MTL - Hidden Corner-Chapter 543 white three

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  Chapter 543 543 White Three

On the other side, Li Chengyi slowly absorbed the flower energy of the wisteria flower bit by bit. Flower energy is actually the best thing to absorb. The flower of evil obviously does not rely on flower energy to replenish its strength, but more requires some of the subtle substances in it. .

 Otherwise, relying solely on the energy of such weak petals, it would be impossible to exert the terrifying and weird abilities of Flower Scale Clothes and Flower Language.

 Now he has realized this more and more.

 After inhaling the flower energy, evil thoughts follow.

Li Chengyi and Nilan Dunis said hello, and took Keya out. It seemed like he was wandering on the street. In fact, his consciousness had begun to spread and cover the surroundings, sweeping past the good seedlings who had put the seeds of consciousness. .

  This is to check the progress and growth of the seeds. If there are problems, the trajectory needs to be corrected in time.

More than 200 seeds are scattered in a city, and they need to be spread out to cover more than half of the city.

Li Chengyi went all the way and took Keya to drink a cup of oil tea soup in a time-honored shop halfway.

 The fragrant oil tea soup is filled with fried rice and sunflower seeds, plus butter and a little salt and chives. It is extremely delicious.

 This kind of delicacy spread from the East and integrated with local dietary characteristics has a large market in Ludian.

 In the afternoon, Li Chengyi once again set out on a seed inspection tour. He went to Dongcheng District in the morning and to Xicheng District in the afternoon.

  That is the area where the slums are located.

 Only this time, before he had gone very far, he suddenly stopped.

'What's wrong? boss? ’ Keya asked doubtfully from behind.

Over the past two years, her lameness has been cured by Li Chengyi, but she is unwilling to treat the scar on her face, saying that she wants to keep it as a proof of her pain.

 So she still has a scarred face that makes people feel uncomfortable. Except for her figure, which has grown slightly and Xiao He has pointed corners, the rest of her body still doesn't look like a girl's curves.

 She looked at Li Chengyi in front of her, her face slightly nervous.

 A short, sharp dagger slipped into her hand.

 This is the position she has found for herself.

 The boss raised her, fed her, clothed her, studied, gave her a prosperous life, healed her legs, and pulled her out of the mud.

  She just wanted to do something for him in her own way. She thought carefully that Li Chengyi already had a beautiful maid like Nilan and a rich lady like Nia, so what he lacked should be personal bodyguards.

 So she wanted to do such a position and such a role.

Although Li Chengyi didn't care and repeatedly said that it was not necessary, she still secretly prepared and trained on her own.

 “Don’t be nervous.” Li Chengyi turned his face slightly and motioned for her to relax.

 “Just saw something interesting.”

 He was right, it’s just that the interesting things are not seen, but sensed.

Among his more than two hundred seedlings, one seedling near here seems to be encountering something special and different from ordinary people.

 “Let’s go find a cafe to sit and take a rest.” Li Chengyi suggested.

"Yes." Keya lowered her head. She worked very hard to learn what bodyguards and female guards need to do.

 The two of them found a cafe on the roadside that was quiet enough to read a book, and each ordered a cup of black coffee.

 After finding a seat and sitting down, Li Chengyi closed his eyes and remained motionless, seeming to be falling asleep.

Keya didn't know why. After observing the surroundings carefully, she took out her elementary school textbook from her small backpack and started to read.

She didn’t know that at this time, Li Chengyi’s consciousness was in a small shop dozens of meters away.

The store front is only one-third of an ordinary store, narrow and dark.

There is a wooden sign standing at the door, with handwritten words on it: Investigate the third party, track the transfer of assets, and unlock the lock with a clever key.

  Blue Net Detective House.

 This is the name of this small shop.

 And one of the more than two hundred seedlings is here. To be precise, it was the owner of this shop, a young and decadent man named Tom Clara.

