MTL - Hello, How Long Has This Been Going On?-Chapter 50

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Back home at night, Tao Zhiyue finished his meal, stuffed the bowls and chopsticks into the sink, and rushed to the computer impatiently.

I don't want to wash the dishes anymore, I must do it tomorrow.

People don't spend Fridays in vain.

Tao Zhiyue thought about it, sat down in front of the computer with peace of mind, and called Huo Ran.

As soon as it was connected, Huo Ran sent a warm greeting: "Good evening! I just finished eating and am walking upstairs, ready to turn on the computer."

The sound of tapping footsteps came from the receiver, and Tao Zhiyue seemed to be able to clearly imagine that scene.

Remembering that Huo Ran said that he recently moved out to live alone, he asked curiously: "Are you going to live alone all the time? Now that those troubles have been resolved, it will be more lively when you move back to live with your family."

"Ah, yes, I planned to move back. But there was another accident."

His tone was apologetic: "Speaking of which, you don't have to come to Yanping this weekend."

"The company is planning a big project right now, and I'm very busy. I'm going to go on a business trip tomorrow." Huo Ran said, "I may have to run outside all the time, and my dad won't be home every day. My friend went on a trip, and there was no one at home, so I didn’t bother to move back, I’ll talk about it when I’m done.”

"So that's how it is."

Tao Zhiyue is a bit regretful, but it is understandable. Compared with the cruel president "Huo Ran" in the novel who works crazily every day, Huo Ran, who gets off work on time every day and chats with him, is already very good, not like a business official. Haunted President.

It's just that he couldn't see him this week, which made Tao Zhi feel a little melancholy.

It has been two weeks since he came back last time, and they haven't seen each other for almost half a month.

Huo Ran felt his emotions, and quickly said: "Time flies, don't wait until next weekend, I will come to you after this business trip is over!"

"Okay, then I'll make a strategy in advance to find out what's interesting in Jinbei."

Huo Ran was very active in offering advice: "You can check it out on the travel section of Sky Forum!"

Tao Zhiyue couldn't help laughing: "Obviously I told you this, why are you turning your back on the customer?"

"I'm afraid you forgot." Huo Ran tried to pass the test, "I opened the game page! Is it the one played on the webpage?"

"Yes, that's the one. The painting style is very sloppy."

"It's really sloppy." Huo Ran felt the same way, "Let's compete to see who will destroy the world first!"

While talking, Tao Zhiyue also opened the game.

The opening is a stick figure of a big gray mosquito. The drawing level of the scene is very flexible. In some places, the drawing is quite serious. For some slightly more complicated objects, just draw a frame and mark it with a few large characters: electric fan.

The same is true for the creatures in this game world, some are drawn very vividly, and some are identified entirely by text annotations.

It can be seen that the mood of the person who made this game must have been very ups and downs.

Probably one hand is slapping mosquitoes, the other hand is wiping wind oil, and then the feet are frantically stomping on the keyboard.

When playing, Tao Zhiyue maintained a surprised expression all the way, and could hear Huo Ran's serious complaints from time to time.

"I can see it! This tiger was copied and pasted by a cat. It just drew a character for king on its forehead, and the strokes are still crooked."

"I thought this was a it actually a durian?! But why is there a durian in the mosquito-sucking game? Do mosquitos really bite the durian..."

"I tried it, but the mouth broke, and the durian was really hard." Huo Ran said in a daze, "Ah, now the mouth has grown again."

The more Tao Zhi heard it, the more he enjoyed it, and the joy of playing games doubled.

He was very interested in Guan Yudong's ending of the mass extinction of species and the reappearance of dinosaurs. After thinking about the logic, he deliberately searched for the close relatives of dinosaurs, planning to bite them one by one, trying to arouse their anger. Then wait to enjoy the big scene of dinosaur rebirth.

On Tao Zhiyue's struggle for the sixth mass extinction, Huo Ran kept sending out novel sighs.

"My mosquito breeds many small mosquitoes!"

"Hey, mosquitoes can still talk, even though they are all repeating."

"Yes, I saw it too."

When Tao Zhiyue was breeding mosquitoes, he saw text bubbles with words "I've become stronger!" and "I've become stronger again!".

