MTL - Great Tang Broom Star-v2 Chapter 1132 Waking of Insects

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  Chapter 1132 Awakening of Insects

   How is Gong Zhong?

  How would a twelve year old see it?

   "I don't like Gongzhong, but I must like Gongzhong."

   Li Xian said slowly.

  Han Da laughed while making tea for Li Xian: "Your Majesty and the Empress love Your Majesty very much. If Your Majesty is willing, they can live in the palace for a long time."

  Li Xian put down the book in his hand, and said flatly: "The crown prince may obstruct it."

  Han Da brought the tea cup over and said softly: "The empress loves the king, this is a threat. The king must be careful."

   Li Xian waved his hand, Han Da left.

   "I heard that the prince was in poor health when he was young, and he was extremely weak."

  He thought of Jia Ping'an.

   It was Jia Pingan who intervened in the life of the prince, which changed the fate of the prince.

  Since then, the prince's health has improved day by day.

  The key is new learning!

   Li Xian looked down at the books on the case table, but they were Confucian classics.


  Han Da came in again.


   Li Xian asked: "Aye and Aniang like new learning, why?"

  Han Da was stunned for a moment, "Your Majesty, this servant is thinking...the gentry is powerful, which is a big problem for His Majesty. If this servant wants to deal with one person, he will definitely make friends with his opponent."

   "This is the use of new learning to attack the gentry."


  Li Xian sighed, "The prince has been learning Confucianism and New Learning alternately since he was a child, but I can only learn Confucianism. This is not love, but a subtle warning."

  He raised his eyes and said: "Yesterday someone said that Aye plans to let me out of the palace next year and open the mansion by myself. Today's Kaifu is very different from before. Although there are officials, there is no power anymore."

  Whether the prince has the power to open the mansion depends on the emperor's will.

  When the Tang Dynasty was established, the three main princes had power, and the prince could lead the army to fight, as did Li Yuanji. Not to mention the first emperor, there were many civil servants and generals in Tiance's mansion.

  When it came to the first emperor, Li Chengqian was the crown prince, but Wei Wang Li Tai was favored, so he got involved deeply.

   "If those things are not accomplished, they will die, so the crown prince and the king of Qi died in the time of Emperor Gaozu. The king of Wei died in the time of the first emperor..."

   Li Xian shivered.


  A waiter came outside, and said happily: "Earlier, the crown prince spoke to the queen, saying that the king is young, so he is not in a hurry to open the palace."

   "Am I young?" Li Xian said: "You want to say that I am young and ignorant."


   "Two peaches kill three warriors."

   Li Zhi's forehead was covered with a wet cloth, he moved his head slightly, and immediately took a deep breath.

  Wu Mei went to support him, "Your Majesty, please lie down."

   "Dizzy after lying down for a long time."

   Li Zhi tried to sit up, his face turned blue.

"The Turks have been surrendering and rebelling, and they are never ending. I have been thinking about the means, but after much deliberation, I can only wait and see. Your younger brother is really good at it. Two peaches kill three soldiers. I am afraid that the Turks will fall into a long-term trap in the future." There's internal turmoil."

  Wu Mei smiled and said: "The Turkic civil strife was an opportunity for Datang. Datang was able to free his hands to deal with the Tubo people."

   "Yes, Tibetans!"

Li Zhi said: "Tubo is the great enemy of the Tang Dynasty. They take advantage of the fact that the Tang Dynasty can't go up to the heights to attack them, so they are unscrupulous. Today they attack in Tuyuhun, and tomorrow they attack in the Western Regions. They want to block the way out of the Tang Dynasty everywhere. I just want to contain Datang."

  The hostility between the two forces is often unreasonable. Maybe they just feel that the other party is threatening to attack, but in the final analysis, it is ambition that is at work, and they want to overwhelm the opponent.

  "Lu Dongzan was ambitious, and a secret spy came to report that Lu Dongzan had been cultivating his children and grandchildren."