Originally, this decadent little detective usually followed trivial matters such as where pets went, where husband and wife went to eat, who they went on dates with, etc.

 But this time, the guests he was receiving were completely different from the previous tasks.

At this time, sitting on the only guest chair in the detective room, was a pure-looking girl with long braids and a pair of watery blue eyes.

The girl's eyes were still crying silently, and she looked at Tom imploringly.

“I’ve tried everything, everything. I’ve been to the hunter headquarters many times, but I have no money. Not enough to hire a real hunter.”

 She stretched out her finger and tapped it lightly on the small pile of bills on the table.

 Those were all small-denomination bills, and the total amount was less than 10,000.

“Please, Tom, I really can’t do anything. I only have my brother as a relative. If he is gone, I don’t know. I don’t know how I can survive in the future.”

Tom looked at the money on the table silently, holding an inferior cigarette in his hand. He lit it but did not smoke.

He has been silent for several minutes, and his usually frugal and lecherous demeanor seems to have disappeared at this time.

The girl in front of him is called Sera, and she is his ex-girlfriend. To be precise, they have been living together for two years and are about to get married.

Unfortunately, the girl had an unexpected encounter and got acquainted with the son of an official who wanted to change her taste, and then there was a story that I loved to hear.

The girl dumped Tom, ran into his arms, and then, after being played with for two months, was also abandoned.

 The future of the two of them is completely over.

Looking at the familiar and beautiful face in front of him, Tom wanted to refuse.

 Investigating the water forest outside the city that just happened was such a dangerous task, and this money was simply not enough.

 Such a mission is extremely dangerous, and usually requires at least 30,000 people to be dispatched once.

 After all, this may turn into a life-saving money at any time.


 “Please.” Sera clasped her hands together and placed them on her chest, with a sad look on her face.

“Tom, I know you still love me, right?”

 “Sorry.” Tom lowered his head, took a deep breath, and gritted his teeth.

 “You are so heartless!?” Sera opened her eyes in disbelief.

 “It’s not me who is heartless but you.”


 A stack of printed color photos was scattered on Tom's desk.

"You are so heartless, Tom, I didn't expect you to be such a person!" Sera said with a painful look on her face.

 She picked up a photo and hung it between the two of them. “I didn’t want to do this but you made me do it!”

Tom looked at the content on the photo, and the entanglement and contradiction on his face instantly turned into confusion.

 Because the content on it is his **** photo!

He breathed quickly and quickly picked up other photos on the table. Sure enough!

 They are all **** photos of him in various positions, all taken when he was drunk and asleep.

 “You!!?” He was furious and looked up at his ex-girlfriend.

"If you don't help me, I don't want to live anyway. I still have a bunch of these photos with my friends. I told them that as long as you don't help me, they will print them out for me and distribute them on the street! You know, I have a lot of friends. ." Sera said pitifully.

"You forced me, Tom! I didn't expect you to be so cruel after we have been together for two years!" she said sadly.

 “What the hell!!” Tom’s lungs almost exploded with anger. Who is ruthless? ? ?

 “Can you help?” Sera asked again.

Tom stared at her, resisting the urge to step forward and hit her, and remained silent for a long time.


 From the look of the photo, it was obvious that the photo had been taken since the first time he slept with her.

 This woman has been preparing for this from the very beginning.

   Secretly Li Chengyi was speechless when he saw this. This Tom was simply eaten to death by this woman from beginning to end.

 Fortunately, he happened to sense the changes in Tom's heart and will. It was obvious that Sera's stimulation had shaken Tom's consciousness quite a bit.

Soon, the two packed up their things. Tom obtained the latest whereabouts of his brother Andes from Sera, then packed up his equipment, took a pistol, and headed outside the city alone.

Evidently he was going to investigate the mysterious disappearance of Shuishu Shulin.

 There have been several missing persons cases in the suburbs of Ludian City in recent months, all of which occurred in the water woods. Sera's brother Andes is one of them.

