MTL - God Level Star System-v2 Chapter 1854 The hero does not mention the courage of the year.

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Because Lin Jianxuan and Ding Yu both were powerful contenders for the position of the captain at the time, it can be said that no one is obeying anyone. ?ww?w?. ?r?a?n?w?e?n?`c?o?m? Later, Lin Jianxuan was named by the above, and became the new detachment leader. Ding Yu finally could only help but admit defeat.

Because he could not accept the opponent who was once a level, and became his own boss, Ding Yu finally chose to leave the action corps and transferred to the special brigade of the National Central Military Region.

After coming to the place, Ding Yu relied on the ability of the Chinese people, and the officials became more and more high. Finally, they became the captains of the special brigade of the Guodong Military Region.

At one time, Ding Yu also thought that he chose to leave the action squad, which is a wise choice. What he didn't expect was that after many years, he saw Lin Jianxuan again. The level of the other party was actually higher than himself. He was the same as the same year, and he still had to call the other party's sergeant. This inevitably made him depressed. .

What makes Ding Yu feel bitter is that although he is now a high-ranking person, he has reached the bottleneck of development. If you want to break through this position, it is harder than going to heaven.

At the same time, Lin Jianxuan has already broken through the crucial level, and in terms of the age of the other party, the future development is absolutely flying.

Ding Yu thinks about himself, think about Lin Jianxuan, feeling that he and the other party's distance, not only did not pull closer, but more and more.

Maybe some years later, Lin Jianxuan will become the existence that makes him look up.

Is it not as good as the other side from the beginning? It seems that this answer makes him unable to accept it anyway.


Because Lin Jianxuan is the referee of this contest, Ding Yu is also one of the main referees on duty because of the home court. Both of them are important members of the referee committee. Soon, the staff of the referee team called the two. One side.

The captains of other military regions, although they are also members of the referee committee, are only nominal referees, but there is nothing to do.

Yu Junping, the captain of the North China Theater, looked at Lin Jianxuan and Ding Yu who had left, and turned around and looked at the people around him. "Yes! I remember that the Ding team was also born in the Action Corps." ?"

Yan Licheng, the captain of the National West Theater, said: "I also heard people say it! But I didn't know that the Ding team left the Action Corps because of anything. Right! Does anyone know?"

Huang Hongzhi, the captain of the South China Theater, said: "I heard that it was because of a promotion opportunity! It is said that the two men were almost the same at the time. Finally, the team lost to Lin Jianxuan and left the team and turned to the national team. ”

Yu Junping from the North District smiled and said: "I didn't expect Lin Jianxuan to look cold! The private underground is quite a wrist, and even the Ding team is not his opponent."

Yan Licheng of the West District smiled and said: "So it is said! People can't be seen. And the name of the Wolf King is outside. When he was a soldier, he was already unknown. No one knows, and his ability is not like the appearance. So cold."

Huang Hongzhi from the North District smiled and said: "Although there are not many contacts in this action corps, I feel that the competitive atmosphere is definitely more intense than our place."

Jiang Peng of the Eastern District heard: "In fact, Lin Jianxuan is this person! Although it seems to be a bit colder, but this individual ability is still to be affirmed. I think the above leader may have taken a fancy to him. How do you say that the Action Corps is also a great team of elite players, and those who have a poor ability can definitely not become a deputy captain."

The surrounding captains heard the words and nodded... Although Lin Jianxuan was only the chief instructor and the deputy of the third team of the action team, the level was only one level higher than them. But this level of people, but the level of change and their level, can never be the same.

Yu Junping of the North District thought for a moment and said: "In fact, this action corps! Although the status is special, but not everyone can do it. I heard that there are often secret missions issued, and the leaders have more activities, which one If you don't take care of the field, you have to take on a small responsibility. Think about it! Or our local troops are better, at least the pressure on the body is not as big as the team."

Huang Hongzhi of Guobei heard a smile and said: "I said that the team! The above three orders and five applications do not allow us to breed lazy style. You say this! Obviously there is the meaning of shirking responsibility. Be careful to report the above to you! Let you not eat go."

"Hehehehehehe!" Others heard the same words at the same time...

"You, you!" Yu Junping from the North District also smiled and shook his head: "There is a yellow team! You still honestly explain, is there any secret weapon in your team this year? If so, it is better." Say it, so that we have a mental preparation for something!"

Huang Hongzhi of the Western District smiled and said: "What secret weapon can we have? It is almost the same as the previous one. But since the team dared to ask this question, is there any newcomer in your team?"

Jiang Peng and Yan Licheng of the South of the country heard the words, and they all showed their expressions of interest, and they looked at Yu Junping together.

Yu Junping smiled and smiled and said: "The powerful newcomer can't talk about it! But there is a good team member. For the yellow team! If there is no secret weapon on your ~ I am afraid that you will not be our opponent this year." You must know that Yu Junping’s Guobei Army and Huang Hongzhi’s Guoxi Army are the second or third of the previous contest. Moreover, the team of the two is a competitor's relationship all the year round, and naturally wants to press the other side in the game.

Of course, Huang Hongzhi did not want to lose the momentum, and then laughed: "On the team! This game has not started yet! Just say the words are so full, not afraid of a game, the game is started, you are beaten! You must not forget The last big contest, we are the second place, and you are only the third place."

Yu Junping heard a smile and said: "The hero does not mention the bravery of the year! The Yellow team said it, it was the last session. Although you have retained the last two outstanding players this time! But it seems to me Your team is nothing more than the level of the previous session. Use the past standards to judge the Yellow Team! Maybe your way of thinking, it should be right with time."

Huang Hongzhi’s words revealed a meaningful smile: “When you are in the team! I didn’t expect you to be very clear about our team. It seems that you have done less in this lesson, and now it should be confidence. Full of?"

"Is that still used to say!" Yu Junping said with a smile: "We are called shameful and brave! You can fall once in one place, and fall twice in one place. It is absolutely impossible to happen twice in our country. ""