MTL - God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet-Chapter 8 : Design Divinity

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Ah, ah, I still can't do it myself, but I actually followed the old fox's way.

Leng Yi was really excited when they met, but after calming down and thinking about it carefully, he realized that he was really brought into the rhythm at that time.

However, this old fox is indeed qualified to enter the Hall of Valor if he dares to be in rhythm with the gods.

If he is really just a star god, it's not that he can't accompany this old fox to see whether it is Myrdal or Doleman who laughed at Sulassi at the end, but he is not only Sulassi's God, I am in charge of the entire continent. Besides, didn’t I say that I have to sleep for 10,000 years, ah, ah, sleep for 88 years, and wake up directly in the 100th year of the calendar.

At that time, it is estimated that Sulassi is not the only country in this continent, igniting the torch of civilization, and that era must be more interesting, right?

Although at this time, among the Surasi, the wily Fokodo, the forbearing Moxi, the second-generation Mula, and the mediocre and incompetent Ukra, the behavior of these people makes the energy consumption too cold. I went back a little and gave Leng Yi the joy of watching, but if I continued to watch it, would I be attracted to it?

There are talented people in the country, and Leng Yi does not believe that a pioneer, a vigorous pioneer, will only have two outstanding people, Focodo and Moxi, and there will definitely be more heroes. Is it possible that each of them, their own To watch their glory and death?

In this way, there will be more and more people. Isn't it more difficult for me to fall asleep?

So, um... It seems that I really need to separate the role of Star God and let him handle Sulassie's affairs on his behalf.

However, if you do this yourself, there will be another problem, which means that you really have to perfect the system of gods... Ah, it's troublesome to think about.

Leng Yi's old habit, when encountering troublesome things, put aside these things and do other things first, for example, to see how the Bourbons who have spent a lot of time dealing with them are developing.

Leng Yi flew over Bourbon Island to take a look at the current Bourbons.

It has been 21 years since the great flood that changed the topography of Bourbon Island. Those Bourbons in the south who were not affected by the flood are still repeating the stories of their ancestors as always, while those in the north who were affected by the flood Others, their behavior has changed significantly.

At this time, with the large number of fish schools brought by the flood and the criss-crossing river network, the resources specially placed by Leng Yi made sailing a more and more profitable industry, which also stimulated the Bourbons to begin to move towards navigation.

And the first person Leng Yi went to watch was the ruthless patriarch who took advantage of the disaster to kill his uncle and annex his tribe.

As a result, it is regrettable to find that this ruthless patriarch has been dead for 21 years, and his body has been thrown into the mountains. Since then, Bourbons believe that throwing the body into the mountains without touching the sea is the greatest benefit to the deceased. insult.

This brother is ruthless, but his temper is too impatient, and he starts too early.

Because this brother underestimated the extent of the disaster, and the number of refugees fleeing to his tribe was higher than he expected.

As a result, the news of his murder of the former patriarch was stabbed out by his cousin, and then caused panic among other patriarchs. After some chaos, he successfully killed the ruthless patriarch, and his The cousin, with himself and his kinship, swallowed a good part of his tribe.

But now, his cousin has disappeared in a shipwreck when he went to sea four years ago, and he has no whereabouts of the tribe. I used it to check it, and it was indeed drowned by water.

What a pity, I missed a good show.

However, Leng Yi believes that as the civilizations of this world rise one by one, there will be more and more interesting plays.

After reading the current situation of Bourbon Island, Leng Yi returned to the title interface and looked at the "God Realm" button in the lower left corner.

First of all, there is the issue of the Star God...

Leng Yi designed a Star God, and the character of the Star God was exactly the same as when he descended. In other words, the Star God he created would think that his coming was his own will.

And if Leng Yi came again in the way of a Star God, the Star God would not have any feeling, but just thought that his next actions were a whim in his mind.

However, when writing this program, Leng Yi's waving hands suddenly became terrified.

Before Mingming, he did not exist; before Mingming, his character was chaotic; obviously after I came, my consciousness had been controlled by "I", but the Star God would still know nothing.

Even if I were to commit suicide as a Star God, this Star God would just think, ah, suicide? That's what I'm thinking at the moment.

When writing this program, Leng Yi realized that he is the absolute master of this planet. And what would I do if... someone above was controlling me like that?

Immediately, Leng Yi smiled in relief.

I was the one who woke up from the endless void, the consciousness that should have been sleeping forever. Since there is already such an interesting world, why should I think about it so much?

Leng Yi laughed a few times, with a bit of desolation, and then continued to complete his own design.

