MTL - God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet-Chapter 825 : Domination of Southern Xinjiang (51) puts terror on the agenda

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Just as Ropierre said, the current situation of Xiebo can no longer support a new round of civil war. In order to prevent his family from being hanged, even though he knew that Ropierre had bad intentions, the business group could only hold on to it. Nose recognized Ropier's regime and tried his best to support it.

Troyes and other congressmen fled to the slave-catching province, issued a declaration to maintain the republic, and tried to overthrow Ropierre's regime. However, very few respondents were able to get the support of the business group.

As for the military, Ji Weiluo, the supreme leader of the Siberian military, recognized Ropier's regime as soon as possible after the coup, and issued a joint declaration with Ropier on October 3, as long as any member of the army is unclear Said to overthrow the existing National Assembly regime, can forgive its previous behavior, thus making the army stable.

As for the arrested members of the Senator group, after the trial in November, they were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of several years for dereliction of duty, but they were allowed to bail, and after paying the fine, they could return to their homes to accept house arrest. Taking it lightly, Ropier's attitude was to expose the matter.

Afterwards, Ropierre began to prepare to fulfill his promise, and vigorously put forward a series of demands in parliament, trying to "Abolish the No-clothes Act" and strictly implement the "Corn Limit Act".

However, the National Salvation Alliance only has 20% of the seats in the National Assembly, and the remaining 80% of the seats need to be won, which makes the voting results very unstable. No matter what laws Ropierre wants to pass, they will be greatly helped. After all Many congressmen were extremely disgusted with Ropier's domineering style.

If you want to pass your own ruling idea in this situation, you have to use some extra tricks, so Ropierre did not hesitate to contact Wuyihan.

The no-clothes men get the list of members who oppose the passage of the bill from Ropier, and then each member assigns a group of no-clothes men. Their daily living expenses are paid by a special fund set up by Ropier, so the work of this group of no-clothes men There is only one left, to disgust these MPs.

Since it is not allowed to insult the dignity of the parliament and break into the houses without permission, the men without clothes waited at the door of the parliamentarians. After the parliamentarians came out, the men without clothes surrounded them, angrily denounced these parliamentarians as "traitors", and used energy Throw all kinds of junk you find.

Some congressmen want to seek the help of the National Guard, claiming that the unclothed men have violated their freedom, but the National Guard is either mostly controlled by Ropierre, or they tend to limit prices themselves, so their attitude towards the unclothed men is extremely procrastination. , if you can speak, you will never do it, insist on persuasion and education, even if you catch a few naked men, they will basically be released on the same day.

The National Guard turned a blind eye to all other behaviors except forbidding the unclothed man to throw dirt and beat the parliamentarians, so the unclothed man became more and more courageous, even if he did not leave the house, they dared to harass them.

Throwing rice fields and even torches at the congressman's house is a daily behavior. Sometimes a group of people knelt in front of the congressman's house and weeping loudly. Bob is going to die on this group of self-serving MPs.

Many congressmen are harassed and mentally weakened. If they complain to the National Guard, they will always get one answer: they are investigating, please wait patiently.

Through these illegal means, many congressmen were forced to submit to Ropierre and chose to vote in favor, making it difficult for Ropierre to pass his own proposal at the end of October.

However, these bills failed to take effect immediately, and even because of the impact of the uprising and the panic caused by the price limit, the value of the coupon fell from 80% of the face value to 50% within two months, which means that the life of the unclothed man has changed. even more sad.

Shibo's chaos spread to the south, and the intervention army deliberately gathered together to hold a meeting. After research, it was decided that the rapid attack should be temporarily stopped, and only the pressure should be maintained.

First of all, because the Southern Border Continent has entered winter since October, sending troops to fight in the distance at this time is a very heavy burden for the Holy Order Alliance. In addition, the intervening army believed that Xibo was on the verge of collapse, and the cessation of external pressure would only stimulate their internal fighting, so they had to stop advancing.

The parliament established after the uprising failed to reach its prior promise, causing the unclothed man to stir up again. Aybak had already told Ropier about this sign, and Ropier decided to break the scar and let Aybak see this. Continue to play a leadership role and lead the unclothed man to make trouble.

So Albak took off his dog-like formal clothes, went **** again, and sent his men to contact his former shirtless colleagues, preparing to launch a parade again.

At the beginning of November, a parade even larger than the August parade broke out in Batiros. The marchers were led by the parliamentarian Aybak to the door of the parliamentarians. .

