MTL - Great Tang Broom Star-Chapter 18 people cheer

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  Chapter 18 The People Cheer

  Liao Quan has been watching Jia Pingan.

  As a well-known unlucky guy and broom star, most people would not dare to approach this person at all, but Xu Jingzong rode his horse beside the carriage very kindly, talking to Jia Pingan inside from time to time.

  Liao Quan was deeply worried about Lao Xu's safety, so he moved closer to hear what the broom star was saying.

   "... Rest assured, as long as those people have land and the envoy is in charge, they will not care about any gentry. As for the old enmity between the two villages, the students think it is simple..."

  Liao Quan couldn't help frowning, feeling that Jia Ping'an's words were a bit exaggerated.

  The two villages have been fighting for several years, and several of them were seriously injured. This is almost a sworn hatred. How can they reconcile as before?

  The kid is boastful!

  Liao Quan moved closer, ready to cough dryly.

   "As long as the matter is calmed down and the two villages are married, as long as there is a couple, the overall situation will be settled."

   No one was killed, so what can't be solved?

  Xu Jingzong sighed: "How can such grievances be eliminated in a short time? Don't you know the stubbornness of those village elders in Yangjiawu? Such things don't last for ten or twenty years. Don't even think about it."

  When Liao Quan heard this, he couldn't help but look in admiration, thinking that the boss is well-informed.

  Many villages have not communicated with each other for a hundred years because of a trivial matter, not to mention that Wanglin Village and Xiapu Village have fought many times, how could the gap be eliminated in a short time?

   Ignorant children!

  Liao Quan couldn't help cursing.

   Jia Pingan didn't explain anymore.

   After arriving at the place, Xu Jingzong called people from both sides, asked them to bring farm tools, and said, "I know what you're waiting for, but I just don't want to bow my head."

   This is reasonable, otherwise why is it so tragic for five acres of land? One is the benefits of the five acres of land; the other is that they refuse to bow their heads.

   Ma Dan, if you beat Suu Tui to death, you just can't bow your head.

  Hundreds of villagers are silent, but the black formation looks a little frightening.

  Datang Mansion Soldiers are a combination of soldiers and peasants. They farm the land when they are busy, and Zhechong Mansion summons them to practice when they are free, or go to the capital to defend.

  At present, the government military system of the Tang Dynasty is in its heyday, and many people want to join the army, and at least they will make a contribution.

  This is the general environment at the moment. Under this general environment, the people of Datang are tough and can be called the best source of soldiers.

  Xu Jingzong said loudly: "The old man knows that there is a difference in the number of fields, but there are only so many fields in Huazhou? What should I do?"

  It is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice, and there is no field to supply you, what should I do? This is the foundation, and it is also the root cause of this problem that cannot be solved.

  Hundreds of villagers remained silent.

   This is a dead end.

  County magistrate Zhao Cong stood on the side, looking at Xu Jingzong with complicated eyes, thinking that this person who came here today might be humiliating himself.

  Thinking of his friends who came a few days ago mentioning Xu Jingzong's scandal in Chang'an, he couldn't help sighing in a low voice, thinking that such a courtier could be reused, it really is... not old.

  But he knew the reason why the emperor wanted to raise loyal dogs, so he despised him.

  Xu Jingzong has already entered the state, thinking that Jia Ping'an made him show his emotions before, preferably in tears, and felt that it was very correct.


  But who is Lao Xu? A man who can be disrespectful at the emperor's funeral and laugh at the queen's funeral, if you expect him to shed tears for the people, that is a fantasy.

  He glanced at Jia Pingan, and some embarrassing emotions were revealed from his eyes.

  Liao Quan's heart tightened, knowing that Xu Jingzong was entangled in this problem after all.

  He immediately made up his mind and felt that Xu Jingzong took the initiative to take responsibility. This kind of responsibility is rare, so even if he is powerless, it is understandable.

  What is this brain-filling mentality called in later generations? Crazy fans.

