MTL - Global Day Online-Chapter 83 I want to step the world under my feet.

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Rick quickly followed Rogers, took the bedding, and walked toward the bedroom.

Rogers also helped Rick take on the new life supplies.

After putting the bedding and daily necessities back into the big bedroom and taking an empty bed of Rogers, Rogers proposed to go to the training ground in the military camp with Lake.

"Go and see it first. I won't be in a hurry. I really want to train quickly, so I can get on the battlefield!" Rogers looked happy.

Rick had nothing to do anyway, nor did he reject Rogers’ invitation.

Rogers, who has been successfully enlisted, is now in a particularly good mood, and has become a lot of talkative, constantly chatting with Lake, and pointing to the excitement of some of the weapons in the barracks to explain to Leke the model he knows.

"Right, the second sage, you are the versatile, born? The red circle abilities you launched, what effect?" Rogers thought of the abilities of Lake, curiously asked.

"Treatment and injury will do, I am in the mood. Right, Rogers, if you become stronger in the future, become very powerful, what are your plans?" Rick asked the future captain of the United States.

"How strong is it? Is it the same as them?" Or the thin American captain pointed to a group of burly soldiers who were lifting dumbbells not far away.

"No, it is a hundred times stronger than them, and it becomes a strongman who is many times more than the human limit!" Reke replied.

"If one day, I can really be the kind of strong person you said, I want to defeat the enemy and end the battle.

What about you? No. 2, what are your plans if you become stronger? After thinking about it, Rogers answered the question of Lake and asked Rick.

"I, look!" said, and Lec bent down, piled a small pit on the ground with his hands, then stood up and smashed his feet.

"What are you doing?" Rogers looked at Lek in confusion.

"I am telling you by action. After I become stronger, I have to step the world under my feet."


Back to the big bedroom, Lake also put on his new military uniform, the size is right, the first day of the military camp, I feel quite fresh.

It’s almost time for the military camp to open the dinner at night. More than 20 recruits have changed their uniforms and held tableware.

Rick found that these recruits rarely greeted him with Rogers. He and the future Captain America seemed to be isolated.

However, Lake's mentality is very good, Rogers's small man has a better mentality, he has been used to it for so many years.

The two took the lunch box and went to the large canteen of the military camp. They lined up according to their own army number and waited for the meal.

"Small man, and you are the special recruiter who walks the back door, let one let, go to the back to stand up, anyway, you can't eat this figure." A young man with a strong bedroom, came to behind Leek. Pick up the sleeves, reveal the muscles on the arms, and sip on the future Captain America and Lake.

The recruits who are waiting in line for the meal, the roommates in front are like jokes, or turn around or turn their heads, ready to watch the jokes of Lake and Rogers.

Rogers looked at this strong teammate without fear, but Rogers found that Leek had raised his hand behind him.

"Dare to grab my position, I must do a good job of death.

I am afraid that when I shoot, I can't control my depth. I will kill you in one stroke! "Lake smirked and said that looking at such a strong young man, his initial blood volume should be able to exceed 80 points, and it is estimated that he will not make a life."

"No. 2, don't, don't shoot, don't be impulsive, can't kill here!

He is just kidding, not to die! Rogers, who was just preparing for the theory, was quickly caught between Lake and the muscle roommate.

Then Rogers was nervous and said to the young roommate who gave him and Leike Liang muscles, "You apologize, we are a teammate of the army and should be united.

This No. 2 sage, you know why he was specially recruited as a foreigner! He is not going to the back door!

Just last night, he and a companion, in the military medical examination hospital, killed two enemy killers.

It was what I saw with my own eyes, just in the military medical examination hospital next to the tomorrow fair! ”

At the beginning of this bright muscle teammate, he also looked at Rogers with ridicule.

However, I heard that Rogers described it in such detail, even the place and time, and his sly look at Rogers’s serious expression is not like deceiving!

This young roommate who wants to grab the position with bright muscles, some of them are not allowed to deceive him.

"You don't believe that we can ask our instructor Carter tomorrow, she was there last night!" Rogers once again stressed, and blocked in front of Lake, grabbing Lake's arm, for fear that Lake is excited, he will set this roommate The red circle is killing.

In front of the several recruits waiting to play, after hearing Rogers's words, I was surprised to see the figure of Lake.

Several soldiers were talking there:

"The military medical examination hospital next to the Expo tomorrow seems to be really dead!"

"Yeah! I heard that a special agent bodyguard in our department killed the brain and was killed by the killer."

"Yes, I heard from a friend of the Tomorrow Fair yesterday that he was on the road and saw that there was martial law."

The bright-skinned young roommates heard this, and his face became more ugly than crying.

He wanted to find fun, bullying the seemingly weak roommate, did not expect to be a murderer is not a blink of an eye, and this master is also ready to shoot him.

"No. 2, I mean, I can give you a meal, you can go to the table there, rest." This bright muscle teammate, directly smashed, he looked at Lek's weird evil laugh After that, he is also afraid of death!

"No, we are queuing ourselves!" Rogers said, and quickly turned Rex to his body, not looking at this bright muscle roommate.

After more than ten minutes, Lake and Rogers took a lunch box with beef soup and bread and eggs. In the big dining hall, they found a large dining table that belonged to their strategic science reserve department. The two sat down and began to eat.

This large table has already sat on more than a dozen roommates who have already finished the meal.

"No. 2 Sayādaw, how did you kill two killers in the medical examination hospital yesterday, can you tell us about it?" A young man sitting across from Lake Rick, courageously tried to ask Rick.

When I heard the question of this young man, the roommates who were eating at the meal all lighted the sound of eating and waited to hear the answer from Lake.

"Yes, the killers of the two Hydras are killed. The Hydra is a hidden organization belonging to the enemy camp, similar to the enemy's special forces.

I shot with a friend of mine.

The killers of Hydra can be very powerful and evil. They pretend to be ordinary people. In fact, many of them are superhuman. Superman, you know no, it is a powerful existence many times more than normal humans----"Lake looks at roommates. I look forward to eating and talking about a fighting scene that exaggerates dozens of fantasy legends.

The roommates started listening carefully, and later they heard the story.

These roommates also know that this new No. 2 sage, it seems that yesterday was really killed after killing two killers, there should be some strength, but also particularly able to blow.