MTL - Girlfriend Needs To Be Coaxed Every Day-Chapter 47

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The world was quiet, and everyone was waiting for Lin Zheng's answer. She turned around and looked at Gu Nanzhi fixedly, as if she didn't know her, and insisted on reading some explicit instructions from her eyes .

In the end, she found nothing, and the anxiety on Gu Nanzhi's face made Lin Zheng sure that what she heard just now was not a momentary illusion, and she did ask herself again if she still likes her.

Whether she likes it or not, the answer in Lin Zheng's heart has always been very clear, but... How can she admit it to someone who has clearly said that she cannot like her?

Besides, this person pretended to have a body measurement of 800 meters and 'lurked' in her unilateral liking for five years. These five years were like a joke to her. Listen to the person, this person knows who she is from the beginning to the end. However, she never revealed her identity once, just watched her happy because of good memories, and not sad because of love. Now, suddenly asked her if she still likes it? What is the intention of liking?

Lin Zheng was reluctant to describe Gu Nanzhi as 'despicable', and she didn't want to try hard to guess. She asked her in an absolutely calm voice, "It's been so many years, what's the point of asking if you like it? I'm not a child anymore, am I?" You can giggle for days with a candy."

Gu Nanzhi clenched the other one hanging by her side tightly, her hand was shaking, and she was struggling to clench it. Compared with the emotional collision when she heard that Lin Zheng had a boyfriend during the day, it was more intense. She put down her self-esteem and shame to ask a man who has a boyfriend if he still likes her, which has violated the bottom line of being a human being, and it is even more embarrassing to be rejected.

She couldn't blame Lin Zheng for refusing so cruelly, she could only blame herself for asking too late.

Gu Nanzhi laughed softly, the smile was full of mockery to herself, she let go of her hand little by little, and let Lin Zheng "freedom" longingly.

Before he let go of his hand completely, Gu Nanzhi suddenly felt a tightness in his wrist, and was suddenly pulled into her arms by Lin Zheng, and she complained aggrievedly beside her ear, "Gu Nanzhi, you will bully me, and you will know how to bully me!" Me! What’s the matter with asking one more question? There won’t be a piece of meat missing!”

Lin Zheng, who spoke, was the same as before, with a soft tone full of childish innocence and easy to deceive.

In the past, Gu Nanzhi would always respond to her requests or treat her differently because of this, but now, she can only say to her with a pious heart, "I'm sorry."

"Only this?" Lin Zheng's nose was sour. The person who was the best to her in the past only knew how to make her sad, but what to do, she still liked this person very much, and she didn't want to let go.

Lin Zheng's hand on Gu Nanzhi's back moved, and the heat moved up her perfect spine and stopped at the back of her neck.

There are always vulnerable and sensitive places in people, some are behind the ears, some are on the chest, or other more intimate places, Gu Nanzhi doesn't know where his spots are, all he knows is that Lin Zheng's hand is coming from her back. The feeling of swipe on it made her want to escape more than the fire.

Flee to be closer to her.

"Lin Zheng." Gu Nanzhi called Lin Zheng impatiently.

Lin Zheng didn't respond, she slowly moved away from Gu Nanzhi, meeting her eyes.

"Gu Nanzhi, you are no longer my teacher." Lin Zheng sucked his sore nose and said softly, "So, I will not feel guilty for doing anything to you, let alone Scared, do you understand?"

Lin Zheng's words were endless, so Gu Nanzhi naturally didn't understand, and he didn't have a chance to think... Lin Zheng's palm clasped the back of her neck forcefully, and brought her to him, and before she could react, he leaned forward.

Gu Nanzhi dodged subconsciously, but was pulled behind by Lin Zheng and clutched her clothes tightly, "Lin Zheng, what are you going to do?" Gu Nanzhi asked, her heart was beating fast, her breathing was heavy, and the entanglement with Lin Zheng Together, weaved a web, leaving her nowhere to escape.

"Kiss you." Lin Zheng said bluntly, her lips were right next to Gu Nanzhi's lips, and when she spoke, she seemed to rub against her lips, forcing her to suffocate.

Lin Zheng felt Gu Nanzhi's nervousness, but instead of restraining herself, she became more presumptuous, "You don't want to?" she asked.

Just three words set Gu Nanzhi's body on fire, and she couldn't bear to push Lin Zheng to beg for mercy, "Don't mess around, this is outside, so many people are watching."

"Heh." Lin Zheng gave a short laugh, moved away from Gu Nanzhi's lips, and leaned into her ear and said, "Isn't there too many people? They are all helping us witness each other's first kiss."

"Chu, kiss?" Gu Nanzhi repeated, his heart pounding as if about to rush out of his chest, until Lin Zheng, who didn't know when to come back, held her lips.

