MTL - Harue Kagetsu-Chapter 26

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That night, near the Chenghuang Temple in the east of the city, it was like a night market, which was very lively.

The banquet extended from the Li Family Courtyard and was placed at the end of the street leading to the Temple of the City God. Every few feet on the road, a fire stick is inserted, and from a distance, Chenghuang Temple Street looks like a fire dragon. In front of the temple, groups of people came to watch the excitement, and the Li family also arranged for people to distribute peanuts and red dates from time to time. If they were lucky, they could even grab a red envelope with happy money wrapped in copper. The adults were smiling, and the children went crazy with joy.

In this happy event, because both men and women belonged to scholars and concubines, the guest seats were also clearly distinguished and clear at a glance.

If Li Mu only married the daughter of an ordinary noble family, then at this wedding tonight, apart from the main family, I am afraid that there will never be half of the noble guests.

But the bride is Gao's daughter, which is completely different.

The Gao clan would be humiliated among the nobility because of marrying their daughter to a poor family, and they would inevitably be criticized behind their backs. But with the Gao Clan's deep foundation and previous reputation, it is clear that the power of the family cannot be significantly weakened by this marriage, or in other words, it cannot be significantly weakened in a short period of time and quickly replaced by other nobles.

Those inferior nobles near Jingkou usually have no chance to curry favor with the Gao clan, but now they have managed to seize such a good opportunity to show an effect to Gao clan.

At the banquet that night, all the aristocratic families around Jingkou gathered today.

It can be said that since Dayu Nandu, the nobles and nobles have taken the initiative to rush to the humble family for a banquet. Such a scene cannot be said to be the last, but before tonight, it is absolutely unprecedented.

Therefore, the arrangement of the guest seats tonight is also quite interesting.

Li's house is a house with three entrances. After entering the second entrance, there is a square courtyard in the middle of the left and right hand verandas.

This is the home ground for the wedding banquet tonight.

In order to show respect for the women's family, the Li family set up a number of seats for Gao Yin to entertain guests.

Starting from the next one, arrange the banquet on your own side, and so on.

In the middle of the upper and lower heads, a screen is also set up as isolation.

After Gao Yin and the local nobles who took the initiative to post in the name of Gao's family and came to the banquet took their seats, Li Mu, the groom's official tonight, came to toast.

Gao Yin was very dissatisfied with this brother-in-law who was a few years younger than him.

But Amei is already married, what else can he do? Not to mention, in front of so many people at the wedding banquet.

Flicking Li Mu's face was another slap in the face of his own Gao family.

He was of course polite.

He is already like this, and the remaining guests, who dares to say half a bad thing? So he opened his eyes and said nonsense, what was made in heaven and what was made in heaven, and he opened his mouth to come, and they all returned to Li Mu.

Li Mu's face was full of smiles, but all those who came to toast would not refuse, and they drank it all in one go, so everyone cheered and praised him for his heroism.

Gao Yin only had a wry smile in his heart. When Li Mu left and saw the people around him, he flattered himself, his words were boring, his face was disgusting, his heart was even more depressed, and he was drinking glass by glass. Before the banquet was over, people were a little drunk. Jiang Tao hurried over and sent him to a pre-arranged place to rest.

When Gao Yin left the table drunk, the nobles naturally followed and left the table one after another, and they got up together. Before they left the door of Li's house, they talked about Li Mu's request for a marriage and Gao Qiao was forced to marry a daughter, and said, "It's also Gao Qiao. A person like Gong, who is as simple as he is open, as if he is open and like a valley, with his words and promises like a mountain, let him claim his wish and ascend to the sky in one step. But these methods are really despicable and have no manners at all."

Another person said: "It's just a martial artist, what do you think of him? It wasn't me who looked down on the poor family, but those people, whose usual behavior was disgusting. One by one, they only wanted to go to the camp, and they were full of ugliness. Li Mu has this great opportunity, why don't he take advantage of the situation to threaten? Just pity the girl of the Gao family. Hearing that she is immortal, she is full of learning. To marry such a person, it is really a cow chewing peony, which is a shame!" After speaking, he shook his head and sighed. A look of pity.

These people were arrogant, but they annoyed the people in the nearby seats.

In addition to the neighbors in the neighborhood, the people who came to eat wine and make trouble for the groom tonight, there were also the group of heroes from Jingkou who were brothers and sisters with Li Mu on weekdays.

The so-called "heroes", to put it bluntly, were actually the local "people's tyrants" in Jingkou.

The refugees traveled south, not to mention the hardships on the road, but also to take huge risks. Therefore, in order to survive, they often hold a united team and move their families together. Those Bei soldiers who were able to get rid of those who were chasing after them, passed through the war-torn land, and finally led their followers to this place were all strongmen with some real skills.

