MTL - Hidden Corner-Chapter 541 white one

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  Chapter 541 541 White One

 Crescent Order.

In the large woodland on the outskirts of Ludian City, a white rock castle stands quietly, like a reef in the green sea, standing firm.


  A man in black dress flew out of the shadows and landed, gently appeared, and walked slowly towards the castle gate.

The door opens slowly and automatically.

“Welcome back, my dear Sir Randilla.” The embossed face on the pillar beside the door spoke.

 “Is the bishop here?” the man asked in a deep voice.

"We have arrived and are waiting for you in the second hall. This time I have returned from a distance specifically for your news. I would like to remind you that if you do not have particularly important news and delay the frontline tasks of Pure White Praise, the Bishop will not I'll be soft on you." The gatekeeper said solemnly.

Landila, a man in a formal dress, paused for a moment, but still walked in the door resolutely. "Of course I know."

 In the darkness, rows of black bats with red eyes were standing everywhere on the trees on the walls on both sides of the castle.

They were hanging upside down, staring at the moving man with their **** eyes, as if they were ready to pounce on him and tear him apart at any moment.

Crossing an empty lawn covered with tombstones, Randy entered the lobby on the first floor. A woman with long blond hair and a snow-white complexion and a cold appearance walked out in style.


"It's me, Lord Morf." Randila bowed hurriedly.

"The situation with my father waiting inside at the front line is not very good. You should be more cautious in what you say." the woman warned.

 Landila nodded, thanked her again, and then continued walking inside.

Halfway through, he suddenly looked up.

At the end of the highest staircase in the lobby, a black shadow suddenly flashed, and an old man in a black suit with dark red hair and an old face appeared out of thin air.

 The edges of the old man's suit were plated with silver, and like his eyes, they both shone with a faint silver light.

 The moment she saw the old man, Randila hurriedly bowed her head and knelt down.

 “Your Majesty the Bishop!”

"Where is Mo Sang?" The old man's silver eyes stared at Randila, and an invisible force field twisted out of thin air and descended on the other party.

"If the news you bring back is not important enough, I will take you to the front line with me. If you did not lie to me, I will give you a drop of blood."

"I'm afraid that Lord Mosang, the Bishop, has been killed. I only found fragments of his cane at the place. The ashes belonging to him have probably been evaporated and disappeared by the sunlight." Randila said solemnly.

"With Moissan's speed, could he be killed without any news being spread?" The bishop paused, seeming to be lost in thought.

"The resuscitation ceremony will be held later, but now the pressure of the Pure White Ceremony has increased, and there are no more resources to hold it for the time being. On Ludian's side, I will let Morf take more care of it. When Mo Sang is resurrected, who killed it? He can figure it out quickly."

 The words of the bishop set the tone for everything.

Hearing this, Randila finally calmed down from the panic in her heart.

"Understood. I will investigate this matter secretly and wait for Lord Moissan to recover."

“But the only strong man who can kill Mo Sang very quickly is probably the guy from the Hades Cult.”

 The old man frowned and waved his hand, about to signal the other person to go down.

Suddenly, a small silver-white bat flew into the lobby and quickly landed on his left shoulder. The bat's mouth moved slightly, as if it was transmitting something.

 “What!?” The old man’s frown suddenly deepened.


From the believers to the supreme bishop, not a single one was left behind, they were all present, and all the flesh, blood, bones and internal organs inside their corpses had disappeared, leaving only the soft skins and clothes remaining in place.

“Another case of dissolving and exterminating families happened in Ludian this time.” The case of dissolving and exterminating families does not exist now, but has happened many years ago.

  It also targets small and micro sects in Anze countries. These sects are weak in power, their influence is very low, and their whereabouts are also secretive. Even if they disappear, they will not cause any news for a while.

 It becomes more and more eye-catching just because it happens every few years, the number of times increases, and the traces are the same.

"Go back, I will send someone to check and keep an eye on all the living people nearby." The old man looked at the little silver bat.

 The bat nodded, turned around and flew away.




Forever Office.

Li Chengyi was sitting cross-legged and floating in the air, surrounded by translucent swords of wisdom.

A large number of colored crystals were piled up in the room, from which tiny colored light spots flew out and merged into his body.

 The colored crystal pillars that have been absorbed are shattered one after another and turned into fine white powder.

 As time goes by, there are more and more powders in the room and fewer and fewer crystal pillars.

 Various materials placed on the table also dissolved into streaks of various colored mucus, flying up and merging into the sword of wisdom formation beside Li Chengyi.

 Soon all the mucus will disappear.

A blue-purple flame mark slowly appeared between Li Chengyi's eyebrows.

The flame mark has a complex shape, and the patterns in it seem to imply a sharp sword.


 Exhale gently, and a huge airflow swirls around the room.

 Li Chengyi opened his eyes.

 “It’s finally done.”

The foundation building stage of the Yin Code is finally completed. The next step is to add Yuan Seals. When the number reaches twenty, the furnace of creation will be automatically formed and the first true fire will be ignited.

