MTL - God Level Star System-v2 Chapter 1859 Exaggerated Zhang Yu

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Ding Yu of the National Central Army and Yu Junping of the Guobei Army have nothing to worry about now. After all, with the end of the previous groups of games, the scores of the major teams have been basically fixed, and it is unlikely that there will be a possibility of a comeback.

Huang Hongzhi of the Western Army, the truth is not too nervous. Although the game is not over yet, but his team has already led the National Army for more than two seconds, and this time the players, the team strength is also good, it is unlikely to lose to the opponent for more than two seconds.

It seems that the first round of the big contest, the team, at least three points.

Speaking of tension, Jiang Peng of the National Army and Yan Licheng of the South Army were slightly nervous.

Although Jiang Peng has great confidence in Zhang Yu, the other side said that he is too young, and he is inevitably worried. The psychological quality of the other party is not good, and the key moments are on the field.

If Zhang Yuzhen is really soft on the court in the game, I really don't know how to explain it to the superior.

Yan Licheng is also nervous. After all, his team and Jiang Peng’s Guodong Army were only a second away. Now that their own players have finished the game, they hope that they can only be placed on the performance of the East Army. If you can, the penultimate is also stronger than the last one. At least your team has broken through the previous results, and will not let the superiors have too much face.


On the field! The starting gun rings again!

Zhang Yu, who has been prepared for a long time, and the phantom team members of the same group, rushed forward together...

The two of them almost started, and the audience immediately became a bit stunned!

Because Zhang Yu ran too fast, it can be said that the start-up phase, the same group of opponents were opened. And he is running faster and faster, and the opponents in the same group can't catch up.


"No! How is this kid running?"

"Yes! Is this kid a track and field athlete?"

"It seems to be a professional one!" The soldiers watching the battle on the sidelines were also talking for a while...


The captains who watched the game on the court were also somewhat surprised... Although these people had listened to Jiang Peng before, the boys on the court were half of their trump cards. But to be honest, a few people are not on the mind, and now it seems that you can't underestimate the main players of any team.

Lin Jianxuan saw Zhang Yu running like a rabbit, but also a rare smile.


When Zhang Yu came to the end of the 100 meters, the opponents of the same group only ran halfway.

Zhang Yu began to turn around the flag, passed the three-step pile and came to the front of the pit.

Zhang Yu jumped in advance, and with a passing talent, he crossed the pit.

Crossed the deep pit and came to the low wall!

At this time, Zhang Yu not only did not slow down, but also rushed to the low wall. Finally, he used a hurdle movement and leaped from the low wall.


The soldiers watching the battle on the side of the field saw something, and they all felt incredible.

To know these people, they have always done obstacles of 400 meters. Although the short wall is a low wall, it is actually not short. When doing this action, it must be slowed down at the end, and then the wall is jumped over.

When Zhang Yu is jumping off the wall, it is not a traditional movement, but a standard hurdle action.

Is this the country's eastern theater, the latest research on the short wall new style jumping method?


Zhang Yu, no matter what other people think, passed the low wall, almost no slowdown, rushing toward the front horizontal plate.

Zhang Yu came to the front of the horizontal board, jumped up and took out his own stunts, scissor jump, actually jumped from the horizontal board and fell to the high and low walls.


"No!" The audience saw this scene, it was suddenly awkward! Because the height of the horizontal and low walls is not the same.

The horizontal plate is higher than people. Zhang Yu’s jumps and jumped out of the height of nearly two meters. If you don’t see it, everyone can’t believe what you saw.


The captains of the referee are also stunned!

Really fake, how could this kid jump over the horizontal board from the ground and jump to the high and low walls! There is no difference between this action and taking off.

Even Lin Jianxuan is also an incredible face! In fact, he always thought that he had already known the full strength of Zhang Yu. But now the other party's actions, even they don't know.

"Bad boy!" Lin Jianxuan inevitably revealed a bit of indignation.


Zhang Yu took the high and low walls in two steps, then jumped and jumped over the ladder.

Just when everyone thinks that Zhang Yu wants to be like others, when he stepped on the ladder.

Zhang Yu went forward and jumped up. When he came to the front of the ladder, he pushed the iron pipe on the ladder and calmly fell to the ground.


The audience was once again stunned!

real or fake! How can someone in the world be able to complete a front flip on the ladder! Isn't your kid afraid of landing, throwing a dog to eat?


Zhang Yu can no matter what others think, he must now fight for time, go down the ladder, and move on.

Zhang Yuchong went to the front of the narrow bridge and jumped up. He jumped directly to the top of the narrow bridge. Using the speed inertia, he only stepped on the bridge and stepped down the narrow bridge.

After the bridge, Zhang Yu faced the high wall, accelerated forward, stepped on the wall, the action was like a flowing stream, and easily fell to the ground.

After crossing the wall, came to the dwarf net, Zhang Yu squatted down, used both hands and feet, like a smart lizard, drilled under the net.

After crossing the short pile net, I got up a few steps and turned back around the flag again.

When Zhang Yu had already turned around the The opponents of the same group started the first obstacle. They had to say that the halfway had passed and the two opened a considerable distance.

After Zhang Yu returned, he came back to the low pile net again. Although his stride is very large, he can accurately step on the gap of the short pile net every time. After a few times, he passed the step of stepping on the net.

After crossing the short pile net, Zhang Yu rushed toward the high wall again, smashing the wall up, one hand turned over and fell to the ground. After crossing the high wall, rushed to the front of the narrow bridge, but this time he did not need to go to the bridge deck, but three winding around the bridge, bypassing the pier.

Facing the ladder! Zhang Yu jumped up and grabbed the railing of the ladder, like a dexterous monkey, swaying quickly... At the end of the ladder, Zhang Yu went to the high and low walls and jumped off the horizontal board.


The opponents of the same group, this time only on the crossbar, it can be said that he is now a little numb, and at the beginning, he is still full of confidence, hoping to defeat Zhang Yu, scored three points for his team.

It seems that this is almost impossible task. Because the other party is simply a non-human, even if you can now come up with training results, even if it is super-level play.