MTL - Hidden Corner-Chapter 526 end six

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 Chapter 526 526 Ending Six

 “Isn’t he going to die?” Li Chengyi breathed out lightly. The face under the helmet frowned slightly.

 It’s a bit difficult to handle.

In the red light in the distance, a new dark red humanoid figure quickly condensed out, and the complete figure of the faceless scholar reappeared.

 It is indeed as he said, as the original body, he has absolute immortality here.

 And the same attack may be useless the second time.

 “Trouble.” By this point, Li Chengyi had basically tested the opponent’s abilities.

 Same attack, the second attack will be greatly weakened.

 Although it was no better than the faceless scholar he had seen before in his heyday, he was already close to perfection.

 He looked back at the huge crack that was getting darker and darker behind him. The black in the crack had completely dyed the sky black.

 After discovering that black snow can be harmful to life, he has been suppressing himself.

 Up to now, he has not completely put on the flower **** clothes and unleashed his full strength.

It was precisely because he realized that the natural disaster that froze everything was caused by himself that he did not dare to put on the Flower God Clothes completely.


 That kind of me is really too strong.

After the Flower God Clothes is integrated with the Twelve Flower Languages, in addition to equipping weapons, it can develop two abilities.

 The first is the Extremely Evil Emperor's Crown, which can absorb any evil malice and turn it into its own defense. The stronger the malice, the stronger the protection.

 The second one is the infamous. Extremely Evil Land!

From the moment you fully wear the Flower God Clothes and show the flower emperor's figure, with the emperor as the core, all the surrounding environment will naturally deteriorate and be completely dyed into the original soil environment. It is irreversible. All creatures on the original soil will be destroyed. Seriously deteriorated, lost self, twisted body and mind, and turned into a derivative that only knew killing and destruction.

Originally, Li Chengyi planned to solve Huo Qingkong's problem by using the same fused and transparent form as the Flower God's Clothes, so that there would be no need for the spreading pollution of the extremely evil soil.

 Unfortunately, it failed. The opponent's immortality exceeded his expectations.

 Red light spread from Huo Qingkong again, trying to dye a trace of his own color in the dark sky.


 Suddenly, the sense of transparency and blur on Li Chengyi's body suddenly dissipated.

 “Sorry. To save everything.”

 He let go of the golden sword in his hand, letting it scatter into countless golden petals and dissipate.

 A huge gray disk with twelve kinds of flower marks slowly emerged behind him.

 The white cloak was flapping and the edges were shining with silver light, which was constantly flying and trembling with the silver hair.


 Suddenly, Li Chengyi raised his right hand and stretched it to the sky.

 “Original soil!” He growled.


A silvery white light as bright as the sun flew down from the crack in the sky, connecting the sky to the earth, completely illuminating everything.

The light fell into his hands and turned into a silver burning sword that could not be seen directly.

The burning silver light of the sword's blade now overwhelmed all surrounding lights and became the only color.

This is the only weapon of the Flower Emperor - the original soil.

 And the armor and flower divine clothes on his body are the emperor's only protection - the royal city!

 Their power is each connected to the real original royal city.

The homeland that has long been reduced to ruins and relics, at this time, under the call of the Flower God's Clothes, the echo of the ancient gods is once again heard in the endless depths of the Black Sea.

 A strange but sacred music, accompanied by countless chants, descended from the sky and resounded throughout Panguang.

 “Freeze it”

Li Chengyi pointed the original earth sword at the faceless scholar and slashed it down.

  唰! !

The silver-white sword light suddenly slashed down, slicing the sky, slicing the earth, and slicing the middle of the faceless scholar's body.

 Everything was completely still at the moment the sword fell.

 Time seems to have completely frozen.

The wind stopped, the light stopped, the faceless scholar’s ​​wildly laughing face, and the countless heads on his body, all seemed to have been pressed on the pause button, motionless.

 The red silver-rimmed real fire on his body was still burning at this time and was completely motionless.

 Silver sword light flashed across his body, cutting open the ground. Stretching to the end of the endless horizon.

 In the Black Sea.

The huge blind spot is still swallowing the breath of everything passing by.

 The huge Dead End body has been repeating this behavior for millions of years.

At this moment, a bit of silver light lit up from its left side.

The silver light brightened rapidly. From the initial dot, it quickly grew in size and lengthened, turning into a thin silver line that silently cut through the upper left corner of the blind spot.


That large piece of dead corner was cut and separated on the spot, carrying the remaining debris and slowly flying to the distance of the Black Sea.

Pan Guang let out a painful cry from the dead corner, and one-third of the entire volume was cut off by this sword!

The blind spot struggled, stretching out countless translucent dark red tentacles, turning into threads of smoke, flying towards the direction of the silver light, trying to completely drive away the source.

 But the damage doesn’t stop there.

 Where the silver light cuts through, large black spots begin to spread across its body.

That is the transformation of the bad soil. The extremely bad soil begins to take root here, transforming into eternal harm and transforming the world.

"The attack of the original soil will not dissipate. It is a sword of eternal existence. The damage attribute attached to it is determined by the type of flower language ability." Li Chengyi held the original soil sword, and a trace of evil flowers naturally emerged from his heart. information.