Everyone has fled here. The court has limited land for cultivation, bandits are rampant, and there are local aborigines and gentry. Gradually, several civil tyrants emerged, among which Sun Fangzhi of the Sun family, Dai Yuan with the surname Dai, and Guo Zhan of the Guo family were the most famous.

The ancestors of these people, like Jiang Tao, all served as officials, and now they have fallen to this point. And the local tycoons fanned the flames even more, wishing they would fight within themselves, so that it would be beneficial to their own enclosure.

This is also why, in the past, the security of Jingkou was chaotic, and the sand was scattered.

It wasn't until three years ago that the situation changed.

At that time, these three people set up a ring in order to compete for the position of commander. During the competition, there was a conflict, and each led their clansmen to join the fight. At the right time, Li Mu returned from the army. After hearing the news, he came forward to stop it. On the stage, with his powerful martial arts and extraordinary arrogance, plus the might of his father and grandfather, the three were convincing and convincing, and they were willing to make Li Mu the commander. , from then on, agreed to demarcate the territory, and called Li Mu brothers and sisters, until now.

Today, Li Mu got married. These people brought congratulatory gifts and happily came to the banquet, ranking first in the next seat. He was not a kind person, and he drank a lot of wine. How could he bear it when he heard such derogatory ridicule from those scholars? All of them were angry, but because this was Li Mu's wedding banquet, he reluctantly endured the thought of drawing a sword. Among them, Sun Fangzhi, who had the most violent temper, immediately sneered: "Dangtang nobles are usually pretentious and superior. When things come to an end, I can't even save myself. I can only rely on my brother Li's brother to break into the enemy's line to save people! Not to mention a woman, even if you want someone to take their lives to thank them, it's only right and right. Who dares to say something wrong? ?"

Dai Yuan was handsome, dressed as a scholar, slapped his chopsticks and said with a smile: "Fourth Brother Sun is very right! Mr. Gao is very handsome, and Mr. Dai is very respectful. In the previous battle of Jiangbei, Mr. Dai was not talented, and he also led his children to cross the river to join the army at that time. Even though he has not made an inch of merit, he is still worthy of his conscience. I wonder who among these individuals has followed Duke Gao in the Jiangbei battlefield? Since I look down on me and wait for the poor, but I came here uninvited tonight. Really willing to bow down!"

When his voice fell, all the guests in the courtyard laughed.

The scholars were speechless, all blushing.

One of them, Gu Wei, was named Gu Wei. He had a grudge with Dai Yuan because of his sister's marriage. He couldn't hold it back, he rushed back and said angrily, "Dai Yuan! I'll be here tonight. This is all for the sake of Governor Gao! If it wasn't for Governor Gao, do you think I would come here for a banquet?"

Dai Yuan was surprised: "Hey, why didn't you understand what I said? That's what I meant! If it wasn't to flatter the Gao clan, why would you condescend to have a banquet with me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was another burst of laughter from all around.

Gu Wei only then came to his senses and became angry. Relying on the taste of alcohol, he suddenly drew his sword and stabbed Dai Yuan with gnashing teeth. Several young and vigorous children of the gentry also came back and cheered loudly.

Dai Yuan stood up, avoiding the sword, and said coldly, "If you want to fight, follow me out, and I will accompany you to the end!"

Gu Wei was so angry that he raised his sword and slashed wildly. When he saw that he could not hit anyone, he slashed at the table in front of him. Suddenly, his wrist was pinched, and his entire arm was immediately numb. Immediately fall to the ground.

The man let go of his wrist, and when he copied it, the sword was in his hand.

Li Mu came, and with a sound of "shuh", he pulled a sword flower, and a snow-white ball of sword energy passed through Gu Wei's face.

Gu Wei was shocked, and subconsciously hugged his head, then his waist sank, and the long sword had been inserted back into the scabbard he was wearing around his waist.

Li Mu grabbed the sword and returned it to its sheath. The process was as fast as lightning. Before Gu Wei could react, it was over.

He returned to his senses, saw that he was still holding his head, and the countless eyes around him looked at him. He put down his hands embarrassedly, facing Li Mu, wanting to get angry and find a way back, but he didn't have the guts to stay there, his face swollen. flushed.

Li Mu smiled slightly, glanced at the group of scholars in front of him, and said: "Tonight, Mr. Li's happy event, thank you for your visit, and I am very grateful. The eldest brother is drunk and has been sent to rest. If you wish to stay again. Next, Li Mu must drink when he has wine. Why don't he sacrifice his life to accompany the gentleman. If he doesn't want to stay, he will send him off. If there is anything else, when the eldest brother wakes up tomorrow, you will find him and say it. What do you think? "

Those of the noble family were really afraid of him, and they dared to make trouble. Seeing that he was given a step, they hurriedly took advantage of the situation and said goodbye. Gu Wei glared at Dai Yuan, mixed in the crowd, and hurriedly left. go.

