MTL - Gou Cultivates Immortals In the Chaotic World of Demons and Martial Arts-Chapter 17 Bewitched (for collection)

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  Chapter 17 Bewitched (for collection)

   A few days later, night.

  Fang Mansion back door.

  A dark cloud came out of nowhere and blocked the moonlight.

  In the darkness, the back door slowly opened, and a figure flashed out.

  The figure looked left and right, and after confirming that no one was paying attention to him, he immediately bent his back and walked along the corner of the alley. Suddenly, he slipped into a private house.

   "Hey... He Laofu, you are finally here!"

  The oil lamp was lit in the room, and a tall masked man was looking at Steward Fu and sneered.

   "The old man has already done what you said, what about the old man's grandson?"

   Butler Fu looked stiff.

  If his beloved little grandson hadn't been taken hostage, he would never have betrayed his master.

   "Hmph, where did the man go when he disappeared? And where is his gold and silver hidden?"

   The masked man asked.

   "How do I know? That man has always been careful." Steward Fu sighed, "I entered his room a few times, but found nothing...Give me back my grandson, the old man will go far away!"

  Although he didn't know Fang Xi's background, but seeing that the other party used his clothes carefully and ate carefully, he also knew that he definitely had a strong background, maybe he was the son of a wealthy family!

   Betrayed such a master, the old man only wanted to run for his life!

   "Our previous agreement, but you must find out useful information."

  The masked man scolded: "You are so useless, no wonder you almost starved to death!"

   "Yeah... I didn't expect that Ah Fu, your grandson was almost starving to death on the side of the road. I saved you, but you betrayed me."

   At this time, a voice suddenly came from outside the window.


  The old man and the masked man all looked out the window in astonishment.


  The door of the room opened suddenly, and Fang Xi walked in swaggeringly.


  The next moment, the masked man jumped up high, his calf slashed vertically, and fell down like a giant axe!

  He reacted quickly, and after finding someone, he immediately chose to do it!

   "Sure enough, it's red snake legs!"

  Fang Xi laughed loudly and slapped her palm.

  His palm came first, like a wall, catching the masked man's leg from top to bottom.


   As the shadows of palms and legs collided with each other, the masked man smashed through a window and flew upside down.

   "What a white cloud palm!"

  A hoarse voice came, Fang Xi chased to the window, and saw the figure was flying away, and disappeared at the corner of the street in the blink of an eye.

  Fang Xi didn't chase after him either, she turned around and looked at the old Futou whose face turned red and blue.

   "Master, I'm sorry for being an old slave!"

  Old Futou suddenly knelt on the ground, crying: "It's all because of that **** masked man who kidnapped the grandson of the old slave and forced the old slave to work for him..."

   "He Laofu, of course I know, your housekeeper has done a good job, if you were not threatened by others, how could you betray me?"

  Fang Xi said: "It's just that betrayal is betrayal. One time of infidelity won't be used ten thousand times. Go ahead!"


  He Laofu suddenly raised his head, his expression full of horror.

  No matter what, he never imagined that the smiling and talkative master had such a cold side!

  However, he had no time to say anything, because a black palm was quietly pressing on the top of his head.

  He Laofu's face was covered with a layer of black air, he fell to the ground and twisted a few times, and he turned into a corpse...

   "I can understand that you betrayed me for your grandson, but that doesn't mean I have to forgive you...I'm only responsible for sending you to hell. Forgiving you is the business of Hades."

  Fang Xi closed her palms, turned and left.

  Actually, he had another reason to kill Ah Fu.

  After the other party betrayed him, he just listened to the masked man and downgraded his address from 'Master' to 'That Man'. From this, we can know that even if this person is forced to rebel, he may not have some complaints in his heart!

  ‘Judging from his ability to handle affairs, he may still be from a scholarly family. It is indeed a grievance for me to be my housekeeper...’

  ‘Scholars are arrogant, how can they be willing to be slaves? Because I think too much, it is easy to weigh the pros and cons, and most of the people who are sad are scholars, sincerity! '

  Fang Xi walked back to the mansion and forgot about the old Futou in a blink of an eye.

  As for the grandson of the other party, he should just let him fend for himself. This little ant will not make him feel a little bit turbulent.


  The next day.

  Yue Gui and other maidservants stood in a row, watching their noses and hearts, not daring to make any small movements.

   There are very few timid people whose calves are shaking.

  Because Fang Xi called Ren Yazi over today, and sold all the maids and servants who were usually close to Steward Fu.

   "Master, please forgive me, please forgive me!"

  A maid was crying, but Fang Xi didn't move at all, she just swiped the tea in the cup.

   Maids and servants have no right to personal freedom. Once sold again, the next owner may not be as kind as myself, and may even be sold directly to the lowest kiln!

   This scene was miserable, and Lily next to her couldn't bear it, but she didn't dare to say a word.

  Because she knew very well that if she dared to say one more word, Fang Xi would sell her along with her.

   "Thank you, Master Fang, this is selling yourself for money."

  Ren Yazi looked at Fang Xi, smiling so hard that he couldn't see his eyes. This is a big customer.

  At this time, respectfully present a letter of silver.

