MTL - Half Immortal-Chapter 144 Endless Train (Part 10)

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For a moment, the three were silent.

He muttered to himself, "…our sleeper room is cold."

Yan Mingguang held his hand even harder.

Of course.

Normal things? How can this series of strange things happen?

Naturally it is not normal.

The biggest abnormality of this train…

Yan Mingguang's voice sounded unhurriedly: "The never-ending, never-ending train."

; As for the eagle pecking at the liver of Prometheus, it can be understood that the tortured person who has turned into a ghost has turned into an executioner. It may also be a flight attendant. If the death list is written by him, he is in line with the 'execution'. The concept, too? Conforms to day-to-day without changing this characteristic.”

"These are very clear," Yan Mingguang said, "there are only two points, what is 'fire'?? Why? The train is endless?"

"'Fire' must be related to this endless train," Yan Wei concluded, "As for what to do? We catch a ghost, use these keywords, and let Ding Xiao force watch the ghost's retrospective."

Everything goes back to the most important core - what did these murderous ghosts do?

As long as you figure out what's going on?, breaking the game is half the battle.

Yan Wei glanced at the lunch box that the three of them placed together and said: "Eat first, after Ding Xiao and the others come back in the afternoon, we will check the information, it is estimated that it will be almost dark tonight. …”

His hand rubbed against Yan Mingguang's palm, capturing his body temperature. But he could also feel that the back of Yan Mingguang's hand was also slightly cold. This person doesn't wear more clothes than him, just because of his good physique, he hasn't been there all the time? He's just afraid of the cold.

Even Yan Mingguang? Feeling cold?

Yan Wei froze.

He squinted his eyes and glanced at the square inch in front of him.

The curtains swayed slightly due to the shaking of the train, and even the gloomy light that penetrated was swaying slightly, and the small sleeper room was cool and drowsy. All ? Slightly reflective materials are completely covered and lifeless.

Lin Qing was opening the lunch box, and Yan Mingguang was covering his hand.

"What?" The man asked him, but didn't wait? After Yan Wei answered, he continued, "Not quite right."

Yan Wei glanced at Yan Mingguang.

This time the copy, Yan Mingguang seems to be not as sure as the copy of the puppet castle. Despite this, this person has always been calm and calm, and has been searching for clues in silence, and there is no panic that the body index cannot be used.

Yan Wei has now recovered the memory of the first time he climbed the building, and he is very clear about the style of Yan Mingguang's climbing.

Even Yan Mingguang said it was not right...

—what? Nothing?.

Yan Wei retracted his gaze, inexplicably remembered the head looking at him and Ding Xiao just now, frowning slightly: "This sense of prying eyes everywhere in this car..."

Lin Qing placed the lunch box with her expression unchanged from beginning to end, and said, "I feel the same way, but I don't see anything."

"After dinner, check all the things and dead spots here again. Then..."

Yan Wei opened the tin foil on the lunch box in front of him, and the hot air rushed towards his cheeks, with a fragrance full of spices. He picked up the metal fork on the side and said, "Lin Qing, I'll do something in a while."

Lin Qing made a move, "Speak."

"Other people will not be idle. Zhao Jingchen went to the front just now, and it won't be long before he finds out that the train is gone? This thing at the end, wait? When he comes back, I will divert his attention. You Go to the small blackboard in the dining car and write 1202 under 1109. Then go to Cao Qun - Cao Qun will not leave the dining car and No. 11 car for too long, let him put his door card in his pocket, more Just walk around the neighborhood. Tell him that we can help him, they are all high-level players, and he will understand."

"1202... The first compartment of the twelfth carriage is lived by the two cowards of Yuemang." Lin Qing pondered, "It is impossible for everyone to gain nothing today, Zhao Jingchen is not stupid, he will definitely be in the afternoon. Knowing that the bed number on the blackboard cannot be a good thing? You want to make Zhao Jingchen think that he is also being targeted, and just saw that Cao Qun's door card is easy to steal, so he stole Cao Qun's door card. Sleeping in bed 1101, cocooning yourself?"

Yan Mingguang: "Zhao Jingchen should sleep on the upper bunk. There is a railing printed on his wrist."