  Wu Mei sneered and said: "This is to be a powerful minister for generations!"

   "This situation won't last long." Li Zhi said indifferently: "Think about Changsun Wuji and others back then, are they not power ministers? But unless power ministers seek rebellion, they will be liquidated sooner or later."

   "Lu Dongzan's sons and grandchildren are said to be quite good." Wu Mei frowned, "I don't know if Wu Lang is a match."

  Li Zhi couldn't help laughing, "You and I can live for another few decades. Besides, the prince taught by me can't match the sons and grandchildren of Lu Dongzan? What a joke!"

   At this moment, the emperor was in high spirits.

   "Ping An said that Lu Dongzan's children and grandchildren are good."

  Li Zhi smiled and said: "There is no need to worry. The Tang Dynasty now lacks the enemy of Liaodong, and the Turks have been defeated. It will be difficult to be an enemy in the future. This way, the Tang Dynasty can devote all its strength to deal with Tubo..."

   "That's right." Wu Mei said: "Wu Lang said earlier that Liu Lang is still young, so he can leave the palace later to build a mansion."

   Li Zhi's expression gradually calmed down, "I will think about this matter again."


   "Children are debts!"

   Jia Pingan took people to the outskirts of a village and thought of a movie from later generations.

  The child was abducted, the parents cried for it, and the father went all over the place to find the child...

   "That's right, my father always talked about family happiness when I got married, but I didn't know until I had a few children that I couldn't be happy anymore. I was flying around all day, and I couldn't bear the pain."

   Bao Dong was very melancholy.

   Lei Hong has already entered the village.

  When the sun was setting, Lei Hong discovered the clue.

   "If you cry again, you will be beaten to death!"

   "Still crying!"


  The girl's screams came.

   "Aye save me!"


  The only responses to her were scolding and beating.

   "Crying again will kill you! Shut up!"


   Lei Hong accidentally knocked down the wooden stick, and there was a moment of silence inside.

   Lei Hong turned around and ran away without hesitation.

  There are not many people in this village, but he discovered earlier that most of them are big men.

  He is very confident in his strength, but two fists are no match for four hands!


  The door opened, and someone saw Lei Hong running wildly.

   "An outsider has sneaked in!"

   Clap clap!

   There are more than 20 households in this village, and every family is open at the moment.

"over there!"

  The big men came out with long knives and spears.


   "Little thief, I will kill you today!"

   "Bitch slave, look at the gun!"

  A spear flew over, even passed over Lei Hong's head, and stuck in front of him, deep into the ground, and its tail was still trembling.

   This thing can pierce even heavy armor, if Lei Hong is hit, it will make two holes with one shot.

   Lei Hong felt cold all over his body, and when he looked back, he saw more than twenty big men rushing towards him with various weapons.

   I say!


   Lei Hong didn't care about being laughed at, and shouted for help.

   "Yeah it's an official!"

   He yelled.

  The big men behind were stunned for a moment, and then someone shouted: "Shut up!"

   Lei Hong was confused again.

   Is there no good person in this village?


  He ran all the way out of the village.

"kill him!"

  The big men rushed out.

   All the way in hot pursuit.

   Lei Hong ran panting, and had to look back from time to time, worried that someone would throw a spear again.

   As a result, his speed was affected, and the big men chased him closer and closer.

   "Quick, grab him!"

  Seeing that Lei Hong was about to be caught, the big guys couldn't help but be overjoyed.

   "Yay serve him personally tonight!"

   "Damn, I haven't got a woman for a long time, get him!"

   Lei Hong tightened his back and shouted, "Duke, save me!"

  The big man behind him grinned grinningly and said, "What country? Yay, I'm here to save you!"

Da da!

  The sound of horseshoes suddenly came from the front.

  Under the setting sun, Yiqi is accelerating with more than 20 riders.

"who is it?"

  The big man lost his composure and screamed.

