MTL - Happiness Consist in Contentment-v17 Chapter 1

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Qiao Rui's words made Liu Fang and Lin Jiao think deeply for a long time.

Afterwards, Liu Fang said, "Indeed, this is indeed what we should do, no matter how small our strength is, we should do the right thing, don't do good things and don't do evil things. We should do it."

Lin Jiao also agreed very much, "Yes, we need to be a guide now. Although we are only doing tasks because of others' wishes, we have also taken the merits of others. But it is precisely because of this that we must be perfect. To live someone's life well is to be worthy of the choice of others. Even if there are not many merit points, that is the merit of others!"

Qiao Rui looked at them with great relief and said, "It's really very good to have staff like you in the Quick Pass Department, and I feel very happy."

Lin Jiao was a little shy, "You and Sister Fang are pretty good, I'll continue to practice."

However, Liu Fang shook her head and said, "You have your strengths, Jiaojiao. You don't need to doubt yourself. I think your strengths are that you can bring hope to people in any world."

Lin Jiao was surprised, "Really?"

"Really." Liu Fang said.

Qiao Rui also nodded in agreement, "Yes, there is a particularly brave hope in your soul."

"Brave hope? Why didn't I feel it myself?" Lin Jiao said with some uncertainty, "Why do I feel that I am still naive, and I am not as mature as you in my thinking. But I am still very serious about my tasks in the task world. I never mess around. I just can't help those who have mental disabilities.

In fact, I have never understood, why there are so many idiots? Are all the mission worlds the plot routines in the novel? How can such a brain-dead person appear in the real world? "

Qiao Rui smiled and said: "Most of the task worlds are actually formed by people's thoughts, so there are many unreasonable places. But when their heavenly way is stabilized, they will gradually form the correct way of heaven. , the right moral trends. Then the world's perceptions will gradually change."

Liu Fang couldn't help laughing and said, "If these mission worlds are fictional worlds, er, if readers really see them, they will definitely like to watch you. Especially in the modern world, seeing you slap in the face and abuse scumbags will definitely I feel very happy, especially when those brainless freaks are abused by you..."

Lin Jiao laughed: "Indeed, these novels, I used to be special too.

like. Seeing those protagonists abusing scumbags and slapping their faces makes me really cool! I just never thought I was normal.

Now I have come across so many weird things, I wonder if I was a little blind in the past, I don’t think there is anything strange about such novel routines, and I highly respect them, alas, it’s really stupid to think about it…”

Liu Fang and Qiao Rui were both laughing and crying, and the three of them chatted again and then dispersed and went back to continue their tasks.


Liu Fang sat on the bed, opened the activity task sheet, and found that there were not many tasks on the activity task sheet. Simply, she looked at the task of seeing through the book branch, and saw that there was a task related to the self-improvement branch of the female supporting role.

Liu Fang raised her eyebrows slightly, thinking that this task was quite interesting. So she opened it, lay down, closed her eyes, and entered the mission world.


After entering the mission world, Liu Fang realized that something was wrong, because she had just been taken out of the delivery room, carried to the baby room, and laid down on the cot when she heard a young nurse say: "Head nurse, Is there another pregnant woman in the delivery room who is giving birth to a dystocia?"

Then the head nurse said, "Yeah, I'm going to help Director Yang right now. Look here and don't write the wrong name."

Then, I heard footsteps leaving quickly.

The remaining young nurse whispered, "Oh my God, now rich people are also going to public hospitals to give birth. Don't they all like private hospitals?"

However, for the head nurse's reminder, the young nurse didn't take it to heart, and still did the work at hand, but whether she did it seriously, then only she really knew.

Liu Fang always felt a little confused, not knowing what the situation was with these people. However, she was only born now, her eyes were not open, and she found that her body seemed to be very weak for this mission. Just thinking about these things was wrong, and her mind began to drowsy, so she had no choice but to calm down. slept over.

When she woke up, she found herself wrapped up, held in her arms by a woman, and sitting in the car.

Liu Fang was a little confused, but she thought that her mission this time was in a relatively good family, so she didn't think much about it.

It wasn't until Liu Fang opened her eyes and saw the house in front of her that she was a little stunned.

It turned out that the family of my mission this time turned out to be a wealthy family!

living in a home

In the large villa, the parents are very handsome, elegant and tolerant people. And a very large baby room was arranged for her, but the surname was different. This time, her parents' surname was Zhuo, so she became Zhuo Fang.

