MTL - Heavenly Monarch of All Times-Chapter 36 Refining

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One day later, Motai finally collected the herbs.

"Jinyang grass seventeen, fireworks holly nine copies, red practice flowers eleven, cracked mouth eleven, Tian Jinglian thirteen points, and thirteen first-order fire attribute spirit core, very good. I can use these herbs to refine nine or ten explosive Yuandan." Nie Tian looked at a table of herbs, and his mouth raised a faint smile.

It is not easy for Motai to collect so many herbs in just one day. After all, Moyang City is a backcountry.

Nie Tian walked out of the room and told Motai that no one should disturb.

After Motai promised, he personally stayed at the door of the room.

Nie Tian’s explosion Yuan Dan is too important, and even determines the next fate of Moyang City, and must not make any mistakes.

Nie Tian returned to the room and set up Dan Ding and the herbs.

Dan Ding in front of Nie Tian is a very good Dan Ding, at least the third-order treasure. He is very strange. How can the city government have such a good Dan Ding.

Next, Nie Tian sorted all the medicinal materials one by one, and divided them into nine parts. The medicinal materials that were not needed were all collected into storage bags and filled with private sacs.

"Nine days away from the fire." Nie Tian spread his hand, the Yuanmai began to run slowly, after a moment, a strange scene appeared, a red flame appeared above his palm.

Nine days away from the fire, this is the control of the fire of Nie Tian's previous life. It is a very horrible fire control martial art. It can not only control the flame, but also use the force to generate the flame.

Controlling the fire is the most basic condition for becoming an alchemy teacher.

Many people just don't control the fire, so they have no connection with the alchemy division.

"Go!" Nie Tian's palm turned, and the red flame flew to the three-legged Ding.

Nie Tian continued to deliver Yuanli, keeping the red-red flame burning.

Next, it is to release the medicine.

Don't underestimate the step of medicinal herbs. This seems the easiest step, but it is the most mysterious step.

The order of delivery, the timing of delivery, and the amount of delivery of each medicinal herbs must be precise and precise.

In this process, it is necessary for the alchemists to use their own powerful mental power to perceive the changes in the properties of each medicinal material. If you are not careful, it may be fried or even blasted.

Jinyangcao, fireworks holly, red flowering, cracking mouth, Tianjinglian, and the first-order fire attribute nucleus, Nie Tian very carefully put these herbs into Danding.

If you let other alchemists see Nie Tian’s actions at this time, they must yell.

Because Nie Tian directly put the medicinal materials into the Danding according to the type, not by weight.

Alchemy alchemy is generally a one-piece refining, but now Nie Tian obviously wants to refine all the spirits in one go.

In fact, Nie Tian did not deliberately do this, but because his strength is not enough. If one is alchemy, he can only refine two explosions.

In order to refine the explosion of Yuan Dan as much as possible, Nie Tian can only take risks.

In fact, I can't say that I am in danger, because Nie Tian is very confident in his own sacred rumors.

With his current mental strength and the experience of the super-powerful alchemy of his previous life, even if there is an error in the middle, he can correct it in time.

After the medicinal materials entered the tripod, the time passed by, and Nie Tian’s face slowly became paler and paler.

Controlling the fire and alchemy, it is too costly, and Nie Tian’s strength is only too heavy.

Motai and Mo Ruyi waited outside the room, and they were all sweating.

After ten minutes passed, Nie Tian’s body almost began to shake and almost stood still.

"The power of the stars!" The power of the nine-dimensional element in the body is exhausted. In desperation, Nie Tian has to use the power of the tenth element of the stars.

He did not use the power of the stars before, because he did not know what effect the power of the stars would have on alchemy.

As the power of the stars emerged, the red flame under the Dan Ding suddenly became strong, and there seems to be an unusual atmosphere.

Nie Tian perceives a strong scent of medicine, and her face slowly becomes a surprise.

"Dan Cheng!" Another ten minutes passed, when Nie Tian was sweating, suddenly he blinked and surprised.

The flame under Dan Ding disappeared, and nine explosions of Yuan Yuan jumped out of Dan Ding and fell in the palm of Nie Tian.

"Explosive Yuan Dan, after melting into the power of the stars, the breath seems to be more powerful than before." Nie Tian immediately found that the power of the stars did not have any loss to the explosion of Yuan Dan, and even a lot of help.

He estimated that the current explosion of Yuan Dan is almost close to the third-order panacea.

"If I expected it to be good, the explosion of Yuan Dan is enough to upgrade the strength of the company to the five elements of Vientiane." Nie Tian smiled slightly, very satisfied with the refining of the Yuan Dan.

The mother and daughter of Motai heard the movement in the room, knowing that Nie Tian Alchemy was over and pushed the door in.

"Really is the explosion of Yuan Dan?" Motai looked at Nie Tian's hand, and looked horrified.

"The Mocheng Lord knows the explosion of Yuan Dan?" Nie Tian expressed surprise.

Mo Taihehe smiled: "I have seen it before."

Nie Tian saw that Motai was obviously covering up something, and did not ask more questions. He handed the explosion Yuan Dan to Motai and left four.

Nie Tiandao: "Tomorrow is the day when the Moyang City Martial Arts Association begins. I will return to Nie. After the end of the Moyang City War Club, I will bring the Yuan Lingyuan warrior of the Nie family to the city government."

After that, Nie Tian did not delay, turned and left.

