MTL - Harue Kagetsu-Chapter 35

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Luo Shencai entered the house, and Li Mu followed him in - these days of getting married, and today's scene is still the first time.


Aju was here to remove makeup and change the little lady's clothes. Seeing Li Mu entered, she looked at herself like that. The little lady sat in front of the mirror drawer without anyone else, and hesitated for a moment at the bun on her head. In the end, he still didn't dare to openly protest, he gave the maid a wink, and a few people left the house.

The door was closed. Li Mu came to Luoshen's back, stopped, and watched her raise her arms, slender hands, and swayed with a phoenix sticking diagonally beside her temples.

The wide cuffs with delicate persimmon stalks slid down with her arm-raising movement and stacked on the arms, revealing the two snow-white lotus-colored arms that were usually hidden, and they were bare and wrapped around their wrists. Wearing two thin gold wire bracelets, the bracelets were obediently attached to the jade wrist, and swayed gently with her movements, and her skin was radiant.

Li Mu raised his eyes and said to Luoshen in the mirror: "Today I said I was going to pick you up when Shen was good, but I was late. I really missed the appointment. Don't you blame..."

"It doesn't matter. Didn't you send someone here? Besides, A Ting and I didn't wait for you."

She interrupted her, said indifferently, and smoothly pulled out Lao Shen's Bu Yao, and threw it on the drawer.

The beads collided and made a squeak.

Li Mu paused.

"Also, I heard about the second sister-in-law of the Jiang family today on the way. Fortunately, you passed by at the time. I thank you on behalf of the second brother Jiang..."

"Then there's no need for it!"

Luoshen interrupted him again, stood up from the mirror drawer, and turned to him.

"I just said a few words, it's just a hands-on effort. Besides, helping the second sister-in-law of the Jiang family is not to earn your thanks."

She slightly tensed her face, and her tone was still understatement.

Li Mu fell silent, staring at the girl in front of him.

He naturally knew that she was deliberately robbing herself.

But in his heart, there was no displeasure after being offended.

Not even a tiny bit.

Thinking of the scene when he was reprimanded by his mother a moment ago, she watched with a cold eye, and at the end, she pretended to come forward to intercede for herself, but a faint sense of pleasure appeared in her heart.

Such a feeling was extremely subtle, almost elusive, yet real—whether it was in his past life or this life, it was unprecedented in his lackluster memory where only iron and blood remained.

Like a thin stream of Koizumi, it slowly flowed through his iron-hard heart, even diluting the dark memory of a person who had died tragically once, which was full of blood and hatred.

He couldn't help thinking of the scene many years ago when she was in front of her, when she was a little girl, and "said a word" like this to save the boy.


After so many years, the woman in front of him no longer remembers the last moment in his previous life, the one that made his heart move, hated, and even thought of killing her, and asked her to accompany him to Huangquan. woman.

Today, she seems to be the same as when he was a child, and she has not changed much.

Still so kind, and...with a hint of childishness that he didn't know how to deal with.

Compared with such a woman, Li Mu suddenly felt that she was so old now—not physically, but in her state of mind.

He has already read all the sails, but she is like the dawn of the dawn.

He hesitated for a while, and was about to change the topic to ease the slightly awkward atmosphere...

"Mother Ju, I want to take a shower and change my clothes! I was sweating all day outside, which is disgusting!"

She shouted outside the door, her voice soft and delicate. After shouting, as if unintentionally, he glanced at him again, and watched him turn his face away.

"Alright, change your clothes, I'll go out first..."

The man seemed to be a little boring, murmured something, and left the house under the watchful eyes of Aju and the maids and maids who pushed in the door.

As soon as he left, Luo Shen's face couldn't hold back anymore, the corners of his lips were raised, he threw himself on the bed, buried his face in the pillow, and giggled in a low voice.

From the beginning of Li Mu's proposal to today, in the past few months, Aju is the first time to see the little lady smiling again.

And smiling so cutely.

Aju felt inexplicable, but also very happy.

The little lady is happy, she is even happier.

She accompanies her, watching her lie down and laughing secretly, and when it stops gradually, she asks her why.

Luoshen turned over, looked up at Zhang Hongpupu's face, lay on the pillow, bit his lip and shook his head, but refused to say anything.

But in the past few months, all the anger, dissatisfaction, and grievances that had accumulated in her heart suddenly seemed to have diminished a lot because of the victory against Li Mu just now.

Even under the bed that she was not used to sleeping on, she didn't feel so embarrassed when she lay on it now.

"Little lady?"

Aju was stunned.

"I'm going to take a bath."

She got up from the bed and hugged Aju affectionately, the smile on the corner of her lips was still looming and very charming.

It was late at night, and the area around the City God Temple was quiet.

In the depths of the alleys, in the ears of the sleepers, there were only a few bangs of beaters walking on the streets, which added a bit of the lonely cold of this late autumn night.

Shen shi was still facing the candlelight, rushing to make a piece of clothes in his hand.

Li Mu's mother came to her house two days ago and quietly brought her some money, but she was politely rejected by the Shen shi, and she still used the money she was supposed to be to pull the fabric that she was looking for.

She is good at sewing, and this dress for her mother embodies all her guilt and **** towards her mother.

Tomorrow is my mother's 60th birthday. Although the working hours are a bit rushed, the stitches coming out of her fingertips are fine and neat, and she can't pick out the slightest fault.

There were light footsteps in the house. She looked up and saw her husband came with a candlestick in his hand and placed it in front of her.

