MTL - Grab the Heroine and Run Away Hee Hee Hee (entertainment Circle)-Chapter 39 Star Shining Girls

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coming! "Ge Tao's internal response, his former classmate and old friend, the later stage of Xingyao Girl said angrily.

"Don't talk about the source of the film, I don't even know what the content of this episode is! Director Liu's replacements are all younger, more honest and obedient than the other, asking so many questions and not letting a single fart, I'm so **** off!"

Ge Tao was even angrier, "Then what should I do! Don't forget that I will give you half of the money I earn from being popular now!"

"Oh, it's really impossible, you should fool around first, anyway, we have made a lot of money, so it's not bad." Later said, "Aren't you going to that show? Anyway, get up, don't worry about it."

Ge Tao suffered from myocardial infarction and closed the chat bar bitterly. He wanted to ignore it, but many people in the comment area clearly came to watch him play, and they all spoke sarcasm and sarcasm, he couldn't just sit idly by!

These people almost rushed up and pointed at him and said he was fake, and they kept asking the Aite program team to investigate.

The more Ge Tao thought about it, the more he panicked, and the more he panicked, the more he remembered this matter, and he kept refreshing his comments on his mobile phone.

Just when he was thinking about his eyes and mind, and pretending to be dead to avoid this, the program team who had contacted him before suddenly came to him and asked him to appease the Weibo fans, otherwise the program would consider whether to sign a contract or not.

Ge Tao suddenly had nowhere to go. He started to call people he knew who could be related to the show to find out the results, but he didn't get anything, and he got a lot of questions.

"Well, so you really didn't guess it yourself? Ge Tao, you should be careful. Director Liu has quite a status in the circle, so don't think about offending him."

"You said that you are a rapper, why did you touch Ciren's talent show? Does it have anything to do with you? Either you apologize honestly, or you just guess wildly."

"Where do we go to find out, they signed a confidentiality contract, if they really want to leak it, will we still cooperate in the future!"

Ge Tao was sweating profusely, and if he tried to contact him again, he was simply ignored.

"Forget it... It's better to be ridiculed at the worst than to lose the show!" Ge Tao gritted his teeth, switched the tuba directly, and threw out three names at random.

"The first is Tan Yutong, the second is Xu Heran, and the third is Lin Weining."

He hurriedly wrote down three names and immediately went offline.

Unexpectedly, the next morning, when the feature film was supposed to be released two days later, the program team moved ahead again.

The new ranking was born. Everyone looked at the first place with 5.92 million votes, and then looked at the gap of 2.553 million votes and Ge Tao's number one, 2.66 million votes. Almost laughed out loud.

"Don't laugh, Ge Daxian has guessed one right~ the great immortal skill is still there! How do mortals know the great immortal skill!"

"Ge Daxian can't do it anymore. The time when he 'guessed' Xin Nuo first, he even accurately guessed the number of votes in the top three. Why didn't he guess right this time, and he didn't even guess the number of votes?"

"Sin Nuo won the first place twice in a row. How unconfident are you in her that you don't even arrange for the top three? You've put Xu Heran in second place. Xu Heran asks her fans to vote for Xin Nuo every day. what!"

"Don't ask, it's a big company, just rely on a big company~"

"Big companies are superstitious. Look at Xin Nuo, Song Fenghua, Youyou, Haya, Laurel, and Jiang Qiong. Almost half of the trainees in this small company are!"

"It's all about laughing~"

Behind the screen, Ge Tao seemed to have been slapped on the face. The recording of Xingyao Girl just ended yesterday, and only one night later, the program team released the feature film directly, as if they were waiting for him!

Ge Tao's face was innocent, and he wanted to contact his internal response, but found that he was blocked. He slapped the table bitterly, and suddenly found that that annoying name was still on the promotion list.

Laurel has not been eliminated yet!

Ge Tao was angry and impatient, he suddenly remembered what he had done to Laurel before, and he was inexplicably flustered, he was afraid that Laurel would get angry and get revenge like he had done to her.

"No, I will never let her debut!" Ge Tao gritted his teeth, and climbed onto Weibo with ridicule.

