MTL - Heavenly Lord of the Myriad Realms-Chapter 746 Undercurrent of the Holy Spirit (1)

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The huge body of the virtual Shenzhou is galloping in the void.

Numerous war shackles and dragons are densely packed with decks and cabins that are sacred, and countless energy weapons extend from the bow, stern and thick side of the armor, with a chilling Helium points to the square.

A total of three hundred flagship-class ferry Shenzhou, with a fixed proportion of 100,000-mile, 10,000-mile, thousands of miles of auxiliary Shenzhou, the huge fleet is like a group of deep-sea hunting giants, rapid shuttle in the void.

In all directions, there are a few big and small flashes everywhere.

Every flash of light represents a collapse of the world and represents the annihilation of countless beings. The whole Da Luotian completely lost the order, and the discovery of countless ambitious demons and giants, the horror mountains that have been pressed against their heads for thousands of years have disappeared, so they immediately rose up and excitedly shot to become the new big Luotian giant. And struggle.

They don't care about ecological protection and sustainable development.

They believe in the weak and strong food, and the strong ones win, but if they do not return, they will be destroyed. In any case, there are countless worlds in the world for the ravages and destruction of them, so every day there are countless worlds where fireworks are released.

Chu Tian’s flagship, mixed with the ancestors of the ancestors, is a glimpse of the children and grandchildren who have escaped.

The world of Mad Cow Mountain was completely destroyed, and more than a dozen giant stars that were detonated played a frightening destructive power. The children and grandchildren of the celestial ancestors, except the men who are chasing the enemy who are attacking, the other son-in-law, relatives, and so on.

Some of the calf scorpions are depressed these days, and they can't afford to be able to fight. The singer is screaming loudly with his unique set of living ideas.

"Isn't that a woman? Man, husband, as long as the arms and legs are still there, as long as they can fight, they can kill, how can a husband have no wife? Ha, we are going to the Holy Spirit Day, the little girl of the Holy Spirit, comparable Luo Tian’s girl is more watery!”

"Small nephews, Lao Tzu tells you that when you go to the Holy Spirit, you are truly enjoying it."

"In Da Luotian, you never know what the woman you are hooking up... The fox is still good, the sow is fine... you don't think... Hehe... even, a sly singer... Oh, it’s disgusting to think of it..."

"When the Holy Spirit is reached, it is different. It is all the sisters of the spiritual spirits! The Terran, or the Dragon, or the Phoenix, or the Unicorn... Hey, Lao Tzu tells you, the Phoenix How many women are there... You look at the flower girl who is locked in the cabin, she is the Phoenix!"

"There are countless women in the Holy Spirit! There are countless sites in the Holy Spirit Day! Those jars that have been broken, there will be... the destroyed nest, there will be... the little enchanting who will be killed, there will be !"

"Catch your fists and look at your fists! Hold your stick and hold him tight!" The singer screamed loudly: "Go to the Holy Spirit, as long as you have fists, sticks, and Can play, but also fight... nothing will be missing! No shortage!"

Chutian and his party quietly listened to the roaring roar of the celestial ancestors.

A group of burdocks were tempted by him, and they screamed loudly and screaming.

The tiger on the side of the tiger licked a roast beef leg, and while tearing the fresh and juicy calf meat on the side, he said with a loud voice: "It’s a group of good seedlings. Joining the three towns of our town, hey, nothing will be lacking. Oh, look at the strength of their barking, they are all good seedlings!"

The tiger cub smiled happily, and Chu Tian snorted.

In the face of a group of cow demon roast beef legs ... tiger cub, you do, okay?

Shaking his head, Chu Tian turned and looked at the innocent void in front. The imaginary Shenzhou is galloping, and there is a ray of light in front of it. The chaos between the monsters and monsters of Da Luotian has become more and more chaotic, killing everywhere, fighting everywhere, and a floating body can be seen everywhere in the void.

Terrible, terrible.

There is a general conclusion in Chu Tian’s heart that the chaos of Da Luotian is caused by the fox and the sorrowful brothers and sisters, or by some people. They assassinated the tyrannical side of Da Luotian, the demon scorpion of the suppression side, plus a little bit of exaggeration that does not require too clever means, these demon ghosts naturally began crazy killing.

In the three-day power, Da Luotian was completely abolished.

The demon scorpions who were assassinated, and there is no shortage of the power of the 12th Heaven and Earth Peaks, which is equivalent to the blood sea devil's strength. According to the power of the three days, the 12th Heaven and Earth Peak has already It is the strongest force that a monk in the three-day power can master!

If you are strong again, you can only break through the rebellious realm from the 12th peak of the road!

In the high heavens, there is a rebellious way to sit in the town, and there is also the Holy Spirit Day, but there is no Da Luotian.

Perhaps this is why Da Luotian was the first to be the target. Because there is no master of rebellion, the soft persimmons of the persimmons, the foxes and the foxes, and the people behind them, naturally chose the big Luo Tianshou.

"Hey, you said, will they continue to work on the Holy Spirit Day and the High Heaven?" Chu Tian glanced at the nephew standing next to him.

In the nephew's nephew, there was a layer of light, and at this moment, her gaze penetrated the void and landed on the unpredictable fate. His eyes were like a torch, and he swept through the vast river of destiny in an instant, and then a huge wave screamed and rushed over.

The nephew snorted, and her body trembled, stepping back one step later, and two lines of fine blood on the big eyes of the eyes flowed down.

Chu Tian frowned. He hurriedly took out his handkerchief and helped his nephew to clean the blood on his face. He asked: "How? The other side is also very powerful, and master the power of destiny?"

The aunt took a breath and closed his painful eyes. "Not mastering, but disturbing... I can feel that the power of existence is not the power of destiny, but his cultivation is too powerful. It is so powerful that he can use his own strength to forcibly come to the fate of the river, to disturb the trajectory of fate, and to ban all means of using the fate of the river."

My aunt was a little uneasy and muttered to himself: "Before, this kind of thing hasn't happened yet. In these few days, this terrible guy, he has only come to the fate of the past few days, covering everything with his power. ”

"I want to cover the show!" Chu Tian nodded, Shen Sheng said: "They do this, but more and more representative, there are foxes and worries, there are powerful forces behind... There are foxes and foxes Hey, they don't have this long river that can withstand the fate of occupation."

Chu Tian suddenly asked a little worried: "The old group of the Holy Spirit days, suddenly so arrogantly held a battle for heaven and earth ... is it difficult to have a relationship with them?"