   "The end you've been waiting for is coming."

   Lei Hong yelled and cursed while running.


   Lei Hong only felt that someone was pulling his heels, and he fell to the ground with a bang.

   My life is over!

   "Kill him and silence him!"

   It was the spear that held Lei Hong back. This spear passed between his shoe and heel, and then plunged into the soil, as if someone had held Lei Hong's foot.

  A big man rushed over with a horizontal knife.

  Yeah it's over!

   Lei Hong wanted to get rid of the shoes eagerly, but because the shoes had a spear, he couldn't get rid of them for a while, so he could only watch helplessly as the horizontal knife was raised high.

   Bao Dong still owes me a brothel!

   Lei Hong felt sad in his heart.


   Arrows are like shooting stars!

  The big man just raised the horizontal knife, and an arrow suddenly pierced into his throat.

  The big man raised his head, and Yiqi was drawing his bow and nodding his arrows.

   "Kill him to silence him."

   Someone raises a spear and prepares to shoot.

   That rider shot arrows again.


  The big man who had just leaned back was hit by an arrow and fell down.

   "It's a sharpshooter, run away!"

  The big men shouted and ran around.

   "Turn it up, no one can let go!"

   Cavalry chasing pedestrians is just a game.

   "Kneel down and don't kill!"

   Someone was still running wildly, Jia Pingan rode his horse to catch up, and slashed the back of his head with a knife. The thief rolled his eyes and fell to the ground.

   Bao Dong said: "Duke, I'm afraid I will become a fool if I do this."

   "Idiots are fine."


   "A fool knows no fear."

   Jia Pingan rode his horse and rushed to the village.

   "Surrounded, no one is allowed to enter or leave."

   Jia Ping'an ordered Baiqi's men to deploy and control them.

   "Everyone in this village has weapons. Lei Hong shouted that he was an official and dared to chase and kill them. There must be something strange."

  The village was surrounded, and the big men were surrounded.

   "Let me go!"

  A woman came out holding a three or four-year-old girl, holding the child in her left hand, and resting a short knife on the child's neck in her right hand, with a stern look on her face.

   "If you don't let me go, I will kill her!"

   Jia Pingan raised his bow and set his arrow, the woman looked at him with a sneer.

   "If you have the ability, shoot the arrow, and see if your arrow is faster or my knife is faster!"


  The woman was hit by an arrow in the forehead, her body was shaking, her eyes were blank.

  Jia Pingan drew his bow, rode his horse and rushed over. Bao Dong behind him picked up the girl, and the woman fell down.


   Jia Ping'an pointed around.


  A girl was calling for help, Jia Ping dismounted and kicked open the door, a tied girl said in panic, "Are you their accomplice?"

  The girl looked eleven or twelve years old. Jia Pingan looked inside carefully and found nothing unusual.

   "Save her!"

   Jia Ping'an went out, and a Baiqi rushed in.

  After untiing the rope, the girl asked: "Dare to ask where the nobleman is from? I will ask Aye to thank you later."

   This is not about ordinary background.

   Baiqi said: "I am Baiqi."

   "Hundred riders? What about the previous nobleman?"

  The girl felt relieved, "How indifferent."

   "You actually know Baiqi?" Baiqi smiled, "That's Zhao Guogong."

  Do you still expect Zhao Guogong to smile at you?

   Baiqi thought it was funny.

   "It turned out to be Zhao Guogong?"

  The girl's eyes lit up, "I want to see Zhao Guogong."

   But Jia Pingan didn't have time to see her.

  After a sweep, they rescued a total of five children, all of whom were girls.

  Several girls were crying, and everyone couldn't coax them well after coaxing them for a long time.

   "Go back to eating meat."

   Jia Ping'an's promise was useless.

   "They say they all belong to Chang'an."

   Lei Hong took people to torture the big men and got a confession.

