MTL - Heaven’s Shadow-Chapter 630 Killing

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Bai Lian's face could not see the slightest scarlet color, I don't know if it was too weak after the injury, or because he was too scared at this moment. Her body was shaking so badly that it seemed as if she wanted to step back and get rid of the terrible palm of Tianlan Zhenjun, but all her strength seemed to have left her at this moment, making her look like a pitiful The helpless ants were just crying desperately in the giant's palm, unable to even struggle.

This is always the case in the world. Weak meat and strong food have become the norm, and even people who are gentle and compassionate always follow such rules unknowingly. We fear and admire the strong, despise and ignore the weak, and occasionally pity those who are miserable, but in fact we forget that more compassion is not in our hearts.

Outside the line of sight, more weak people are not even seen, or everyone will take it for granted after seeing it, and even those who have a good heart can't afford compassion, just like a lion striding forward, never See the cricket ants passing by under their feet.

How can we have compassion?

In other words, will people like Tianlan Zhenjun really have compassion and mercy?

Bai Lian looked at him with sorrow and horror. It was the fear from the bottom of her soul. It was her instinct for survival. She wanted to live, she didn't want to die, and she could give up everything for this. Can pay for everything.

Her eyes clearly explained her thoughts, but her thoughts were untouched by Tianlan Zhenjun. Perhaps for a giant like him who has stood on the top for too long, these so-called desires are so-called At all costs, he was just a joke.

He discarded it like nothing but looked at it.

Of course, he values ​​something, but it is not on Bai Lian.

So he smiled coldly and ruthlessly. After passing a trace of disgust in his eyes, he probably saw something he disliked, and touched the line at the bottom of his heart, so his palm came from Bailian's jaw. Move up and down slowly.

Bailian's body trembled violently. She clearly felt the rough skin brushing on her thin neck and then stayed in the middle of her neck.

The bald giant looked at her lightly, and the giant palm that seemed to destroy everything began to tighten slowly, squeezing out all the breath in her body violently and forcefully. Receiving a painful reflection from her body, her heart became angry, and began beating fiercely, desperately trying to infuse those red blood into her head, but everything came to her neck as if she had encountered an indestructible dam, stagnating.

Bai Lian's feet were soft, and as soon as she was empty, her body had left the ground, and this terrible bald Zhenjun grabbed his neck with one hand and held it in the air. Before her eyes began to be confused, her feet began to kick in disorder. Before the last bit of sober will disappeared, Bai Lian found sadly that she was afraid to attack the person under such circumstances.

But it can't be done.

The breath of life is rapidly flowing, and the world is gradually darkening.

Her mind gradually became blank, and at a certain moment, suddenly there was a song from a long time ago, echoing in her mind.

Seems like a ballad related to acacia flowers.

She wanted to sing but couldn't sing. For some reason, she suddenly passed some fragmented pictures in her mind, like fragments of long lost memory. In that trance, she seemed to see a kind woman holding herself, Kissing her. Bai Lian desperately wanted to see the face, but it was always blurred, until suddenly a huge black shadow fell from the sky, took everything, destroyed everything, and shattered the only figure she felt warm, Then turned around, like a mountain, slowly walked towards her ...

She was black before her eyes, fainted, and completely lost her awakeness.


Quietly in the room, Tianlan Zhenjun faintly looked at the girl who slowly drew his head on his hand. With the last little energy left, he could completely destroy this budding life.

Just a little more effort on his finger.

As long as he tightened a little between his palms.

Even he himself knew that from the beginning he didn't need to be so laborious at all, and he could crush the woman with a clean finger, instead of doing these tortures like the cult waste.

But he didn't start immediately. He suddenly felt that he was doing something like a demon, so he wanted to make Tianlan Zhenjun feel a little unhappy, but he still didn't let go.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps from outside the house. A familiar voice came in a moment later, and it was Lu Chen who came here:

"Bai Lian, are you okay?"

Tianlan Zhenjun was silent for a moment, then threw away Bai Lian like a rag.

With a bang, Bai Lian's body fell unconsciously on the ground, knocked over a table, and made a loud noise. The outside was quiet for a moment, but then there was no imaginary scene of breaking through the door. Instead, it was silent. It seemed that Lu Chen's voice was just a little hallucination blowing by the wind. same.

Tianlan Zhenjun tilted his head and glanced at the door, but then slowly glanced across the wall, sweeping across some unknown place on the wall. There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, as if suddenly feeling better, as if he saw something he liked and was satisfied. He stood quietly in the room, staring at the walls around him, and waited patiently.


There was a corner that was seven feet away from the entrance, and suddenly there was a very light sound, the sound was so small that it was almost impossible to hear, as if a person accidentally touched it on the wall ~ ~ But Tianlan Zhenjun's gaze has been one step earlier, gazing at that place.

He stood quietly, and if he wanted to, maybe he could not have the slightest breath leaked out, he could be transformed into an invisible air, or he could be transformed into everything, making people think that it was a table, a bed, and a bed. suspicion.

But he didn't. He just looked at that corner with a smile, casually and uncontrolled.

The sound in that corner stopped for a moment.

As a vigilant wolf perceives an unknown threat in the dark, despite the urgent bait in front of him, he still bears it out. The sound outside the room calmed down, but then there was a looming murderous intention.

Tian Lan Zhenjun's eyes grew brighter inside the room, his eyes began to drift again, looking at the four walls, or anxious or slow, it seems that no matter how the people outside the room can't escape his perception.

And that terrible breath locked the people outside the house, making that murderous horror more and more, and it seemed to burst out ...