MTL - Girlfriend Needs To Be Coaxed Every Day-Chapter 41

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Later, Lin Zheng and Feng Haian stayed with Lin Jie in the ward. The mother and daughter respected each other like 'ice'. Lin Jie could see the awkwardness between the two. He pretended not to know anything and listened quietly. Feng Hai'an talked about many old things.

All three of them complained about the injustice of life, but no one was always indulging in grief. Perhaps it is more worth remembering to leave infinite beauty with limited life.

Nine o'clock in the evening was the end of the visit. Lin Zheng didn't have a bed certificate and had to leave reluctantly. Lin Jie offered to let Feng Hai'an accompany her home, saying that he had doctors and nurses on his side, so there would be no problems.

Lin Zheng refused with a smile, her tone was soft, but her attitude was firm, "No need, I can rest assured that Mom will stay with you."

Feng Hai'an, who had already picked up his mobile phone and was about to send Lin Zheng off, froze in place for a moment, unable to respond.

Lin Jie's worried eyes lingered between the two for a moment, and after a short moment of embarrassment, he smiled and said, "I will compare my heart to my heart and send you home, so that Dad will be at ease."

Feng Hai'an hurried to help, "Yes, the hospital is far away from home, and there is no direct bus yet, so Mom will take you there."

"It's really not necessary." Lin Zheng smiled sensiblely, "Ms. Gu is waiting for me below. Her house is very close to ours, so she can drop me by the way."

"That's it." Feng Hai'an was disappointed, "Then be careful on the way, remember to thank Teacher Gu."

Lin Zheng, "Okay, Dad, Mom, I'll go first."

"Okay." The two responded at the same time.

As soon as Lin Zheng left, the ward fell silent. The tired Lin Jie held Feng Haian's cold hand and whispered, "It's okay, it will be fine."

Feng Hai'an nodded, her eyes were flushed, she really wanted to find a doctor to give herself a pair of regret medicine, so that she could go back to the past and tell her paranoid self not to do things too bluntly, but unfortunately, she couldn't even have a similar dream. extravagant hope. The twisted Lin Zheng is always calm, which makes people elusive.


When Lin Zheng went down, Gu Nanzhi was standing under the streetlight in front of the building, with the light on his head, yawned a little, and then lazily looked towards the door, as if he had done many times of skillful movements.

Seeing Lin Zheng, Gu Nanzhi suppressed the fatigue caused by the long wait, smiled and said to her: "Shall I go, or you?"

Without even thinking about it, Lin Zheng ran to Gu Nanzhi in two or three steps, looked up at her, "Mr. Gu, I'm sorry for making you wait so long."

"It's okay, I'm free all day today." Gu Nanzhi said, habitually trying to help Lin Zheng straighten out the hair that was blown by the wind. Help her fix it as usual, then retract the back of the hand and put it in the trouser pocket, and squeeze it lightly.

Some feelings have changed, and the usual actions should be restrained.

Lin Zheng didn't notice the subtle changes in Gu Nanzhi, put away the sadness caused by the fixed result, and pretended to be happy and said: "The doctor said that Dad's condition is okay, and there is no problem going home for the New Year."

"Well." Gu Nanzhi avoided Lin Zheng's burning gaze, looked at the silvery white moon in the sky and said, "Since this is the case, don't worry too much. Study hard and take care of yourself is the greatest help to him."

"I know." Lin Zheng looked at Gu Nanzhi's hand hanging by his side, and there was a voice in his heart ready to move, "Teacher Gu, I'm tired."

"Okay, let's go home."

Gu Nanzhi took the lead and walked towards the parking lot with the moonlight behind his back. Lin Zheng stopped on the spot for a few seconds, followed her quickly, and slipped his hand into her palm before she had any reaction.

Gu Nanzhi clenched it first, then hurriedly let it go, and felt Lin Zheng's surprised gaze, and then clenched it loosely.

From the beginning to the end, she did not look at Lin Zheng, nor did she speak, but the contradictions in her heart had become a mess.


Lin Zheng from Gu Nanzhi's family came here, but never stayed overnight. After entering, he stood stiffly in the living room, not knowing what to do. Gu Nanzhi, who was answering the phone outside and came back a few steps late, saw this and patted her head from behind and said :"follow me."

Lin Zheng followed step by step with his schoolbag in both hands. The schoolbag was brought home just now, so that he could sleep until the old time tomorrow, and then go to school with Gu Nanzhi.