 The deterioration and pollution of the extremely bad soil cannot be avoided. It is a natural disaster caused by its own existence.

 It is not something the Flower of Evil does intentionally, but wherever it is, as long as it shows its complete form, it will lead to the deterioration of everything around it.

 Just as the previous Emperor of Flowers said.

 ‘Only the purest ugliness can nourish and bloom the most beautiful flowers. ’

“This is what is called, where I am, can’t there be something more beautiful than me?”

 Li Chengyi felt something in his heart.

 That’s right, as long as you make everything around you ugly, then your unchanged self will be the most beautiful.

The flower of evil. It is really evil.

 No wonder the previous Flower Emperor was surrounded and suppressed. Fortunately, this power fell into my hands.

 At this time, the original soil and the flower god's clothes quickly dispersed and disappeared.

The dark cracks between the sky and the earth also dissipated, and the surrounding light quickly brightened. The sun's rays illuminated the earth, bringing light to everyone again.

The fighting just now was so violent and chaotic that except for the two real fire experts Taoist Holy Spirit and Qingyang Zhenren who had some sense, the others were completely unaware of it. They only saw the sky and the earth in darkness, and then the silver light shone brightly in the darkness. The faceless scholar was struck by a sword and froze in mid-air.

 Then everything returns to the way it was before. The red light disappeared and the darkness disappeared, as if everything had returned to its original state.

 The faceless scholar floated quietly in mid-air. His current state was completely frozen by the original soil at the moment of his previous recovery.

  Even before his secondary weakening qualities took effect, the frozen power completely controlled his time at once.

As a primitive sword that combines all flower language abilities, its freezing ability comes from the seal of flower language love.

 It's just an enhanced version of the seal.

 After calculating the difference in life span, the difference must be multiplied by ten. Li Chengyi didn't know the specific amount of time, but even at the minimum, if his lifespan was not longer than that of the other party, he would be forced to freeze for ten years.

 In ten years, if it is not collected, the faceless scholar will remain suspended here, turning into a landmark, frozen and motionless, unable to be touched.

“It seems that I won. I finally pulled this world back from the brink of destruction.” Li Chengyi sighed, feeling relieved.

He suddenly understood now why most of the Black Sea bosses lived and wandered in the Black Sea instead of in blind spots.

At the sudden movement, he put on the flower god's clothes a little, and this blind spot was almost completely contaminated, turned into eternal frozen soil, and all life was extinct.

  In a real fight with a strong person of the same level, the aftermath alone would be enough to destroy a blind spot countless times.

 At this time, in the sky, the original forest sea on the ground had completely disappeared, and was replaced by a huge deep canyon.

 The terrain has been permanently changed, and perhaps future generations will give this place a name like Tianjian Gorge.

Li Chengyi flew to the faceless scholar and stretched out his hand.

 Suddenly, the faceless scholar shrank in size and turned into a golden ball, which flew into his palm.

 There is no way he can leave the other person here, otherwise when the seal ends in ten years, the world will still end.

 It is better for him to take it out of here by himself.

 Putting away the beads, Li Chengyi looked back at the Faceless Swordsman's station.

The place was in a mess, with large craters everywhere, and most of the houses collapsed into ruins. Only about thirty of the hundreds of disciples remained in place, maintaining a barely visible light.

In front of the Faceless Hall, the Taoist Holy Spirit, who was in charge, had a face as pale as dirt, and blood was flowing from his mouth. Three of the remaining six elders, including Kui Ling, also had faces as golden as paper, and they were obviously seriously injured.

Li Chengyi sighed lightly, Huashenyi increased him too much, and all physical qualities increased by an average of a thousand times.

At the same time, the attack of the Original Earth Divine Sword also has the terrifying effect of eternal freezing. Not only that, for that brief moment, he only wore the Flower God Clothes for a moment, and the pollution of the original soil completely turned the surrounding area of ​​thousands of miles into a bad soil.

 There is nothing visible at this time, but in the future, the troubles in the Bad Land will gradually become apparent.

 ‘Fortunately, no one knew it was my passive ability, and soon they said it was my senior brother. ’

Thoughts flashed through Li Chengyi's mind.

“The faceless scholar can’t speak anyway, and the world is about to be destroyed and restarted. I’m sure he won’t mind taking the blame.”

After thinking about what to say, Li Chengyi dissipated and transformed into a dragon. Only his lower body was put on a wisteria-scaled garment to cover his vitals, and then he flew towards the Faceless Sword Sect.

After completely defeating the faceless scholar, he could already feel that the world had exerted an invisible repulsive force on him.

 Presumably this is his dead end reward after saving everything.

 Li Chengyi was pleased.

Just as he was about to flash, a voice suddenly sounded in his heart.

“Bailu, although I was not conscious just now, it’s not very good to do this.”

Li Chengyi’s expression froze.

 It’s Huo Qingkong! ?

 He actually... There can be no problem with the frozen seal of the original land! ?

"It's not that there's something wrong with your ability. That power clearly froze the world-destroying distraction in my body, but it didn't cause any harm to me. It's just that my body is sealed, and I can't move now." Huo Huo Qingkong sighed.

"I'm sorry. I overestimated myself too much." He said in a low voice. "Fortunately, you took action in time and controlled the situation without causing much damage."

 (End of this chapter)