MTL - Heavenly Monarch of All Times-Chapter 24 Shocking everyone

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When Nie Tian’s words were exported, the audience was dead, and even the sound of breathing could not be heard.

Everyone's eyes are concentrated on Nie Tian, ​​everyone's expression is like saying: Are you crazy?

The Yuanmai Jiuwu Warrior, who challenged the Yuanling Siwu Warrior, also had to fight the other party within three strokes.

In this case, only the madman can say it.

Nie Wenyuan also stunned, and Nie Tian couldn't speak for a long time, but he was already crying and crying in his heart: "Nie Tian, ​​Nie Tian, ​​you are really my little ancestor, what kind of trouble?" Yuanmai Jiuzhong strength challenges Yuanling Sizhong, are you not giving people a face?"

Nie Santong was very proud, his mouth raised inadvertently, and he sneered in his heart: "Nie Tian, ​​said that you are an idiot, you are really stupid to get home. A **** of Yuan Yuan Jiu Jiu, who wants to challenge Yuan Ling Siwu , saying that you are not a fool, I don’t believe in killing me."

"Ha ha ha!" After a long while, Ba Ziliang broke out of hysterical laughter. "Nie Tian, ​​this is what you said, this young master can not have * you! Ben Shao today will not be a dog, the word is written backwards !"

"Ha ha ha, Nie Jia's family is really a waste, not only a waste, but also a fool, actually challenge our family two young masters, I really don't know how to write dead words?"

"Yes. Nie Tian challenged our two young masters. It was just a big knife on the head of the mouse, and it started to fight the cat! Haha!"

"Let's wait and see the show. The second young master will definitely be able to recognize Nie Tian's old lady."

The Pakistani warrior, laughing and laughing, can not afford to laugh.

"Nie Tian, ​​are you crazy?" At this time, Mo Ruzhen also came over and looked at Nie Tian with surprise.

Nie Tian glanced at Mo Ruyi and said faintly: "If you look at it, I will give you a lesson today, let you know that no matter what enemy you face, as long as there is no fear, there will be a chance!" ”

"Nie Tian, ​​you crazy! Stupid! Fool!" Where did Mo Ruyi listen to Nie Tian's words, anxiously screaming.

Mo Ruyan suddenly turned around and said to Mo Taidao behind him: "Hey, you can stop Nie Tian, ​​don't let him and Bazi shine."

Motai is calm and faint: "There is a fair fight between them. As long as the two sides are willing, even if I am a city owner, I have no right to intervene."

Indeed, Motai does not have the power to interfere with the normal challenges between the warriors.

However, he would like to take a look at what strength Nie Tian is.

At the time, Mo Ruyi had told him everything.

Motai looked at Nie Tian and seemed to want to see him through, but unfortunately, he could not see it at all.

Motai frowned slightly, and said in his heart: "Nie Tian, ​​you said that you can help you to awaken Yuan Ling. If you say that you killed a red flame tiger, a cold snake king, and even killed three Yuan Lingwu. The city owner wants to see if you really have this strength."

Motai thought very clearly. Although Mo Ruyi said it was incredible and even illusory, he chose to believe that there was only a chance.

The biggest heart disease of Motai in recent years is the spirit of Mo Ruyi. As long as he can let the ink sorrow awaken, he will be willing to do it himself.

This is his fatherly love for ink! You can sacrifice everything yourself!

If Nie Tianzhen defeats Ba Ziliang, it proves that what Mo Ruyi said is true.

If Nie Tian loses to Ba Ziliang, or is killed by Ba Ziliang, then Nie Tian can only be a joke.

Motai has his own plans, and Nie Tian also has plans.

He challenged Ba Ziliang, not a momentary impulse, but a well-thought-out choice.

At this moment, in order to relieve the plight of the Nie family, we must rely on the power of Motai.

In order to let Meteor believe that he has the power to help the ink to awaken Yuan Ling, he must first prove himself.

Defeat Ba Ziliang, this is the perfect time for Nie Tian to prove himself.

"Everyone let it go!" Nie Tian stepped forward and was very strong.

Ba rudely waved to the Bajia people behind him, and the Bajiawu people stepped back, leaving enough room for fighting.

"Zi Liang, don't keep your hand, one hit will kill!" Ba rudely said directly to Ba Ziliang, not to avoid the Nie family.

"Hey, rest assured! Within the three strokes, if Nie Tian can still gasp, I will not surname it!" Ba Ziliang looked fierce, his voice was hoarse.

"Hey." Nie Tian smiled lightly, jokingly said: "Ba Ziliang, it seems that you can't surname the bar in the future."

"Nie Tian, ​​you are dead, and you dare to die! Let's die!" Ba Ziliang could not wait, after the people retreated, he couldn't wait any longer, screaming and shooting directly.

"Fire palm!" Ba Ziliang violently slammed out, the air actually appeared glare.

In the face of the strong attack of Ba Ziliang, Nie Tian brows no wrinkles, his feet are not moving, his arms suddenly lifted up, and a punch hit.

It is also the **** of war!

"Hey!" The fists of the fists intersected, and the eruption was like a crisp sound like a pair of gold stones.

Everyone is holding their breath, and most people have already sketched out the scene in which Nie Tian was shot by a palm.

The next moment, to everyone's surprise, Nie Tian and Ba Ziliang both retreated at the same time.