T.A.O: "I'm sorry everyone, I never said I would guess completely right! It's just for fun, don't take it seriously. By the way. Lao Tao has something to tell everyone here, fan idols, don't be too sincere , you never know what disgusting thing she is, since everyone pays attention to me, they trust me and sell my face, remember, don't be sincere, a certain person, hot chicken."


"Why are you scolding?"

"Does Teacher Ge know Teacher Xu? I clearly remember that someone said, 'The exact ranking must be calculated on Saturday night'. Aren't you a great fairy? Didn't you calculate it? Now I'm starting to guess again gone?"

"Slap yourself in the face, you still expect us to believe you."

"Hey, it's just a joke, no one will really believe it, right? He just got the news from somewhere to show off, and if he doesn't get it this time, he will go crazy and want to pour dirt on the girls water."

"The oldest girl is only 22, and the youngest is 16. Teacher Ge is thirty-six this year. A girl who has never debuted before, why is she disgusting? Why, have you seen it, you know it?"

Ge Tao replied, "I don't want to say too much, but I did deal with one of them, tsk, nonsense has no quality at all, eyes grow on the top of the head, and speaking to elders is swearing, If you like this kind of person, I won't stop him, hehe."

After Ge Tao's voice fell, the surrounding fans suddenly became interested. Everyone asked him who he was and if he had the ability to speak out, but Ge Tao kept silent.

His half-concealed attitude immediately aroused the interest of netizens, and everyone began to question who was the one who made the obscenities in his mouth.

"First exclude Xu Heran, Little Pearl only returned to China this year, so there is no chance of an intersection."

"The big companies are also excluded. Ge Tao dare not offend the big companies if he licks them so much. The rest is a bit guesswork."

"Haya or Laurel?"

Inside Universal Entertainment, the new news about Ge Tao, who was being watched by the public relations manager, cheered everyone up. Both Haya and Laurel are good friends of Xu Heran, and Cui Qi asked the PR department to pay attention to the situation and report at any time.

Just as the netizens were eating melons excitedly, a person with the name "Han Meimei Fenmei" appeared with a fierce tone.

Han Meimei said: "I really laughed to death. I remember clearly. Three years ago, someone participated in a certain rap competition. A thirty-three-year-old artist was no match for a fifteen-year-old girl. The reason for the diss was to scold the whole family, but the fists of the diss were all raised up, and the organizer came forward to calm down the disturbance, oh~ you are talking nonsense and obscenities after this matter? Of course we don’t bother to see people like you , you are worse than the **** on the roadside, you just forced the little girl to retire, and you sneakily smashed the spicy chicken at the stall at night! You really think highly of us, three years, just because of this Chasing us with grudges, you are really awesome!"

Han Meimei split up: "Of course we dare not go head-to-head with a brother like you, a social scum with a strong relationship inside and outside the prison. After all, we have parents, but you don't."

These two comments were pushed up in an instant, Ge Tao's face flushed instantly, and he quickly dialed the phone.

"Why is Han Meimei still here? Isn't her company ruined by us!"

"It's yellow. Aren't the people in her band selling aphrodisiacs now?" The person on the other side of the phone said with a smile.

"Fart! Didn't you see that Laurel is almost climbing to the debut position of Xingyao Girl! When she becomes popular, it will be me!"

Ge Tao has done a lot of **** things in the past. He was afraid that he would be exposed, so he quickly deleted Weibo, but when he deleted Weibo, he found that he didn't know what to do now. Give them any chance to stand out, but Laurel actually secretly participated in Xingyao Girls, and kept climbing up the rankings! How is he going to put his hand into Xingyao Girl!

"Contact this person." Cui Qi told the public relations manager on the phone, "Suppress this matter, check it out, and don't disturb the normal competition of the children."

"Okay, Miss Cui."

Cui Qi turned off the phone and glanced at Weibo.

With the guidance of public relations, everyone's attention quickly fell on the live broadcast stage a week later. Ge Tao's matter was like a small blister, and it disappeared before there was any movement.

"My friends, His Majesty Hua said that she will treat us to a barbecue when we are on holiday next week!" Xu Heran raised his hand and said happily.

