MTL - Ghostly Masked Prince Xiao: Pampering and Spoiling the Little Adorable Consort-Chapter 1673 Farewell to tears

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As soon as Shui Ling entered the gloomy hut, she smelled a **** scent, her heart clenched tightly, and when she turned around to see the person lying on the bed, she forgot to breathe.

With the faint light that the Shimen poured in, she could see clearly the appearance of the fallen man, her face was weak, and she was thin and immature, but even if he turned gray, she recognized him.

She stumbled up and wanted to reach out and hug him, but she saw his clothes stained with blood, and did not know where he was injured, his arms were stiffened in the air, and finally he slowly dropped his hands and stroked his face. .

"Feng Ling, Feng Ling, are you asleep? Open your eyes and look at me!" She whispered softly, ecstatic, but was seeing his pale, bloodless face, her voice almost begging, fearing, and sad.

Feng Ling, who had already stepped into the gate of the ghost door, heard the distant void, and someone was calling him. His voice was so familiar, as she was clamoring for him to buy rice cakes with him on the street, only a little more. Anxious, scared, and panicked.

He glanced at the ghost's wandering pass, resolutely retracted his feet, and turned and walked back quickly.

After staying here for so long, he has no idea what it feels like to be warm. At this time, warm drops of water fell on his face little by little, slipping into his neck, as if instilling a hint of strength.

Feng Ling slowly opened his eyes, but unfortunately there was still darkness.

Fortunately, however, he clearly felt someone holding his face and couldn't help saying anything in his ear.

When he slowed down, he heard what the man at the bed was saying.

"Feng Ling, I'm Shui Ling! I'm sorry, I didn't know that you were brought here and made you suffer so much!"

"Sorry, I should come to see you sooner!"

"Feng Ling, don't sleep, the master and I have come to you, you should wake up and look at me Feng Ling ..."

The voice was mournful, and the sad thoughts were endless.

"I didn't expect to see you for so many years, and you can still cry so."

Shui Ling was crying and crying, and suddenly it seemed that someone was joking with her.

Both eyes were tears, and tears were hanging on her eyelashes, her vision blurred. She blinked hard and wanted to see the person in front of her eyes. At this time, her cheeks were covered with a cold hand, "I'm fine, don't cry."

She wanted to nod, but when he heard his hoarse and silent voice, tears burst out again, but she couldn't say a word. Seeing him now, she regretted being late.

Feng Ling felt the warmth of her fingertips, making her even more uncomfortable.

He was hurt all over, but the pain was already numb, but when he heard the cry of his sweetheart, his heart began to hurt.

He suppressed the sweetness in his throat and turned her attention away. "How do you know I'm alive?"

"I came to the Ming Dynasty to do business with my master, and I stumbled upon your wind chimes. I followed this clue and found out that you were here." Then, she quickly took out the bunch of wind chimes from her arms.

The wind chime made a clear sound with the movement, echoing in this empty room for a long time.

Feng Ling heard the sound and couldn't help looking at the sound source. It was lost during his flight. He thought he would never hear the crisp sound again in this life. He never thought it would bring the woman he loved back to his eyes. .

He couldn't help but reach out to touch the wind chimes, but his hands faltered in the air and passed by the wind chimes.

Rao is now in the mood. The water spirit also noticed that he was wrong. The wind chime was right in front of him, and there was light in the room. How could it not be touched? Suddenly she had a bad guess and immediately looked into his eyes.

Those bright and bright eyes are always sharp and slightly light. Although they are still those eyes, they have lost their brilliance and have no focus.

Shui Ling pursed his lips, raised his hand and touched his eyes, but he didn't see any reaction. Tears popped out of his eyes, and he mutely said, "Your eyes ..."

Unexpectedly, it was discovered by her. When he first met again, he didn't want to scare her, but still—

He wanted to bend the corner of his mouth and tell her that he was okay, but a pain in his chest, blood surged up, and he didn't suppress it. He felt something flowing from the corner of his mouth.

"Feng Ling, Feng Ling, don't scare me!"

Shui Ling reached out and hugged him, watching the blood spit out of his mouth, and his bloodless face was white again, his body was scarred, and no one was intact, and her fortitude finally broke down at this moment. .

How could this be?

Obviously I love the lovely person in my heart, how could this be the case?

Even if he had been upset with him before and was trying to hit him, he had never really hit a heavy hand.

Now, seeing that he had only half his life lying there without any anger, she felt that the whole sky had collapsed.

How can people like me who do n’t like to talk seriously?

Xiao Xu and others originally waited outside the stone room and listened to the conversation between the two. They wanted to give the young couple who would meet again for a long time, but they did not expect that the savage cry of water was heard at this time.

The faces of the people changed greatly, and they rushed in immediately.

I saw the water spirit holding the wind spirit of Qi Ruoshui, turned to Xiao Xu and begged, "Master, please save the wind spirit! If the wind spirit is dead, his subordinates will not live alone!"

Fire spirit saw her eyes closed with scars, and there was no wind spirit in her breath. She stomped her feet. When she heard the words of water spirit, she immediately glared with anger and said, "What silly words, the master will save the wind. Spiritual! "

Xiao Xu saw Qingjun's upright subordinates at that time, and now a blood-stained wolf howled lying there, his throat seemed to be choked, his eyes reddish, "Empty!"

The ethereal had already crowded in front of people, and before the master asked, he immediately reached forward and stretched out his hands, carefully resting on Fengling's wrist. The scars on his hands caused him, a doctor who had been practicing medicine for years, to shake his fingers , I couldn't find a complete pulse.

Shui Ling looked at the empty spirit tightly, Ming Ling's eyes were full of expectations.

The empty spirit's eyes narrowed, and then he said loudly, "Quickly, move the Fengling out of here, the cold will enter the body, and his life is in danger."

Shui Lingyu couldn't speak, but wanted to hold Fengling subconsciously, but he didn't know where to start. He was hurt all over, and she was afraid he would hurt.

Seeing that she had no God, she didn't care what she did, she pulled the water spirit away, and leaned forward to pick up the wind spirit while speaking fast. "Water spirit, you have to get hot water to prepare scissors."

The ethereal movement was very fast, as if the wind was blowing on the soles of the feet, and everyone gave up his place, because at this moment, everyone knew that Feng Ling was already afraid--

Shui Ling looked at the empty embrace, the residual blood stains on his hands, the dazzling red, made her instantly wake up, and darted to chase up.

The crowd watched the three men going away and immediately followed.

Xiao Xu was standing in the stone room, his eyes swept across this humble room, his eyes scarlet, as if a storm was brewing, and after the examination was over, he retracted his gaze, and the rest was only boneless. Han, then strode out.