MTL - Heartwarming Kiss-Chapter 65 watch the sunset with you

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   Chapter 65 Watch the sunset with you

  The room that Huang Yujing prepared for her is very spacious, the lighting is also very good, the decoration is simple, and every piece of furniture feels expensive.

   "Your brother's room is next door. If you need anything, you can ask him or tell your mother. Since we are a family, don't be polite. My mother said that if you want to make up for it, you will do what you say." Huang Yujing's eyes are full of kindness.

Without waiting for her to say anything, he took her to the side and pushed open the secret door. Inside was another world. The left side was full of new clothes of the season. It's an accessory, with a bag on the top layer.

   It looks like I spent a lot of money just to decorate this house.

  Huang Yujing deliberately observed her expression and thought she would see a surprise in her eyes, but she was disappointed. Su Yunxiu's expression was very calm since she came in, like a pool of stagnant water.

   I was a little frustrated. I felt that my daughter and her were separated by a gap that could not be bridged. No matter how good she was to her, there was no way to bridge it.

  Since last month, she has been restless in her sleep, and she will always dream of a certain scene in the past, and then she thinks of her owed daughter, thinking that after bringing her back, she may be able to reduce some guilt.

"like or not?"


  Huang Yujing patted her back: "If you like it, then mom will go out first, you have a good rest, and I will call you for dinner later."


   "Besides um, don't you have anything else to say?" Huang Yujing said in frustration.

   She is also her biological mother anyway, so there is no need to make the relationship so rigid.

   Thinking about the fact that she didn't pay attention back then, she regretted that her daughter didn't get close to her. No wonder it was the result of her own actions.

  Su Yunxiu slowly raised her eyes, there was less light in them.

   "Okay, walk slowly without sending."

   Huang Yujing: "…"

   I almost couldn't bring it up in one breath.

   "Then I'll go first, you have a good rest, have a good relationship with your brother, and go to him if you have anything."

  Su Yunxiu nodded irritably, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that this was meant to deal with her.

   What a joke!

   Looking for Zhou Zheng for something?

   Then she might as well solve it by herself.

   Finally waiting for her to go out, Su Yunxiu went to the balcony and found that the scenery outside the window was surprisingly beautiful, with pink in the yellow sunset.

   couldn't help but took a picture and sent it to Yu Wenci.

  Su Yunxiu: [Look! Does it look good? 】

  Yu Wenci: [It seems that it has arrived, Xiu Xiu wants to use the clouds to confess to me? 】

  Su Yunxiu doesn't know why this person thinks of this.

   The next second, he sent an explanation.

   Yu Wenci: [Look at the piece in the left corner, does it look like a love? 】

  Su Yunxiu raised her head and looked over again. She didn't pay attention when she took the photo just now. When he said that, she saw it too.

  Su Yunxiu: [Really! pretty! 】

   Yu Wenci: [Xiuxiu, how are you thinking about what I said before? Would you like to change my identity? 】

  Su Yunxiu already had the answer in her heart, but she still wanted to tell him personally.

  Su Yunxiu: [Yu Wenci, when you come back, I will tell you personally, okay? 】

   Yu Wen's speech: [Good]

   The two chatted for a while, and Yu Wenci finally had a video call with her, with the setting sun on his side in the background.

   "How do you show me this?"

   "This can be regarded as watching the sunset with you".

   Watching the sunset with someone you like is something Su Yunxiu thinks is very romantic, and she also thought that she would not only watch the sunset but also the sunrise with her boyfriend in the future.

   Xu Mu didn't fulfill her wish, but Yu Wenci could fulfill it for her.

   Such a man, how can people not be moved.

   "When I come back, do you want to go to the mountain to watch the sunrise?" Yu Wenci asked.

  Su Yunxiu's heart was gently moved, she said, "I want to."

  's voice was a little low, and she was afraid that Yu Wenci would not hear clearly and repeated: "I want you to accompany me to watch the sunrise".

   "Okay, accompany you".

   The two chatted casually again, and it was not until there was a knock on the door outside the house that the two of them realized that time had passed so quickly unknowingly.

call ended.

  Su Yunxiu went to open the door, Zhou Zheng leaned lazily against the door frame.

"How did you come?"

   "My dad asked me to come over and call you to eat, otherwise you think I'd like to come over?" Zhou Zheng stood up straight and reluctantly said, "Let's go."

  Su Yunxiu frowned and did not move.

  If she read it right just now, the emotion in Zhou Zheng's eyes just now was... pity?

   She hadn't figured it out yet. Zhou Zheng, who was in front of her, didn't take two steps. She felt that the people behind her were not keeping up. She turned around strangely: "Why are you holding on? Let's go!"

   She came back to her senses: "Oh".

   Zhou Zheng was originally walking in front, but when he reached the entrance of the stairs, he stopped and waited for a few seconds before reaching out to stop her.

  Su Yunxiu raised her eyebrows: "Is something wrong?"

   "Although you are back, let me remind you that everything in the Zhou family belongs to me, you outsiders don't think too much about things."

   Is this young master afraid that she will fight for the family property?

   "Don't worry, I have no interest in the Zhou family's stuff".

   If it wasn't for Huang Yujing, she probably wouldn't have come back. Anyway, she went back after her birthday.

   "Better so". Zhou Zheng retracted his gaze and went downstairs with his hands in his pockets.

   "Xiu Xiu is down! You can eat, you are too thin, eat more tonight." Huang Yujing took her into the restaurant and was arranged to sit beside her.

Opposite    are the Zhou family and their son.

   Auntie's dishes are ready, Zhou Zheng sees a needle.

   "Aunt Huang, you asked Auntie to prepare so many dishes, I'm afraid some people will not appreciate it." Picking up the courier, he whispered, "Why did you go early?"

   Huang Yujing didn't hear the next sentence clearly, but Su Yunxiu heard it clearly, her fair face remained calm, and she was too lazy to pay attention to the eldest young master.

   Zhou Zheng also felt boring when he saw this.

   recalled the conversation he accidentally overheard when he was passing by the study just now. He was a manly man and almost fell down. No wonder it took so long to bring him back. There was a reason.

  It turns out that this guy doesn't seem to know the truth that her mother will pick her up. It's really pitiful to have been kept secret for so long. As for the content behind him, he didn't understand clearly.

   Zhou Zheng wondered if she would be so calm and arrogant by then.

   "By the way, I want to go out tomorrow". Su Yunxiu said, "I won't come back for dinner at night."

  Huang Yujing snorted, a little unhappy in her words: "Mom still wants you to go for a walk on the street here, is it important? If it's not important, just dismiss it."

   "Important, I'm going to pick up someone at the airport".

   "Pick up someone? Could it be the person you said in the car?"


"I disagree". Huang Yujing's face was not very good.

  Su Yunxiu: "I didn't ask you to agree or disagree, I'm just telling you".

   "It is not safe for girls to go home at night".

   "Rest assured, I am not alone and will not be unsafe".

   Huang Yujing: "…"

   Sure enough, the wings were hard.

   He was well-behaved when he was a child, but now he is more and more stubborn as he grows up.

   The important thing is said three times: the heroine will not marry! Not getting married! Not getting married!



   (end of this chapter)