"I know that you are dissatisfied with the recent policies of Batiros, but any policy takes time to take effect, and it is still the inertia left over from the era of Chiaire," Ropier explained.

Ai Bak replied: "But we have seen from the newspapers that the enemy is approaching the crown of ten thousand cities day by day, the territory is being lost day by day, the business group still looks down on the unclothed man, and the merchants are obedient to the price limit law!"

"These days, you should have seen my efforts in the newspapers. I spent so much energy on restarting the price limit bill. What can I do in this situation? What can you ask the National Assembly to do? Woolen cloth?"

At this time, in the National Assembly, some members of the other alliances have already noticed that something is wrong. Why do Ropier and Eback seem to be playing against each other, and they are still singing a red face and a white face? But looking at the dense crowd of people outside the door, the congressman who found something wrong could only bury his doubts in his heart, and the arrow had to be sent on the string.

Eback said aggressively: "Accept our proposition! Accept the opinion of the people! Total control of everything in the country to deal with a sinister situation! In the words of the Civil Rights League, that is 'put terror on the agenda'!"

"Although I have great power, I am still one of the many members of the National Assembly. I can only say that I will promote the passage of your opinion bill, but whether it can be passed depends on the voting results of the National Assembly."

Ropier's words were drowned out in the overwhelming cheers, and with the cheers of the shirtless men "putting terror on the agenda", Xiebo was about to usher in the "era of terror".

Unsurprisingly, many members of the National Assembly fought hard against the "reign of terror", which they claimed was "a betrayal of the tradition of reform up to now", and Ropierre was not worried about these people, who, in his view, were inseparable from the unclothed ones. Han's alliance can ensure that the vote can be passed, and the attitude of the legislator does not matter.

Therefore, what Ropierre is really worried about is what action should be taken to deal with the coming "reign of terror". Since the National Salvation Alliance has not formed control over the parliament, the Standing Committee of the Shiaire era is doomed to be impassable. , must be replaced by a new institution.

For this new institution, Ropierre specially convened his staff and spent more than a week in his home to discuss all night before finalizing the plan and forming his own "A Package of National Salvation Laws and Frameworks".

On November 6th, Ropierre proposed his own "Framework of National Salvation Acts" in the National Assembly, which caused great dissatisfaction among many members. Ropierre said that he would hold a 5-day debate. , in order to answer the doubts of people from all walks of life about this framework in detail.

Ropier's so-called detailed answer is actually the same as the repeal of the "Law on the Suppression of the Unclothed Men", which allows the unclothed men to use various behaviors that step on the edge of the law to physically persuade the parliamentarians.

Therefore, by the time of the official vote on the 11th, the "Framework of National Salvation Laws" was passed in the parliament with 69% of the affirmative votes, and with the passing of the framework, it means that Ropier can take the framework as the core and arbitrarily in the parliament. The "age of terror" is about to come by implementing a bill that matches the framework's main thrust.

Excerpted from The History of the Fall of the Parson Dynasty

"... Recently some people have been arguing that tens of thousands of innocents were killed in the 'Age of Terror', so the Ropierre reformers are just talking A complete butcher and executioner."

"But in fact, as long as we remember and think for a little bit, we will clearly understand that there were two 'eras of terror' in Siber, the 'era of terror' controlled by Ropier, and the 'era of terror' before Ropierre '."

"The former is a massacre carried out under emotional impulse, the latter is a cold, deliberate massacre; one lasts only a few months, one lasts for more than a thousand years; one kills tens of thousands, and the other kills tens of millions or even hundreds of millions. People die."

"However, these days, those people are only afraid of the small, short-lived era of terror, while turning a blind eye to the large-scale, long era of terror."

"And anyone who thinks a little can understand that the lightning-like death of the gallows in an instant can be compared to the torture of starvation, the cruel insult, the brutal ravages and the slow slaughter of grief?"

"The coffin filled in the short-lived age of terror can be accommodated by only one Batyros, but we are repeatedly told to tremble and whine for it, and criticize the pioneers who set off the age of terror."

"But the real horror since ancient times, the indescribable and indescribable horror, the coffin it fills can't even hold the entire Southern Border Continent! But at this time, those people turned a blind eye to this, no one told us. Show due sympathy for this horror."

This is Gibben El's argument in his "History of the Fall of the Parson Dynasty" for the era of terror initiated by Ropierre. Although he himself stands on Ropierre's side, it is still inevitable. It can be seen from this that a very large number of people will die in the coming "age of terror".


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