MTL - God of War Dressed As a Weak Male-Chapter 76

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Marshal Amos

Duke: Pass, pass, although I didn't do anything.

In the living room, Duke and Brian huddled together on the sofa, Tyler folded his arms and sat on the sofa opposite them, and Sheville and Casey hid in the kitchen Help Li Zhou handle the ingredients.

At this moment, Taylor's snow-colored eyes were staring at the two cramped worms on the sofa, and said coldly: "Tell me, what's going on?"

Although Duke was a little scared, he bravely said: "Just, as you can see, I'm with Brian, I'm happy—"

"Shut up, I didn't ask you." Tyler interrupted Duke directly, raised his chin slightly and looked at Brian sitting beside Duke, "I asked him."

Duke saw that his brother was really angry, opened his mouth, didn't dare to say anything, but set his worried eyes on Brian.

Brian knew that today's calamity could not be avoided, he planned to dissolve the marriage relationship with Grover in two months, and then take advantage of the credit for donating food to Clyde , Let Clyde agree to his request not to force marriage, and then find a way to solve the problem of Duke's parent.

Unexpectedly, before his plan was implemented, today's oolong incident occurred.

He looked at Tyler, who could freeze him to death just by looking at him, took the initiative to hold Duke's hand, and said, "Brother Tyler, I like Duke, and I took the initiative to pursue Duke. , don't blame him."

Taylor snorted coldly: "You came after my brother before your own matter was resolved. Have you ever thought about the consequences of this being known to the Guy family?"

”, as well as worries about the aftermath of the incident.

He hurriedly assured Taylor: "Don't worry, I have decided to dissolve the marriage with Grover."

"Do you say you can lift it?" Taylor squinted at the female who kidnapped his brother, and said angrily.


Casey, who used to pretend to help Li Zhou handle the ingredients in the kitchen, poked her head out of the kitchen, raised her eyebrows and said, "I slapped Grover, he is not worthy of being an S+ female. Lord."

Taylor helplessly looked at Casey who interrupted him, got up and pulled Casey out of the kitchen and pressed it on the sofa, his tone was much softer: "How are you feeling? Are you still uncomfortable? ?"

Casey scratched her face, a little embarrassed, while Duke, who was sitting beside him, widened his eyes in surprise.

Because he had never heard his brother speak so tenderly with a worm who was not close, and even his brother's female monarch did not receive such treatment.

Duke pointed at his brother tremblingly and said, "You two know each other?"

Taylor looked back at Duke and said coolly, "What? Curious?"

Duke nodded frantically and asked tentatively, "What is your relationship?"

Taylor snorted coldly: "You take care of yourself first, even if Brian can dissolve the marriage with Grover peacefully, then according to interstellar law, the female and son must marry again after three years of losing their male master, What shall we do then?"

Duke wilted. To be honest, he didn't know what to do. He promised Brian's confession. Besides really loving Brian, he didn't want to leave any regrets for himself.

Brian saw that Duke was very sad, so he stretched out his hand to take Duke into his arms, and said in a positive tone, "Don't worry, brother, I have a way to solve the forced match."

Taylor also felt sorry for his younger brother, but for Duke's future happiness, he still said cruelly what everyone didn't want to hear.

"I won't mention the issue of mental violence between the two of you for now. Even if you can solve your own marriage problem, what about Duke? He is 62 years old this year, and there are only four years left before the forced marriage. I love him and can reject all families who want to marry, but when he is 66 years old, I can't protect him, and neither can you."

Bryan hugged Duke tightly in his arms and said decisively, "If there is no solution until that day, I will give up everything and take Duke away."

Taylor was a little satisfied with Brian, but he couldn't help worrying about Duke's mental strength.

Actually, if it was possible, he didn't want to hand over his younger brother, who had been in pain since childhood, to those abusive, arrogant and lustful males.

Although he is Duke's backer, those males don't dare to be too arrogant, but they will also find ways to spar with Duke behind the scenes.

He once thought of simply arranging Duke's suspended animation before he was 66 and sending him to Casey to be a star thief.

Sometimes he really hates himself for being Duke's older brother with his female father, because there is no spiritual comfort between parents. He can help any unrelated female, but he can't help his younger brother. If he wants to keep Duke alive, he can only help him find a male to marry.