Gu Nanzhi's house had a guest room, but no one came to live in it all year round. When the door was opened, it was full of earthy smell, and it was so choking that Gu Nanzhi himself didn't want to live in it, let alone give it to Lin Zheng. In his own bedroom, he said, "You sleep here."

After finishing speaking, Gu Nanzhi squatted in front of the closet, looking for a change of clothes for Lin Zheng from the drawer below.

The two of them are quite confused, they both went to Lin Zheng's house to get their schoolbags, why didn't they remember to take the change of clothes with them, what's the use of holding a set of school uniforms to wear tomorrow, they can't sleep in winter school uniforms Bar.

Gu Nanzhi rummaged through the cabinets for a long time, and found a "house uniform" that he bought with his roommates when he was in college. It was actually a long T. It was intended to be worn as pajamas at the time. He didn't want the clerk to take the wrong size, so Gu Nanzhi wore it. It's a bit short, so it's always been pressed at the bottom of the box. Now it's barely worth it for children to wear it.

Gu Nanzhi took Lin Zheng to the bathroom with his pajamas, pointed her to the locations of various daily necessities, then hung the pajamas on the door, and told her, "I'll go to the study to deal with the mail. Come find me there if you have any questions."

Lin Zheng nodded obediently, her ears felt hot, and a scene in the novel that Shi Qi gave her popped up in her mind inappropriately—bathroom play...the people in the book are very good at it.

Gu Nanzhi didn't know that Lin Zheng's little brain was filled with these things. If she knew, she would probably give the child a good beating on the spot. She closed the door for Lin Zheng and said through the glass: "Don't be afraid, this is at home. If you call, I'll come."

The yellow waste in Lin Zheng's mind disappeared, and her chest was swollen and hot. She subconsciously called Gu Nanzhi, who turned sideways and almost pressed against the glass door and said, "What's wrong?"

Lin Zheng stepped forward cautiously, with his fingertips sticking against Gu Nanzhi's blurred outline on the door, "It's okay, just to see if you will really appear immediately." Lin Zheng said cheerfully, blurred vision made her She couldn't see the picture in front of her.

If there is light in her life, Shi Qi and the others are undoubtedly the brightest sky under the bright sun, and Gu Nanzhi is the gleam of light shining through the gap, not dazzling, but important enough.

Now, although her world is about to clear up, she still misses Gu Nanzhi's little touches.

Gu Nanzhi lost his temper by Lin Zheng's 'nonsense', and knocked on the door with his fingers to warn her, "Leave another lie and see how I deal with you."

Lin Zheng tilted her head, and asked pretendingly puzzled: "Beat? Scold? Are you willing?"

Gu Nanzhi was speechless for a moment, not to mention, she was really reluctant, but she would be very happy if it was another way, "Copy ancient poems as punishment." Gu Nanzhi said lightly.

Lin Zheng's proud expression immediately turned sad, "Mr. Gu, why do you always bully others with your status?"


Gu Nanzhi's eyebrows and eyes were slightly lowered, and his tone was still relaxed, as if joking, "Little friend, do you still know that I am your teacher? From now on, obediently remember my identity, and if I do bad things or even talk, I will deal with them equally."

"..." There was no more sound inside.

Gu Nanzhi couldn't tell what she was feeling at the moment. Others might not understand what she said. Lin Zheng must understand.

Gu Nanzhi stood for a while, and left after making sure that Lin Zheng would not respond.

Vaguely, she seemed to hear Lin Zheng say "no".

don't want what? Gu Nanzhi didn't dare to think about it, his mind was in a mess, and he had two tasks and one heart in handling the work, and he barely finished it until half past ten.

She thought that Lin Zheng must have fallen asleep at this point, but as soon as she entered the living room, the child sat cross-legged on the sofa, her back straight as if she was meditating, and she kept changing channels while holding the remote control in her hand.

Seeing Gu Nanzhi, Lin Zheng immediately threw down the remote control and wanted to stand up to talk to her, but unexpectedly, her legs were numb after sitting cross-legged for too long, and her legs softened and she knelt on the ground as soon as she stood up.

It hurts to hear the sound of a thud.

Gu Nanzhi walked over with a cold face, put his hands through the creaking hole, lifted him up and put him back, and said displeasedly, "Why are you always so frizzy?"

Lin Zheng tapped her thigh with her small fist, and giggled, "I forgot."

Gu Nanzhi sat down next to Lin Zheng, crossed his legs, casually took the remote control and played a bit on her silent TV, "Aren't you sleeping so late?" Gu Nanzhi asked casually.