   "Then take them back. By the way, find a few women in a nearby village, give them money, and send them back in a horse-drawn carriage."

   Bao Dong asked, "What's the use of coming here?"

   Jia Pingan scolded: "It's useless to wait, I can only invite them to take care of the child! Get out!"

   Bao Dong led the people there in a desperate manner.

  The group rested in the village that night.

   "This village was originally abandoned and was used as a stronghold by these people. They love to abduct children in Chang'an City, especially the children of powerful families. They specially obtained them and sold them to those local tyrants."

   "Aren't local tyrants afraid of retaliation?" Jia Ping'an was a little puzzled.

   "It is said to be a local rich man in the countryside."

   "Those wealthy landowners like this kind of noble girls the most, and they take them as concubines after they grow up."

   "Do you still want to be relatives with the nobleman?" Lei Hong laughed angrily.

   "Maybe it's a quirk."

  In the early morning of the second day, Jia Pingan took the people back first, and then Baiqi hired a cart, invited a few women to coax the children, and slowly returned to the city.

  Jia Pingan returned to the palace first to return to his orders.

   "Turkic things are done well."

  Wu Mei praised him, and then asked, "Why didn't you report it in advance?"

   "Didn't think of that before."

   Jia Pingan said heartlessly.

  Wu Mei pointed at him, "I'll deal with you later. By the way, what are you talking about abducting children?"

   "A group of thieves lived in an abandoned village, specializing in abducting children around. They often went into Chang'an City to look for those children with noble spirits..."

  Wu Mei said flatly: "Death is more than a crime."

   "Yes, I interrupted their hands and feet."

"Very good."

  Wu Mei said gratifiedly: "The prime ministers were amazed by your plan this time. Two peaches killed three soldiers, and His Majesty also praised you."

   Jia Pingan smiled.

   "What do you think will happen in Tubo?"

   This is Datang's current number one enemy.

   "It depends on the time when Tubo gets detailed information about this battle. If we can get the news in the summer, Ludongzan will send troops."

   "Is it time to attack in autumn?"


  Autumn high horse fat!

  When leaving the palace, Shao Peng said one thing.

   "The empress is going to let King Pei go out of the palace next year to build a mansion, but the crown prince said it's too early..."

   Jia Pingan asked calmly, "How is Your Majesty?"

   "Your Majesty, think again." Shao Peng felt that this attitude was a bit ambiguous.

   "How about King Pei?" Jia Ping'an thought of Li Xian who was hostile to him.

   "Pei Wang went to the prince to express his thanks, saying that the brothers are quite close."

   Intimate yarn!

  Princes may be close, but there is very little closeness between princes and princes.

  Think about it, they are all brothers, why are you a prince and an emperor in the future, and I can only go to some place where no **** is to be squatted in the future, and I can only see the sky above my head for the rest of my life.

   Unless you are a particularly open-minded person, the prince's emotions towards the prince must be all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred.

  Jia Pingan said in a low voice: "Think about the relationship between the princes when Emperor Gaozu was, and then think about the relationship between the princes when the first emperor was, and be optimistic about the prince..."

   Several princes of Gaozu killed each other, and finally the first emperor ascended the throne.

   Several princes of the late emperor fought openly and secretly, and in the end Li Chengqian and Li Tai were sadly eliminated.

  Shaopeng nodded, "Don't worry, the queen mentioned this matter secretly, because she felt that the prince is growing up, and if it gives them ambition, it will be difficult to deal with it in the future."

   That's the reason!

   "Sister is wise."

  Shaopeng rolled his eyes, "We won't take this flattery back."


   Jia Pingan laughed it off.

   "That's right." Shao Peng said: "Our younger sister hasn't come to look for us this month. We are afraid that something might happen to her, so please send someone to take a look."

   "Easy to say!"

  Jia Pingan asked: "I remember your brother-in-law is in the fur business, right?"

  Shaopeng nodded, with hidden worries in his eyes.