He had already started looking for males with no roots on remote planets, but Duke told himself at this time that he liked Brian and was with Brian. He could feel that Duke was very happy. He wanted to fulfill Duke, but he was afraid that his fulfillment would hurt Duke and Brian.

Just when he was in a dilemma, Li Zhou pulled Xavier out and said to Tyler, who was cold all over his body, "Are you worried about the female worm's mental violence? "

Taylor was called back to God by the sudden and ethereal voice, looked at the handsome man standing beside Xavier, and said, "Yes, even if I make them both, they will fall into trouble in the future. In the endless pain, is it really worth it?"

Li Zhou winked at Duke, Duke understood, got up and pulled his elder brother to sit next to him.

And Xavier sat on the single sofa opposite Casey, and took the initiative to reach out and drag Li Zhou to his side, and sat on his lap.

Duke and Brian were accustomed to young couples showing their affection. Although Kathy had never seen it before, he knew that Xavier attached great importance to Li Zhou, so he was not too surprised.

Only Tyler met for the first time, after all, he was still stuck in the memory of Xavier's extreme dislike of males. At this time, seeing Xavier naturally let his hero sit on his lap, he couldn't react.

Looking at the worms around him who were accustomed to their faces, Taylor already felt that the hero of Xavier was not the male in his inherent impression. The one who spoke in front of him, and these females were vaguely headed by him.

This made him interested, and took the initiative to introduce himself: "I'm Clemence Taylor, Duke's biological brother, please take care of my naughty brother these days."

"No trouble," Li Zhou smiled and said, "I and Duke are friends, and it is right to take care of him."

Hearing Li Zhou say this, Tyler suddenly laughed and said in his characteristic cold voice, "Since you are Duke's friend, just watch them sink?"

Li Zhou is neither humble nor arrogant: "Just because I am his friend, I respect his choice. Besides, the problem you are worried about has been solved."

"Solution? How?" Taylor frowned, he didn't believe Li Zhou.

Li Zhou smiled and confronted Taylor like a riddle, and said, "We are the only males present, presumably only we know how the males can appease the female's mental power. How do you think I will solve it?"

"You? What are you kidding me?" Tyler was angry because he understood what Li Zhou's method was. Li Zhou taught Duke and the others how to exercise mental power.

But he knew that method was not feasible at all, and it might harm the females.

The ability of their males to appease and promote females' mental power is indeed acquired, but this method is not suitable for females, and he knows this because of his nominal female monarch.

His female lord is the female son of an ordinary family. Before he met Kathy, he once went out to discuss business and met the notorious gang of star thieves, who was his nominal female monarch saved him.

He originally wanted to use money and pacifiers to repay the female son for saving his life, but after the female son knew his character, he revealed the secrets he was carrying. In order to protect the female son and the female son The cub in the womb married the female and became the nominal husband.

And the secret is that the male emperor Clyde is secretly doing various experiments with females and sub-females, including but not limited to testing drugs, forcibly enhancing the mental power and fertility of females and transforming females body structure of insects.

The female is the experiment, but the male researcher, who grew up as a childhood sweetheart, happens to be the worm in charge of his project. In order to save him, who is about to collapse, he uses the male to exercise his mental strength. The method is taught to the female, and she finds a way to set the female free.

The female did control her mental power at first, but as time passed, the method failed.

The body of the female is getting weaker and weaker, and because he has practiced the method of the male to exercise the spiritual power, he cannot help the female to soothe the spiritual power, and can only watch the female slowly die.

It is also because of these that he started to slowly move away from the royal family after taking over the family.

So when he knew how Li Zhou used Duke to control his mental power, he was very excited, and he could not wait to grab Li Zhou's collar and ask him why he wanted to kill Duke.

But he suppressed his temper, because it involved the secret of his female lord, and he could not say it casually, which would bring danger to the female monarch and his family.

Li Zhou knew from Taylor's words and micro-expressions that the males' original cultivation methods should be useless to the females, and it is very likely to harm the females, otherwise the always cold Taylor can't be like this angry.