   "Forget it, I'll reward you with tea for this money."

  Fang Xi stood up and looked at Yuegui: "In the future, the housekeeper will no longer be Ah Fu, but you, remember?"


   A group of maids and servants hurriedly saluted.


  After settling the matter in the mansion, Fang Xi changed into her normal clothes, and Shi Shi ran out of the house.

  Although the masked man from last night was a master with three vigor and blood changes, if he used his hole cards, he could easily win.

  The reason for not moving is just to put a long line and catch big fish.

   Moreover, how can ordinary people guard against the methods of immortal cultivators? This is the benefit of dimensionality reduction strikes.

   "The tracking method at this time is nothing more than thinking that I have put some incense powder, or using animals and people to monitor and track..."

   "After the masked man escapes, he will probably destroy all his clothes, and may even wash off a layer of skin..."

  Fang Xi was wandering around in the street, suddenly turned into a corner, and took out a jade bottle from her bosom.

   After uncorking the bottle, a snow-white Jade Bee flew out.

   This is the 'spirit-seeking bee', which is naturally extremely sensitive to spiritual energy. Spirit farmers usually use it to find spiritual nodes in the fields or to pollinate spiritual flowers.

   Last night, when Fang Xi fought against the masked man, he injected a little of his mana into the past.

   Mana is spiritual power after tempering.


  Fang Xi made a formula with both hands, and pointed at the spirit-seeking bee!


  The snow-white bee flew up, circled him three times, and then flew unsteadily up the street.

  Fang Xi followed immediately.

   Many crowds were overtaken by him one by one, and after passing a few streets, the spirit-seeking bee stopped by a courtyard wall.

  Fang Xi turned to the front door and looked up.

  The four characters of 'Red Snake Martial Arts' came into view impressively.

   "Is it really someone from the Red Snake Martial Arts Academy?"

  Fang Xi murmured and touched her chin: "It's not impossible..."

   After waiting for a while, the spirit-seeking bee swayed in a circle, and suddenly flew in another direction.

  Fang Xi secretly thought there was something going on, and continued to follow.

  After seven turns and eight turns, we came to the edge of a big lake like jade.

  In the middle of the lake, there seem to be some lotus flowers, but after the season, the lotus flowers are gone, only dry and shriveled lotus pods.

   There is no need to inquire here, Fang Xi is very familiar with it.

   "Yuan Heshan?"

  After reconfirming, Fang Xi took back the spirit-seeking bee, curled her lips: "I didn't expect... I haven't decided to provoke you yet, so you are here to provoke me?"

   "Even...will frame the Red Snake Martial Arts School..."

  If Fang Xi followed the trail all the way last night, he would probably have found the Red Snake Martial Arts Hall directly.

  Both Lu She and She Lei have grievances against themselves, and normal people will naturally take it as each other to attack again!

   Never thought of anything to do with Yuan Heshan!

   "This plan is very poisonous, I am afraid it has something to do with that Qiao Wuchang."

  Thinking of the evaluation in the intelligence, Fang Xi immediately locked on to the target.

   Even if the other party is full of wit and tricks, it is useless in the face of absolute strength!

  Fang Xi came to the main gate of Yuanhe Mountain, sat down at a tea stall, and slowly thought about what to do in the future.

  'Wait a minute, with the newly bought Tai Sui Meat, I will definitely be able to break through to the realm of true strength, and I will be more confident when the time comes...'

   Just when Fang Xi wanted to leave.


  The main gate of the Yuanheshan Branch was opened, and a group of people came out in a mighty manner, rode on horses, and headed out of the city.

  Among the horses and horses, the young warrior who is leading is very impressive, and the beautiful woman who is two horses behind is very impressive.

   "Isn't this Linghu Guardian and Deacon Chun?"

  Someone at the tea stall obviously knew the two of them, and they all exclaimed: "They went out of the city together, could it be because of that monster that ravages business?"

  Fang Xi's expression froze when he heard this.

   "Yeah... the outside world has become more and more uneven recently. Alas, my sister married into the village, and now she is regretting it. She wants to sell the land and buy a house in the city!"

  A peddler in rough clothes smiled wryly and said, "Some time ago, it was Sanshan Liangzi, then Changshui River, and now it is Shangdao... Does this recent monster appear too frequently?"

   "Thanks to Mr. Warrior!"

  The owner of the tea stall obviously has a good impression of Yuan Heshan: "Master Linghu has made a move this time. Isn't it easy to catch the little monster?"

   "Exactly, exactly..."

   A group of people nodded again and again, and then drank tea.

   "Little Er, check out!"

  Fang Xi took out a piece of broken silver, and had no intention of following along to join in the fun.

  Instead, he thought of the demon hunting business introduced to him by Fatty Han, the black market.

  ‘Maybe these two things are one thing! '

  ‘But the monsters appear too frequently, things are abnormal...’

  Fang Xi looked worried for a moment, and then acted as if nothing had happened.

   After all, the sky is falling and there is a tall man holding it up!

  And if he is in danger, he will run to the Southern Wilderness Cultivation Realm at worst, which is not a big problem.

  (end of this chapter)