  When Jia Pingan saw Lao Xu's embarrassed eyes, he was taken aback, and then thought of all kinds of weird things about Lao Xu, and knew that he couldn't be emotional.

  Then will you fake cry?

  Jia Pingan thought for a while, approached, and said in a low voice: "Master, can the common people...can imagine and fantasize?"

  Old Xu nodded, of course he would, he had imagined countless times that he would berate Fang Qiu above the court, and the important officials below would all smile at him.

  He fantasized about this kind of thing countless times, and every time he got a lot of excitement.

   Jia Ping'an glanced at Liao Quan, "So that you can imagine those common people as...your brothers."

  Old Xu shook his head, Jia Pingan couldn't help it, and asked again: "Then what is the envoy most reluctant to part with?"

  Xu Jingzong thought about it, but was too embarrassed to say it.

  Jia Ping'an said: "Master, just think of those people as the things you don't want to give up the most, thinking that those things will leave soon..."

  In an instant, Xu Jingzong burst into tears.

  This acting skill, this speed... Even the film king will have to kneel when he comes!

  Jia Pingan was surprised, and heard Xu Jingzong whispering: "Aye..."

  When Yu Wenhua rebelled, Xu's father and son were arrested. Xu Jingzong's father begged desperately to ask Yu Wenhua to let his son Xu Jingzong go. In the end, he died in front of Xu Jingzong, but Xu Jingzong escaped.

Xu Jingzong walked over slowly, and said: "I know the pain of waiting for you to have less land. With less land, there will be less food harvested, and the whole family will not be able to eat enough. It's all right for adults, but children... what father would like to watch Children suffer? No!"

   There were tears in his eyes, and some people saw it with sharp eyes, and were shocked, "I made you cry!"

   How many officials are willing to shed tears for the people these years?

  Old Xu was the first person the people of Huazhou saw!


  People are simple at certain times, when you treat them with heart, they will treat you with heart.

  Reciprocity, if you treat me well, I will treat you well.

  This is the most simple principle of life for the people.

  Xu Jingzong sniffed, "There is a thousand acres of wasteland in the north. I checked it out, and there is a difference of more than a hundred acres between the two villages. If so, you can follow the old man to reclaim the wasteland, and reclaim as much as the difference. Come!"

  He turned and walked north.

  The people were stunned for a moment, and someone said: "That is... that is the land booked by the wealthy gentry in Huazhou! It cannot be occupied!"

  The fear of the powerful is deeply rooted these days, and everyone is worried about being punished.

   You want to say emperor, sorry, but the most powerful ones are the powerful families and noble gentry.

   "Can make you..."

   Everyone looked at Xu Jingzong, only to see that he held his head up slightly and his steps were steady.

  Liao Quan was moved, "Is this your idea?"

Jia Pingan glanced at him, but shouted: "You are not afraid of offending those people, no, you are willing to wait for you to offend those people, but you wait but don't move, so that your kindness has become a donkey's liver and lungs, no It’s worth it! It’s not worth it! What kind of Tang man, where is he? A certain one can’t see it!”

  As soon as he said these words, hundreds of villagers blushed in embarrassment, and a village elder shouted: "The old man is ashamed to see people, go! Follow the envoy!"

  Hundreds of villagers followed behind with hoes on their shoulders.

   This group of people arrived at the wasteland aggressively. Just as Xu Jingzong wanted to command, Jia Pingan said: "Master, do it!"

  Xu Jingzong was taken aback, looked around, and asked, "Who are you fighting with?"

   This wonderful thing who doesn't understand the minds of the people!

  Jia Pingan wanted to die, and said: "You don't have to worry about anything, just open up wasteland, just dig the soil."

  Xu Jingzong thought that Jia Ping'an's analysis was correct, so he started digging without hesitation.

   A group of people were digging in silence. The farmers were no problem, they were all veterans, but Lao Xu couldn’t do it. Years of official career made his hands very delicate, and it didn’t take long for him to get blisters.