As soon as he hummed, he felt his arm a little itchy.

"This psychological effect is too strong, do you feel itchy?"

"It doesn't itch, I took anti-mosquito measures today!" Huo Ran said confidently, "By the way, I bought a mosquito repellent lamp that is very useful. Do you want it? I'll ask someone to send one over."

"Is this really useful?" Tao Zhi was more uncertain, "I wanted to buy it before, but many people said it was useless."

"I think it's very useful, try it, if it doesn't work, you can fly over and hit me!"

"Okay, then I believe it."

Tao Zhiyue sent the address smoothly, and joked: "You look confident now, just like when you were cooking that day."

When mentioning this, Huo Ran became very depressed: "Why can't I season the seasoning well? A few days ago, I wanted to bring a copy to my mother, but I made it again, but the taste is still so complicated... Put the seasoning according to my feeling It’s a profound knowledge.”

Tao Zhiyue suppressed a smile and comforted him: "Next time I will teach you by hand, it should be much better."

"Okay! I will remember..."

While chatting, Huo Ran's voice suddenly became frightened.

"It's over, I broke the game."

"What?" Tao Zhiyue looked confused, "Damn it?"

"I was just playing, and suddenly the screen went black, and a sentence popped up, saying that mosquitoes are extinct, and I broke the game." Huo Ran said incoherently, "I didn't, I didn't do anything, I'm normal Playing around."

Tao Zhiyue was shocked: "There is such an ending? How did you play?"

"I normally?"

In the elongated voice, Huo Ran gradually became less confident.

"I bit a few people and found that the wings and mouth of mosquitoes can change. I thought, if the shape and shape can change, can the color also change? This gray is so ugly."

"I just met a pig, so I bit it, and then I found some pink things to bite, flamingos, starfish... and human pink hair? Why can hair be sucked blood!"

"While the logic of this color change is weird, my mosquitoes really turned pink."

"Also, the mosquito started talking, a lot of word bubbles popping up."

Only then did Tao Zhiyue realize that the content of the text they saw should be different.

"What did your mosquito say?"

"Just say three words, the color has changed, the whole screen is full of color change, color change, color change. I thought it was an ordinary color change reminder."

Tao Zhiyue covered the microphone and started laughing.

"After I had pink mosquitoes, I wanted to know again, if I bite another animal of another color, it will directly turn into that color, or will it neutralize the two colors and turn into another color."

"So I bit some blue animals, butterflies, blue parrots... well, and blue hair, this guy really drew a lot of weird things. In the end, it turned directly into blue, not into blue. Purple."

"Then it started popping up color-changing reminders, it was so noisy, and all the mosquitoes were repeating."

Tao Zhiyue felt that he had found a way of thinking, and suppressed a smile: "What color was the mosquito before your black screen?"

"I think about it, it seems to be yellow." Huo Ran tried to recall, "I thought that since I can bite durian, I should be able to bite other fruits, so I tried to **** some mangoes and pineapples..."

"It's really okay! The mosquitoes are gradually turning yellow. I bit a few yellow people with particularly yellow skin, and the mosquitoes became even yellower."

"Then when the full screen changed color and color, the screen was stuck, and a warning popped up with white text on a black background and a red title. The content was all in English. Before I could take a closer look, it immediately became a black screen. If you change it again, I’ll show you a screenshot.”

Tao Zhiyue clicked on the picture he sent, and laughed out loud.

On a black background, in the center of the screen is a large river crab spitting bubbles, with a line of words floating next to it: Mosquitoes are extinct! Congratulations on successfully breaking the game!

There is also a screenshot attached. There are large yellow mosquitoes on the screen, and the layers of dialogue bubbles are filled with words: Changed color, changed color, changed color, changed color...

Huo Ran on the other side said worriedly: "Isn't this really a bad game? Can we start again? I haven't destroyed the world yet, why did I kill the mosquitoes instead?"

"Why do mosquitoes change color and pop up scary English warnings? Why do mosquitoes suddenly become extinct again?"

"I obviously haven't produced any creatures that can pose a threat to mosquitoes. Could it be that the last crab did it? This is not reasonable. How did it do it? Did it seal the mosquitoes with the bubbles it spit out? "

Among his quite innocent one hundred thousand whys, Tao Zhiyue almost lost his laugh.

