MTL - Ghostly Masked Prince Xiao: Pampering and Spoiling the Little Adorable Consort-Chapter 1667 What i am to you

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With Gongsun Xue's support, finding Fengling to save him is just around the corner.

After confirming the plan, Xiao Xu asked, "So when does Gongsun Sovereign think the best action?"

Gongsun Xue didn't even think about it, "Three days later."

As soon as I heard this time, Shui Ling thought of the news she had received before, and could not help but worry. "They said that Feng Ling is receiving punishment now. I am worried that he will not be able to bear it for a long time."

Gongsun Xue turned to look at her, soothing, "Don't worry, although Gongsun is ruthless, but it won't be so easy for the person she loves to take his life, so you can rest assured that Fengling Son may suffer, but He will still be alive and well, and in the past few days, Gongsun has a lot of headaches, and he won't have the energy to find the wind spirit son. "

With Gongsun Xue's words, Shui Ling was more at ease. Although there was still some anxiety, this was also the best way now.

After finalizing the plan, arranging personnel, and coordinating the follow-up, the sky gradually darkened. After everyone had dinner together, they went back to each other. After all, the days are short in winter and the days are cold.

Gongsun Xue and Xiao Yao's room were next to each other, so the two walked back together.

Walking and closing, Gongsun Xue found that Xiao Yao's words became less since entering the hall, which was not in line with his personality, and he could not help looking at him.

It's okay not to look at it. At a glance, he met the sight of his tightly locked on her. She was a little stunned, but Xiao Yao was not embarrassed by the embarrassment of being caught by her on the spot, but narrowed his eyes, more openly. Already.

"What do you think I do?" He didn't speak at all, so she could only take the initiative to speak.

Xiao Yao glanced at her without blinking, "You honestly explain, this time, was your temporary intention or a long-term plan?"

It turned out to be this.

Gongsun Xue didn't feel anything, and frankly said, "Before coming to Luocheng, it was decided."

Sure enough!

Xiao Yao was uncomfortable, "I thought you were here to accompany me to find my elder brother and uncle. I didn't expect this to be incidental!"

Hearing his unpleasant tone, Gongsun Xue didn't understand. What's so angry about this? She was wondering if she had been so kind to him lately, so if something went wrong with him, she started to lose her temper?

It was really three days without putting on a room to expose the tile, so she made up her mind to ignore him, let him jump around for a while, and she would stop by herself.

However, this cold treatment didn't seem to work, Xiao Yao decided to bother her.

"Ice beauty, I'm very unhappy!" Xiao Yao kept muttering the words in her ears, humming heavily at three to five to accompany herself.

Until walking back to the room, Xiao Yao was still behind her. I was unhappy, and you don't want to run away.

Gongsun Xue couldn't help him. Qiu Feng and others flashed far back when he lost his temper. Now he can't find someone to take him away. She turned around and looked at him with her shoulders. "You hum Along the way, what the **** is going on? "

Why does this sound so strange?

It seems more suitable for the husband's attitude towards the temperamental daughter-in-law.

But Xiao Yao had already vented all the way, and did n’t have that much energy to study whether the attitude was reversed. Seeing that she finally faced herself, the little bird leapt for a while, but her face was full of sorrow. "I trust you so much, you along the way I didn't even disclose the wind! "

Gongsun Xue was speechless, and she was just concerned about this trivial matter. She sighed, "Helping your elder brother to find someone is just a handy job, and there is no need for publicity."

Seeing what this says, it is obvious that he is treated as an outsider!

When Xiao Yao heard it, his heart became even more uncomfortable, and he felt like he was hitting cotton with a fist, and he was sullen in his heart for a long time.

The person in front of her kept staring at her. Gongsun Xue felt that she and him were not always on the same line of thought. Sometimes she really did n’t understand what he was thinking, and it was too late to think about it, so she did n’t explore him. That strange inner world, with his hands resting on the door, said to him, "It's getting late, and after a few days, you should be tired, go back and rest!"

After she had said it, she was going to close the door, but she supported her door with one hand and stopped her.

Gongsun Xue looked at him helplessly, "What else do you want?"

Xiao Yao shook his lips. "What am I to you?"

He seemed to have a casual tone. In fact, he didn't care about it, his ears were raised, for fear of missing her answer.

This is the reason why he really struggled along the way.

Where does he belong to her?

He has always felt that getting along with each other these days, he has slowly integrated into her life and penetrated into her heart, but after this incident, he discovered that in fact, there is still an invisible wall between him and her. He What she saw was what she was willing to show him.

He was no different from anyone else to her.

However, these days, he got along with her so much that he ignored a lot of things. For example, he had never heard her mention of her past, never went out with her, never had any relationship with her ... ...

So, is everything hot for him?

However, when he asked the question, he regretted it a bit. If the answer was not what he expected, how could he whitewash the peace when nothing happened and continue to treat her? What if she felt like she was overtaking and didn't want to let him be close again?

So impulse is the devil.

It is just that the water that has been spilled can no longer be collected.

He could only bite his head and wait for her to answer.

Obviously he is the one with the most confidence, but in the end it is the one with the least confidence.

He laughed at himself in his heart.

Gongsun Xue did not expect that he would suddenly come to such a sentence, just like the calm sea, a lightning suddenly fell from the sky, and the instant the waves surged and rolled.

Her eyes fell on the stone steps. For a moment, I didn't know how to answer.

This question, she never thought about it, and dare not think about it.

She was afraid that she would not be able to give him the answer, and she was afraid that answer would make her not have the courage to move on.

During this time, his companionship, his care, and his thoughtfulness have been pervasive in her life. She has never seen such a thoughtful, humorous and intelligent person. How could she not feel it?


She was so selfish, letting herself draw warmth from him.

What qualifications does she have for him?

For a long time, she did not hear her answer, Xiao Yao had given up.

Forget it, she is like this character, like a rock, he continues to cover it!

Sooner or later, he will be sweltered by him.

Thinking about it this way, he is no longer tangled, and is about to change the subject, but Yu Guang swept her to suddenly raise her hand to reach him, his eyes were full of tenderness, he was shocked, and the words in his throat were choked .