earth and the moon.

Randy said nothing and just continued to watch.

 He could see that Li Chengyi's sword blow just now was just a test.

 Even the smallest kingdom of God has a diameter of hundreds of kilometers. The injury just now will not have much impact.

 “Come again.” Li Chengyi raised his sword again.

 To deal with such a huge individual, his previous sword skills and strength are not very applicable.

Those are created based on dealing with small individual enemies. And one that can really fight enemies on a large scale.

 Li Chengyi's mind went through all the power he had.

 ‘Except for the immobility of the flowering divine clothes, he really doesn’t have any means that can cause large-scale injuries in an instant. ’

 No wonder the gods retreated into the kingdom of God to ensure their own safety. Looking at it this way, it turns out to be a turtle shell.

 The golden light condensed again.

Densely packed swords of wisdom were superimposed on the golden sword. At the same time, a translucent illusory golden sword shadow emerged and merged with the long sword in Li Chengyi's hand.

 He is now using the real physical sword that he has kept in his sword pouch.

With his current state, with the power of Wen Yang's golden sword superimposed, even he himself doesn't know what level he can reach.


  A sharp wave.

 A huge golden sword light that was far more dazzling than before suddenly flew towards the Kingdom of God.

The sword light quickly drove the matter and energy of the star realm halfway along the way, and together they turned into a new golden storm airflow column, which hit the outer layer of the **** heavily.

Li Chengyi didn't hold back at all in this blow, and used all his strength to warm up the sword and explode.

The lethality has definitely surpassed ordinary real fire. Even without the use of flower language, it is considered the best in the world in Panguang.

Randy on the side looked at the huge golden sword light that was almost as wide as the Kingdom of God, and his expression changed slightly.

 The sword light fought desperately against the surface of the Kingdom of God, sputtering out countless tiny red sparks.

But it can be clearly seen that the surface of the Kingdom of God is rapidly denting, and a huge hole has been cut, revealing the pure green atmosphere inside.

 Streams of shining golden Holy Spirit shot out from the mouth. Most of them were humanoid elves with pointed ears. They held weapons angrily and attacked the huge golden light.

“That is the Holy Spirit, a powerful hand obtained by the gods when they transform holy and devout religious souls.” Randy explained.

 “It’s just an ant.” Li Chengyi said calmly.

"It cannot be said that the Holy Spirit can slowly absorb the power of the astral realm and convert it into the basic energy required by the Kingdom of God to maintain its operation. It can also act as a guardian. The powerful Holy Spirit can even unite to fight against such as Weak gods like me. They are supplements to the power of the gods," Randy said again.

 After a pause, he added.

“The most important thing is that the Holy Spirit can revive indefinitely in the kingdom of God without fear of death.”

Li Chengyi was too lazy to talk nonsense and raised his sword again.

 The second Wen Yang Golden Sword merged and emerged again.


 Another huge golden light swept through a large area of ​​astral material energy and struck the surface of the Kingdom of God.

The two sword lights finally completely defeated the Holy Spirits who were struggling to hold on. They roared and exploded like fireworks, rushing towards the two golden swords.

After tens of thousands of Holy Spirits self-destructed and disappeared, the light of the two golden swords also dimmed, leaving a huge gap and quickly returned towards Li Chengyi.

The sword light swished into the small sword pouch on his waist and disappeared.

 "It's just a weak divine kingdom. It's really troublesome." He fired two swords in a row before breaking through the outer layer of a weak divine kingdom.

This has not yet entered the interior to defeat the divine fire.

Li Chengyi feels that it is indeed a bit difficult.

 This is much higher than Panguang's upper limit of power.

"Let's go in and take a look." He put aside his thoughts and flew straight towards the entrance to the Kingdom of God.

Randy followed without saying a word. But his palms clenched unconsciously.

 With the same weak divine power, Li Chengyi could break through that divine kingdom with two swords, so he could also break through his divine kingdom with two swords.

This means that as long as the other party is willing, you have no life protection in front of him.

Shortly after the two flew into the Kingdom of God.

Not long after, the entire Kingdom of God shook slightly, and some kind of giant beast roared and exploded.

But soon, the roar of the beast disappeared, and the two of them flew out again. The wounds in the Kingdom of God behind them healed quickly, and a woman with long green hair wearing gray light armor also flew out.

The woman was covered in bruises and trembling. She bowed fearfully to Li Chengyi before returning to the Kingdom of God and disappearing.

 She was woken up from her deep sleep, then severely injured, and subdued. The humiliation and unwillingness involved, even an uninvolved person like Randy could easily see the pain and hatred in her eyes.

But Li Chengyi didn't care at all. The angrier and more humiliated the other party was, the happier he was. Otherwise, where do evil thoughts come from?

 After determining the direction, he continued to approach the next Kingdom of God.

 (End of this chapter)