MTL - Guide on How to Fail at Online Dating-Chapter 2

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Of course, the voice changer link Jinghuan did not get it. The other party lost a sentence, "Well, I loved it, you just humiliated me?" Then he gave Lu Wenhao's qq to black.

Lu Wenhao knew that he was sluggish for a few seconds and then collapsed: "What is it? He pulled me black? He still has a face to pull me black?! I want him to be human! I am fighting with him!"

"Human flesh is not breaking the law." Gao Zixiang has a headache. "Oh, delete it, don't think about it, people live for a lifetime, how can you not encounter some setbacks, you say yes?"

Lu Wenhao: "I am a setback?"

"It’s a catastrophe. After this pass, you will be in this life." Jing Huan answered, "Haoer, where is your game account?"

"Tianci's good fortune." Lu Wenhao reported the name of the district, picked up a paper towel and gave himself a snot. "What's wrong?"

Jing Huan shook his head: "Nothing."

He opened the half-ticketed suitcase and put all the debris on the table.

Lu Wenhao moved the chair and sat next to him: "Huan Huan, are you moving today? I am so miserable, don't you stay with me for a few days?"

The school is very strict, and a group of college students are treated as high school students. Once in the evening, they are locked up and power cuts. If the freshmen are not allowed to stay outside, Jing Huan has already moved out.

So when he was promoted to sophomore year, he quickly rented a community room near the school.

"Don't stay, I am afraid that you will be annoyed when you see men in the past few days."

When Jing Huan packed up his luggage, Gao Zixiang just finished eating a hot pot. He stood up and said: "Huan Huan, I will help you move over."

Jing Huan gave the suitcase a good lock: "No, I called a small three-wheel, just waiting downstairs."

Gao Zixiang insisted: "Then I will help you move downstairs."

Because I had just started school for a few days, I was planning to change the new ones in the past, so there are not many bags of Jinghuan, and one person has more than enough.

In the corridor, Gao Zixiang held the computer of Jing Huan and asked tentatively: "Huan Huan, are you okay?"

Jing Huan raised an eyebrow: "What is wrong with me?"

The relationship between Gao Zixiang and Jing Huan is very iron. The two junior high school students are classmates, so Gao Zixiang is still familiar with his situation.

Jinghuan’s family is good, handsome and handsome, and people are getting along well. To say that he is the most amazing, only the other side's sister control attributes.

Jing Huan’s sister named Liang Wei, Jing Huan junior high school fight for her, high school helped her buy milk tea to send rice, the university helped her to occupy the library position – if you know the inside story, Gao Zixiang definitely thinks a lot.

It is said that Jing Huan was almost trafficked when he was a child. It was Liang Shu’s death that he was screaming at the people, and he was unwilling to let him go. He only took his life back.

Since then, Jing Huan has only one attitude - to provoke him, to provoke his sister can not.

Therefore, when Gao Zixiang learned that Liang Shu was cheated by the scum man in the game, he was also worried that Jing Huan would buy / fierce / kill / person after being filled with the server by the scum male.

The result was unexpected. The other side did not respond at all, and even sent Liang Hao to the airport with a calm face.

"Huanhuan, your sister's business is a matter of the game, a bunch of data only, you should not be too serious." Gao Zixiang said, "Your sister will definitely return to China after a while."

Jing Huan put the luggage on the tricycle and turned back: "Ask you."

Gao Zixiang: "What?"

"How do you know that my sister has an accident?"

Gao Zixiang’s meal changed his expression and changed: “Just, just hear it.”

Jinghuan Emei: "To tell the truth."

"..." Gao Zixiang regretted that he followed.

He had wanted to fool the past, but when he saw Jing Huan’s face seriously, he would not dare to say it. He had to be honest: "The woman has sent a lot of full-service horns, brushing your sister for several days, I will... ...coincidentally saw it."

Jing Huan took a deep breath: "Full service horn?"

Gao Zixiang said: "Yes, but these two days have not been brushed, it is estimated to have stopped."

Jinghuan stood for a while and said: "Know, go up. When I pack up the house, please come over and eat."

Gao Zixiang nodded, think about it or not, and said once again to Lu Wenhao’s advice: "What, Jinghuan, human flesh, you know?"

Jinghuan got on the bus: "Know. It's all in the game, I won't pull it to reality."

Gao Zixiang slightly relieved, and always felt that something was wrong. Before he even had time to think about it, the small three rounds had already set off and went outside the school.


The house rented by Jing Huan was more than 100 flats. It was a new house. No one lived. When he arrived, the house had been cleaned.

He packed up the things in the trunk, then turned on the computer and skillfully put "Jiu Xia" on the download list.

I took a shower and just downloaded it.