Although Taylor concealed it well, the fluctuation of mental power could not escape his capture.

He thought to himself, it seems impossible to use this trick to fool the past, Taylor should know something they don't know, after thinking about it, he said directly: "You don't have to worry, ordinary The exercise method does harm the females."

Li Periphery said, carefully capturing the fluctuations of Taylor's mental power. When he felt that Taylor's mental power was calmer, he continued: "You should know that I was picked up by Xavier on Desolate Star."

"I know? Does this have anything to do with your solution?"

"Of course there is." Li Zhou smiled, used his eyes to reassure Xavier and Duke, who were worried about him, and lied without blushing, "The planet I live on is very Remote, self-sufficient for generations, not bound by interstellar laws, we have both females and males practising a method of exercising spiritual power."

"You're lying to me." Taylor's cold eyes shot at Li Zhou, and said coldly: "The star beasts are so rampant, you can't live on a planet that the military can't take care of."

Li Zhou did not panic, nodded and replied: "You are right, so all the Zerg on our planet were brutally killed by the star beasts and star thieves. The body became the reserve food of the star beasts. , the property has become the spoils of the star thief, and I was given away by my father and father desperately."

His expression was a little sad, which made the aggressive Tyler a little embarrassed. He didn't expect that his questioning would force Li Zhou to think of his sad past.

Duke, Brian, and Casey looked at Li Zhou's sad eyes, and also warmly persuaded Li Zhou to mourn and change.

Only Xavier, he tried his best to bury Li Zhouhou on the shoulders, wrapping Li Zhou's waist tightly to prevent himself from laughing.

He really didn't expect that Li Zhou would be so adaptable. If he didn't know the truth, he would have believed and sympathized with Li Zhou's experience.

He really wanted to laugh, but he was afraid of being discovered, so he could only hide himself in this way.

Li Zhou looked sideways at Xavier, who was buried on his shoulders, his shoulders trembling, and sighed helplessly.

He knew that Xavier was actually holding back his laughter, but Xavier looked like this, in the eyes of other insects, he felt bad for him, so he hugged him tightly and couldn't stop shaking.

Sure enough, Duke saw Xavier shaking like this, and couldn't help comforting: "Xavier, things have passed, you just need to be nice to Li Zhou in the future, don't think about those past events."

Li Zhou also followed Duke's words and said affectionately, "Xavier, don't worry, I'm fine."

Taylor was even more embarrassed by Seville and Duke, he calmed down and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, I brought up your sad past, but it's about Duke, I You have to be careful."

Li Zhou was reasonable and said: "It's nothing, I can understand. Don't worry, I won't hurt Duke. If you don't believe me, you can explore Duke's mental power. Mental power, but a simple exploration is still possible."

Taylor was also polite, put his hand on Duke's forehead, put his hand down after a while, nodded to Li Zhou, and said, "Thank you."

Li Zhou smiled and said, "This time you can agree to Duke and Brian being together."

"Yes." Taylor answered briefly, but when Duke was about to cheer, Taylor added: "You tell me such an important thing, not only for Duke, but also for Duke. —”

Taylor paused and continued: "Your method should not work for all females, otherwise Casey would not be so sad. As an imperial admiral, Seville will also find a way to popularize this method. , so that the females can completely get rid of the control of the males, although this will not immediately solve the problem of the low status of the females, but it will also alleviate a lot."

Shewell raised his head sharply and looked at Taylor in surprise, who seemed to know everything. I wonder if it was Taylor's sensitivity to the situation that made him guess, or Li Zhou's half-truth and half-truth and their relationship with Casey The familiarity made Taylor suspicious.

But for whatever reason, his purpose was already known to Taylor.

Taylor looked at the surprised Xavier and wanted to cheer but held back, his expression became funny, hmm Duke, the corners of his mouth rose, and a smile appeared.

"You don't have to worry, I can tell that it is because Marshal Amos has found me, otherwise it is just your little brats, the accident at the palace banquet of Marshal Amos six years ago , you can completely offend Clyde, be sent to a remote planet, and no longer have access to the military and political core."

The author has this to say:

Duke: I agree! But why is this Casey here, so close to my brother?

Brian: Don't worry about it, be careful your brother beats you.