Lin Zheng grinned at the increasingly clear numbness in his legs, and it took him a long time to react to Gu Nanzhi's question before he replied sullenly, "I'm sleeping in the master bedroom, where are you?"

Gu Nanzhi patted the sofa under him, "Here."

Lin Zheng put one leg on the sofa, turned around and said to Gu Nanzhi, "I'll sleep here, you go inside."

Gu Nanzhi turned his head and raised his eyebrows, "It's not a problem, I won't listen to what I say?"

Lin Zheng pouted and muttered, "It's not disobedient."

"That is?"

"I am a guest, you are the host, I am sorry to let you sleep here."

"Then do you think I'm willing to let you sleep?" Gu Nanzhi blurted out the words completely, and after speaking, he obviously felt Lin Zheng's lowered eyes lifted, smiling like a little **** secretly happy to steal the little yellow croaker Cat.

Gu Nanzhi sighed secretly, when was she 'tamed' by this troublesome kid, why did she open her mouth and shut it all 'subconsciously' for her good?

"Don't just sit around stupidly, go to sleep." Gu Nanzhi urged, "If you doze off in class tomorrow, you will be fined to stand."

Lin Zheng smiled so that the corners of his mouth rose, and he spoke even more aggressively, "You don't want to."

"Hey!" Gu Nanzhi laughed angrily, "Are you really not afraid of me now?"

In order to let the child remember, Gu Nanzhi deliberately scratched her waist, this place is Lin Zheng's "death spot", Lin Zheng immediately curled up and leaned forward, trying to avoid Gu Nanzhi's sudden attack.

In front of her was Gu Nanzhi with her legs crossed. When she was lying down, her chin just rested on Gu Nanzhi's legs.

The heater in Gu Nanzhi's house is very hot, and sometimes it feels hot even wearing long sleeves, but a person still has to have the minimum awe of winter, so she always wears very thin long pajamas, Lin Zheng's current movements are almost equivalent to Being directly next to her, she could clearly feel her warm breath seeping into her skin little by little.

Gu Nanzhi's relaxed nerves tightened, her body gradually stiffened, she suppressed her breath, held Lin Zheng's collar, and said calmly: "Hiding is smarter than anyone else."

Lin Zheng sat up following the strength in Gu Nanzhi's hand, and said softly, "I'm ticklish here."

Gu Nanzhi didn't say much, pointed to the direction of the bedroom with his chin, and reminded again, "Go to bed."

Lin Zheng remained motionless, twisting the hem of her pajamas with both hands, and said, "Can we sleep together?"

Gu Nanzhi's eyebrows twitched, and he vaguely felt that something was wrong. Before she could speak, Lin Zheng hurriedly added, "It will be uncomfortable to sleep here, and the bed is so big, one person and one quilt will not be crowded."

Lin Zheng's expression was sincere. If Gu Nanzhi made more excuses, it would appear that she didn't know how to understand the world. Helpless, Gu Nanzhi turned off the TV, stepped over Lin Zheng's leg that was slanting in front of the sofa, and walked towards the bedroom.

Lin Zheng looked at her back in a daze, Gu Nanzhi walked to the light switch in the living room, and when he was about to press it, he found that Lin Zheng was still sitting, and asked her funny, "Why, are you going to give me a bedroom?" people?"

"Huh?" Lin Zheng reacted for a moment, stood up happily and ran across, Gu Nanzhi's smiling eyes followed her all the way.

As Lin Zheng said, Gu Nanzhi's bed was indeed very big. She lay down on her back after a simple wash, and followed Lin Zheng at a distance of less than half a meter.

The two breathed very lightly, and the bedroom with the humidifier and aromatherapy machine turned on was reassuring.

Lin Zheng experienced too many things today, and she didn't feel sleepy after a long time of brewing. She hid in the quilt and turned over, laying down on her side facing Gu Nanzhi, and whispered to her, "Teacher Gu."

Gu Nanzhi was not sleepy like Lin Zheng, but her biological clock hadn't come yet, and when she heard Lin Zheng calling her, she gave a soft 'hmm'.

The corners of Lin Zheng's pursed lips raised secretly, such a close distance gave her the illusion that even if the sky fell tomorrow, she would be able to get out of it.

She wanted the illusion to be real.

Not long after, Gu Nanzhi became sleepy and gradually fell into a deep sleep.

Lin Zheng on the side was still awake, she looked at Gu Nanzhi's calm face unscrupulously through the darkness that she didn't care about.

On the tip of the moon, the night sky is silent over the city.

Someone's dry lips quietly found her oasis.