When she grew up a little, the family also hired many tutors for her to start early education.

At this time, Liu Fang realized that she had two older brothers, Zhuo Ting and Zhuo Rui. They went abroad as exchange students and didn't have time to come back. As soon as they came back and saw Liu Fang, they loved her very much.

Liu Fang's childhood should be said to be very happy, although there are many things to learn, but for her, having experienced so many tasks in the world, there is no pressure to learn this matter.

Moreover, she now has the blessing of the Soul Dingzhu, it is even more simple, unforgettable, relaxed, and any learning is not difficult for her.

Because of this, Liu Fang's academic performance is very good, skipping grades all the way.

It's just that there are unforeseen circumstances, and all the changes broke out when Dr. Liu Fangkui graduated.


This year, Liu Fang was 16 years old.

This time, Liu Fang had no intention of hiding his clumsiness at all. He graduated from kindergarten at the age of 3, elementary school at the age of 6, junior high school at the age of 8, and high school at the age of 10. He was admitted to the Department of Physics of Qingda University with the national number one in science, and also majored in agriculture. . Graduated with a double degree at the age of 12, and has been occupying the first place in the two departments that year, and won the first-class national scholarship for two consecutive years! After that, she was admitted to the postgraduate school, and she continued to read both masters and doctoral programs. She still held the scholarship all the way and occupied the first place. Until now, at the age of 16, she is about to graduate with a Ph.D. .

Therefore, Liu Fang's name is very famous throughout Qingda University.

This year, in 2024, the country began to collect genetic samples nationwide, and Liu Fang's family naturally followed the policy and carried out sample collection.

And just like that, Liu Fang's life was different.


On this day, when Liu Fang returned home, she saw that she was sitting in the living room with a particularly dazed expression, and when she saw her heavy family members, she felt that something was wrong.

Sure enough, Father Zhuo was very sad, and said to Liu Fang with wet eyes, "Fangfang, come here."

Zhuo's mother opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but Zhuo's father raised his hand and said, "The child has always been fine, she won't be able to bear it."

Mother Zhuo turned her head, covered her mouth and wept, not knowing what to say.

Liu Fangyou

As expected, it always felt that it would not be a good thing.

When she sat next to Father Zhuo, Father Zhuo showed her the documents on the table and said, "You have to look at it first, and then after reading it."

Zhuo Ting and Zhuo Rui clenched their hands uncomfortably and looked at Liu Fang nervously.

Liu Fang took the document calmly, opened it slowly, and read it carefully.

In fact, there is nothing written on this document, it just states that Liu Fang has passed the paternity test and is not the child of the Zhuo family, and the child of the Zhuo family is someone else who has been matched by a powerful database - Liu clear.

For some reason, Liu Fang felt that it was the case. She remembered the situation when she first entered the mission world. At that time, she felt strange, but she didn't expect it to be such a **** plot.

Forget it, since this is the case, she can accept it safely. But when Liu Fang raised her head and looked at the red-eyed Zhuo family, her head hurt a little.

Undoubtedly, Liu Fang has feelings for them, and the feelings are very deep, but the reality is that, no matter what, this matter needs to be resolved, and it is impossible to pass it in such a confused way.

Besides, Liu Qing's current family background is also written on it. I'm afraid others have also obtained such a document. After all, it is determined by the authoritative department of the state, and it is impossible to make mistakes.

In this case, what they should think about now is how to solve it, not the suddenness of the sad truth.

Thinking of this, Liu Fang sighed and said, "Dad, mom, eldest brother, second brother, I think it's better to decide this matter as soon as possible, otherwise, parents' real daughter, brother and your real sister, will be very sad."

If Liu Fang was to be a stalker, or something else, she really couldn't do it.

Therefore, she seemed extraordinarily calm. Although her heart was still shaking.

Zhuo's father looked at this excellent daughter, oh, no, it should be said to be an adopted daughter, and he was really sad and proud.

She has excellent grades since she was a child, has an independent personality, and is very calm, which is why they let their family have such a genius that everyone should be envious of!

But it is precisely because of this that they are particularly reluctant to part with her.

What a wonderful daughter! Since I was a child, I knew that I was caring for my family, well-behaved and sensible, and I didn't need them to worry about anything.

However, now they know that such a good daughter is not theirs. How to make them not feel sad?

But as Liu Fang said, it is better to deal with this matter as soon as possible. If it drags on, it will be a torment for the two families, and it will not be fair to their biological children.