MTL - Harue Kagetsu-Chapter 54

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Have known him for some time.

It was the first time I saw him berate him so sternly.

He looked like he was really angry.

Luo Shen was guilty and a little scared.

In fact, he regretted it a long time ago, when he was just looking for him in the crowd, when he was confused and helpless. But being scolded so much by him, the feeling of joy and relief that had poured out of his heart just because he recognized him was gone, and it turned into a feeling of wanting to cry.

In front of him, not to be outdone, he stood for a moment in a daze, then twisted his body, trying to break free of his hand that was still pressing himself on the stone tablet.

"Let go of me! It hurts!"

She held back the tears that were about to fall and whispered.

Li Mu paused and slowly released the hand that was holding her arm. With a dim light slanting from the side of the Chenghuang Temple, he lowered his head and looked at her expression.

Luoshen bit his lip tightly, turned his face away from him, raised his hand, and rubbed the place he had just pinched with his five fingers.


After a while, he asked her in a low voice, his tone returning to his usual softness.

"You were a little naughty just now. Don't do this next time..."

Luoshen still ignored him.

He hesitated, and reached out, as if to turn her face away.

With a "snack", Luoshen slapped the hand away before the hand touched her.

"Where's my noodle man candy man? Don't worry, you can get it for me!"

She turned her face back and reached out to him for something.

Li Mu was already empty-handed, uh.

"You pay me!"

Li Mu smiled wryly and nodded.

"Okay, okay, let's go back. I bought it for you."

He was almost coaxing her in a low voice.

Only then did Luoshen feel at ease, raised his chin, turned around and walked out from behind the monument.

I turned out after I didn't want to, and in the crowd on the side, suddenly a few children were laughing and chasing.

A child with a lantern in his hand sprinted with his legs spread out, turning his head to call his partner behind him, not noticing the Luoshen in front of him at all.

Luoshen was also unprepared. When he noticed, he hurriedly stopped and wanted to avoid him, but his body reaction was not so fast.

Seeing that she was about to collide with the running child, her waist was suddenly embraced by an arm coming from behind, and as soon as she was retracted, she was rolled around and turned back, back behind the stone tablet.

The child didn't notice it, and ran past the monument like the wind.

Li Mu immediately retracted his arms and let go of her.

Luoshen did not stand firm so quickly.

The strength around her waist that held her up suddenly disappeared, and she swayed under her feet, exclaimed in surprise, and then threw herself forward, sturdy, and threw herself into Li Mu's arms.

The bright moon is like a jade plate, hanging high in the dark blue night sky above Liu Shao's head, quietly placing Qinghui.

There are no stars in the sky, all of them fell into the world tonight and turned into brilliant lights.

In front of the Temple of the City God, there were crowds of people. Countless night tourists, holding lanterns that are like fireflies in their hands, come and go in an endless stream, passing by the side of the stone monument.

No one noticed that in the shadow behind the stone monument on the side of the road, the pair of quiet and motionless figures were leaning against each other.

A young girl's wife accidentally fell into her husband's arms.

Luo Shen's soft body leaned against the man's warm and hard chest like this.

She only clearly felt that her forehead was pressed against his slightly rough chin, and the rest, her mind was blank, she lost her senses and forgot to move.

He didn't move either.

Gradually, in her breath, the news began to resonate with the strong smell of incense floating in the air from the Temple of the City God, and in her ears, the sporadic sounds of laughter from the children running, and the laughter of passers-by, Gradually, it also dissipated in the distant night wind that still carried the chill of spring.

She didn't know how long it had been, but she felt Li Mu move.

He raised his hand, held her arms gently, and asked her in a low voice, "Are you scared just now?"

As he spoke, his chin brushed lightly against her forehead.

The piece of skin on the forehead that was rubbed by the stubble was itchy, as if a small bug had crawled over.

Luoshen finally woke up like a dream, resisted the thought of raising his hand to wipe it, and his face was quietly red.

Slowly she straightened herself up, moved away from him, and shook her head.

Li Mu continued to be silent for a moment.

"So go? Take you to buy Sugar Man?"

he asked again. The tone seemed a little tentative.

Luo Shen shook his head and nodded again.

He laughed.

"Let's go."

Even though the lights were unclear, Luoshen could clearly see the bright and gentle smile in his eyes when he looked at him.

Luo Shen's heart, slowly, was filled with excitement again.

She turned around and followed the same path, heading towards the stall where she had bought candy noodles.

You don't have to look back, you know he's right behind you. Extremely reassuring.

He was about to reach the stall, and suddenly, he heard a commotion from the direction behind him, as if something had happened.

