MTL - Global Day Online-Chapter 1217 Confess your online player status with your parents

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After standing for more than ten minutes, it was the turn of the little ice girl Bing Ruoxi who stood at the front to sign up. An electronic form was taken, and the little ice girl was photographed, filling in her identity and age.

When Xiao Bingnu completed the third-year graduate, she was taken directly to the second floor.

Several people at Lek also filled out the forms one after another and were taken to the second floor.

After checking the body, drawing blood, etc., Xiao Bingv was first taken alone into a room, and after a few minutes, she came out and nodded to several people.

Lake entered the second.

The two Aboriginal Defence Forces looked at Rick, "Are there any special identities?"

"Online players!" Lek said.

"Attributes, player names, names of affiliated and player guilds, team forces!" Asked an Earth Defense Force.

Rake talked about his attributes. After recording by the two Earth Defence Forces, he looked at Rake with surprise.

"It's so high, just say what you have now, the attributes of the main world. I am here to record that the Tenth Online is one-tenth weakened!" An Aboriginal soldier reminded Rake that they had recorded hundreds of them. Players, some experience.

In this Z13 copy world, now Aboriginal people can understand Zhutian Online, they can communicate with players normally, and they will not block tampering with Zhutian Online information.

"This is the attribute of my main world, my strength, and the basic attributes of Zhutian Online have reached the king level. If you count the increase in equipment props, you can reach a **** level of more than a thousand points. My Zhutian online player name is called Venerable No. 2, is part of the poker team. "Lek said.

"Poker, the last girl, is your teammate?"

"Bing Ruoxi, she counts as my men."

The two soldiers recorded this quickly. Although the two Aboriginal soldiers felt that Rake's attributes were quite high, they were better than their own world celestial beings.

But these two soldiers, at this time, have too little knowledge of the world of the other world. They don't know the meaning of the name of the poker team and the No. 2 Venerable.

Some players from Zhutian Online, although informed the world's indigenous people about the status of Zhutian Online and their world.

However, for the time being, only the top level of the Earth Defense Forces in this world have control of this information, because of the time, it has not been fully communicated.

Rake then registered the address. There was a grip, and the two soldiers asked Rick to hold it, to check whether Reck had misreported his attributes.

Rick raised his hand and scrapped the grip.

"Lake, Venerable No.2, welcome you to join our World Earth Defence Force, fight to defend the world, and fight for you to complete the mission. You can leave first, and come to the recruitment site at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning." Resident soldiers spoke enthusiastically to Rake.

Rake smiled and left first.

Lake and Xiaobing girl waited outside the factory, and the thin monkey, macho, and fat man came out a few minutes later.

"The aborigines of this world are quite enthusiastic to us. I inquired that the players will be organized into special forces of the sky-chokers, and together with the sky-chops of the world's aborigines to resist the invasion of alien creatures." The fat man said.

"The strength of the world's top talents is stronger than most players. At least, not counting the skills and props possessed by the online players, it is much better than the average high-players." Said the thin monkey.

Rick nodded, the ordinary high-player online players, the strength is still too weak, "The big queen and the little queen I have seen before should be the natural choosers of this world. The growth of the natural choosers of this world is a wisdom attribute It is higher than the attributes of strength, agility, and endurance. It is estimated that it is related to the sky-selector ’s previous battle with the outsider to absorb the energy of the small crystal. After the small crystal is absorbed, the heavens prompt online to only improve the wisdom attribute. "Rake analyzed.

"Boss Lei, do you have any special reaction to these Aboriginal soldiers after you report that you are the No. 2 honoree of the poker team?" The macho asked.

Rick shook his head, "No, for the time being, the aboriginal soldiers at this conscription site don't know too much about the online conditions of our world. But I guess they will have a special reaction when they come to join tomorrow tomorrow. Treated. Many high school seniors in our world will surely have a small number of people who will contact the Earth Defense Forces of this world immediately after the main mission of the first phase and say their identity. "

Xiao Bing female sighed, "Some disappointed, today I said, I am a poker team, the two aboriginal soldiers are not too surprised. If I shout now, I am the poker team Meihua No. 2, Xiao Bing The goddess, high school seniors from our world, can all come around. "

"Do n’t yell in a hurry, you ’re finished, and you ’re probably not going home now. Go, go back to each home, go home and rest for one night, come here again at 9 o’clock tomorrow. This world reflects specifically, see 9 o’clock tomorrow morning I'll know when I come back. If there is a situation, please call me. "Lek said.

"Lake, take me home!" Xiao Bing female Bing Ruoxi asked softly.

"Come back yourself, your home is also the Earth Defense Forces of this world's aborigines. After you go back, you should be able to learn more. There is news, I want to tell us, when communicating with the aboriginal parents of this world, Be patient, "Lek said to Xiao Bing Nu, and refused Xiao Bing Nu's request.

Rick separated the men, and the men walked briskly, returning to their homes.

There are no taxis on the streets now.

Rick raised his left hand to draw a circle, used the magic portal skill, and the delivery location was set directly downstairs. Anyway, he had signed up for the Earth Defense Force in this world, and Reck didn't care about leaking his skills.

After coming out of the portal, Rick went upstairs and opened the door.

"Lake, you can be considered back. Today the college entrance exams were all bombed after being invaded by alien creatures! You are not injured, I will call my dad and mom, they went to the school to find you!" Sister Xiaoyu was worried.

"It's okay, I'm going to sign up for the Earth Defense Force later, and I'm not injured." Rake said, tapping Xiao Yu's head, sitting on the sofa, and turning on the TV.

On the TV, news about the invasion of alien creatures and the conscription of the Earth Defense Forces were broadcast.

Xiaoyu picked up her phone and called the mother. When she heard that Rake came back, she was relieved and said she would come back soon.

"You participate in the Earth Defense Forces, it's too dangerous! Really fighting, Rick, you small body, don't rush forward too! Although protecting the world is important, don't hurt yourself, it's not bad for you!" Then Xiaoyu sat on the sofa, and said to Reck with some worry.

"Well, Xiaoyu, when my mom and dad come back, I will tell them something!" Rake said to his sister.

Regarding the matter of replacing Rick's body in this world, Rick thought about it, and would not tell his sister first.

But wait for the parents and dads of this world to tell them, otherwise they should be obstructed or worried about joining the Earth Defense Forces.

After more than an hour, my parents came back.

When Mom and Dad came back, Rake discovered that they looked at their expressions a little differently, and they looked a little bit talkative.

Lake estimates that Mommy already knows some online players' information.

Lei Ke took out the money, let Xiaoyu go downstairs to buy a few bottles of cold beer, first break the rain.

In the room, there were only Mom and Dad and Rake.

"Mother and Dad, in fact, my soul now comes from another parallel world. I am Rake from that world." Rake said to his parents.

"What about our son's soul, where have we gone, and will we come back?" The mother's expression changed and asked Rake.

"If my body doesn't die completely, three years later, my soul will return to my original world, and the soul of your son, Rick, should return!" Rick explained after thinking about it.

"In another world, are you also our son?" Dad asked.

"Well, too, there is sister Xiaoyu there," Rek said.