The fourteen girls are divided into four groups for training in the morning and evening. The ones resting in the room at the moment happen to be the tenth team.

Laurel rubbed his nose and said embarrassedly: "I wanted to invite everyone to dinner a long time ago. I have a few friends who set up a barbecue stall by themselves. It is clean and safe."

"When this game is over, no matter what the result is, let's get together?"

"Okay hahaha." Haya laughed, "Should I call another team?"

Fourteen of them, four teams, each with two teams.

"Anything is fine." Laurel smiled, "Meat is enough."

Xu Heran and Jiang Qiong immediately raised their hands and cheered.

"I also want friends who open barbecue stalls!" Xu Heran shouted loudly, "Who doesn't like to eat barbecue!"

Xin Nuo nodded, "Well, if it's not enough, we can bring our own."

She knelt down behind Xu Heran, stretched out two hands from behind, put them on Xu Heran's shoulders, held her face and gently kneaded it, "Cooking now, fresh suckling pig."

Xu Heran: "!!"

"Too much!"

Xu Heran immediately turned over and held down Xin Nuo, and the two had a "tragic" fight.

"It's less than ten years old together." Jian Yueyin shook her head and said helplessly.

"Then Xu Zhenzhu is only one year old." Jiang Qiong immediately added insult to injury.

Song Fenghua did not speak, unscrewed the two bottles of mineral water, and put them beside the two children who were "fighting".

"Okay! Friends, let's continue! For the roast suckling pig in seven days!" Jian Yueyin clapped her hands.

In the next second, whether they were sitting on the ground, laying down to rest, or hugging each other and "scrambling", the girls raised their hands at the same time.

"Come on, team!"

"Come on, three teams!" Xu Heran raised his hand, and invited Lin Weining Sasa and Youyou to barbecue after training.

"We have roasted suckling pig." Jiang Qiong said with a smile.

Xu Heran immediately raised his foot and kicked her **** lightly, "Then we still have roast dogs!"

"I'm sorry, dog barking is a thing of the past, please call me Jiang Daqiong."

"Qion kill you!" Xu Heran's "vicious" words provoked Jiang Qiong's fierce resistance, and the two shouted "Wow wow" and opened their hands to cast spells on each other.

Haya passed between their flailing fingers and shook her head, "These two are only four years old together, half and half."

"Go, Xianxian, who doesn't like to eat free food!"

Lin Weining: "..."

"I can do it." Lin Weining said with a smile, and Sasa and Youyou also responded straightforwardly.

"For BBQ!"

"In order not to be grilled!"

"Crush the duck!"

A week later, the familiar stadium, the familiar stage.

There will be no moon or stars tonight, but the brightest stars will take center stage.

Ning Yunfei strode forward, started her familiar introduction, then changed her voice and went straight to the point.

"Everyone already knows that tonight's stage will be directly eliminated!" Ning Yunfei looked at Deng Hai and said loudly, "I regret to tell all the trainees present and behind the screen that there are only four stages in this performance! "

"The four stages are over, and all voting channels are closed! Of the fourteen trainees present, four will be eliminated directly! The remaining ten trainees, seven of them, will make their debut on the stage two weeks later!"


"Ha..." Backstage, the trainee who also heard the news covered his mouth in surprise.

"Leave only ten people!"

"One more round!"

"My heart is failing."

Xu Heran immediately turned his head and looked at Xin Nuo.

The girl in the mirror raised her head, and her expression remained unchanged after hearing Ning Yunfei's words. She seemed to feel Xu Heran's gaze and looked into the mirror.

The two looked at each other in the mirror, and Xin Nuo smiled softly.

"I want to debut, Xu Heran."

Xin Nuo said softly.


"Let it all have no limits, frenzy leads to hot performances, come a little closer."

"Just a little bit more."

"The wind and the moon make a song, tell me at night, every strand of sorrow and sorrow is outlined by the storyteller..."

"Bang bangin to the room (I know you want it) ①"

Sexy, lyrical, hot, cute...

The four stages passed by in the blink of an eye amidst the frantic calls, and the fans in the audience almost smashed the voting device, silently chanting the name of a certain trainee in their hearts, and cheering for her.