In an instant, the quiet bar exploded, with applause mixed with whistles, like a salute fired for them to break through gender, age, and identity. They were blessed, not criticized.

"Holding hands, hugging, kissing, and..." Lin Zheng said amidst the cheers, her soft lips rubbed against Gu Nanzhi's, and at the same time put down the last straw on her precarious heart, "Do. Love. All of me The first time can be yours, do you want it?"

Gu Nanzhi's ears were so quiet that he didn't hear anything, so his senses were occupied by the intimacy between his lips, and his mind was full of those two explicit words in Lin Zheng's mouth. She is 30 years old this year, not 13 years old. She is just the grade who longs to enjoy the joy of fish and water with her beloved one. Lin Zheng, from the moment she asked "do you like it?" Love, does she really dare?

Gu Nanzhi hesitated, and within a moment, all worries were burnt out. Lin Zheng rubbed the tip of her nose and chuckled, "Mr. Gu, how can I kiss you if you keep your mouth shut?"

At this moment, Gu Nanzhi only had instinct left, his whole body was soft and hot, and he slowly opened his lips when the tip of Lin Zheng's tongue stuck into his teeth again.

Lin Zheng felt Gu Nanzhi's movements, it was a kind of silent pandering.

She could no longer hold back and wait, and impatiently squeezed in through the gap between her teeth, found her, bit her, and brought her back to herself bit by bit.

The longing in Gu Nanzhi's heart dominated her nerves. She imitated Lin Zheng, twisting and grinding slowly, and then sucking on it.

At this moment, no matter how noisy and complicated the world is, they only have each other and their most primitive desire for her in their eyes.

"To your house?" Lin Zheng pressed Gu Nanzhi's lips and said the most meaningful words in the purest voice.

Gu Nanzhi lowered his head, resting his forehead on Lin Zheng's neck and said, "Okay." The hoarse voice was not as clear as usual, but it added a bit of the charm of a mature woman.

Lin Zheng couldn't wait for a moment, he held Gu Nanzhi tightly in one hand, and took the two people's things in the other hand and pulled her away quickly.

The low male voice in the bar is singing farewell to them, "I want, you are by my side..."

On the way back, Lin Zheng drove the car, driving at high speed, skillfully without any thinking.

Only then did Gu Nanzhi realize that she had been cheated, but she was willing, and even hoped that the speed of the car would be faster and the road would be shorter.

Aromatherapy was lit at home, and the smell was calm and comfortable. Gu Nanzhi was lying on the sofa in the living room, looking at the Yingying lights, and the mist in front of his eyes amplified the halo a little bit.

"Zheng'er, I can't breathe anymore." Gu Nanzhi grabbed Lin Zheng's arm helplessly, with a delicate voice that she had never heard in her life.

Lin Zheng held Gu Nanzhi back with one hand, interlocked her fingers, and pressed them to her side.

The lips still haven't left the bright red.

Gu Nanzhi is like a fish pushed ashore by wind and waves, long-term drying is almost fatal, she desperately wants to seek help from the person in front of her, but she is born to be troublesome.

She trapped her with gentleness, bit by bit her lips and teeth came together, and then bit down lightly and violently.

"Hmm...!" A light flashed in front of his eyes, and Gu Nanzhi finally let go of his voice.

They lingered in her throat, and when they found the most extreme moment, they gushed out, and then they could no longer control them.

Lin Zheng fell in love instantly when she heard it. She followed the remaining trails to find it, to listen to it, to possess it...and her.

"Mr. Gu, your voice is very nice." Lin Zheng said softly.

The light above his head was so dazzling that Gu Nanzhi opened his mouth and couldn't speak, but she couldn't stop what Lin Zheng wanted to hear.

I don't know how long it took, the weight on Gu Nanzhi's body slowly disappeared, followed by a sense of emptiness.

Gu Nanzhi instinctively arched his body to chase, "Zhenger."

"I'm here." Lin Zheng's voice was far away, and Gu Nanzhi couldn't hear it clearly, and she could see clearly with blurred vision. She felt that her hot and humid breath was approaching again, and when she heard it, she bumped into it when she was guessing whether Lin Zheng had a boyfriend. on the shoulders.

The shoulder still hurts, and Lin Zheng's enthusiasm for staying there makes the pain more obvious.

Gu Nanzhi wanted to turn sideways unbearably, but Lin Zheng refused to let her go, and gently pressed against that place to remind her, "It will hurt a little later."

pain? What hurts? Shoulder?

Gu Nanzhi wanted to say it was okay, but before he could say anything, there was only a cry of pain left.

The pain was short but intense, and afterward, it left only a long aftertaste, like clouds, more like spirits, making people addicted for no reason.

Gu Nanzhi clasped Lin Zheng's hand that was pressing down on her, and melted the deepest joy into her response.

It turns out that there is really a kind of pain in this world that people only dream about.