He tried to hold back his laughter, and answered intermittently: "It's not bad... It's the people who designed the game playing tricks... It's just a river crab, don't panic."

"What kind of meme is this?" Huo Ran didn't know anything about his happiness, and asked in confusion, "Are you laughing? Why does your voice sound weird?"

"I... didn't laugh." Tao Zhi laughed until his stomach ached, and he couldn't hide it anymore, "There are too many stalks, I can't explain it clearly, anyway... you are very cute hahahahaha."

He can't be the only one laughing like a fool.

With the feeling that being alone is worse than being happy with others, Tao Zhiyue smiled and trembled, and tremblingly sent the screenshots of the discoloration and bad play to Guan Yudong, thanking him for sharing this magical game.

[It's an official, not a croak: My God, can it still be like this? ! ]

[It's an official, not a croak: Tao Tao, how did you do it! Please tell me, I want to reproduce it! ]

[Tao: It's not me, it was typed by my boyfriend. ]

[Tao: He said that he bit some creatures of the same color, and then it became like this inexplicably. ]

[Tao: Before this ending, the mosquitoes were yellow hahahahaha. ]

[It's an official, not a croak:! ! Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow ]

[It's an official, not a croak: Damn it, why the producer's contact information is invalid, I really want to crawl into his brain hole for sightseeing. ]

[It's an official, not a croak: I have an idea, next time I want to try to bite creatures that are in pairs, and spare the life of single animals. ]

[It's an official, not a croak: Maybe it will trigger some strange mutation method, I believe that this producer must not only have been hurt by mosquitoes. ]

Tao Zhiyue couldn't stop laughing.

[Tao: Good idea, as expected of you! ]

Huo on the other end of the phone asked questions tirelessly: "Although you praised me, I am very happy, but I want to know where I am cute, and try harder next time."

"Don't work hard, this is the cutest." Tao Zhi rubbed his cracked face hard, feeling tired, "I'm tired of laughing, and I'm actually a little sleepy."

"Then let's go to bed early today. It happens that I have to get up early tomorrow, so I can't sleep too late. See you after taking a shower!"

The plan to destroy the world on Friday night failed, but Xiao Huo opened up an unexpected new world.

When he got into the quilt after taking a shower, Tao Zhiyue felt like he was lying on a soft cloud, and his whole body was very relaxed, as if he could fall into a soft dreamland in the next second.

While chatting before going to bed, Huo Ran, who was also lying flat, was still brooding over this logical game.

He muttered to himself, "Why did the crab kill the mosquito?"

Tao Zhiyue wanted to laugh again, looked at the hazy night, and said seriously: "This question is not suitable for explaining at night, I will tell you next time during the day."

"Is the reason scary? I thought it was a funny game." Huo Ran was surprised, "Then I'll ask you later in the daytime."

"Okay, it must be during the day."

During the endless chat, Tao Zhiyue fell asleep very quickly, and when his breathing became slow and regular, Huo Ran on the other end quietly hung up the phone.

"Good night, sweet dreams."

So that night, Tao Zhiyue really had a very good dream.

He dreamed of a pale world with only lines. The creator is lazy, so the painting style is sloppy like that mosquito game. Nearby are gently shaking rough lines, and the objects in the distance are all crooked words: "Park" , "zebra crossing", "tree", "group of people".

At some point, the colorful and three-dimensional Huo Ran appeared beside him, and the world gradually took shape and color.

The tree became a real tree, slowly growing green leaves and dark brown branches.

The crowd took on a concrete appearance. The little girl was bouncing around holding hands with her mother. She was wearing a pink dress and even the hairpins on her head were pink.

She was talking happily, and the mother who was listening attentively lowered her head, smiled and reached out to pinch her face.

In the park across the street, a blue butterfly flew lightly and gracefully.

The asphalt road stretches to an unreachable distance, the scorching sun shines on the road, and the clouds hanging high in the sky float slowly, casting flickering shadows on the ground.

The green street trees and radiant buildings interweave into a golden dreamland, Huo Ran speaks in his ear, the wind and breath are hot, making his cheeks flush.

All the sun was pouring down on them, and he opened his arms involuntarily, and the air shone softly, as if he could catch the sun with his hand.

