MTL - Global Day Online-Chapter 56 Sleeper storage room

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Rick thought, his class teacher was brutal and aunt, and he was estimated to be a copy of the immortal.

For the copy of the online online, he wanted to be more complicated, and Lake decided not to think about it anymore.

It's too hard to find an accurate answer on this network. There are a lot of comments and explanations that are jokes.

Rick’s passing through personnel is also inseparable from true and false, just like guessing.

The information he found on the Internet may be a joke message from netizens.

Rick knows that if he believes that the netizen’s message is negative, then the misinformation can be great. Maybe he will die at the end without knowing how to die!

"Still wait until class, let's say at least the teacher said it should be true!

In this world class, this group of high school students, after more than a month, should enter the world for the first time, exempting the random copy world of death.

Recently, the teacher should be able to explain the situation of the online days to the system, and listen to it carefully. "Lake thought in his heart, decided not to go online and search for it."

As for the choice of weapons, this must be prepared in advance.

After thinking of a month, Rick also had a gambling contract with the squad leader Zhao Kai.

He still has no weapons to use. When Zhao Kai can't see him without weapons, he will try to wrestle and judo!

"In the online copy of the heavens and the melee battlefield, what weapons are good to practice, it will have an effect in a short period of time, but also powerful for a variety of copies, online, etc., very urgent!" Rexolity in the online forum online forum, See what the omnipotent netizens can give him.

There are quite a lot of people hanging out on the forum. After a few minutes, there are dozens of messages.

"The first dragon chair I came to sit, the landlord is stupid, of course, the atomic bomb! You just press the launch button!"

"The third floor is my grandson!"

"Report the doctor, the second floor psychiatric hospital ran out, grab it back!"

"Machine guns or rocket launchers, get a slap in the air!"

"Of course it is a watermelon knife. It can be used as a weapon when fighting. You can also cut watermelons on weekdays!"

"A brick is in hand, I have it in the world, I recommend brick, your life choice!"

"Of course, with a sword, I have never heard of people until the sword is invincible!"

"Recommended to use the sword, the landlord is a man! If so, I suggest that the landlord go to practice evil spirits!"

"The first page of the evil spirits sword, in order to succeed, must first come to the palace.

The second page, if not from the palace, can also be successful.

The third page, if it is from the palace, is definitely not successful.

The landlord must follow the order. ”

"It is recommended that the landlord use a mace, and take the wind to go anywhere!"

"It can be long or short, big or small, real man's weapon, the landlord guess what, wishful gold hoop!"

"Use your eyes to kill you and practice your eyes!"

“It is highly recommended to burn a fire stick! You are the first choice for the Valkyrie!”


Rick looked at these messages on the Internet and put down the phone. I already know that the netizens’ replies are not useful, but they also think about it.

Rick lie directly on his bed, thinking about it, and soon there was a buzzing snoring in the bedroom, and Lake fell asleep.

Listening to the snoring, watching Reke even give up the noon practice time to sleep peacefully, the macho, the skinny monkey and the little fat man also try to reduce the training is the sound, don't bother to wake up the Lei boss.

When the lunch break was over, several men stopped training, and the macho hit the hot water and wiped the sweat with a towel.

"Ray boss, wake up, it is time to go to Yan Yan's class. Yan sister said yesterday, this class does not need to bring weapons." The skinny monkey screamed at the bed, sleeping in the daytime.

"Okay, oh, it’s time for class, go!" Reke snorted and slept, and took a nap at noon, feeling that he didn't sleep enough.

After more than ten minutes, the four-person group of Lake's bedroom came to the front of a row of wooden stakes in the playground. Many students have already arrived here.

As soon as I was in class, my classmates began to line up and stand up.

Rick didn't know where he was standing, he stood beside the empty position in front of the stake.

This class of station is not based on the height of the station, is a group of several people, standing into a small team.

"Lee boss, come over, you are standing in the head, you are the big brother in the bedroom!" The macho shouted Leek, who was still in a daze.

In the past, Rick stood in front of the fierce man and found out that in this team, each squad was divided according to the bedroom.

After a few tens of seconds, the bell ringing of the "bell bell" sounded again.

From the school building, a short red hair, tall girl, wearing a black tight-fitting leather jacket, with a leather whip around her waist, walked fast.

The girl smiled as she smiled and looked at the class where Rick was.

"Class!" After the girl came over, she said in a short, powerful voice!

"Inflammatory instructor is good!" The students said hello in unison, and Lake followed.

"Don't have enough food, big noise, or no wake up at noon! Let me hear your voice!" Yan instructor casually sighed at the class students.

Originally, it was only in accordance with the usual practice, but after the Yan sister turned around, she really saw that Leek, who was standing in the front row, was actually playing with it, or was in a state of sleepy eyes.

Yan sister that gas, Leike this little bastard, even at noon so precious exercise time to go to sleep, still not awake.

Fortunately, Lake and her relationship is very good, and I heard that this time, Laker won the little girl in the virtual command, and Yan Yan simply pretended not to see.

If she changed to another student, Yan Jie had already kicked it.

"Inflammatory instructor is good!" The classmates yelled, and the screaming voice of Lek on the side scared him into a spirit.

"Okay, start class now.

Today, Yan Jie takes you to see the horror and danger in the online days.

You are already a high school student. After more than a month, you will have a final exam. You will be greeted with the opportunity to enter the online copy of the world for the first time.

This opportunity is very valuable, I believe you all know.

The first time you enter the random copy of the online online, how many things and benefits you can get, it depends on your own luck.

I emphasize once again that you must cherish this opportunity. This is the only online copy of the world where death is not punishable. It is also the only care for your newcomers.

The mid-term assessment after more than a month will change your future.

Don't think that the days of online are too good, don't regard it as a game, it is extremely dangerous.

What I am going to show you is your seniors, those who have become sleepers are your foresight.

Ok, now follow me in the order of the queue and enter the ‘sleeper’ storage room in the basement of the main building.

Some of you are hapless, if you are not careful enough in the online copy of the days, you will be your grave in the future. The instructor Yan’s serious expression said to the students.

After hearing the words of Yan Jie, many students were stunned.

"What is yan sister, ‘long sleeper’?”

“There is a ‘sleeper’ storage room in the basement of our main building?”

"The grave? Is our school built on the cemetery?" Several students could not help but ask the instructor Yan.

Yan Yan turned her head and looked at the confused students. "When you enter the basement of the main building, you will know. I will tell you to the grave."