The bed number of each car of the train is counted from the first upper bunk and numbered from top to bottom. The first upper bunk is 01, the first lower bunk is 02, the second upper bunk is 03, the second lower bunk is 04, and then the next sleeper, numbered from 05.

1202 is the first lower bunk in the twelfth carriage.

"What I want is this effect, he is not stupid, not only is he not stupid, who can appear in this dungeon, who has no experience in fighting between open and secret? If you really write Zhao Jingchen's bed number directly, He would immediately suspect that someone was cheating on him. It was not the bed he slept in, but he would worry about it? What is there with that bed?

At that time, what if Cao Qun, who happened to have a door card in his outer pocket, kept dangling outside?

“Bangdang-” “Bangdang-” “…”

This car also drove for a whole day, in the real world, it is enough to get from one city to another distant city. But the sound of rain is still there, and I don't know if there are only cloudy and rainy days in this dungeon, and people who watch it are annoyed.

Zhao Jingchen hurried back from the carriage in front, not daring to look back.

Behind him, He Dong looked nervous and whispered, "The feeling of being stared at is gone."

At this moment, they have reached the lower two cars of the cabin where the flight attendants live, and two cars ahead is the room for the flight attendants, followed by the dining car.

Zhao Jingchen also found that the creepy feeling disappeared. He slowed his pace and said, "Have we walked over forty carriages? Looking ahead, it's still the same bottomless, there's no end to this train..."

"What if it's a trick?" He Dong said, "This kind of trick is not uncommon. Maybe the next car is the front of the car, but the ghosts have created visual illusions for us. It's just that we don't go down. We were targeted by dirty things just now? It makes sense, just to get us back quickly."

Zhao Jingchen walked forward and shook his head: "That thing appeared at the end of the train when we were saying, is it a warning. It's not just us who are walking forward today, I now understand why ? They all turned back."

"There must be something? What? Question—"

Zhao Jingchen spoke.

They had reached the first hard-seat carriage after the dining carriage and the flight attendant's living carriage, and Yan Wei's figure broke into his sight.

Yan Wei stood beside Yan Mingguang, and the two of them carefully observed on a row of seats, obviously looking for clues. For the first time in history, Lin Qing did not act with these two people, and did not know where they went.

As soon as Zhao Jingchen and He Dong walked to this carriage, Yan Wei also noticed their approach, stopped what he was doing and turned his head to look over.

The moment he met the eyes of the other party, Zhao Jingchen smiled.

He wasted some time during the day washing off the dirt on his body, the sweater jacket was torn at that time, and he completely changed it now. Only this time, he didn't cover most of his face with a hat as before. He showed this delicate and beautiful face generously - for Yan Wei's reaction to seeing his face at that time.

As expected, this time, Yan Wei also showed a look of disgust and anger.

"What did you find??"

Yan Wei stared at his face and said coldly: "What did you find? What does it have to do with you?"

Zhao Jingchen stepped forward slowly and shrugged, "Players are not competitive, sharing clues is mutually beneficial."

"No need," Yan Wei stopped looking at him, turned around and searched this place again, "I'm sick of seeing your face."

"Shouldn't I miss it? Zhou Tian has a good relationship with you..."

Yan Mingguang gave him a cold look, but Yan Wei ignored him.

Zhao Jingchen walked through the narrow aisle. When passing by Yan Wei, Yan Wei moved into the seat in disgust, not wanting to touch Zhao Jingchen in any way.

Suddenly, he stopped.

Behind him, He Dong asked, "Why don't you leave?"

Zhao Jingchen glanced at Yan Wei. He remembered the morning when he was forced to the extreme by the two mirrors, nearly lost his life, and lost the legendary props he had always been by. At that time, Yan Wei, who he had never looked at in his eyes, was still standing there neatly and tidy, looking at him condescendingly.

As if watching a jumping clown.

Zhao Jingchen's eyes darkened, and the facial features that always kept a sweet smile on Zhou Tian's face were slightly distorted. Darkness grew in his heart, and he couldn't help but want to see Yan Wei lose his temper.

He said: "Yan Wei, do you know why I am? Change this face?"

