MTL - Global Job Change: Starting With The Hidden Job, Lord Of The Death-Chapter 261 Weird Village, Disappearing Team Members

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Regarding this, Lu Yan still had some doubts in his heart.

Now that the traces of the Dark Descent Society have been discovered, there must be members of the Dark Descent Society hiding in Yangjia Village.

Without outsiders entering, it is very likely that these members of the Dark Descent Society built a secret room or the like underground in Yangjia Village.

Just like the secret room where Wang Lei was before.

Therefore, Lu Yan wanted to explore the ground.

Seeing this, Li Moqing did not stop him. The last time Wang Lei found out, he also relied on Lu Yan.

And there is indeed a place like a secret room under the ground.

However, when Lu Yan entered the ground, he felt that something was not right.

It feels very solid, even if there is a secret room under the ground, it will definitely not be under the ground here.

Thinking like this, Lu Yan had already sneaked into the ground with the help of the ghoul, and began to probe forward, trying to investigate the specific situation around.

Swimming forward quickly, Lu Yan kept exploring, but he could still feel the pressure from the surrounding.

In such a situation, it does not look like there is a secret room under the ground at all.

After carefully exploring the entire Yangjia Village under the ground, Lu Yan returned.

When they came to the ground, Li Moqing and others all turned their attention: "How is the situation?"

Lu Yan shook his head: "I didn't find any secret rooms, there shouldn't be any major problems under the ground."

Li Moqing nodded after hearing the words, pondered for a while, and then said, "This matter is a bit complicated. Teacher Yang Hongwei has disappeared, and there are not many clues around."

"The sky is getting dark now. When it's night, everyone will go out and check the situation in the village to see if there are any new discoveries. Remember, you can't disturb the villagers here."

Listening to Li Moqing's words, everyone around nodded.

Qiyue heard the words and said, "Do you suspect that there may be members of the Dark Descent Society hiding in the homes of the surrounding villagers?"

The investigation was carried out at night, obviously to investigate the situation of the surrounding villagers' homes.

Li Moqing nodded when he heard the words: "There is such a possibility, let's check it out at night."

Qiyue nodded, and now she can only try it out.

Everyone set up tents directly in the yard, and there were also several members of the annihilation team living in the three rooms.

After returning from the probe at night, they must have a rest here.

The night was coming soon, and Li Moqing's signal, he immediately began to disperse into the surrounding Yangjia Village, and began to investigate the situation of the surrounding villagers' homes.

Everyone's movements are very gentle, and they are all combat professionals. Naturally, there is a way to investigate the situation in their homes without disturbing the villagers.

And Lu Yan also chose a direction and rushed out quickly.

Still using ghouls to sneak, in this state, Lu Yan could directly enter the villagers' homes without being discovered.

Lu Yan chose the east direction, and he quickly investigated the situation in the village in this direction. Basically, they were all the villagers who were already asleep, and some stayed up all night playing with their mobile phones.

However, nothing unexpected was found, and no suspicious persons were hiding.

After there was no problem with this route, Lu Yan saw that it was still early, so he continued to explore along the entire village, and soon he completely explored the entire village.

Lu Yan entered each house directly, and the situation of the villagers inside was clear, and there was no problem.

Quickly returning to the yard, the other members of the annihilation team have also returned, reporting their investigation to Li Moqing.

Just like Lu Yan, their investigation did not find any suspicious circumstances. This is an ordinary village, and there are ordinary villagers in it, and there is no trace of any dark descendants.

If there were no characters on the walls of the hut before, there would definitely be no problem at all.

Li Moqing frowned slightly when he listened to the reports around him.

Then, she said directly: "Okay, then everyone rest first, and then explore the surrounding of the village tomorrow to see if there is anything else."

In the matter of Wang Lei today, everyone is a little tired from fighting, so they still need to rest first.

Everyone nodded when they heard the words, each found a place to sleep, and began to rest.

Lu Yan also entered a tent, lay on it and began to rest.

At first, Lu Yan was relatively sober, thinking about the situation in Yangjia Village, trying to find any clues.

However, the more I thought about it, the more tired it became. It might be that fighting during the day was too exhausting. After a while, Lu Yan fell into a deep sleep.

It was a good night's sleep, and at nine o'clock the next day, Lu Yan opened his eyes and woke up, got up and walked out of the tent.

Qiyue and Li Moqing were already awake outside, and they were talking. When they saw Lu Yan, they both said hello.

However, then Li Moqing's brows were slightly wrinkled: "It's already past nine o'clock, why haven't the others woke up yet? Sleep so deadly?"

Lu Yan was stunned for a moment. He thought he had slept in a long sleep, but he didn't expect others to wake up.

Qiyue said, "Could it be that the battle was too tiring yesterday? After all, there are so many members of the Darkseid Society, and it's still hard for everyone to fight."

Li Moqing nodded: "It's possible, wait a while, or call them up if they can't, so as not to delay the progress of the investigation."

Just as he was talking, some members of the Darkness Squad came out of the surrounding tents, all of them yawning as if they had just woken up.

Many people stretched their waists to say hello, with smiles on their faces. Obviously, this sleep was more comfortable.

At this moment, a scream suddenly came from a house on the side.

"Ah! Li Yiheng! Li Yiheng is missing!"

The screams instantly caught the attention of Li Moqing and Lu Yan. When they heard the content of the screams, their expressions changed and they rushed into the house.

As soon as they entered, Li Moqing and Lu Yan saw three panicked boys inside.

Lu Yan remembered that four boys slept in this room last night, but now there is one less.

"What's wrong? Li Yiheng is missing? Did he make a mistake? Did he wake up early to go to the toilet?" Li Moqing looked anxiously inside.

