MTL - Hello, How Long Has This Been Going On?-Chapter 3

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Stay up late for a while, get up early for the crematorium.

The consequence of breaking the fixed biological clock is that you feel drowsy when you go to work the next day, and your mind is full of mud.

Tao Zhi got up with difficulty, brushed his teeth and ate dinner like sleepwalking, drifted into the company like a ghost, and didn't know what he was doing all morning.

Fortunately, a game version update was just completed yesterday, and I can take a breather in the next few days, and there is no submission request for the planner, so Tao Zhiyue can justifiably fish for it.

Tao Zhiyue has already forgotten what he talked with HR brother last night. It was basically sending each other a good person card. In short, he has a simple understanding of each other to facilitate subsequent communication. Tao Zhiyue comforted himself in this way.

After eating at noon and taking a nap on the table, Tao Zhiyue regained his sanity.

He took out his mobile phone, clicked on the app, and pulled up the chat history of last night, only to find that he disappeared while talking, leaving only HR brother talking to himself.

Tao Zhiyue was a little embarrassed, so he took the initiative to send a message.

[Tao: Good afternoon. I accidentally fell asleep yesterday, I didn't mean not to reply. ]

[Tao: I get off work at six o’clock every day, finish my meal at eight o’clock, and go to bed at half past ten. If it’s convenient for you, we can communicate between eight o’clock and ten o’clock in the evening. ]

Tao Zhiyue waited for a while, but there was no reply on the other side, probably busy.

He didn't care about it anymore, and opened the Little Green Bird IT technology exchange community, ready to see what hot topics have been recently.

He who was staring at the screen intently didn't notice that a figure flashed past behind him just now.

Tao Zhiyue's nickname in the Little Green Bird community is also Tao. He occasionally posts some posts discussing technology, and occasionally replies to other people's posts asking for help.

Because the content of his replies every time is to the point, the solutions he gives are concise and practical, and he has no airs of a great god, and he is very patient with all kinds of questions, gradually gaining many fans in the community.

Now every time he posts a post, there are a group of people with a group photo below, so unless there are technical problems that bother him, he usually rarely speaks again, and is a silent diving party.

However, the list of online members will be displayed at the bottom of the community, and ordinary people may not pay attention to it, but some people who want to recruit him to partner in projects have been following him unremittingly.

One of the outstanding ones even wrote a small program, as long as he is online, a full screen of red text prompts will appear on all his electronic devices.

A minute later, Tao Zhiyue received a new private message as expected.

[Gua: Ah! Tao Tao, you are here! You have been offline for seven days, eight hours and three minutes! ]


[Tao: Hello, quack. ]

[Gua: I haven't been online for so long, are you busy with work? Was it oppressed by a black-hearted boss? ]

[Gua: Why don't you resign and do it with me! Afternoon tea at the Sunshine Villa, the boss is handsome and obedient, and you will get free shares when you join the job /rose/rose/rose]

Tao Zhiyue was amused by him. Gua was a programmer he met when he posted a post before. The two of them had a lot of resonance in the discussion of technical issues. , Gua introduced him as a confidant, and always wanted to pull him to do projects together.

For Tao Zhiyue, the company he was staying at now was indeed a bit overqualified. The games they made were relatively simple, and almost all of them were skin-changing games that had already been established, and they were not challenging.

But this is also the result of Tao Zhiyue's careful selection. He learned the lesson from the last company that was favored by Huo's, so he chose this small company with absolutely no distinctive and innovative future development direction.

[Tao: Although I am touched by your persistence, you know my answer. ]

[Gua: No! I confessed to my sister yesterday and just got rejected, so you should comfort me, don't reject this poor quack again QAQ]

[Tao: ...Condolences. ]

[Tao: So, I still have to ask, can the company not raise funds within two years? As an elder, am I allowed to have no contact with anyone other than company employees? Or, can I work remotely all the time and not show up as my real identity? ]

Tao Zhiyue is a very responsible person, the company where he makes a living is favored by the Huo family, so he can resign and leave without burden.

But if the company he participated in starting a business has a great opportunity to cooperate with Huo, he can't stop it because of his own selfishness. This is unfair to those who work side by side with him, even though the opportunity is likely to come because of him. .

[Gua: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ]

[Gua: Why! Why is there such a strange request! Even social terror is too exaggerated! ! ]

[Gua: To be honest, do you hate the rich? Once you see the boss's father, you will not be able to control your sinful hands! ]

[Tao: No... I just hate Huo. ]

[Gua:? Hatred? Is this a name for a superstitious activity? ]

[Tao: You won’t understand. ]

[Tao: I am under pressure that I shouldn’t have at this age.jpg]

Huo Ran, who just woke up, suddenly sneezed.

He rubbed his nose, stretched comfortably, and then lay motionless in the soft quilt, reminiscing about the sweet dreams of last night.

Ever since he was crazily pursued by a group of male friends, Huo Ran hasn't had such a good night's sleep for a long time.

During this month, when he arrived at the company, he could always see someone waiting for him in the reception room holding flowers, and when he fled into the office, he would see the assistant's flushed face.

Yesterday he skipped work and hid at home for a whole day, but in the middle of the night someone wanted to come to his door to give him a hug. Huo Ran, who had never seen such a battle before, was almost frightened out of his wits.

And not only when he was awake, he lay on the bed every night so worried that he tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep, and finally fell asleep in a daze. In his dream, there was a man he didn't know who was flirting with him. .

Huo Ran, who was physically and mentally devastated, was getting more and more haggard, so he told his best friend Fa Xiao about his tragic experience, hoping to find a solution.

In the end, Fa Xiao was silent for a long time, and said quietly: "Will you be with one of them?"

Huo Ran: "Of course not! I don't like men!"

Fa Xiao: "So you don't think about me either, right?"

Huo Ran:? ? ?

Huo Ran:! ! !

So Huo Ran never dared to mention these things to his acquaintances again, for fear of accidentally revealing some long-buried secret.

After much deliberation, Huo Ran decided to turn to the mysterious online world for help. He opened the search engine and solemnly entered "what should I do if I am pursued by the same sex".

Then he met Director Tao of the No. 7 Mental Hospital in Jinbei City, a kind and considerate doctor.

Huo Ran originally wanted to tell Dr. Tao his name, career and living environment in detail. Although he had never found a doctor online, a psychiatrist in real life should need to know the real situation of the patient.

However, Dr. Tao kindly told him that he should not reveal his real identity information online. Huo Ran thought about it, and then deleted the self-introduction he had written.

He should respect what Dr. Tao said, maybe this is the special feature of online medical treatment.

Huo Ran is very unfamiliar with the online world, so he is also cautiously in awe.

Last night he chatted with Dr. Tao very late, vomited bitterness about his frightened life, and crazily praised Dr. Tao for his selfless dedication, but Dr. Tao didn't reply afterwards.

... I don't know if Dr. Tao is bothering him.

Huo Ran was a little worried, so he quickly got up and put on his clothes, ran to the study, turned on the computer, and logged in to pp.

Although his antique button machine can also download pp, but the screen is small, the operation is inconvenient, and it is impossible to chat normally. Huo Ran has never used it.

In his eyes, mobile phones are used to make calls and send text messages.

There are unread messages from Dr. Tao on the pp.

[Tao: Good afternoon. I accidentally fell asleep yesterday, I didn't mean not to reply. ]

[Tao: I get off work at six o’clock every day, finish my meal at eight o’clock, and go to bed at half past ten. If it’s convenient for you, we can communicate between eight o’clock and ten o’clock in the evening. ]