Nie Tian retired five steps, and Ba Ziliang retired three steps.

Nie Tian stabilized his body and smiled a little. He said in his heart: "The Yuanwu four-strong warrior is really extraordinary. Even though I am awakened by the power of two stars, the absolute strength is still slightly inferior."

At this time, Nie Tian, ​​who has awakened the power of two stars, plus the power of nine Yuan Yuan, and the bonus of the War of the Emperor, the punch is absolutely more than 10,000 pounds.

But Rao is so, his strength is still weaker than Ba ​​Ziliang.

After all, Ba Ziliang is a four-armed warrior of the Yuanling. The awakening of the Yuanling is a qualitative leap for the warrior.

"This is impossible!" Ba Ziliang stabilized his body, even though his first move took the upper hand, his face was not a pleasure, but a huge shock!

Nie Tian actually blocked his positive palm!

This is simply impossible!

Nie Tian is only the strength of the district's Yuanmai, how could it block the Yuanwu four-powered attacker.

It’s amazing!

It’s too ridiculous!

It is beyond the understanding of everyone.

When the audience was shocked, the bar was bright, and everyone was wide-eyed and dreamingly watching the scene.

"My God! He really has the strength to fight with the Pakistani!" Nie Wenyuan first responded and directly lost his voice.

Others are just like ghosts, they are going crazy.

"Impossible, this is impossible, Ziliang must not make all the effort." Bar rude is also stupid, obsessed.

"Nie Tian, ​​you, you, do you really have the strength to fight with the Pakistani?" Nie Santong also stunned, and the whole people began to tremble.

The more horrible the strength of Nie Tian’s performance, the more he is afraid.

Only the reaction of Motai was normal, and a smile appeared in the corner of his mouth. He said in his heart: "Nie Tian, ​​it seems that everything is true."

"Nie Tian, ​​I···" Mo Ruyi also reacted from the shock, the small mouth opened, but the following words could not be said.

Suddenly, she seems to be aware of something, and her heart blames: "Mo Ru Ruo, why are you worried about this shameless person? He is so bad, he always takes advantage of you."

Thinking so, the ink is so inexplicably red.

The battle between Nie Tian and Ba Ziliang continued.

Nie Tian looked at Ba Ziliang and said faintly: "Ba Ziliang, the first move, you have two opportunities, after two moves, you will not surname."

"Hurricane!" Ba Ziliang calmed down, roared, and there was a long sword running behind him.

This is his spirit, the flame sword!

The spirit of the army is the most powerful element of the three major classes.

The sword spirit is the most terrible existence among the soldiers.

The sword is the head of the hundred soldiers!

The power is big, you can imagine.

"It is actually the most horrible sword spirit to attack, no wonder you are so arrogant." Nie Tian looked at the flame sword behind Ba Ziliang, slightly frowned.

"Nie Tian, ​​you are not too stupid, can die under my flame sword, is your blessing!" Ba Ziliang appeared the flame sword spirit, the heart is already well-founded, Nie Tian is in his eyes, already A dead person.

However, Nie Tian smiled a bit and said: "There is a fourth-order spirit in the district, and I want to kill me. I don't want to help myself! I would like to ask, where are you confident?"

Nie Tian saw that the flame of the sword was the fourth-order spirit.

Most of the warriors can only awaken the first-order to the third-order Yuanling, and awaken the fourth-order Yuanling. Baziliang is considered a genius.

Nie Tianxin smiled softly: "It seems that Ba Ziliang has some strength. If he wants to defeat him, he must come up with some real skills."

"If you die, you can dare to speak big words and find death!" Ba Ziliang was angered again, roaring, and a sword stabbed, "The flames are empty!"

The flame sword rushed out, and an amazing fire column appeared, directly hitting Nie Tian.

Nie Tian was not afraid of danger, but there was a broken sword in his hand.

This broken sword is exactly what he used to be a sword.

"Old buddy, relying on you." Nie Tian smiled lightly, and the sword smashed out of the sky.

This time, he still uses the moves of the Jiuji God of War, the God of War!

The power of the stars cooperates with the **** of war, and the sword is a great victory for the sword.

"Hey!" The pillar of fire and the swordsman collided together, and the glare of the spark, like an explosion, turned into an invisible air wave in the air, and stirred up.

The surrounding crowd stepped back and looked horrified.

The second move, the two sides draw!

Once again, the audience fell into silence.

The first move is to lose the Pakistani bright, the second move is to flatten the bar, and the third move is not to...

The most terrifying thing is that Nie Tian’s shot directly broke the martial arts cognition of everyone.

Everyone believes that Yuanwuwu is unlikely to reach a volley attack.

And Nie Tian?

Not only the volley attack, but even the amazing swordsman.

This is simply a ghost.

Is it hard to be Nie Tian is a enchanting?

This move, the reason why Nie Tian can flatten the bar, is not to say that his strength is above Ba Ziliang, but because his kendo comprehension is far above Ba Ziliang.

Nie Tian's past life is the strongest of the Kendo peak, and the sword does not know how many famous swordsmen died.

Ba Ziliang and his swords are simply small mud and dragons than the waves, weak burst!

Nie Tian did not care about the reaction of everyone, but looked at Ba Ziliang and said faintly: "Bazi Liang, the second move, the next third move, knocking you down!"