As for how to obtain the Yuan Seal, the Yin Code does not say, it means it is up to you to decide.

Whether you practice **** your own, whether you go to rob or steal, as long as you can make up twenty yuan seals, you can ignite the real fire. Thinking about Midran's situation, it is estimated that there is a high probability that he will practice other martial arts to condense the Yuan Seal.

 But here, there is no way to take a shortcut in martial arts. The best way is naturally to follow the Thousand Faced Sword Code.

It just so happens that the Thousand Faced Sword Code is also extremely concealed.

 After finishing the exercise, the purple flame mark between Li Chengyi's eyebrows faintly disappeared.

 After spending four pieces of materials, I finally completed the foundation of the Yin Code. You can imagine how much money and resources this Yin Code consumes.

‘The next step is to continue to condense the Yuan Yin Thousand Faced Sword Code. As long as you observe the sublimation of your will, you can condense a human-faced Yuan Shen Sword and then condense the Yuan Yin. ’

  ‘Now it’s time to choose the person who is most likely to sublimate your will’

 Li Chengyi was thinking in his mind.

The sublimation of will requires people who have a strong will foundation. Sublimation will only occur when people have great enlightenment.

 And who is the person most likely to have a strong will?

They are people who are under great mental pressure and have extremely stable outlook on life, such as a very small number of top criminals, top hunters who have risen from humble beginnings, self-made business tycoons, veterans of many battles, etc.

There is also a group of people who have experienced countless hardships and setbacks, but have always remained firm in their true intentions. These people have an absolutely strong will.

 ‘Then how to sublimate? ’

 Li Chengyi was thinking.

Different people have different understandings of the Thousand-faced Sword Classic, and the human-faced Yuanshen Sword constructed with different understandings also has different powers.


 Habitually glanced at the position in the air where the Hua Yuzhu left traces, and made sure that there was no change. Li Chengyi waved his hand to disperse the death energy formation, stood up, opened the door, and walked out of the office.

 ‘The candidate needs to be found, and you will definitely not find it if you stay in the house. I need to go out for a walk. ’

With a plan in mind, he waved to Nilan who was mopping the floor, opened the door and left the office.

Nilan, this little guy, although she has a venomous mouth, she still works very hard.

 The area of ​​​​300 square meters is allowed to be cleaned five times a day. She is definitely not lazy.

 This execution is very good.

Li Chengyi is quite satisfied. He definitely did not arrange the work deliberately because the little guy talked nonsense about him before.

 Is Li Chengyi such a stingy person?

of course not.

Out of the office, he slowly walked along the street toward the city center.

 The flow of people coming and going on the street kept passing him by.

  Office workers commuting to and from work, housewives and housekeepers shopping, parents taking their children shopping, and elderly people taking a leisurely stroll.

Tired faces, sullen faces, sad faces, happy faces, and the faces of ordinary people kept passing through Li Chengyi's eyes.

Each person’s consciousness is like a flickering flame in his reaction at this time.

They are burning, with transparent threads flowing inside, which is evidence of the existence of life.

Walking through one street after another, I saw countless people.

 Their consciousnesses vary in size, but their intensity is roughly the same.

Li Chengyi was even a little disappointed. If you want to find an individual with strong enough willpower, it seems impossible to just hang around like this.

He walked along the sidewalk, and soon and without realizing it, he came to a dark and dirty black mud neighborhood.

This block is different from other places in that the road is not paved with cement, but is simply paved with cinders and soil mixed together.

Most of the shops on both sides are closed. Occasionally, one is open, and some tattooed men and women smoking and chatting gather at the door.

Far ahead, small shops with red lights loomed, with **** long-haired girls standing or sitting at the door.


 This name flashed in Li Chengyi's mind.

 There are slums in Ludian, and they are quite large.

At this time, in his induction, he discovered a consciousness flame that was completely different from the others.

  If ordinary consciousness is the size of an egg, then this person's consciousness is the size of a fist.

 Obviously a circle larger.

Following the direction of his consciousness, Li Chengyi approached and soon stopped in front of a small shop with a red light.

In the shop, through the glass door, you can see a thin figure lying quietly on a small wooden stool, using the dim light to write homework while gasping and groaning.

 That’s a little girl.

A little girl who looked to be only twelve or thirteen years old, about the same age as Nilan, with beautiful features, but there were blood-colored scars on her cheeks, which completely destroyed the harmonious beauty.

  ‘That’s her.’ Li Chengyi checked the owner of the consciousness flame and determined that it was the little girl, and immediately opened the door and entered.

There was also a fat woman in a miniskirt in the store. She was sitting on the sofa and dozing off. When she heard the noise, she quickly stood up. The moment she saw Li Chengyi, her eyes suddenly widened.

Looking at the other person's long silver hair and fair and handsome face, she never thought that the man in front of her would come to such a place for a woman.

 “This gentleman.” The fat woman said hesitantly.

"What's her name? Where are her parents? Can I adopt her?" Li Chengyi pointed at the little girl's soul.

 “???” The fat woman looked confused.

 The little girl who was pointed at also looked confused.

 (End of this chapter)