MTL - Heads Up Hollywood-Chapter 1136 My waste, your treasure

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NBC's acquisition of Sony Entertainment was a success.

But for Steve Burke, there are still many difficulties he needs to overcome and solve.

The core asset of Sony Entertainment is Columbia Pictures, but in the past few years, its performance has been very poor, and it has even lost money in the past year.

You know, Columbia Pictures also has a very glorious history in Hollywood.

The copyright inventory of 2,850 movies is not the first in Hollywood, but among these movies, Columbia has independent copyrights for 2,700 movies!

The number of rights Columbia Pictures fully controls, which has surpassed Warner Bros. and is second only to New Universal.

After all, New Universal has mastered the two major film libraries of Universal Pictures and MGM, which is too large.

Not only that, Columbia Pictures has been a leader in the television industry for the past few decades, with 260 TV series with a total of 23,000 episodes.

There is a consensus in Hollywood that movies are only the brand image of the studios, and TV is the big money maker.

Over the past few years, Columbia Pictures' film and television production has been bogged down.

That's what Steve Burke had to tackle first.

Tonight, all the bigwigs in Hollywood will make an appearance. Warner, Disney, Paramount, DreamWorks, Legendary Pictures, Lionsgate Pictures... Even the heads of many TV stations have also appeared.

For Steve Burke, it was two people who were most interested - Spielberg and Dunn Walker.

Spielberg has been very embarrassed this past month.

His personal film "War of the Worlds" didn't fare as well as expected. Although it is not a loss, it is too far from the box office forecast of 1 billion US dollars.

It's really hard to save DreamWorks' performance through this movie.

On the other hand, the commercial blockbuster "Escape from the Clone Island" directed by Michael Bay, which he strongly promoted, failed miserably at the box office!

With an investment of 140 million US dollars, the North American box office was only 24 million US dollars in its first week. I really cried.

Consecutive failures have made DreamWorks even worse, leaving only one way out - selling the property!

At present, DreamWorks is in contact with Paramount, interested in mergers and acquisitions.

Steve Burke is very interested in DreamWorks, which will greatly boost NBC Columbia Pictures' film business.

The movie market has been very active in the past year.

In 2004, the DVD business grew substantially, driving overall home entertainment revenue to $22 billion, including $17 billion in DVD revenue for movies!

You must know that the total box office in North America in 2004 was only 9.3 billion US dollars, and the DVD market is equivalent to recreating two box office markets!

And Hollywood film companies have the right to speak in the DVD industry chain, no less than the box office system.

Other peripheral revenue is also very high, including $470 million in pay-on-demand, $1.48 billion in pay TV licensing, $950 million in TV networks, $660 million in local TV stations, and $2.04 billion in overseas pay TV.

The total peripheral output value reached 22.6 billion US dollars!

If you include derivative copyrights, the total output value will steadily exceed 50 billion US dollars!

The promotion of economic globalization has made Hollywood never so rich.

As things stand, Hollywood is only getting better.

Although the box office of DreamWorks movies is not satisfactory, but DreamWorks movies have big names such as Spielberg and Tom Hanks, and the peripheral income will be very good.

If it can be combined with Columbia Pictures' film library, it will be very useful to launch a reasonable and stable package marketing strategy.

As for Dunn Walker...

Well, according to Steve Burke's understanding of him, it is really difficult to sew wool on Dunn.

New Universal's film business is developing so well, even if the two have a good personal relationship, it is impossible for Dunn to transfer the film business.

The only possibility is TV.

New Universal's TV business mainly includes STA TV Network, Discovery Channel, USA TV Network and Universal TV Production Company.

The STA network, Discovery Channel and Universal Television Productions are at the heart of the new Universal Television business.

Can't move.

In comparison, the USA TV network is really tasteless.

It belongs to the kind of business that is a pity to abandon and tasteless to eat.

Dunn doesn't look down on USA TV's business, but it is very important to Steve Burke. In any case, USA TV also made a profit of 450 million US dollars last year.

Quite a lot!

More than Sony Entertainment as a whole!

NBC's acquisition of Sony Entertainment, the total transaction value is as high as 15 billion US dollars! The asset size of USA TV network is about 5 billion US dollars.

"Steve, are you too impatient?"

Dunn is holding Gal Gadot's arm and walking among the bigwigs, which is equivalent to officially pushing Gal Gadot out. With this level of identity, no one in Hollywood dared to bully her.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Steve Burke came over and talked to him with a smile, which surprised him a little.

Steve Burke sighed, "No way, you didn't see Eisner's attitude just now, it's the same as back then!"

Tang En was a little funny: "The same as back then?"

Steve Burke said indifferently: "DreamWorks collapsed. Katzenberg has been fighting for more than ten years, but he is still his defeat. Maybe he thinks so of me too."

Tang En said calmly: "As of now, you are indeed not his opponent. Except for New Universal, looking at the entire Hollywood, who dares to say that it can stabilize Disney?"

Steve Burke was speechless, "Dawn, you have to give me an idea about this."

Dunn laughed and said, "Steve, we are friends, and Michael and I are also friends. New Universal and Disney have been working together for many years."

Steve Burke rolled his eyes, "There is no need to say such words. Since it is cooperation, it is natural for both parties to reciprocate."

Dunn said cautiously: "Katzenberg is Michael Eisner's underdog. As for you...why don't you join forces? You join forces with Katzenberg, you are in charge of the TV business, he is in charge of the film business, and he leads the NBC Columbia's acquisition of DreamWorks and DreamWorks Animation may not have been without the capital to compete with Disney."

Steve Burke coughed lightly, "DreamWorks Animation's stock price keeps rising, Katzenberg won't sell Even if he sells, we can't afford it. It's in front of me now. Two options, one is DreamWorks, for the movie business; the other is USA Network, for the TV business."

Both companies are about the same price.

"Are you interested in USA TV network?" Dunn's expression was a little weird, this is probably the least potential business of the New Universal TV Media Department.

Steve Burke gritted his teeth and said, "I want to buy the STA TV network. Do I want to eat it? Starz is so popular that its valuation has been pushed up to 20 billion US dollars, which is on the same level as the NBC group!"

Of course, Dunn will not refuse the good things that come to the door, "DreamWorks' publisher is Paramount? The two parties are partners. Since Paramount is interested in DreamWorks, I don't think you have a good chance."

Steve Burke nodded, "For Columbia Entertainment now, it needs more profit. The US TV network's $450 million profit is indeed more important."

Tang En said happily: "That's alright, that's it, you can make an offer! I can declare it in advance. If it's less than $5 billion, don't even think about it."

Steve Burke frowned, paused, and said, "I've been following the USA TV network all this time, and there's a family reality show that I'm very optimistic about."

"Family reality show?"

"The Hilton Family."

Tang En's expression was a little rich, he paused, and said with a smile, "Okay, if you are free, we can go to investigate this reality show together tomorrow."

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