MTL - Heartwarming Kiss-Chapter 350 Extra Story × Pregnancy

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  Chapter 350 Extra Story × Pregnancy

  After dealing with the noodles prepared by Yu Wenci, Su Yunxiu went back upstairs to sleep.

  During the period, Yu Wenci went back to the room to take a look to see that she was well covered with the quilt, and then went back to the study to continue working in peace.

  Days passed, and Su Yunxiu's belly gradually grew. Her due date is still several months away. Although it is still early, the house is already full of things.

   There are also more books about pregnancy in Yu Wenci's study room. It is precisely because she has done her homework that she did not experience any anxiety during the entire pregnancy.

  On the Internet, it is said that the mood of pregnant women is uncertain, but Yu Wenci feels that his little girl is not at all what the Internet said.

  Her mood is relatively stable, her appetite is bigger than before, and she loves to be coquettish and clingy, which is a good thing in his opinion.

  In the first three months, Yu Wenci would let her go to the theater group to participate in choreography. As her belly continued to grow, she rarely went back to the theater, and basically worked at home like Yu Wenci.

   It is said that sour children are hot girls. Subtly, Su Yunxiu has been particularly fond of eating sour food since she was pregnant, so that both of them subconsciously felt that the belly must be a boy.

  As her body got heavier, Su Yunxiu's weight also skyrocketed. At this time, she began to dislike herself in the mirror, and would throw a proposition to Yu Wenci every time.

  If he showed a little hesitation at this time, the little ancestor felt that he was suspected of being perfunctory, so that his reaction speed was much faster.

   It’s another Spring Festival. This year’s Spring Festival is the same as last year. The only thing that remains the same is that there is a new member in the family.

  The sound of firecrackers outside kept ringing in my ears, and Su Yunxiu rarely felt sleepy, so she nestled on the small sofa on the balcony with Yu Wenci to enjoy the moonlight.

   "Is it cold?"

"not cold". Su Yunxiu shook his head, and looked down at himself covered with a thick blanket, how could he be cold.

  Yu Wenci touched her hand, it was indeed warm, and after reassuring, he put his hand on Su Yunxiu's stomach.

   "I hope the baby will always be so good, so that you will suffer less."

  Su Yunxiu smiled: "I haven't suffered much, do you think I'm very clingy now?"

  She is aware of this change in herself, but she and he can't do anything about it. They tried to control it several times, but they couldn't.

   "No, it's good to be clingy. Pregnancy is so hard, I can't share anything else for you. If doing it can make you feel better, then do it. Anyway, I love you."

  The two of them had a warm conversation, and once the spigot was opened, they couldn't hold back. They talked about the baby's appearance and personality, and what the baby's name should be after birth.

   "If my daughter's personality is definitely like yours, if it's my son, I hope my personality is also like yours." Yu Wenci's long eyebrows stretched out, and the center of his eyebrows moved slightly, as gentle as water.

   "Why?" Su Yunxiu's apricot eyes opened wide with clear black and white: "I can understand that my daughter is like you, but my son is still like you."

  Sunshine and gentle personality, I don't know how attractive he is.

   "It is said on the Internet that if you look at the beautiful photos, the baby born in the future will also look good. I will color print some cute baby photos tomorrow and post them up."

   I don't know where I read this, but Su Yunxiu felt that it would be better to believe something than nothing.

   It doesn’t hurt to try it out.

  Yu Wenci: "."

  Actually, he thinks it’s okay not to use it.

   Their good looks are already there, even if they don't post photos, the baby's good looks won't be that bad, but she's in such a good mood, Yu Wenci doesn't want to dampen her enthusiasm, so post it if you want.

   It was precisely because of this thought that Su Yunxiu began to work in the room after the Spring Festival ended and returned to the home belonging to the two of them.

  Yu Wenci thought that even if she was asked to post, she would not be able to post much, but when she returned from work, she found that she had posted a lot on the entire wall.

   I was so shocked that I didn't know what to say.

  He thought in his heart that only three or four posts would be enough, but in the end she posted too much.

  Su Yunxiu patted the non-existent dust on his hands very satisfied, and said with a smile: "How about it, isn't it cute?"

   "Honey, the two of us don't look particularly bad. If it's up to the mark, it shouldn't be so ugly, so there's no need to post so many photos."

  He glanced around, and finally asked: "And you wake up in the middle of the night and see these photos, don't you feel scared?"


   It seems quite reasonable.

   Waking up in the middle of the night and seeing these by the moonlight is indeed quite scary.

  Su Yunxiu thought about it and decided to tear off the photo. Fortunately, she didn't stick it very firmly and would not leave marks on the wall.

   It would be impossible to throw away these photos. Su Yunxiu made it look like a photo album, so that you can look through it when you have nothing to do.

  Yu Wenci raised her wrist and glanced at the time. It was getting late, and urged her to wash up and rest.

   It's okay not to say, but when she said she was so sleepy she yawned, then went to take a shower and got ready to rest.

   When she was in the late pregnancy, she didn't sleep so comfortably at night, and even her appetite was not as big as before.

  When I go to sleep at night, my legs still have cramps in the middle of the night, and I often have nightmares.

   Once in the middle of the night, he vaguely heard someone crying, and subconsciously woke up to find that the little girl next to him was sitting there crying. He was so frightened that he quickly turned on a light and asked her what was wrong.

  Su Yunxiu was sobbing, there were still wet tears on her cheeks, the tip of her small nose and the center of her eyebrows were a little red, like an abandoned kitten, feeling aggrieved.

   "What's the matter baby, are you having nightmares again?"

"Um". Su Yunxiu nodded and opened his arms.

  With a simple action, Yu Wenci hugged her into his arms almost without thinking, took out the tissue on the bedside table, wiped her tears carefully, and sighed.

   It was this sigh that successfully made Su Yunxiu think wrongly.

   "Why are you sighing? Do you think I'm troublesome? It's very annoying. Are you ready to abandon me just like in your dream?"

   What is this all about?

  Yu Wenci was about to be overwhelmed by this little ancestor's brain.

   Sure enough, she can't let her watch some messy news before going to bed.

   Otherwise she would start thinking wildly.

  Yu Wenci coaxed softly: "Sighing is because your pregnancy is so hard, there is no way to help you relieve it, and it makes you sleep restlessly at night, and I blame myself."

   "And dreams are the opposite, you and your child will be safe, don't think too much."

  Su Yunxiu's mood gradually stabilized, and she was still lying on him. Only in this way can she feel a little more secure.

  Yu Wenci kissed the top of her hair, and patted her back with a big palm: "Go to sleep."

"Um". The little girl rubbed her hands dependently, and closed her eyes again.

  (end of this chapter)