He picked the sun.

When waking up from the dream, Tao Zhi looked at the morning light illuminating the room, and only vaguely remembered that he had dreamed of Huo Ran.

It seemed like a dream that made him very happy.

Tao Zhiyue closed his eyes, hugged the quilt and thought about it for a while before he fully woke up.

His biological clock is very fixed, even on weekends, he only sleeps a little longer than usual before waking up.

Since falling in love, now when he wakes up, he will subconsciously look at his phone.

Huo Ran woke up very early today, and sent a good morning greeting after six o'clock.

[Xiao Huo: Good morning! ]

[Xiao Huo: Today's weather is really nice, I think it's very suitable for going out to play. ]

[Xiao Huo: But I have to go on a business trip. ]

[Xiao Huo: Weeping Cat Head.jpg]

[Tao: Are you sleepy and delirious o(*≧▽≦)ツ]

[Tao: Good morning good morning good morning! ]

Huo Ran replied quickly.

[Xiao Huo: You laughed at me again! ]

[Xiao Huo: You're awake, then I'll send someone to deliver the mosquito repellent lamp. ]

[Tao: Good. ]

[Tao: I’m going to wash up and have breakfast first~]

[Tao: Hurry up and get busy! ]

[Xiao Huo: Good. ]

[Xiao Huo: Maomao waving.gif]

After Tao Zhiyue brushed his teeth and washed his face, he went to the kitchen to make breakfast. When he was getting eggs, he remembered Huo Ran's clumsy naming method yesterday, and couldn't help laughing.

So he decided not to eat toast today, but fried two eggs instead.

One is a standard poached egg with white in the middle of the yellow, and the other deliberately pokes the yolk and flows out of the egg white, turning it into yellow and white.

After carefully frying the eggs, Tao Zhiyue excitedly sent photos to Huo Ran.

[Tao: Poached eggs and poached eggs! ]

After killing the two egg brothers, Tao Zhiyue wandered around the small house with his hands behind his back.

It hasn't been long since the last cleaning. He usually sweeps the floor, so the house is still clean and there is no need to tidy it up.

In the weekend tasks that Tao Zhiyue set for himself before, it was to go for a walk in the park on sunny days, and to buy vegetables and cook hot pot on rainy and snowy days.

At that time, it was to pass the time and relieve boredom, so as to save myself from falling into long loneliness when I had nothing to do.

Today is sunny, but Tao Zhiyue doesn't want to go to the park to play Tai Chi with his grandfather at all.

He was in a good mood, so good that he could suddenly laugh when he turned on the TV and watched a **** TV series about how cruel, ruthless and vexatious you were.

He nestled on the sofa and watched TV for a while, when the doorbell rang.

It should be the courier who came to deliver the goods.


Tao Zhiyue jumped off the sofa and walked towards the door.

When he opened the door, he saw the completely unexpected person.

Tao Zhi rubbed his eyes, and looked up and down a few times to make sure he wasn't hallucinating.

Finally, his eyes fell on the other's empty hands.

"Where... your mosquito repellent lamp?"

Huo Ran's tone was a little proud: "I am the best mosquito repellent lamp!"

"You mentioned this game yesterday. When I went to search, I saw many people said that it was originally a solution to mosquitoes, but I found it by accident."

"I just guessed that you were annoyed by mosquitoes before you discovered this game."

"So here I am, you're sure not to get bitten this weekend!"

"By the way, I didn't lie to you all! Jinbei is really the place to be inspected by the company's project. It's just that the big troops leave on Monday, so I came here early."

Tao Zhiyue was stunned for a long while, as if he couldn't find a suitable response, his eyes started to sore for no reason.

He quickly lowered his head, trying to get a pair of slippers for Huo Ran, but the shoe rack was empty, only the pair he was wearing.

He never prepared slippers for others.

Huo Ran noticed his helplessness, and quickly said: "No need to look for it, I didn't tell you in advance, so I won't come in, I'll stand here and wait for you to get ready, let's go together."

"The weather is so nice today, it's very suitable for going out on a date!"

"Good morning, I didn't type too much, today you are my morning."

Huo Ran showed him a bright smile: "I promise you won't guess!"