MTL - Help! The General’s Gone Mad With Pampering Me-Chapter 631 Episode 162 I'm the one who bullies you now

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  Chapter 631 Fanwai 162 I am the one who bullies you now

  Although Gu Sheng knew that Zhong Ning was not talking about him at this time, his heart still softened.

  He finally knew why his previous self had to organize such a drawer 001, who the **** could stand it.

  Gu Sheng restrained his surging heart, turned his head to get iodine, and washed his face by the way.

  Gu Sheng's back was wet, he simply took off his T-shirt, and then returned to Zhong Ning's side.

  He took a cotton swab and dipped it in iodine, and wiped it on the scratches on Zhong Ning's neck.

  Zhong Ning shrank his neck, pushed Gu Sheng and said.

   "Don't... hurt~"

   Gu Shengting's forehead twitched, and he treated Zhong Ning's wound in a turmoil.

   When he stood up and was about to put the iodine back into the medicine box, he suddenly felt a stabbing pain in his waist.

  He lowered his eyes and saw Zhong Ning's small head was buried on his waist, his white teeth biting his flesh.

  After Zhong Ning got up, there were two rows of teeth marks on his waist, which were located at the tattoo on his waist.

  Gu Sheng's muscles became tense, and the veins on his arms bulged.

  He looked at Zhong Ning motionlessly, and there seemed to be an undercurrent in his eyes.

   Zhong Ning felt terrified at the sight of him, but he still kept talking.

   "Who told you to bully me."

   The implication is that you bullied me first, and then I bit you.

  Gu Sheng sneered after hearing this.

   "Is this considered bullying?"

   After finishing speaking, he put the iodine directly on the bedside table beside him, and relished it.

   "I'm going to bully you now."


  Since Zhong Ning "broke up in love", Zhong's mother began to arrange a blind date for Zhong Ning.

  With the experience of last time, she was extra careful this time, and only confirmed a candidate after asking more.

  I heard that he is a teacher with a good temper. His family is a scholarly family with peaches and plums all over the world. The students speak very well of them.

  The other party was also very satisfied after seeing Zhong Ning's photo, and suggested adding a WeChat chat first.

  This morning, Mother Zhong thought that it was almost time for Zhong Ning to get off work, so she called her.

  After being awakened by the phone alarm, Zhong Ning pulled the phone with half-open eyes, and said in a daze.

   "Hello, Mom."

  Mother Zhong said as soon as she heard Zhong Ning's voice.

   "Just got off work, was it very busy last night, so tired from hearing the voice."

  As soon as Zhong Ning heard Zhong Mu's voice, his mind immediately jumped.

  She sat up half propped up, and said vaguely.

   "It's... not bad, what's wrong?"

  Mother Zhong didn't pay much attention to Zhong Ning's strange behavior, and started talking about business.

   "It's like this. Someone adds you to WeChat in a while, so you can add it to chat."

  Mother Zhong didn't prepare too much, and planned to let her feel it herself.

  After hanging up the phone, Zhong Ning was still dazed, not understanding what Zhong's mother meant.

   Immediately afterwards, a WeChat message popped up on Zhong Ning's phone.

  【Huang Yuanlin requests to add you as a friend. 】

  Zhong Ning thought about what Zhong's mother said just now, and subconsciously agreed.

  The next second, a new message pops up in the new friend's dialog box.

  【Miss Zhong, hello, I am your blind date, Huang Yuanlin. 】

  After Zhong Ning saw the news, he realized what Zhong's mother said just now.

  Zhong Ning showed embarrassment. Just as he clicked on the typing box to say something, he suddenly felt a chill down his back.

  The next second, Gu Sheng's voice rang in her ears.

   "A blind date?"

  Zhong Ning froze, turned around slowly, and looked at Gu Sheng with a gloomy face.

   "I... I don't know what happened, maybe it was introduced by my mother."

  Gu Sheng didn't know whether to believe it or not, so he just lay back, stared at the roof and sighed, and said quietly.

   "If you are like this, I am nothing."

  Zhong Ning:?

  (end of this chapter)