  Xu Jingzong glanced at Jia Pingan, saw this guy sitting on the edge, biting a grass root in his mouth, very carefree, so he went over and kicked him, and then showed the blisters on his palm.

   "Good thing!" Jia Ping'an's eyes lit up, "Keep digging, more blisters will be good."

  Xu Jingzong felt a severe pain in the palm of his hand, and just about to get angry, Jia Pingan said: "Political achievements..."

yes! Achievements!

  The old man wants to go back to Chang'an!

  Xu Jingzong looked resolute and continued to wave his hoe.

  Liao Quan was behind, and gradually realized something.

   This Jia Ping'an seems to be the envoy's think tank. So when did they both start?

   When going to Yangjiawu?

  Liao Quan felt that Shijun's tall image was a bit short, but he immediately made up his own brain.

   No one is perfect, and those great ministers, they also have brains around them!

   But this Jia Pingan is so witty, which makes Liao Quan feel that it is not easy.

   No wonder Shijun wants to protect him, that's how it is!

  Worked until noon, everyone rested, Xu Jingzong slowly let go of the hoe, and someone beside him exclaimed: "Hand of the Lord!"

   When everyone heard the words and looked, they saw a pair of **** hands.


  An old man came over and said in a trembling voice: "How honorable it is to make your hand hold a pen for His Majesty, but today you are wielding a **** for our livelihood, making you..."

  In an instant, there was a piece of kneeling on the wasteland.

  People who have never farmed the land do not know the hardships of this job. When they first started, blisters are just common.

   But this is the governor of a state!

  The key point is that the palms of Lao Xu's hands were bloody, and it seemed that they had blistered a long time ago, but he didn't make a sound, and continued to work until the blisters were all worn out.

  Why is this?

   Isn’t it just for us?

  The people in the two villages were moved, sincerely moved.

   "Making the King Gao Yi!"

   "Whoever says that the envoy is a traitor will kill him!"


  Old Xu Leng was there, the severe pain in his hands was forgotten.

  He also served as an official in the local area several times, but he had limited contact with the people. He felt that the people were too far away from him, so he didn't care.

   But today, when he saw the crowd of common people kneeling down, he was moved, "Get up, everyone get up!"

  Being moved, Xu Jingzong glanced at Jia Pingan, and couldn't help being ecstatic.

   This is the sincere gratitude of the people, and this is a living political achievement!

   Turn around and report to Chang'an, who would dare to say that I, Old Xu, is a traitor?

  He endured the pain with a smile, but Jia Pingan thought of the two villages, so he said to Liao Quan: "Tell the envoy, now that their hearts are agitated, it is best for the envoy to persuade them, let them get married!"

   Marriage is the best way to reconcile in this era, so Liao Quan wanted to go over, but the people rushed up and surrounded Xu Jingzong, all kinds of gratitude!

   Tsk tsk!

  The scene was really crowded, and the gongs and drums were loud!

  Liao Quan was taken aback, "I can't say it!"

  Old Xu was surrounded, did he yell? That was too obvious.

   Jia Pingan saw a woman delivering food nearby, so he walked over and shouted at Lao Xu: "Your envoy!"

   The moment Xu Jingzong looked up, Jia Pingan stretched out his hand to embrace the woman, and then winked.


  The woman subconsciously slapped Jia Pingan on the back of the head. When he saw that he was a young man with a handsome face, he took a sip, "Who taught you this? It must be..."

  She took a look at Liao Quan, and then went to talk to several women, all pointing fingers at Liao Quan.

  Liao Quan couldn't help vomiting blood, thinking that this wasn't someone's instigation, it was all the broom star's own idea.

  However, Governor Shi Liaoquan of Hua is a traitor who likes to molest women, so this rumor was still spread.

   And Xu Jingzong over there has been recalled by Jia Pingan's actions, and then said with a smile: "So, you two villages, are you willing to marry?"


  When uploading this chapter, Jazz couldn’t help but miss the book friends deeply, wondering where are those handsome men and beauties? Are they voting? But in supporting the Jazz...

  (end of this chapter)