A boy on the bed inside pointed to the side in panic and said, "No, look, those are Li Yiheng's clothes, all of them are here."

"We came in a hurry and didn't bring a change of clothes, and even if Li Yiheng had a change of clothes in the storage space, he wouldn't change it and leave it here."

"And, most importantly, I can't get in touch with him!"

Listening to the boy's words, Li Moqing and Lu Yan's expressions became more serious.

Looking at the bed on the side, there is indeed a set of clothes, neatly placed on the bed, if someone is lying on it, it is just right to fit.

It was as if something took the person wearing the clothes away, but the clothes stayed where they were.

This discovery made everyone go crazy.

There were so many combat professionals sleeping here last night, how could the other party be able to do such a thing quietly?

A bit too exaggerated!

Just thinking about it, two more exclamations came from the other two houses.

Li Moqing thought of something, his face changed, and he rushed out.

Lu Yan quickly followed and came to another room.

Sure enough, the bed was still a neat set of clothes, but the person wearing the clothes disappeared.

Exactly the same as the previous room.

Soon Li Moqing and Lu Yan came to the third room. The situation inside was exactly the same. They also had a set of clothes, but the people disappeared.

At this time, everyone was directly awake, and the students in the house also came out of the house and came to the courtyard.

Their faces were full of shock. They didn't expect that when they woke up, the sleeping team members disappeared.

If you disappear

They didn't dare to think further, and their eyes fell on Li Moqing.

Li Moqing's brows furrowed. She is the leader of the dark squad. Now that such a situation has occurred, she has an unshirkable responsibility.

"What is the situation? It turned out that all the members of the Darkin Society would disappear in all three rooms?"

Qiyue frowned, very curious about this kind of thing.

In her guess, the best way to do this kind of thing is to use the power of space, but she has explored the past three rooms, and there is no residual space fluctuation.

Unless the opponent's use of the power of space is much more clever than hers, this will not happen.

At this time, Lu Yan on the side said slowly: "It seems that the accident happened to the members of the Dark Descent Society in the three houses. There is no problem with the people in the tent outside."

"So, there should be something wrong with these three rooms."

"And, don't you think it's strange? We slept too much yesterday. I thought maybe we were too tired yesterday, but now it seems that it is not the case."

Listening to Lu Yan's words, Li Moqing and Qiyue also frowned.

The three classmates disappeared from the three rooms. There must be something wrong with the three rooms, but they had already probed the rooms just now and found nothing unusual.

In this case, everyone has no clue.

At this time, Lu Yan continued to speak: "In such a situation, it can be proved that there is indeed a problem in Yangjia Village. Maybe there are really members of the Dark Origin Society here."

Listening to Lu Yan's words, everyone around was stunned for a moment, and then nodded.

This is indeed the case. The occurrence of this incident just happened to prove that there were members of the Dark Descent Society in Yangjia Village.

Moreover, they are not far from Yangjia Village.

Li Moqing pondered for a while, and then said: "Judging from the current situation, the members of the Dark Origin Society should still be in Yangjia Village."

"Last night, we should have been affected by something like a drug, which caused us to fall asleep."

"The disappearance of the three members of the annihilation team has a lot to do with this."

"Our main task now is to find the location of these Darkspawn members!"

Heng Shanyue said at this time; "I'm a little surprised, why did the three members of the darkness eradication team disappear?"

"If the other party has the ability to make our three team members disappear without knowing it, why not start with others?"

Listening to Heng Shanyue's words, the people around him fell silent, and some were confused about the current situation.

If the other party has such ability, how can they be safe and sound?

Listening to Heng Shanyue's words, Lu Yan's eyes flickered for a while, and then he caught something, and said, "Manpower! The opponent's manpower is definitely not enough, so he can only attack the three members of the dark squad."

"As for why it is one room per room, it is not clear for the time being."

"Yang Hongwei is missing, and now the three members of our dark squad have also disappeared. There must be something wrong with Yangjia Village."

"The most important thing for us now is to quickly explore the surroundings."

"Everyone should remember the woods around Yangjia Village? We have always forgotten to explore the surrounding woods before. If there is a hiding place there, the members of the Darkspawn Society are likely to be in the woods."

Listening to Lu Yan's words, the members of the surrounding dark squad all nodded.

Indeed, the surrounding trees of Yangjia Village should be able to hide.

Before, their eyes had always been on the interior of Yangjia Village, but they had forgotten the woods outside.

Li Moqing opened his mouth and said, "Then explore the woods around Yangjia Village. This time, a team of four people, if you encounter any danger, don't force your way, evacuate first, release the signal, and let everyone support the past."

Everyone around nodded, and then, led by Li Moqing, started to go outside, ready to explore the woods.

At this time, the village chief came to the outside of the courtyard, looked at Li Moqing and said, "Teacher, how are you resting? Did you find anything yesterday?"

Li Moqing looked at the village chief, frowned, and then said, "There are no clues for now, but don't worry, village chief, if the members of the Dark Descendants are really in the village, we will definitely meet them. They got it out."

Hearing the words, the village chief looked happy and kept nodding: "That's good, that's good, we are really frightened these days, just come here."

Li Moqing nodded towards the village chief, and then quickly left here with Lu Yan and others, heading out of the village.

The village chief looked at the backs of Li Moqing and others, and there was an inexplicable meaning in his eyes.

It wasn't until Li Moqing and others disappeared from sight that the village chief turned around and glanced at the yard behind him.

Then, the village chief turned around, bent over and left here, muttering something in his mouth.

"There are really a lot of smart people, this time I'm in trouble."


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