Luoshen turned back and was surprised to see a fire in the direction of the Chenghuang Temple behind him.

There were chaotic cries for help in the wind, and there were faint screams of women and children in the middle.

"It's not good! The Chenghuang Temple is on fire! The incense oil tank has turned over! The fire has burned all over the place! Many people are stuck inside and can't get out-"

Soon, no one in front of him shouted loudly.

The festive and peaceful atmosphere of the night suddenly disappeared.

The streets were crowded. Some people stopped and looked around, some pushed the person in front of them away, turning around and scrambling to see what happened.

Li Mu looked in the direction of the fire, looked back at Luoshen, and saw two yamen in charge of tonight's street patrol running across from him, he immediately stopped and ordered Luoshen to be returned to Li's house.

The yamen was ordered.

Li Mu turned to Luoshen and said in a low voice: "The fire is not small, and there are many people. I will take a look. The street is chaotic, don't stop, go home first."

Luoshen nodded hurriedly: "Be careful!"

Li Mu nodded, and told the yamen a few more times. Seeing that the fire was getting louder and louder in the distance, there was a lot of cries. He pushed aside the crowd in front of him and hurried away.

Not far away, in the streets and alleys where the lights could not shine, a dozen figures quietly sneaked out.

They dress like ordinary passers-by.

The only difference from the passers-by is that they all have a sword hidden in their sleeves.

These ten or so people saw Li Mu go, interspersed among the crowd, and began to move towards Luoshen and slowly surrounded them.

Li Mu ran out for a while, and suddenly stopped.

The incense oil tank in the Temple of the City God is huge, with a diameter of three feet. Today, it is filled with the oil that the people worship, and the oil and the tank are at least hundreds of pounds. It is impossible to overthrow unless several strong men exert their strength together.

This fire is a bit strange.

He turned his head quickly, swept his eyes around, passed through the crowds running and crowded on the street, and landed on a few strange straight backs walking opposite the crowd in the distance.

A shadow flashed across his eyes, he turned and strode back to Luoshen who was still standing on the side of the road talking to the yamen, and instructed the yamen: "The commander will be here soon. You go first, quickly evacuate the crowd, and ask someone to bring sand and soil. , put out the oil fire on the ground first!"

The yamen didn't know why he suddenly changed his mind, but the two of them glanced at each other, knowing that the situation was urgent, and hurried away.

Li Mu turned to Luoshen, who looked at him in confusion, and said, "I'll take you back first." After saying that, he took her hand and led him towards Li's house.

Luoshen was still a little confused. I don't know why he suddenly changed his plan and had to send himself home first.

But since he did it, she would not object, trying to ignore the feeling of being held tightly by him in the street, and walking with him.

Those people saw this, but hesitated for a while, then as if driven by something, instead of retreating, they advanced and kept following behind.

After following a section of dimly lit passers-by, they suddenly quickened their pace and chased after them. They all drew out their swords and formed a line, blocking Li Mu and Luoshen's way.

Luo Shen was stunned by the scene that suddenly happened in front of him.

She opened her eyes wide and stared at the dozen or so murderous strangers who suddenly appeared in front of her with sharp swords.

That's all, what surprised her even more was the faces of these people and their expressions at the moment.

Their faces were red, their muscles were ferocious, and their eyes flashed with bloodthirsty excitement. They didn't look like normal people at all.

Li Mu could see at a glance that these people obviously took the evil medicine that could stimulate people's excitement, make people lose their normal fear, and then increase their attack power.

It is one of the crooked ways that Tianshijiao is best at.

He narrowed his eyes, put his right hand on the hilt of Qingfeng's sword at his waist, and slowly retreated with Luoshen, backed to the wall by the roadside, stopped, blocked her behind him, and said in a low voice, "Don't be afraid. , I'm here! You close your eyes, I tell you to open them, and you open them again."

Luoshen firmly pressed his back against the wall behind him.

She also wanted to listen to him, closed her eyes, and waited for him to open her, and then she opened it again.

But she can't.

She opened her eyes wide and saw the dozens of walking corpses on the opposite side swinging their swords, pulling out a dazzling sword flower, and attacking Li Mu in front of her.

She subconsciously exclaimed, but before she could finish her words, she saw Li Mu draw his sword out of its sheath.

Under the moonlight, a white cold glow.

The sword light passed out, and the two people who attacked at the front, the two sword-wielding hands, were instantly cut off by the sharp sword from the wrist.

The two broken hands, like a conjuration, were instantly separated from the arms, accompanied by a burst of flying blood, flew high, and then thumped, with the sword that has not been released, landed on Luoshen's feet on the ground.