Yan Wei made a move.

"I don't know if Zhou Tian has it? I haven't mentioned it to you. Strictly speaking, I have been with her - it was just another face. At that time, in order to go to the low-level copy to get a prop, I I changed my identity and went down many layers in a row, and I happened to know her. I liked her face very much, so I was with her. Later, I got the prop in a copy, and I changed my face and went back to High-level. She... should think I died in that dungeon, right?"

Yan Wei was bending over and pretending to look under the seat, her hand gripping the back of the seat tightly.

He didn't speak, but the two sides of his fingertips had already turned from red to white due to too much force.

Zhao Jingchen smiled and walked away.

Did the man's voice have any biased emotions, like a final judgment: "He won't live tomorrow."

The strength of Yan Wei's hand loosened.

The footsteps of the two people were getting farther and farther, but they stopped abruptly not far away-they should have reached the rear of the dining car. He Dong's brief exclamation seemed to be mixed with the noise of the train.

Yan Wei chuckled and said, "He won't live tomorrow."

In the evening, Ding Xiao and Xu Miaomiao came back from the rear compartment.

Ding Xiao turned pale and went back to the sleeping room to rest. Xu Miaomiao and Yan Wei met in the corridor of the sleeping car.

"Sister Ding just used four props at once," Xu Miaomiao's expression is not good, it can even be said that she has lingering fears, "Let's go back this time, The walk is much deeper than when I walked forward, and I haven't been able to go all the way? Instead, I encountered a ghost. Sister Ding consumed four props before we came back safely."

Do it. How can you consume four items at once? Is there any abnormality in going backward?"

Although Yan Wei doesn't know what Ding Xiao is now? The level, but from the attitude of other players towards Ding Xiao, it can be seen that Ding Xiao's current strength and Lin Qing should be the same.

It can make Ding Xiao dangerous, how dangerous is it?

Xu Miaomiao said: "No, there is nothing abnormal. Going to the back of the train, first there is a sleeper car similar to ours, and after about a dozen or so, it is a hard seat car. We walked dozens of times, or it was the same as walking forward, without seeing the end or the head. Sister Ding felt that this was doing useless work. After calculating the time for the return trip, we continued to walk forward. Later, we felt When it came to Dirty Stare - but Sister Ding didn't look back at that time."

"We continued to go down, and that dirty thing started to attack us, which is what we are now. But it's not nothing, those dirty things don't seem to be? How difficult to deal with, not that It's a deadly attack, and if we all go forward together, well prepared, at least we can get out of hundreds or even thousands of carriages - if there are so many."

Yan Wei understood: "But this attempt is very unnecessary, and almost equal to death, because if you go so far, you will die if you can't come back. There is no end to the train. What? Nothing?."


"It's getting dark, let Ding Xiao rest first. There are no sleeper rooms involved? You guys, there shouldn't be anything wrong with you tonight?"

"But you..."

"Don't worry? We, the bed number on the blackboard has nothing to do with me."

Xu Miaomiao raised her eyebrows and didn't ask anything? Obviously, she immediately understood the mystery. "Then I'm going back," she said.

Watching Xu Miaomiao return to their sleeping room, Yan Wei turned around and returned to their sleeping room. Yan Mingguang and Lin Qing were already waiting for him inside.

But he didn't open the door, he just sat down beside Yan Mingguang, looked at Lin Qing and said, "Have you done everything?"

"It's all done."

About ten minutes later.

The smell of rust filled the surroundings, and the moisture in the air was wrapped in ice cold, surrounding Yan Wei's side, and he shrank towards Yan Mingguang unconsciously.

In the dimness, a figure ran directly into Yan Wei's sleeping room, and immediately opened the door of the sleeping room at the moment of entering.

The person whispered: "Lin Qing discussed with me before, I can stay with you tonight."

Lin Qing glanced at Yan Wei, and seeing Yan Wei nodded, he said, "Okay, we still have an empty sleeper."

“Bangdang-” “Bangdang-” “Bangdang-” “…”

"Crash-" "Crash-" "Crash-" "…"

In the sound of rain and machinery, Cao Qun whispered: "It's done."