MTL - Heroes of Marvel-Chapter 1305 Break the Dimensional Wall (can be skipped)

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In a small, faintly lit room, the little light from the computer screen on the table was photographed by a young man with black-rimmed glasses looking dull.

At this time, the young man was switching back and forth between a certain drawing software and a certain chat software. From time to time, I communicated a few words with Party A’s father in the dialog box. In fact, almost all of them responded well, such as um.

Then I went back to the exhausted modification plan of the drawing software. Although today is Saturday, the young man has no idea how long it has not been to finish a rest day.

Da Da Da~~

As the night got deeper and deeper, the tiredness on the youth's face became more and more obvious, and the speed of typing on the keyboard became much slower. After more than an hour, after midnight, the young man finally couldn't hold back and fell asleep on the small table.

I don't know how long it has passed, the computer screen has already automatically turned off, and the small room seems to be darker, and the young man lying on the table seems to be able to sleep until the morning.


Just when this man was lying on the table and fell asleep because of his busy work, a strange energy fluctuation suddenly appeared in this ordinary small room.

As this energy fluctuation became stronger and stronger, the light that was not very bright flashed for a few times and then went out completely. As the light went out, a thin silver line suddenly appeared on the small bed behind the young man in the dark room.

After this thin silver line appeared, as the energy fluctuations became more intense, the dark room seemed to be covered with a layer of indescribable special invisible matter.

Stabbed! !

After this magical and weird situation lasted for a few minutes, the thin silver thread suddenly twisted violently, and then suddenly split from the middle, directly opening a crack in a space more than half a meter wide!


At the moment when the space crack appeared, a pair of hands stretched out from the inside to lie on both sides of the space crack, and then a man in a hood wearing a deep red tight suit and carrying two long knives got out of it.

After a twist, the tight-fitting man who appeared to have come out of the scene has fallen steadily on the bed. After looking back at the crack in the space that was still twisting, the tight-fitting man's eyes quickly scanned the small room.

Finally, his gaze stayed on the young man who had not yet woken up in front of him.

"It's this guy?! It's too...low! Fxxk!" In the tight hood, the tight-shirted man cursed in an uncomfortable tone.

Then, the tight-fitting man resisted the urge to drew a knife and chopped off the young man in front of him, bending over to the computer whose screen had been turned off. Then, he carefully reached out his hand and clicked the mouse.

After the computer screen turned on, the black eyes on the mask contracted, and then he grabbed the young man's finger and swiped it from the computer fingerprint lock to unlock the lock screen.

Ignoring the design plan that the young man was still changing before going to bed, the tight-fitting man proficiently clicked on the browser, followed by the favorites. Ignoring all kinds of invisible websites, the tight-fitting man quickly slid to the bottom of his favorites while scrolling his mouse.

After entering the favorites website more than three years ago, this young man hasn't opened it for a long time. The tight-fitting man seemed to be even more nervous after seeing this website, and his whole body became tense.

After taking two deep breaths, he clicked on this website. One second later, the computer screen has jumped to a login interface. This time, he is not continuing to log in. It seems that he has no account and password.

After doing all this on the computer, the tight-fitting man directly leaned in front of the sleeping youth and carefully observed him.

"He looks very ordinary, if it weren't for... I really want to cut it out!"

After muttering such a sentence, the tight-fitting man did not know where he took out a small shining round bead. Carefully pinched the round bead and placed it in front of the young man, then let go.


After the tight-shirted man let go, the round bead actually hung in the air, and then emitted a more and more hazy light, and gradually shrouded in front of the youth.

After a few seconds, the ball had disappeared, and a cloud of blue light was covering the young man's head, and it was still slowly permeating into his head.

"Huh... this should be fine. I don't know where the Phantom Knights got these weird things."

After staring at the light that all penetrated into the young man's head, the tight-fitting man seemed to be relieved, then muttered a few words in a low voice and then stood up straight.


After the tight-fitting man had done all this, the space crack on the bed seemed to be slightly twisted because of the lack of energy, and the width of the crack gradually narrowed.

Glancing at the crack in the shrinking space, the tight-shirted man flexibly bypassed the still awake youth and came to the small window. Opening the curtains that hadn't been cleaned for a long time, the man in the tights cast his gaze outside: an ordinary demolition and resettlement community.

After regaining his gaze, the tight-fitting man had jumped onto the bed. Before entering the crack in the space, he turned to look at the young man's back:

"After all, I still don't belong to this world... I'm leaving, remember to give me more drama! Otherwise~ I will come back to find you!"

After saying this, the man in the tights kicked his feet on the bed, and the whole person had fallen back into the crack in the space that had been reduced by a third.


After the tight-shirted man entered the space crack, the space crack that had been slowly shrinking closed instantly, and then disappeared, and even the special substance that filled the entire room disappeared.

"Uh~~" After the tights left, the young man lying on the table finally moved.

It seemed that he had fallen asleep. The young man moved his numb arm first, and then raised his head. The eyes with obvious dark circles gradually became focused from the confusion.

It took a few seconds to wake up, and the young man saw the computer screen that was still on in the next moment.

"Huh?!..." The young man made a surprised voice when he saw the once-familiar website on the computer screen.

"Is it because I accidentally clicked it when I fell asleep? It's too coincidental..." Thinking of this, the youth subconsciously reached out and typed in the account number and password on the keyboard.

Da Da Da~


After entering the password and pressing Enter for those who are not very skilled, the login interface in front of UU Reading will soon be refreshed as the home page of the website.

Looking at this homepage, which was somewhat different from the impression, the youth was stunned for a while.

One year? Or two years? He can't remember how long he hasn't entered this website and clicked on the things he had created with expectations.

Da Da Da~

Following the instructions on the homepage, the youth opened one by one, and finally saw the familiar words. At this moment, the young man's heart was filled with emotion.

Looking down slightly, and seeing the unresolved plan under the computer screen, the light that had just appeared in the young man's eyes seemed to be extinguished again.

"Do you want to continue?..."

In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1309 Breaking the Dimension Wall (Skipable)), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf!

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