Luo Shen's face was also splattered with a few drops of dirty blood.

Before she could feel the huge fear and shock from the killing and bloodshed that she had never seen in her life, she saw the rest of the people continue to surround and attack Li Mu.

She had no time to be afraid, and she had no time to be afraid.

Full of heart, there is only tension and hope, hoping that Li Mu can kill these terrible people.

The sky was full of blood, and there were flying stumps and broken arms everywhere.

Luo Shen also didn't understand how he could keep his eyes wide open, from beginning to end, watching Li Mu swing his sword, killing people like numbness, killing the dozen or so people in front of him to the ground one by one.

In the end there were only two left.

Those two people looked like leaders.

The blood of the casualties did not cause the two to retreat, but made them even more mad.

From the throats of the two, there was a roaring sound similar to that of a beast, and the swords from left and right joined together, and the swords and swords were all savage attacks.

Luoshen was sweating profusely, leaning against the wall, his hands clenched tightly, his eyes unblinking, watching Li Mu and the two madmen who had lost their minds fighting, suddenly, a man with a broken arm appeared on the ground. The man actually staggered up from the pool of blood, raised his sword, and stabbed Li Mu.

Luoshen's eyes were red, and he shouted "Be careful".

At this moment, I don't know where the courage came from, I bent down and grabbed a broken hand that was still attached to the sword that had fallen beside my feet before, rushed up, pointed the tip of the sword at the man, closed his eyes, and gritted his teeth. He stabbed hard.

"Pfft", and I don't know where the stab was, the man shook it, and the sword in his hand fell to the ground.

The next moment, Li Mu returned to the sword, and a sword light cut off half of the man's head.

Time seemed to stop.

Luoshen froze in place, closing his eyes tightly, until he heard Li Mu's anxious voice calling for him in his ears, Fang tremblingly opened his eyes, and at a glance, he saw the broken one that he was still holding tightly in his hand. He opened his eyes suddenly, and let out a terrifying scream.


She rolled her eyes and fell into Li Mu's arms.

Jingkou Ling, Jiang Tao, Sun Fangzhi and others quickly rushed over, put out the fire, and arrested the remaining accomplices of Tianshijiao.

Li Mu left everything behind and immediately took Luoshen, who had fainted, back home.

When Aju saw Luoshen, whose face was covered in blood and was unconscious again, her face turned pale with fright. Hearing that Li Mu said that she was not injured, but fainted from fright, he hurriedly ran back to the bedroom. After Li Mu put her down, he was busy wiping her blood and changing clothes, cleaned her up, and fed her warm sugar water.

A Ting had just returned home. Hearing the news, he hurriedly helped Lu Shi together.

Luoshen finally woke up leisurely, opened his eyes, saw anxious and familiar faces surrounding the bed, remembered the scene just now, he was still in shock, and his eyes immediately turned to Li Mu, only to meet his eyes, and the circles of his eyes narrowed. Red, tears fell down.

Li Mu's heart hurt to the death, and regardless of the presence of others, he immediately sat by the bed, held her cold hand tightly, and comforted in a low voice.

Lu Shi was by his side and could hear it clearly. Seeing that Luoshen was also awake, knowing that she should be fine except for being frightened, he breathed a sigh of relief, and after comforting Luoshen, he and everyone withdrew, leaving only the two of him and his wife.

Only Li Mu was left in front of him.

He brought the sugar water, scooped it with a spoon, and fed her mouth by mouth.

Luoshen took a few sips, shook his head, and asked if he was injured. Hearing him say no, he seemed to relax, with a tired look on his face, he slowly closed his eyes, and lay there motionless.

Li Mu has been sitting beside the bed with Luoshen. For a long time, seeing that she had fallen asleep, he got up gently and entered the bath room.

His coat was stained with blood, and he had already taken it off before, and his middle clothes were not clean, but he had not had time to change because of Luoshen, who had just fainted from memory.

He washed hastily and changed into clean clothes. As soon as he put it on, he heard Luoshen's panicked voice from outside, and hurriedly came out and returned to the bed.

Luo Shen had already climbed up, and when he saw him coming back, he threw himself into his arms, wrapped his arms around his waist tightly, and said with red eyes, "Where did you go just now? I want you to accompany me!"

Li Mu hurriedly agreed, hugged her shivering body in his arms, patted her back gently with his palm, and when she calmed down slowly, he coaxed her to lie down again. out of her.

That night, Luoshen shrank in Li Mu's arms, was hugged by him, and never separated for a moment.

When it was dawn, Li Mu opened his eyes that had been sleeping all night, and looked down at the girl who was sleeping in his arms and woke up. out of breath.