 Seeing this, Li Chengyi did not continue to follow, but thought for a moment and withdrew his consciousness.

Tom is a man with a story. His past was not simple, which is why Sera took the initiative to seek help.

Sitting in the coffee shop, Li Chengyi picked up the cup and took a sip of bitter coffee.

 Stand up.

 “Let’s go, you’ve rested enough, let’s continue shopping.”

 “Okay!” Keya quickly packed up her textbooks, put on her backpack and followed.

 The two of them continued walking in Xicheng District along their usual route.

 It was not until evening that Li Chengyi took the car and planned to return to the office.

But before he even got in the car, he was attracted by a tremendously changing consciousness.

 It’s Tom!

 He limped back from outside the city, one sleeve stained with blood.

When Li Chengyi found him, Tom had already returned to his detective room, taking off his clothes and preparing gauze and alcohol.

 Obviously, he experienced something outside the city.

 His consciousness has increased at least twice as much as when he left!

Li Chengyi sensed him from a distance and watched him silently bandage the wound on his right hand and change the magazine of the pistol.

 Then he took out a blue pin from his trouser pocket.

Li Chengyi recognized that it was the pin on Sera’s body before. It was stained with dried blood, and a lot of blood stained it red. Even if it was wiped, it couldn't be completely cleaned.

Tom just looked at the pin in silence, sitting blankly, motionless.

 His consciousness began to squirm, tremble, and gradually shrink, as if he was grieving.

Li Chengyi watched this scene with a faint interest in his heart.

  ‘What kind of change caused his consciousness to suddenly increase so much? ’ He could feel that the seeds he had planted deep in his consciousness had grown a lot.

 Immediately, he listed Tom as a key concern in his heart.

There are five such key objects of care in total, and they are all good seeds whose consciousness is growing at a good rate.

 After identifying the temporary observation object, Li Chengyi returned to the office.

 Have dinner, rest, and then go out again early the next morning and go to a cafe to sit down for coffee.

 On the surface he was resting, but in fact he was observing Tom.

 After a night of recuperation, Tom's consciousness has obviously become much more stable, and he has successfully stabilized it in its previous enlarged state.

 This made Li Chengyi more interested in his previous encounters.

And Tom seemed to have fallen silent again because of the previous investigation. There was no change all day long. He only sat motionless in the shop, as if he were dead.

Li Chengyi didn’t care either, the third day, the fourth day, the fifth day.

 Continue to monitor day by day.

 Until the ninth day.

Tom finally made a new move.

He seemed to have made up his mind, closed the shop, took the gun and went to another part of the city.

Not long after, he came to an abandoned warehouse and met two men and women who looked like gangsters.

The three of them looked like old friends reunited. After chatting and reminiscing for a while, the three of them rushed out of the city together.

This time, Li Chengyi put down his coffee cup and smiled at Keya.

 “Want to go out of town for a walk?”

“There are only fields outside the city, what’s there to see?” Keya didn’t understand, but seeing that Li Chengyi had already stood up, she followed him.

The two men followed the three people from a distance, and soon left the urban area of ​​Ludian and came to a water forest with branches as lush as a banyan tree.

Tom and the three of them got in without hesitation.

Li Chengyi did not continue, but waited outside.

 After waiting for about half an hour, the three of them came out.

This time, the consciousness of the three of them has increased a lot, and Tom has the most!

They were covered in blood, and after taking only a few steps, they fell down and hit the ground. One of them passed out, and the heartbeat of the only woman slowed down, and she was about to die.

Tom struggled to get up, wanting to check on his friend, but he himself seemed to have been poisoned, his breathing was rapid, his face turned blue, and he fell to the ground again after taking a few steps.

 Soon he also lost consciousness. His breath became weaker and weaker, and he was obviously dying.

 Until his death, he seemed to still be holding the blue pin in his hand.

 (End of this chapter)