MTL - Global Day Online-Chapter 48 Little ice girl passed out

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"Lei boss, from the beginning of the battle, he has prepared equipment to prepare for the cold, he has expected this temperature change! Lei old god!" The majestic man excitedly cheered for his roommate.

"You see, Ray boss has made a big move. He sent an elite Siberian army that has been trained in the cold.

More than 30 divisions of the new force into the battle. "The skinny monkey looked at the virtual battle display, and jumped up with excitement. I didn't expect his bedroom to be a rake. The commanding ability was so terrible."

The class teacher was brutal and aunt, and I saw that I knew that Xiao Bing had already lost.

The Soviet army controlled by Laker began a counterattack.

The Germans controlled by Xiao Bingfu retreat and reluctantly resisted. Even if Xiao Bing’s commanding skills were strong, they could not return to heaven.

The balance of victory has completely fallen to the Soviet army controlled by Lake.

The little ice girl continued to send orders one by one, but her German army continued to be slaughtered and captured and surrendered.

Lex had no soft hands, and the Soviets who controlled him kept chasing the Germans who fled.

Xiao Bing’s command and command has begun to be disordered, and her mistakes have gradually appeared. Her position has been chaotic. This virtual battle scene is too real. The little ice girl looks at her own soldiers through a partial perspective. She is cold and sick and can't walk. Wearing ordinary clothes, they shiver in the snow, many of them are violent coughing. .

On the way to the retreat, the soldiers who fell in the snow could no longer get up.

Xiao Bing female has been so completely defeated for the first time in her life.

For the first time, he encountered such a terrible, powerful and insidious opponent. A sense of powerlessness rushed into my heart, thinking about what the class teacher said, before the test, "Remember, every negligence in your command process, there may be hundreds of earth warriors, and thus die."

These soldiers were killed because of their wrong decision-making, and the face of the little ice girl in the command room began to pale, and then passed out in the command room.

Seeing this situation, the class teacher's old class quickly stopped the game.

The class teacher can know that "the controller in this virtual command will also be psychologically injured.

And often these injuries occur in those commanding geniuses.

Once a genius can't accept his own failure, there may be a shadow of forever in the commanding battle.

This kind of psychological and mental damage is the most difficult to cure.

Xiao Bing is now like this. Maybe she has been hurt in her own heart. If she is abused by Lake, the little ice girl may be mad. ”

As the class teacher closes the virtual battle, all virtual egg-shaped training cabins are stopped and subsequently opened.

The class teacher, Dagu, ran to the ice-shaped training cabin next to Xiaobing, watching the open egg-shaped training cabin. Xiaobing’s pale face was faint in the seat and her breathing weakened.

"Damn Lake, it's so fierce, it won't be abused!"

This little ice girl is her most proud student, and the family behind her is not simple. Although she is not afraid, but the problem is that the principal should look for me! The class teacher, Daogu, thought about it, and quickly picked up the little ice girl from the egg-shaped training cabin.

The class teacher's violent Daogu single-handedly pointed at the back of Xiao Bing's heart and entered a real gas into her body.

After more than ten seconds, Xiao Bing's face gradually recovered and opened her eyes.

"Today's commanding duel ended early, and Lake won." The class teacher, Daogu, finished, and slammed the opposite side of the face from the egg-shaped training cabin.

"Little Ice Girl, in the virtual command battle, it is normal to win or lose. You must learn to learn from the experience and let yourself grow up." Class teacher Dao Gu, try to accommodate the little ice girl with a gentle tone.

This little ice girl is a treasure in her class and even in the school. The commanding contest at the time of high school graduation is waiting for Xiao Bingyan to participate.

If she has a psychological shadow in her class and she is abolished, then the principal will definitely find himself talking every day.

"I know, teacher, I lost.

After going back, I will also write about the feelings and conclusions of today's battle! Xiao Bingyan said that she got up and looked at the direction of Lake, and then went to Lec.

Xiao Bingyan looked at Laker again, if it wasn’t because she had licked her face before, this ordinary classmate named Lake, Xiao Bingfu would not pay attention: "This time I lost, this time your command method gives I have inspired a lot.

I admit that you are better than me now, and your talent is very strong. Having your strong opponent also gives me the goal of working hard.

I will win you in the commanding battle. When the third year is over, we will try again.

Rick, don't be proud of it now. When I was a child, my father told me a story, called the tortoise and the hare! I will work harder than you. ”

After listening to Lec, he pondered for a moment and smiled and said to Xiao Bingfu: "I told the story when I was a child. I used to have a person who ran very fast. One day he wanted to catch up with the sun.

He has been running and running, and the faster he runs.

Finally, guess what happened to him? ”

"He tried to catch up with the sun!" Xiao Bingyan said with a slight smile, thinking that Lake is also encouraging her to identify her opponent.

After listening to Lec, the evil smiled: "In the end his eyes were burned by the sun, and the sun was still there.

what! The big picture and talent of the brother is not something you can catch up with. That is born, you know what you know!

Don't chase your brother, brother is the sun, cover you later! ”

After listening to Xiaobing, she almost didn't get angry.

On the side of the class teacher, Dao, this distance can also hear the words of Lake, glaring at Lake. Although I found a talented student in my class today, the students are too free to fly.

"Rick, I will catch up with you!" Xiao Bingyan suddenly shouted.

At this time, the classmates in the class also came out from the egg-shaped training cabin. Some thought that the distance was far away. I didn’t hear the classmates who talked with Lake and Xiaobing, and looked at Xiao Bingfu with surprise. Lake.

"God, my goddess is falling!"

"The goddess is going to chase Rayo!"

"I am not dreaming, let me wake up!"

"I knew that I also practiced the command well, maybe I won Xiao Bing, and she can chase me!"

"Little Ice Girl, I have to compare with you to command the battle!"

The classmates who came out later talked about it there.

After Xiaobing’s words, she felt that it was not right. After thinking about the words before Leek’s words, her face was red, and when she saw a white eye, she ran away and returned to the class teacher, Daogu, standing there. .

The class teacher was brutally aunt and saw the students coming out of the egg-shaped training cabin.

According to the original class plan of the class teacher Daogu, after the end of the virtual battle, her teacher should first analyze and summarize the students in a brief battle, and then let the students go back and write.