MTL - Great Tang Broom Star-~ Goguryeo or Goryeo? last reply

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   Goguryeo or Goryeo? last reply

  People often spray when they see the front: Goguryeo can also be written as Goryeo? Then a bunch of spray.

   It is a common practice to be sprayed with code words. If you do this industry, you have to accept everything that this industry brings. There is still a sense of jazz.

  Goguryeo is still Goryeo, and I had a rough understanding of it before opening the book—in fact, there is no need to understand it, and writing directly about Goguryeo will definitely save a lot of controversy. but i...


   Regarding this dispute, Jazz is not a historian. The only thing he can do is to check it many times.

  This issue is controversial from various sources, but the core of the debate is not the name, but when Goguryeo was renamed Goryeo.

  In other words, it is a historical fact that Goguryeo was renamed Goryeo.

  Secondly, the contradictory points of many debates focus on the timeline... When did Goguryeo change its name to Goryeo. However, the timeline of many disputes is before the founding of the Tang Dynasty. During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, Goguryeo was renamed Goryeo.

   That is to say, before the Tang Dynasty, the name Goguryeo had disappeared.

   Don't dwell on it. In addition, the follow-up Wang's Koryo is a Porcelain, so there is no need to talk about it. In fact, Wang's Koryo touches porcelain, which also proves the historical fact that Koguryo was renamed Koryo from the side.

  End of this debate, concentrate on finishing the book...

  (end of this chapter)