MTL - Help! The General’s Gone Mad With Pampering Me-Chapter 573 Episode 104 It's not that you say I can't do it

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  Chapter 573 Fanwai 104 It’s not that you say I can’t do it

  Since moving out of her natal family, Li Qingyan has almost lived a life isolated from the outside world. She doesn't care about outside affairs, and of course she doesn't know about Si's bankruptcy.

  She was a little shocked after hearing this, and said in disbelief.

"real or fake?"

  Si Zhong laughed at himself.

   "Of course it is true. If you don't believe me, go to the Internet to check the news, there are reports everywhere.

  Also, the old house has been sold, and I packed up all your things. "

   While Si Zhong was speaking, Li Qingyan took out her mobile phone to check the news.

  As soon as I searched for Si's Group, I didn't need to click on it to see it, but a lot of associated words about bankruptcy and bankruptcy popped up.

  After she finished reading, Si Zhong had already arranged all his things, as if he wanted to live here forever.

  Li Qingyan just heard the news, and she felt a little heavy. She glanced at Si Zhong and said silently.

   "If you really have no place to go, you can live first, I..."

   Before Li Qingyan could finish speaking, Si Zhong hugged her directly and said courteously.

   "It's better to be a wife."

  As soon as she heard the word "wife", Li Qingyan's sadness was brought up again. She pushed him and said angrily.

   "This place is due in one month, and I will leave when the procedures for studying abroad are completed. If you want to divorce..."

  Si Chong's eyelids twitched, afraid that she would talk about divorce, so he hugged her again and said firmly.

   "No divorce, you agreed last night."

  Not to mention that last night was fine, Li Qingyan's face turned red when he mentioned it.

   "You still have the nerve to say, last forced me to say it last night, at that time..."

  Si Zhong has been whispering love words in her ear, why he only likes her and cannot leave her, and insists on making her promise not to divorce.

  Li Qingyan has a thin skin, and in retrospect, she finds it difficult to speak, and he hesitates to speak clearly.

  Si Zhong saw her so angry, and said angrily.

   "It's not that you said I can't do it, so can't I do that?"

  Si Zhong clearly knew the answer, but he still wanted to ask. Li Qingyan was so angry that he hit him twice.

"you shut up!"


  Relying on his thick skin, Si Zhong reluctantly moved into Li Qingyan's house.

  In the past, Si Zhong was either at work or socializing every day, and he was busy with things when he got home. When he went to bed, he went straight to the topic, and he seldom sat down and talked with Li Qingyan in peace.

  But at this time, he actually sat on the sofa and watched her without doing anything all morning.

  Li Qingyan sat in front of the desk, feeling like a light on her back, very uncomfortable.

   She couldn't bear it anymore, and turned her head to ask.

   "You have nothing to do, why don't you leave?"

  She agreed to let him stay, but she didn't let him stay here twenty-four hours.

  Si answered confidently after listening hard.

  "The company is bankrupt, and there is really nothing to do."

   Li Qingyan choked, and then asked a casual question.

   "Then you have no income now?"

  Si Zhong was startled, and said while looking at Li Qingyan's face.

   "I can't say that... I still have a small company. Although it is not comparable to before, it is still no problem to support you.

  But you also know that I sold everything I could to make up for the shortfall. For the time being... I'm still a little nervous about money, so let's squeeze here first. "

   After Si Zhong finished speaking, he saw that Li Qingyan didn't respond, so he continued.

   "However, after a while, there should be some income, which will be credited to your card when you go abroad."

  Li Qingyan didn't doubt the authenticity of his words at all, and didn't ask further, just said.

   "I have savings, I don't want your money."

  (end of this chapter)