"Nie Tian, ​​will you attend tomorrow's military meeting?" Mo Ruzhen took Nie Tian and asked softly.

Nie Tian smiled lightly and said: "Tomorrow's military meeting is not important, but I have something to solve, so I will still participate."

Nie Tian did not intend to participate in the Moyang City Wushu, but he promised that Tang Xie would kill Ba Ziliang, and the Moyang City Wushu was a good opportunity, so he could only participate in it.

With his current strength, confidence can easily kill Ba Ziliang.

"Then I will also participate." Mo Ruqi nodded very seriously.

Nie Tian joked: "Miss Murray, you still want to beat me, are you?"

"What is it?" Mo Ruyi looked dissatisfied and looked at Nie Tiandao: "I am now a dual strength of Yuanling, and my spirit is very powerful. It is easy to defeat you."

Nie Tian smiled silently, did not argue for anything, and said: "Then we will see you at the military meeting."

Anyway, the military will be very boring to Nie Tian, ​​and there is nothing to play with the ink.

"Well, I will be able to beat you."

Nie Tian no longer said more, leave immediately.

"Hey, what strength is Nie Tian now?" Mo Ruyi has not seen the strength of Nie Tian, ​​and asked Mo Tai.

Mo Tai sighed and said: "Yuan Ling is two."

"Yuan Ling is two!" Mo Ruzhen was amazed and said, "I didn't expect this shameless person to awaken Yuan Ling."

"If you are not his opponent, if you meet him tomorrow, don't be too reluctant." Motai knows that Nie Tian will not hurt Mo Ruyi, but he is worried that Mo Ruo is too stubborn.

"Oh, I know." Ink is not the kind of unreasonable gimmick. It is not important to know that the military meeting of tomorrow is not important. At night, Nie Tian and Nie’s family will be dealt with by the blood bat door.

Nie Tian returned to Nie, and immediately came to the lobby.

After a few moments, several elders and deacons of the Nie family arrived.

Four elders, two deacons, this is the strong spirit of all the Nie family.

"Home, you can count it back. Tomorrow is the Moyang City Wuhui, the homeowner must be the head of the Wuhui for the Nie family." Nie Wenyuan saw Nie Tian, ​​very excited, said aloud.

Nie Tian nodded lightly and said: "Nothing happened in Nie's days?"

Nie Wenyuan replied: "No, I don't know why, the people in Bajia are very quiet and have no trouble finding Nie."

Nie Tian shook his head slightly.

The Bajia waiting for the blood bat door to come, and then destroy the city government and Nie, in one fell swoop, of course, will not act rashly.

"Oh, yes, Nie Santong suddenly disappeared. I don't know where to go?" Nie Wenyuan added.

"It may be that Nie Jia can't stay, and find another way out. Just don't care about him." Nie Tian smiled calmly. He didn't admit that he killed Nie Santong. He didn't want to bring any shock to Nie. After all, Nie Santong has some power in Nie.

"The elders, the Lord has something to say, don't be excited after you listen." Nie Tian no longer squandered, intending to say things about the blood bat door.

"Yeah." Nie Wenyuan did not know what medicine was sold in Nie Tianlu, but the latter was not right, and his heart could not help but sink a few points.

Nie Tian glanced at the crowd and said everything about the blood bat door.

After listening to Nie Wenyuan and others, they all looked at each other and did not dare to believe Nie Tian’s words.

Who can think that the Nie family tragedy was actually the blood bat door three years ago, and it still colluded with the Pakistani family.

Nie Tian did not give everyone the time to react, but said: "After tomorrow's military meeting, you will accompany me to the city's main government, and the people of the blood bat door will fight."

"Good!" Nie Wenyuan first responded, and the first one stood up and promised loudly.

Nie Tian is the owner of the house, and Nie and the blood bat door have no share of the enemy, Nie Wenyuan must support him.

Nie Wenyuan promised that others could only nod.

After everyone nodded, Nie Tian took out the explosion Yuan Dan and handed it to Nie Wenyuan, and briefly explained the use of the explosion Yuan Dan.

Explosive Yuandan can temporarily increase the strength of the warrior, but it has great side effects. After taking it, there will be a month of weakness.

Three explosive Yuan Dan, Nie Wenyuan left one, and the remaining two gave the two strongest elders.

To confess this, Nie Tian returned to his room, and he needed a good rest to meet the battle of tomorrow.

At the same time, the Pakistani family, the lobby.

At this moment, sitting above the main position is not rude, but the altar of the blood bat door, Xiong Ba.

"Bad brother, you have a good son. Ziliang is very good, can represent our altar to enter the general rudder." Xiong Ba looked at the Pakistani Liang just closed, haha ​​laughed.

"The altar has won the prize." Ba rudely returned to the road and looked respectful.

Ba Ziliang closed out, the strength reached the five spirits of the Yuanling, the whole body is strong and strong, said: "The altar master, as long as you help me to get the Bajia city of Moyang, Ziliang must go to the main rudder, glory for the altar. ”

"Good!" Xiong Ba haha ​​smiled and said: "With your words, the Lord of the Lord gave you two kinds of gifts, which will surely make you shine on the tomorrow's military meeting, killing the Quartet!"

Xiongba said, slightly turning the space-time ring on his hand, and suddenly two things appeared as a trick.

"This is..." Ba Ziliang saw these two things, his eyes are straight!