The two candlesticks were side by side, and the fire was brighter.

"Lang Jun is done? Go to sleep, I'll be fine in a moment."

Shen shi continued to fly the needle and walk the thread, smiling at her husband.

"You don't have to spend two waxes. I have good eyes and can see."

She glanced at the candlestick in front of her and said again.

Jiang Tao draped a dress over her shoulders.

"Anu, blame me for my incompetence. You have been married to me for many years, and I not only failed to make you enjoy a day, but also suffered such grievances..."

Shen shi raised her head, saw her husband looking at her, full of guilt, smiled, put down the needle and thread in his hand, and said softly: "What do you say? Lang Jun treats me so well, and there are a pair of well-behaved children in front of me. Where is the grievance?"

The understanding of his wife made this man who was full of economics but had nowhere to go in his life feel more and more guilty. He sat next to his wife and said, "Don't worry about money. I just wrote two more articles, and I will pick up a few more. When I save enough money next month, I should be able to redeem your jewelry."

Jiang Tao was good at writing parallel prose, with neat confrontation and gorgeous rhetoric, and gradually became famous. Many children of the gentry who wanted to exchange their articles for the appreciation of contemporary celebrities came to buy articles from him. He also exchanged money by catching knives to supplement his family.

"Lang Jun has worked hard, go to bed early."

Shen shi urged him.

Jiang Tao said: "I'll accompany you. I'll accompany you back tomorrow, so that you won't be scolded by your brother again. I'll go and beg them to see if I can ask you to meet your mother-in-law."

Shen shi was taken aback for a moment, smiled and shook his head: "I know that you are considerate, but you don't have to. I have already told an old slave in my family that she will quietly pass the clothes to my mother on my behalf. I know my brothers, In any case, they won't let me in to see my mother. Langjun, you don't have to go, so as not to be humiliated again."

Jiang Tao suppressed the feeling of powerlessness and sadness in his heart, pondered for a moment, and said, "Anu, there is something I want to tell you. The Northern Dynasty is now in chaos. The Xianbei native Murongxi is plotting to assassinate Xia. The emperor usurped the throne, but failed. He gathered the old soldiers and horses and defected to western Liaoning. The Huns made a comeback. The governor of Liangzhou also took the opportunity to proclaim himself emperor. It will inevitably spread to Jingkou. In the next days, if you have nothing to do, try to go out as little as possible, so as not to be bumped."

Shen shi frowned: "Why is there going to be another war... How long will this battle be fought before it will end..."

She let out a long sigh.

"Anu, if one day my husband is lucky enough to get a little credit in this troubled world, I will not fail you."

Jiang Tao's eyes flickered slightly, he took his wife into his arms and whispered to her.

In recent days, news has begun to circulate in Jingkou that Beixia is in jeopardy.

Hu people beat Hu people, Han people beat Hu people, and some Han people beat Han people.

In the east, west, north and south of the Central Plains, it seems that overnight, several heavenly kings and even emperors who claim to be solitary kings emerged.

In the north anyway, war seems to be starting everywhere.

The number of refugees who fled from the north has also increased suddenly these days, and the ferry is crowded with people all day long.

The Jingkou people who are used to seeing the blood and tears of Liren are sighing, but they will inevitably feel grateful for the peace that the Southern Dynasty has stolen now, although no one knows how long this peace can be maintained.

Li Muying was busy working with the government to resettle these newly arrived refugees, and as usual, he couldn't see anyone during the day.

After noon, Luoshen had nothing to do and couldn't sleep, so he accompanied Lu Shi again, listening to her spinning the yarn buzzing, and reading a book she brought earlier to pass the long afternoon. There was a sound of thumping footsteps, and when I looked up, I saw Ah Ting running in, with a look of anger on his face.

"What happened?"

Lu Shi's ears were cong, although he couldn't see anyone, he could hear the anger in her footsteps, stopped what he was doing, and turned to ask.

"Amu, sister-in-law, you're mad at me!"

Ah Ting gasped for breath.

"The brother of the sister-in-law of Jiang's family sent someone to make trouble again and broke the door of his house. The little sister and brother both cried in terror!"

Lu Shi sighed, got up anxiously, and found his crutches: "Go and see!"

Luoshen immediately supported Lu Shi, and together with A Ting, rushed to the nearby Jiang's house.

Jiang Tao was not there, only the Shen family and the two children were at home. The Shen family had already left. The yard at the entrance was full of neighbors. one way.

Luoshen helped Lu shi in, and saw a hole in the door and a set of torn lake silk clothes thrown on the ground. Shen shi was coaxing two children who were crying with fright, and immediately guessed the reason.

When asked, sure enough, was Shen shi entrusting someone to deliver clothes to his mother quietly the day before yesterday, or was she found out by her brothers, and they were so angry that they sent a villain on the spot, causing a trouble just now, and leaving them behind. Well, this is gone.

Lu's crutches fell to the ground, both angry and helpless: "How can there be such a brother in the world! It's too much to deceive people!"

She told Luo Shen and A Ting to bring the two children back to their home first, and she comforted Shen Shi.

Luoshen came straight out, called Aju, and gave a few words in a low voice.

Aju was taken aback for a moment, glanced at the broken door of the Jiang family, and hesitated.

"Do what I tell you to do!"

Luoshen increased his tone.

Aju froze, answered yes, turned around and hurried away.

Luo Shen then let out a sigh of relief, turned around, held a child in one hand, and said softly, "Don't cry, go to Auntie's place first, there is delicious food there."