MTL - Help! The Seductive Villain Chases Me Everyday to Expose My Other Identities!-Chapter 113 See through Wen Yufei's true face

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  Chapter 113 Seeing through Wen Yufei's true colors

   "Feifei!" Wen Yu exclaimed and rushed in immediately.

  He supported Wen Yufei with a worried expression on his face, "Are you all right? Where does it hurt?"

   "Brother, I'm fine, maybe I was frightened last night, so my body was a little weak, and I accidentally fell." Wen Yufei said weakly.

  Ji Wenfeng stood at the door blankly, watching this scene, and subconsciously closed the door.

   This matter cannot be seen by the staff.

  If it is photographed by someone with a heart, it will be hard to say.

  Fang Tongtong came to Shi Ran's side and asked in a low voice, "Sister Ran, are you okay?"

   Shaking his head from time to time.

  She was a little surprised just now.

   I didn't expect Wen Yufei, a soft and weak young lady, to be so cruel to herself.

   Just to frame her?

   "Shiran!" Wen Yu looked at Shiran angrily, "I really believed you wrongly. I believed you last night, thinking that you really don't care!"

   "She fell by herself." Shi Ran said indifferently.

   "What about the slap print? You won't tell me that she made it herself?"

   "She hit it herself." Shi Ran said frankly.

   "You made up this kind of excuse! I didn't expect you to be such a ruthless woman. Jin Chen was really blind to fall in love with you."

  Wen Yu gritted his teeth with a resentful expression.

   Shi Ran sneered, "Your eyes are not much better either."

   "This matter will not pass easily, even if Jinchen is protecting you, I will not let you go easily." Wen Yu stared at Shiran every word.

   "Let's wait and see who gets down first." Shi Ran's eyes were cold.

  The eyes of the two met, one was shining with anger, the other was stained with ice.

  The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

  Wen Yufei smiled triumphantly.

  She grabbed Wen Yu's clothes and said softly, "Brother, take me back to the lounge."

   "Okay." Wen Yu's tone was suddenly gentle.

  He hugged Wen Yufei horizontally, and left without looking back.

  Ji Wenfeng was about to follow, Fang Tongtong said immediately, "Brother Ji, where are you going?"

   "I'll go see her." Ji Wenfeng said with lowered eyes, his tone a bit dull.

  Fang Tongtong was so angry that he couldn't bear it anymore.

  She said directly, "Brother Ji, whose manager are you! It's fine to accompany Wen Yufei in the morning, but I'm still thinking about her now!"

   Ji Wenfeng frowned, "I accompanied her here this morning because she was frightened last night."

   "I don't care what frightened her, could it be that what she experienced was more terrifying than Sister Ran? Sister Ran was almost killed!"

   "Brother Ji, you, as sister Ran's manager, have been looking for Wen Yufei over and over again!"

   "If you really like Wen Yufei, you can be her manager!"

  Ji Wenfeng was surprised, he turned to Shi Ran.

   Shi Ran thinks so too?

   Shiran looked indifferent and did not speak.

  She could tell that Ji Wenfeng liked Wen Yufei.

  If it was before, she might not care about it.

  But just now, the relationship between her and Wen Yufei was completely cleared up.

  She can't have a ticking time bomb around her.

  Especially in such an important role as a broker.

  Seeing Shiran was silent, Ji Wenfeng smiled wryly, "I just can't believe that Yufei will become like this."

  Shiran raised his eyebrows slightly.

   "What do you mean?" Fang Tongtong didn't know why.

  Ji Wenfeng looked at Shiran, and said helplessly, "I know you didn't push her, nor did you hit her."

   "After spending a period of time with you, I still understand your character."

   "Ah? It wasn't Sister Ran who hit it." Fang Tongtong suddenly realized, "I thought it was Sister Ran who hit it, and I wanted to say it was a good fight!"

  Fang Tongtong's reaction amused Shi Ran.

  She couldn't help laughing, "This is the crew, I don't want to cause trouble."

   "Okay." Fang Tongtong pouted, "So I didn't see it."

   "I didn't see it at first, and I couldn't believe that she would become like this. She was very gentle and kind before." Ji Wenfeng said sadly.

   "It's just appearances, isn't that what rich and powerful families are best at?" Shi Ran sneered.

   She had seen this kind of thing a lot in her previous life.

  Among the circles, between families, on the surface, they are harmonious and respectful.

  Secretly buying and killing people, plotting and framing, eager to kill the other party.

  No matter how pure the soul is, living in this kind of place will also be stained with thick ink.

   "Yeah, why couldn't I see clearly before." Ji Wenfeng leaned back on the sofa and said leisurely.

   "Last time you were almost kidnapped, I guessed a little bit, but I told myself that she just loved San Shao too much."

   "I don't know what she talked to you just now, but it should have something to do with San Shao. She has paid a lot for San Shao."

   "So I thought she was so afraid of losing that she was obsessed with ghosts for a while, but I didn't expect it, it's just that I didn't see through her."

  He is an agent, and he has seen too many people of all kinds in this circle.

   Yufei was in front of him, even though she was trying her best to pretend, he could still recognize her at a glance.

  Before it was unwilling to accept.

  But when he saw that Yufei was going to frame Shiran even at the expense of himself, he finally came to his senses.

   Shiran just listened quietly, without answering.

  She doesn't comfort people.

  I did try to comfort Chu Jinchen last night.

   But the result was that he was cheated by that man with a bitter trick.

  Thinking of this, she narrowed her eyes and made a silent note to Chu Jinchen in her heart.

   Ji Wenfeng turned his head and saw her dangerous expression.

   Could it be that he was thinking about **** Wen Yu?

  If he had just met, he might not have such an idea.

  Can now...

  Shiran's brutal combat power, he couldn't help but think about it.

  In order not to bear any grudges, he touched his nose and explained, "I just wanted to follow in the past because I was afraid that they would spread the word."

   "Although I believe you have done nothing, other people don't know, they will only believe the facts they see before their eyes."

   "You are very popular now, so don't make such a mistake. Although Wen Yu is upright, he is also paranoid. I'm afraid he will do something to you."

   "Just try it." Shi Ran shrugged needlessly.


  Wen Yufei Lounge

  Wen Yu gently placed Wen Yufei on the sofa, frowning tightly, with a deep expression on his face.

   "Brother, I'm fine." Wen Yufei tugged at the corner of Wen Yu's clothes and said with a smile.

  Wen Yu felt very distressed when he saw the obvious slap print on her face.

   "It's all right now? But she went too far and attacked you." Wen Yu's anger still persisted.

   "No, I want to call Jin Chen and tell him Shi Ran's real face!"

  Wen Yu stood up and took out his phone.

  Seeing this, Wen Yufei pretended to stop him, thinking, "Brother, forget it, if Jinchen really likes Shiran, he will be sad."

   "Even if he is sad, it is better than being deceived."

  He couldn't help but dial Chu Jinchen directly.

  Wen Yufei didn't stop her anymore, and a successful smile flashed by.

   "What's the matter?" Chu Jinchen's lazy voice sounded.

  Wen Yufei's heart trembled, and her eyes were fixed on Wen Yu's phone.

  Wen Yu was very angry at this time, he put the phone to his ear, and explained what happened just now.

  Finally, he concluded, "Shiran was not as good as you thought at all. She said she didn't care about it in front of you last night, but today she hit Feifei."

   "I thought she was a broad-minded girl yesterday, but now I realize that I was wrong, she is just pretending in front of you!"

  (end of this chapter)