MTL - Hedonist Sovereign-Chapter 2121 Black sand river

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Qin Feng quickly pulled the topic back: "Everyone! The most important thing to look for in Xianshi is now, and other things will be said later."

Everyone has come back to God.

Hung Hom said: "Qin Shaoxia! Nie Yuan said that he did not sense the atmosphere, do you know if you found anything?"

Everyone’s hopes are pinned on Qin Feng’s body. He is clearly the lowest in the world’s smallest realm, but it brings shock to everyone again and again.

It was only this time that Qin Feng was not aware of it. He shook his head and said: "There is no atmosphere in the vicinity. Maybe the Xianshi big array is not here. It is better for everyone to act separately and look around here."

"If we split up, we are likely to be broken by ghosts one by one." Lei Wang worried.

"At present, Ghost King does not intend to do it, so everyone must fight for time and find the formation as soon as possible to repair it." Qin Fengdao.

"I agree with Qin Shaoxia's proposal. Regardless of whether the ghost king intends to do it for us, we don't have much time. Now there are countless cracks in the entire magical city and snowy city. The hundreds of thousands of monks are in dire straits. We have no retreat. Only use blood to kill a path."

Hung Hom’s words have inspired everyone’s morale. These geniuses are usually intriguing, but in the face of devastating disasters, they have all done a leading role.

"Then we divided into three groups, each group led by a lineup master." Sheng Zhongtian proposed.

More than 20 powerful and powerful members were quickly divided into three teams, led by Qin Feng, He Qianqu and Nie Yuan.

The three teams marched in different directions, and agreed that any party would immediately send a flying sword to other teams as long as they found the Xianshi Grand Array.

Although Ghost King has brought everyone to the Liusha River, the Liusha River is wide and boundless, and half of the snow-capped cities are generally huge. Moreover, the surrounding environment is harsh and shrouded in a gray and black mist, which is difficult to distinguish between the southeast and the north.

"Qin Shaoxia, this is not a way to look for it without a head, afraid that it will not be a result of finding a year and a half." Hung Hom closed the flying sword and fell in the black sand.

In addition to Qin Feng's addition to the red dragonfly, there are Sheng Zhongtian, Xie Wanshi and Lei Wang and others. In fact, Wang Liuzhongming and Beiming Mozun are also interested in the team of Qin Feng. They have a kind of inexplicable feeling, only Following Qin Feng, there was a way to live, but in order to balance the average forces of the three teams, they were dispersed to the other two teams.

Qin Feng's brow is close, standing in the black sand, the gods are trying to expand, but the black fog in the Liusha River seems to be a block of solid walls, completely shielding the gods.

The visibility in the black fog is less than five meters, and it is impossible to use the gods to observe the terrain. Under such conditions, it is tantamount to find a needle in a haystack.

"Master! You can let the scorpion look for it." The voice of the little pig suddenly sounded.

Qin Feng’s eyes are bright, the speed of hunting is fast, and the size is small. It is indeed convenient to find things in the place like Liushahe. Moreover, the hunting scorpion is a nine-level star beast. It is extremely sensitive to the induction of various breaths. As long as it first smells the scent of the singular stone, it will be able to find the sin stone array accurately.

However, Qin Feng does not have a large array of celestial stones, but he still has a few phoenix flowers on his body. As long as there is a place where a large array of celestial stones appears, there will inevitably be a phoenix flower and a spiritual pool...

A black shadow of the size of a fingernail flashed away, quickly blending into the dark mist, without any notice of the power of the crowd.

The hunting hunter has already flown far away, and Qin Feng immediately follows the sword. He is afraid that he will not be able to keep up with the speed of hunting.

"Qin Shaoxia, where are you going?"

Everyone wonders, they are discussing the countermeasures to find the Xianshi big array, how did Qin Feng run himself?

"Everyone is catching up with me, I can quickly find the big stone." Qin Feng can't make more explanations. When the sound is still floating in the place, the figure has already flown a few kilometers away.

A group of great powers immediately followed up, even though they have a strong and powerful real-life atmosphere, there is no clue in the search for a battle.

The hunting falcon soon adapted to the environment of the Liusha River, and the speed was getting faster and faster. Some of the big cockroaches felt that they couldn’t keep up with Qin Feng, and they couldn’t see anything under the speed of flight. There is a feeling of galloping in time and space tunnels.

"Qin Shaoxia, are you sure you will not find a mistake?" Lei Wang issued a question. He could hardly imagine how Qin Feng distinguished the terrain in such a fast flight.

In fact, Qin Feng, like everyone else, can't see anything at all, but he doesn't need to look at it. Just keep up with the hunting crickets.

After flying for half a day, the speed of the hunting hunts suddenly slowed down. When Qin Feng put away the flying sword and landed on a black sand, the eyes shone with some strange light.

"Wow! Beautiful sight!"

"Is it still a sand river? It is rumored that the Liusha River is a desperate place in the Dead Sea. There is no vitality and aura, but there is a spiritual vein here, which is totally unreasonable."

But all the powers that landed are full of exclamation.

Ever since everyone entered the Dead Sea, all the way to see is the ridiculous scene of black sand, even a small tree of wild grass can not be seen. A few hundred meters in front of the eyes, there is a river, the river is black ink, and it seems to blend with the sand, but the river is slowly flowing, reflecting a faint light, as if it is a galaxy under the black night sky.

"Maybe here is the real quicksand river." Qin Feng suddenly said.

“How does Qin Shaoxia say this?” The red dragonfly looks change.

"Since it is called the Liusha River, nature can't be separated from the river, and the spiritual pulse in front of it is a sand river that seems to be flowing. Perhaps it is the origin of the name of the Dead Sea in the Dead Sea."

Qin Feng’s explanation is reasonable, and many of the great powers reveal the look of ignorance.

Immediately after Lei Wang woke up, he asked: "Qin Shaoxia, why did you suddenly stop? Is it not near the law?"

The reason why Qin Feng stopped because the hunting hunts stopped, or the hunting scorpion did not fall into the sand, but plunged into the black river. The river can shield the gods and even block the induction between Qin Feng and the hunting hunters. When the hunters enter the sand river, Qin Feng does not know where he is going.

"The formation is likely to be under this sand river." Qin Feng said.

"If that's the case, let's hurry up to the bottom of the river?" The look of Hung Hom became excited, as if he saw the hope of resolving the disaster.

Qin Feng waved his hand and stopped him: "Since the Liusha River is called the Dead Sea, it has its natural reason. This Liusha River is very embarrassing. It is not a real spiritual spring, but it has formed a spiritual vein. Don't be impulsive. Let's figure out the situation first."