  After returning to the queen's side, Zhou Shanxiang said, "You didn't ask for leave this month?"

  Shao Peng said: "My sister didn't come."

   Zhou Shanxiang was puzzled, "Why didn't you come?"

  Shaopeng shook his head, Zhou Shanxiang said: "You should go and see."

Shaopeng leaned against the door, and said with a gloomy gaze: "We are useless people. Although we have gained some power with the queen, but she is my younger sister. That family has its own life. It would be cheaper if we suppressed it with power, but ah My sister will face an indifferent husband, we can't!"

  Zhou Shanxiang was surprised, "You are a mouse-thrower."


  Shao Peng smiled wryly.


  A carriage stopped at the door of Wang Xiang's house, Shaoqing of Honglu Temple.

   "Big lady!"

  The door opened, and I was shocked when I saw the girl who got off the carriage.

   Immediately, the Wang family boiled.

  Yi rode to Honglu Temple.

   "The eldest lady is back."

   After knowing that Wang leaves office, Wang Xiang will be his successor.

  Wang Xiang shivered, "What?"

  The servant said: "Ah Lang, the lady is back."

  Wang Xiang was shocked, and then galloped away.

   "Shaoqing! Wang Shaoqing!"

   There are small officials chasing after.

   "The old man won't come today."

  Wang Xiangfei also seemed to arrive at home, got off his horse and lifted the hem of his robe with one hand, and ran like that.

   "Big lady!"

  Wang Shuner, who was sitting on the couch and talking about this experience with her mother and others, suddenly got up, "Aye!"

  Wang Xiang has three sons and only one daughter, so she has been doted on since she was a child.

  Seeing that his daughter was safe, Wang Xiang choked up, "How did you get lost on March 3rd?"

  Wang Shun'er got lost on March 3rd.

   "That day outside the city, I drank a glass of wine and felt dizzy, so I wanted to blow some air. Who knew that when I got out of Taolin, I bumped into a woman. She just slapped me a few times, and I don't even remember it."

  Wang Xiang said angrily: "The two counties of Chang'an Wannian have neglected their duties!"

  He was really angry, "Who saved you this time?"

   "It's Zhao Guogong."

  Wang Xiang was stunned.

  “I was **** and thrown in a village. I cried all day, and they beat me…”

  Wang Shun'er picked up his sleeves, his arms were covered with pinches and bruises.

  Wang Xiang felt very distressed, "I'm sorry for you."

   "I was still howling that afternoon, and they pinched me, saying they were going to kill me... Suddenly they all ran out, yelling that they were going to kill me..."

   "Later, the sound of horseshoes came from outside, and many people screamed. Then someone opened the door and came in. This person is Zhao Guogong."

  Wang Xiang clasped his hands together, "Buddha blesses you, thank you, Mr. Zhao."

  Wang Shun'er's eldest brother smiled and said, "Aren't sisters on good terms with the young lady of Zhao Guogong's family? This is fate!"

  Wang Shun'er nodded, "Yes! That's right! I'm on good terms with Doudou, but unfortunately I haven't been to Jia's house."

  Wang Xiang turned around and said, "Prepare gifts and go to Jia's house right away."

  Wang Xiang took his daughter to Jia's house, but Jia Ping'an was not there.

   "Thank you very much."

  Wang Xiang saluted solemnly.

   Wei Wushuang, who was leading the scorpion, said with a smile: "Ling Ai and DouDou are good friends, and my husband should rescue him."

  Doudou, who had gone out, came back and saw Wang Shun'er's eyes widened, "Shun'er!"

   "Go around!"

  Two good friends met each other with tears in their eyes.

   "I heard they said you disappeared."

   "I was kidnapped, and you, Aye, saved me."

   "Aye?" Doudou's eyes widened in disbelief.


  Jia Ping'an has arrived outside Liang Duan's house.


   Ask for a monthly pass!

Good night!

  (end of this chapter)