MTL - God Level Star System-v2 Chapter 1867 Integrated project vehicle driving

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At this time, the seats of the captains were also happy with the performance of the backfire team. Some people were envious, and some people did not know what to say.

Yu Junping smiled and said: "Jiang team! Congratulations, you got five small points this time."

Jiang Peng heard the words and said: "Luck! Just luck!"

Huang Hongzhi smiled and said: "There is no luck in removing the bomb! This is purely technical. It seems that you have made a lot of preparations in this area."

Jiang Pengdao: "The preparation is affirmative! In fact, our previous and last rounds of the bomb-breaking results are good, and this project is also our strength."

Several people also nodded their words, although several people also know that the level of the bombing of the backfire team is OK. But before, it did not significantly exceed them. Now, the boy named Zhang Yu has played a decisive role.


The backfire team took the lead in completing the bomb disposal. The other big teams are still working hard for the super bomb... but I have to say that the big bomb is too difficult, and many teams have no idea of ​​dismantling at all. Time is up. .

Even the Dragon Tooth team, in the end only removed two circuit boards, it can be said that in addition to the backfire team, the other four teams were completely annihilated. This result, I have to say that the players of several major teams are cursing the people who designed the bombs.


The end of the blasting competition...

Guodong counter-fire team, successfully dismantled four bombs, and used the shortest time, once again got five points, totaling ten, leading other teams.

The Central China Dragon Tooth Team successfully dismantled three bombs and took a short time to get four points. The total eight points was temporarily ranked second.

The National West Phantom Team successfully dismantled three bombs and used the other two teams to get three points, a total of five points, and temporarily ranked third.

The North China Tigers team only successfully dismantled two bombs and killed one person. They only got one point, totaling four points, and temporarily ranked fourth in the group.

The Guonan Lijian team successfully dismantled three bombs and scored two points, totaling three points, ranking at the end of the group.


The second round of the comprehensive project ended, and the results can be said to be a few happy ones.

The Tigers have the most **** in the current round. The first three bombs will be killed. It has to be said that it is not good to let Yu Junping be angry, but there is no way. Since the results have already been produced, the gas must be accepted. Now he can only hope that the team will have outstanding performance on the next project.

Ding Yu of the Dragon Tooth Team seems to have felt the pressure and called the deputy captain who led the team, hoping to make timely adjustments. For the other teams, the second group is already a good result, but for the Dragon Tooth team, the second place is absolutely unacceptable.

Of course, the most happy of the major teams is Jiang Peng of the backfire team. The next round of the integrated project, the five points of this round also began to waver to him.


The comprehensive project, the third round of competition, followed.

The third round of the competition is to drive the vehicle.

Vehicle driving is also one of the traditional projects in the integrated project. Because the special forces are performing a variety of tasks, in order to maintain the team's mobility and complete the task faster, driving the vehicle is a must.

Each of the five teams will send two players to compete in different rounds.

The backfire team will be played by Cao Bo and Zhang Yu!

Cao Bo has been working as a car driver and repairer in the team.

The second team member who was driving in the team was Wei Hong, but since Zhang Yu entered the team, he quickly changed from a recruit who could not drive a car to a veteran. The final driving level was forced to Cao Bo, and Wei Hong was also a The facelessness of the face can only helplessly accept the fact that it has retreated to the third line.

The other five teams, each team also played two people, Zuo Yicheng and Xue Wu also did not qualify for the battle, it can be seen that in the car driving, the two are still not the first level of the team.

Zhang Yu played again, so that the audience and the officers who saw the scene in this audience could not admire. Because from the beginning to the present, almost every round of competition, there are more than Zhang. Especially the equipment project, these small projects, the other party actually has extraordinary talent, it seems that he is the all-rounder in this competition.


In the first round of car driving, Cao Bo debuted to play the classic warrior warriors.

Due to the restrictions of the venue, only two teams can play in each round. The five teams need to compete in three stages to determine the final result.

The first round of the game was the National Central Dragons and the North China Tigers. The two chariots rushed forward together with the warning lights.

After the competition of several tracks of the scheduled project, the last two cars returned to the finish line. In the end, the drivers of the Dragon Tooth team were superior, leading a lot of punching lines and getting a good start for the team.

Followed by the East China's backfire team and the country's phantom team. Cao Bo got on the car with the cheers of everyone in the team.

I want to know that Cao Bo’s performance on the project that he played today is average, so he is eager to use this driving competition to prove his ability.

The two chariots were on two tracks, and the roar of the roaring sounds showed the driver's eagerness at the moment.

As the lights at the start of the game illuminate, the two cars rushed out like the arrow of the string.

Cao Bo can say that he has taken out the attention he has never had before, driving a car and interspersing on several difficult projects. The opponents of the same group of phantom team, the strength does not have to be much worse than Cao Bo, the front can be said that the bite is very tight, even half way past, almost no gap.

However, due to the tension, the driver of the Phantom team, when crossing the minefield, touched a small flag and was immediately deducted by the system for a lot of scheduled time. Finally, although his car was the first to rush. But the results, but behind Cao Bo a lot.

Cao Bo ended the game and was ranked second among the four teams that had ended. He got a good opening result.

In the final round of competition, the driver of the South China team appeared. Although he was only a one-man competition, his driving level was very good. In the end, he won the second place with an excellent result.


The first round of vehicle driving ended...

In the shortest time, the Zhongzhong Longya team was temporarily in the first place.

Guonan Lijian team, behind five seconds, temporarily ranked second.

Guodong counter-fire team, behind eight seconds, temporarily ranked third, so that Cao Bo is very depressed.

The North China Tigers team, behind 11 seconds, temporarily ranked fourth.

The National West Phantom Team, behind the team's flag, fell behind for more than 20 seconds, ranking at the end of the group.