MTL - Global Day Online-Chapter 73 I have two movie tickets.

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"The latter two, hurry, come to you." In front of the final review office, a female nurse sister shouted.

"Right, this is over." Steve Rogers quickly released his right hand and ran towards the front cabin.

Rick also followed the cabin that entered the final review.

When Lake entered the final audited cabin, he saw a bald middle-aged medic who was standing there with a serious Steve Rogers.

"Can you help me?" Steve Rogers said in a pleading tone to the doctor.

"I am helping, I am saving you!" The middle-aged military doctor finished, picked up the seal, directly in the lower right corner of Steve Rogers's enlistment checklist, and stamped the unqualified mark.

Rick saw that the captain of the US eyes looked at the medical examination form and the application became extremely disappointing and declining.

"Next!" The bald-headed middle-aged military doctor said that the captain of the United States got up and let him go.

"Want to open some, Rogers, when I get on the battlefield, I will earn your honor!" Rick comforted the captain of the United States.

Steve Rogers just smiled and didn't answer.

Rick sat in the chair in front of him and waited for the final review of the military doctor to see which unit he could be assigned to. He thought that if he was the 107th unit, he must apply for a change.

Seeing Lake's appearance, the bald middle-aged military doctor stunned and began to look at Lake's medical examination form and file.

"External personnel, can not join the national army." The military doctor did not ask Rick, asked directly to the seal, but also failed in the lower right corner.

"--" Lake looked awkward and looked back at the captain of the United States, but the captain of the United States took it for granted.

"Can you help me! I have a patriotic heart, I want to kill the devils on the battlefield!" said Lek excitedly. If he couldn't enter the army, he would then be difficult to become a team captain of the US captain.

At that time, you can't participate in the battle between Captain America and Hydra, and they will be directly wiped out by the system.

"Next!" The middle-aged military doctor in baldness said directly.

"You are discrimination, I want---" Reke slammed his hand and slammed the table, originally trying to smash the table, but found it too heavy to lift.

Leek had not finished talking, and the two soldiers with guns standing outside the door came over.

"No. 2 Sayādaw, don't be impulsive." The captain of the American captain, looking at the maddening look of Reic, quickly went forward to persuade.

"I am going to have a meal to ease the mood!" Lake calmed down his emotions. Now that this task has just begun, if it is taken away by the soldiers of the army, the task will be even more difficult to accomplish. It is estimated that the little queen may not be able to save him.

A few minutes later, Lake and Steve Rogers stood opposite the street outside the conscription point.

Both of them looked at the recruiting point with a look of desolateness, a look of a brother and a brother.

"What's inside the big bag you are carrying?" Captain America asked Leick about the topic.

"Bow arrows, my weapons, I am a very powerful warrior.

By the way, if you have the opportunity to go to the battlefield in the future, you must think about taking me to fight together. "Rick said to the captain of the United States, thinking about the next strategy.

He must join the army. If he does not join, the captain of the United States will fight with the Hydra. This civilian can hardly get involved.

Of course, the little queen is estimated to have been involved in the state of pregnant women, taking the way of Iron Man and his dad.

On my own side, since the medical examination during the day has failed, and I want to join the army, there is only one last method.

Just waiting for the US captain to conduct a medical examination again at night, Dr. Abraham Erskine of the Strategic Science Reserve Department appeared on this road.

In the film, Dr. Erskine is the person who has the right to issue a license.

If you can join the strategic science reserve department formed by Dr. Erskine, of course, it is a better choice.

However, Lake looked at himself like this, and the chances of being selected are small.

After all, Dr. Erskine secretly observed Steve Rogers for a long time before he was elected.

"How about watching a movie together? I have two free movie tickets.

I used to watch it with a good friend before, but unfortunately he has something to come, and it is a waste. "Steve Rogers took out two movie tickets from his pocket that didn't know what it was. He held it in his hand and yelled at Lake."

"Good!" After he hesitated for a while, he took a movie ticket and agreed.

In order to get in touch with the captain of the United States, Lake also went out.

"I didn't want to be born again, the first time I watched a movie with myself, it turned out to be a man!" Rick sighed.

Thinking of this, Lake suddenly had inspiration, right, since the little queen went to the relationship between Iron Man and his dad, he can also find someone.

Peggy Carter, a female agent, is one of the founders of the future SHIELD.

Her current status is the upper-level staff of the strategic science reserve department, although it is not taken seriously at this stage, not a decision maker.

But soon she will train a group of soldiers to be their instructors.

After Steve Rogers was invited to the army by Dr. Erskine, he trained in her hands.

If you go to Peggy? Carter's relationship, you may have the opportunity to join the army.

"Don't be stunned, No. 2! The movie time is coming, the theater is not far from the front." Steve Rogers said after seeing that Lek took the movie ticket he sent, he said very warmly to Lake. With.

Now Steve Rogers has a feeling of intimacy with Rick.

After all, in the current US period, there are too few chances to encounter soldiers who have been eliminated from the election.

Rick walked down the street with Steve Rogers, passing a car with a hat, and Lake looked at the green-colored hat on the car.

"You asked me to watch a movie, how about I send you a hat!" said Leke jokingly.

"Hat, I don't need that thing, you're welcome! You have to like it, buy it for yourself." Steve Rogers smiled at Lek.

"No, I can't need this stuff anymore! I will never wear that thing." Lake walked a few steps away from the hat booth.

When he heard Lake's words, Steve Rogers now does not understand the deep meaning of Lake's words, but smiles politely.

After more than ten minutes, Lake and Steve Rogers sat down in the cinema seat and looked at the big screen in front of him.

Rick felt particularly uncomfortable in his heart, moved his lower body and tried to stay away from some Captain America.

It’s a weird thing to watch a movie with a male friend alone, and still watch another movie in the world of copy movies.

Rick prayed that the provocative man appeared quickly, so he left the cinema quickly. "The two will not lose at least," Reke thought.