Li Mu took a few steps away, waited for the scholars to leave, turned to the rest of the guests, and said with a smile, "It's all right! Go ahead, everyone, you won't be home tonight if you don't get drunk!"

The crowd laughed, and they all responded well.

Sun Fangzhi and Dai Yuan winked at each other, pulled Li Mu with a smile, and they were sure to pour him drinks, as if they insisted on pouring him down. Fortunately, Guo Zhan was the oldest and the most stable of the three. Knowing that he had already drank a lot tonight, he blocked him and let him go.

Li Mu was finally able to escape, and with the laughter of the brothers behind him, he walked towards the bridal chamber in the east wing. When I walked to the Chaoshou Veranda, I saw a dim red light from the door in the distance. I stopped slowly, stood still for a moment, and finally took another step towards the door and walked over.

Aju was at the door, standing upright, with seven or eight maids and maids standing on either side. When they saw Li Mu coming, the maids and maids curtly bowed to him.

Li Mu stopped across from Aju.

Aju hesitated for a moment, and then said in a low voice, "Uncle Li, my little lady is tired from the road. She has just rested, and people have fallen asleep. Uncle will wait. I'll go in and wake her up." She turned around. , to push the door in.

"No, I can go in by myself."

Li Mudao.

With the light from the red lantern above her head, Aju looked at him.

Although his speech was clear and his tone sounded calm, his face was heavily wine-colored, and he had obviously drank a lot at night.

"Let me wake her up first—"

She frowned, suppressing the growing dissatisfaction in her heart.

She was worried, so she handed the sleeping Ami to this man who was probably half-drunk.

Even though this man is now her husband.

Who knew how rude he would treat the petite lady she grew up seeing big?

After she finished speaking, she had to turn around again before she raised her hand. An arm was stretched out by her side, and her palm was pressed on the door knocker, blocking her way.

"Don't bother you, I'll go in by myself."

Li Mu repeated it again, his tone still flat.

Aju slowly turned her head and looked at the man for a moment.

He is not discussing with her, let alone a request.

In the two glances he cast, she read an irresistible meaning of giving orders.

Aju gritted her teeth, and finally, slowly stepped aside.

Li Mu gently pushed open the hidden door, raised his foot, and stepped into the threshold.

Luo Shen did not expect that he would sleep so heartlessly.

Maybe it was from the day she knew the marriage was confirmed, until tonight, these days, she always had a heart, thinking about things, but she couldn't think of anything that could really calm her down. , so anxious.

She is really tired.

All the dust settled tonight, people were sent to the bridal chamber anyway, but their minds went blank. In addition, after walking by water, they spent a few days in the swaying cabin, and when they reached the firm and soft bed under them. , as soon as the whole person relaxes, he sinks into the black sweet town, without even having a dream.

It was about the best sleep she had slept in in days.

She didn't know how long she slept before she woke up.

I vaguely remember that when I just lay down, I could hear the faint noise from the banquet outside, and the pair of wedding candles in the room were only burned down.

At this moment, her ears were quiet, there was no sound, and it seemed a little unreal.

Her eyelids moved slightly, her eyelashes trembled slightly, she slowly opened her eyes, and in a daze, she felt that a black shadow seemed to be pressing down in front of her, as if it were a human figure...

She made up her mind, widened her eyes suddenly, and suddenly came to her senses. Her whole body seemed to have been poked by a needle, and she quickly sat up.

Just a moment ago, when she woke up, she met a pair of eyes looking down at her.

This is a pair of male eyes.

With his back to the candlelight, his eyes darkened.

Perhaps it was because his back was facing the light, and there seemed to be a faint shadow on his expression.

The candlelight traced the outline of his body into an enlarged black shadow and cast it on her.

This man just sat in front of the bed and watched her sleep, silently, and he didn't know how long he had been watching.

What a horrible feeling.

I don't know how I could sleep so deadly, and I didn't even notice anyone entering the room.

Luo Shen's small hands subconsciously grasped the slipping quilt horns tightly and wrapped around his body.

Her face was slightly pale, her heart was pounding, her eyes widened, and she stared at the strange man in front of her who had startled her.

He was her new husband Li Mu, she knew.

During the day at the pier, she only glanced at him from a distance, and at this moment, she finally saw what he looked like.

Seeing her awake, he stood up. The shadow cast by the candlelight behind him became even taller, following his movements, shaking, covering her whole body.

"Ami, are you awake?"

He smiled slightly, leaned over to her, called her by her nickname, his voice was low, but unexpectedly gentle, the gloomy feeling that Luoshen felt even a little creepy just now disappeared completely without a trace.