He looked at the client icon on the desktop, and it was awkward.

This game of Jiu Xia, Jing Huan is no stranger, he is one of the earliest batch of users of Jiu Xia, the game has been open for ten years, he played for six years.

If Gao Yi was not warned by his parents because of his academic problems, he would not retreat.

Four years after leaving Jiu Xia, Jing Huan’s return is not for the game itself.

Liang Shuming met a man in Jiuxia a while ago. The two met, met, and fell in love like other gamers. Liang Shue pays special attention to this online dating boyfriend and even prepares to meet with the other party on Valentine's Day.

Who knows that just before Valentine's Day, suddenly a woman who claimed to be the right palace appeared, chased Liang Shu in the world channel for several days, and even put the chat records of Liang Shu and the scum man on the forum, guiding countless "Jiu Xia" players come together to insult Liang Shu, almost a small-scale cyber violence.

Liang Shuming was not only "being a small three", but was also pushed to the cusp of the wind, and was reviled by thousands of people. The scum man did not come out at once, letting things ferment.

Liang Shuming grew up in the palm of his hand by his younger brother and elders. He has never suffered such aggrieved. This happened in a few days and collapsed. He deleted his game account and went abroad.

After Jing Huan knew about this incident, he almost did not go to Shanghai to burn Jiu Xia Corporation.

Jing Huan wants to get more and more angry, especially when he just knows that the other party has also brushed the full service speaker. The gadget is different from the server speaker. All the messages sent out can be received by the server.

Liang Shu did not mention this to him. It is estimated that he did not want him to be hard.

by! No wonder his sister will delete the number!

Jing Huan opened the nine-character with no expression, enter his own small account, and enter the server named "Mirror Flower Water Moon".

It is the server where his sister is. When Jing Huan knew this, he decided the first time - the game of the game was solved. He had to kill the scum man in the game for thousands of times and forced him to apologize and surrender.

But things are not as simple as he thought.

The game of Jiu Xia can be fired to the present, the fundamental reason is that there are a lot of gameplay in the game. You can become a master of pk, a copy of the master, a skillful hand, a gang leader, a rivers and lakes, and so on. Each game has its own charm, and players can choose.

And each player's dream is nothing more than boarding the strength list of the server.

The power list is also divided into many categories: the master list, the rich list, the popularity list, the famous list, the gang leader and so on.

In other districts, these lists are almost all different players. After all, it is not easy to punch the list, and few people can take care of them.

The "Mirror Flower Water" server is the only exception to the full service.

Jinghuan was checked on the official website before. In this server, except for the "gang leader", the top of the list was all occupied by the same player named "Heart".

Jinghuan just went online, and I saw the two players who were hanging up the stalls chatting.

[Current] Maybe one day: I haven’t been in a few days, and the thing that my heart yearns for is over.

[Current] 岚 bb: Yes, that little three have deleted the number and abandoned the tour, and what follow-up?

[Current] Maybe one day: Hey, I still hope to reverse it.

[Current] 岚bb: What reversal can this happen?

[Current] Maybe one day: In fact, the person who is longing for this person is particularly troublesome, and everyone is jealous, and the account is not married. This is probably the third person.

[Current] 岚bb: ... How do you know?

[Current] Maybe one day: Because he came to marry me, but unfortunately it was a practice on the number, hahaha. I also licked my friend. She hangs the husband and wife title every day, and her heart longs to dare to swear. She almost didn’t mad at her husband...

[Current] 岚 bb: There is still this thing... Does her husband say nothing?

[Current] Maybe one day: What dare to say, fight and beat. I guess the whole nine man will get together and can't move his hair.

Jing Huan presses the skill shortcut key, and after a few seconds of casting, he returns to the martial art.

At the beginning of last year, the official website released a screenshot of the character attributes that I longed for, and there were several pk videos of the other party in the arena. The two people were right. Looking at the whole nine men, I am afraid no one can beat him. .

The operation is not a blessing of Jing Huan. He has climbed the top list on other servers four years ago and is very confident in his operation.

But... I want to build an account that goes beyond my heart, at least for at least three years, not to mention the strength of the other party has been improving over the past few years.

For this reason, Jing Huan’s first revenge plan can only be put on hold.

But it doesn't matter.

He temporarily thought of a plan that was more sinister than killing the other side.

Jing Huan opens the official trading house of Jiu Xia, clicks on the account filter, and starts to check the game account keywords that he wants to buy.

At the server, the mirror is watery.

Requires level 150, the highest level.

Repair and assist skills are full.

Role gender, female.

Looking at the female account screened on the screen, Jing Huan raised his mouth and smiled coolly.

The heart is yearning for you, you are coming. 2k novel reading network