"The ranking of the top seven on this stage has been determined, and the winning team will share 100,000 votes equally!" Ning Yunfei presided over the event in an orderly manner, perhaps to live broadcast the promotion in front of everyone, and the cheers tonight were extremely loud.

The number of votes for the first team was firmly at the forefront. Xu Heran quickly high-fived his teammates and hugged Xin Nuo. The double standard should not be too obvious.

"The voting channel is about to end, the last five seconds, five, four, three"



"The voting is over!" Ning Yunfei shouted loudly, "The voting results are being counted, let us wait for two minutes."

She let out a breath in her heart, and looked at the trainees with a smile, "Girls, are you all nervous?"


"Do you have confidence in this promotion!" Ning Yunfei asked.

The girls dared not speak.

" have to be more confident!" Ning Yunfei smiled, her eyes lit up, "Our trainees are not allowed to use mobile phones during the training time in front of the stage, and they are not very clear about some news on the Internet , I heard that after this promotion match, some people miss the ten teams in the second performance very much!"

"As you can see, they got together very cleverly, and they are our team that won this stage!" After Ning Yunfei finished speaking, the fans of the first team quickly raised their hands and applauded, shaking the support objects in their hands.

Ning Yunfei smiled and said: "It seems that our first team is indeed very popular. I would like to ask Jiang Qiong in the team, do you want to be a goalkeeper this time?"

Some trembling Jiang Qiong raised the microphone, "I want to do it! Please, give the child a chance!"

"Jiang Qiong rushes the duck!!" Jiang Qiong's fans shouted.

Ning Yunfei smiled and looked at Xu Heran again.

"Student Xu Heran, you canvass for Xin Nuo every day, and you are overwhelmed by Xin Nuo every time. Last time you were ranked one by one and two by one, didn't you ever think about surpassing Xin Nuo?"

Xu Heran raised his hand, just as he was about to pick up the wheat in Jiang Qiong's hand, but saw Xin Nuo chuckling lightly, and his gentle eyes fell on her face.

How could he want to compete with Nuonuo for the first place? The first place should belong to Nuonuo.

Xu Heran thought to himself, took the mic and just put it to his mouth, "I didn't..."

"Xu Heran! Get up for Mama! Make me one! Press Xin Nuo for me!!"

Under the stage, a voice that was several times louder than Yu Wan resounded through the sky.

Yu Wan, holding a sign in his hand to help, was stunned.

The trainees on stage were stunned, and even the host was taken aback, blinking his eyes in surprise.

Did someone just yell something that can't be played?

director! director!

"Cough, classmate Xu Heran?" Ning Yunfei winked at Xu Heran.

Xu Heran's round eyes looked at the audience stupidly, the blue-purple pupils were shattered, and the expression on her face was full of "what, what are you talking about, am I not good at hearing", she raised her head in panic , and smiled comfortingly at Ning Yunfei.

"Trainee Xu Heran, have you ever thought about surpassing trainee Xin Nuo and winning the first place?"

Xu Heran's head turned rapidly, and under Xin Nuo's subtle gaze, he nodded slowly.

"Well...I want to, think about it, want to do a hmmmm."

Beside, Xin Nuo covered Xu Heran's mouth.

She has a calm expression, a peaceful smile, and is indifferent to the world, but there is a murderous look hidden in her drooping eyelashes.

Stupid bead, bake it.

The author has something to say:

Stupid author: Why cover our little Pearl's mouth! Our little pearl just wants to do something!

Little Pearl: Yes!

Stupid author: Our little pearl is 1! Born fierce 1! The kind of one that makes Xin Nuo Nuo scream!

Little Pearl: (with arms akimbo) That's right!

Stupid author: Our little pearl wants to do it, but what's wrong with saying it!

Little Pearl: That's right!

Stupid author: Love must be spoken out loud!

Little Pearl: Yes! Sister Nuonuo, I love you—

Xin Nuo: (sharpening the knife furiously)

①Bang Bang Jessie J, Ariana Grande, Nicki Minaj songs

Thank you Lei Lei and Liquid ~ happy! ~muamuamua~