Ah, right now, it's like I'm lying on a soft bed watching TV after taking a shower. It's really comfortable.

Well... the creation of this world comes from the root. This is an absolute truth. This world has no outer space, and the whole world fits the idea of ​​"New Menstruation", it is a disc.

The root created the world and the gods, and all the gods were created by the root.

The power of the gods comes from the attributes they represent, and the passage of time. The beliefs of human beings on earth can indeed bring energy to the gods, but as I said before, it is better than nothing.

Then, Leng Yi also added some settings to ensure that the gods will not go to the heaven on earth, the millennial Messiah.

The faith that fanatics bring to the gods is the most firm, and it is polluted, and it will be mixed with fanatical expectations and worship of the gods.

And if you stay in the beliefs of fanatics for a long time, you will either be conceptualized or dragged into the root cause and assimilated with the root cause because you accept the polluted faith.

Of course, these gods don't understand it yet, but I vaguely feel that although faith can bring strength, something is wrong. When there are more people in the future, those gods will know that faith is poison with honey.

In this era, for the most devout lower-class people, it is very difficult not to be mad. After all, in the ancient times of the wild, it was not easy to survive. In this era of pills, a spiritual sustenance, It's the best narcotics for the vast crowd of pill-boosters.

Okay, after setting this up, Leng Yi was instantly satisfied, so that his world would not become like DND, a group of gods robbing faith.

Feeling that Leng Yi had done a good deed, he couldn't help but hummed a few tunes, and then continued to set the content of the God Realm.

In the God Realm, Leng Yi felt that making himself a star **** or something would be too much of a B grade, so he should set up a more powerful one.

Therefore, Leng Yi's incarnation in the realm of the gods is the **** closest to the root, the ancestral god.

That's right, Leng Yi didn't have a good idea.

After knowing that their incarnation in the God Realm is not the root of invincibility, but the ancestral gods born with them, some gods will naturally start to express the idea of ​​"he can be replaced".

Emmmm, this also adds some drama to my future career.

At that time, I will be performing some drama about the fall of the ancestor gods, and then, um, really wait until then, I will think about what behaviors will make the plot more interesting, and now I will do the **** realm well and get ready. The plot that will take place in the future, the required stage.

Gods...the Sea God must have one, the Underworld God will have one, and the Star God will also have it...

At this time, Leng Yi suddenly had a new idea.

The Star God is boasting, how about it? The star **** of Sulassi is not the real **** of stars, but the star **** of Sulassi's realm, so I call him the star **** of Hake, because it is similar to the place where China is close to Kazakhstan. Star field.

Only by swallowing up all the other Star Gods can he become the highest, complete Star God!

In the same way, the sea **** who launched the Great Flood is not the real sea god, he is only the sea **** of the Bourbon sea, and only by devouring the sea gods of other seas can he become a complete sea god.

And the Hake Star God and the Bourbon Sea God, the reason why they reached the lower realm is just an idle chess move to seek to enhance their own strength. They are the forerunners of the gods.

Well, this not only gave them a reason to fight, but more importantly, it greatly reduced their workload. UU Kanshu no longer needed to spend time designing one **** after another without repetition. Well, what a smart choice.

Well, after designing the gods, the next task is another task. Think about it, what does the gods do? After all, it wouldn't make sense without an opponent.

Emmmm, when I was deceiving Fokoto before, I said that there was a demon in Styx, so where did the demon come from?

At this time, the system suddenly became autonomous once, and a frame popped up.

"If the player wants to set the task of the God Realm, it must be completed according to the system."

Clam? Why? Forget it, you are the boss of the system, come out.

"Gods and demons isolate the big sky wall. The task of the gods is to repair the big sky wall and prevent the demons from reaching this world through the big sky wall. The demons in the Styx are just outside the big sky wall, the weakening of the real demons. version only."

Hmm... Forget it, just use this one. It looks taller and saves me thinking time.

Okay, the design of the God Realm is almost over here. Leng Yi put in some more effort to design some gods. After clicking OK, he left the interface of the God Realm.

Emmmm, let’s do it for now, we’ll make adjustments later if there are any problems.

With the completion of the design of the God Realm, Leng Yi's eyes turned to the God Realm, and he really saw Hack and Focodo in the Hall of Valor, commenting on Sulassi's ups and downs.

With Fokodo's passing away, Mula is getting old, and Moxie's little actions are increasing. It seems that it will not be long before he will win the class.

However, these cold games have already made up their minds and given up for the time being. This time, he let go of all his attention and was going to sleep until 79 years later, which is the 100th year of the calendar.