MTL - Game Designers: You Don’t Understand Charity-Chapter 278 game balance

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  The next day, the news about Yun Mumu and the Three Kingdoms Killing online DIY activity spread among the player circles.

  Three Kingdoms Killing was originally a popular game during this period of time. Even if Penguin spared no effort to promote Hero Killing, the audience is definitely not small.

  Players clicked on the event web interface that they didn't care much about at first, and saw that in the plan display area, Yun Mumu's stick figure Zhang Fei had already been marked with a "adopted" label.

   Now the entire player circle is a sensation.

  Although it is said that the number of likes of this plan has far exceeded that of the next few major plans, but you just adopt it like this, isn’t it really a big heart?

   Fortunately, Fengyun Studio had anticipated the controversy among players, and soon released the development information of this skin on Weibo.

  In the materials produced in a hurry, the "style" of this skin has been carefully focused on, and first-class special effects have been made.

   Now, the player is speechless.

  Your plan adoption process is quite satisfactory, and the special effects of the design have not shrunk, and even invested more, and the design is more sophisticated.

   This undoubtedly gave the players who participated in the event a lot of confidence.

  Many people wanted to find criticism points from the rules of the event, but it turned out that for this skin DIY, each general skin has multiple proposals for selection.

  It seems unrealistic to really talk about the shady scene.

   Who can't allow some maverick painting styles to appear?

   There are various situations, but Fengyun Studio is very well prepared. Although the players are controversial, they will never be blamed.

  As for the heated discussions among the players, Fang He and the others have only one attitude, let them fight for it!

   A high degree of discussion means a high degree of attention to the game, so why not do it.

  In just a few days, the popularity of Three Kingdoms Kill soared again.

  A large number of players also participated in this DIY activity with great interest, and many remarkable works were born in it.

  For a while, the high-quality game atmosphere of Three Kingdoms Kill once again attracted a large number of players into the pit.


  In the Penguin game department, Luo Linsen was so angry that he almost smashed the table.

   "You bunch of trash!"

  At this moment in the conference room, Luo Linsen summoned the team leaders of the corresponding departments, with an extremely ugly expression on his face.

   "You can't even grab the players, and the players on our side were fooled by them in an event. What are you doing?!"

  Luo Linsen's eyes were breathing fire.

   He couldn't help but not be in a hurry. It was already very reluctant to have the advantage in the general momentum before, but now that Fengyun Studio has made such a move, it actually overwhelmed them again.

   If this goes on like this, won't his arrangements in the Luotian Group be for naught!

   How does this make him explain to the headquarters!

  Under the stage in the meeting room, Wu Ke frowned, dissatisfied.

   "Luo Linsen, when this DIY activity first came out, you dismissed it and said it was of no great use."

   "Now that the activities of Fengyun Studio are hot, you are here to shirk your responsibility."

  Under the stage, all the employees looked very helpless.

  In the past, even when Yan Kang was in charge, he would not throw the pot away for no reason.

  This new leader is really not good.

   "Shut up!" Luo Linsen stared at Wu Ke with an unfriendly expression.

   "What I want now is not to discuss this, what I want is to find a way to completely compare Fengyun Studio to the bottom, and not let them get carried away!"

  Wu Ke frowned. If there was any way to easily suppress Fengyun Studio, they would have done it long ago.

   It will be a while before I can come up with any good ideas.

  The employees below look at me and I look at you, and they are silent.

  Luo Linsen kept a straight face, as expected, he still couldn't count on these idiots.

   "Then how about this, what kind of DIY activities are there in Fengyun Studio, you can also organize one for me here!"

   "I will use the channels of the sales department to help you expand your influence. In terms of offline strength, the other party is absolutely inferior to us!"

  Luo Linsen snorted triumphantly, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this idea was feasible.

   "I disagree!" Wu Ke said in a deep voice.

  Luo Linsen's face darkened, and he looked at Wu Ke, the opponent, fiercely.

  He hates others to sing against himself the most.

   "The success of Fengyun Studio cannot be reproduced. If it is not for the promotion of popular anchors, coupled with the huge bonus pool provided by Fengyun Studio, all players can have a certain sense of participation."

   "It is impossible for this activity to achieve such a big sensation. If you really want to follow suit, it will only get twice the result with half the effort!"

  Wu Ke patiently explained.

   "This little problem will stump you all!" Luo Linsen waved his hand.

   "What they can do, we can do the same, as long as we are more competitive than them in activities, wouldn't it be fine?"

   "They do skin design, we design generals! All the generals designed by players, we put them directly into the game and use them to earn money!"

   "This is not much more useful than their mere skins!"

  Luo Linsen gave Wu Ke a look of contempt, and the other party fell into a long silence.

  Wu Ke knew that since no real plan could be come up with now, no one could stop Luo Linsen from acting arbitrarily.

  This meeting ended hastily again when Luo Linsen thought he had consolidated his prestige.

   "By the way, why did we only do a skin collection this time?"

  In the Fengyun studio, Lin Tian, ​​who was suddenly doing his work, raised his head and asked a question.

   Now that the workload has been greatly reduced, he seems to be very comfortable, and suddenly found a blind spot.

   "Judging from the player participation rate this time, if you add generals DIY, then the popularity will explode to another level."

  Lin Tian smashed it and smacked his lips, feeling a little unfinished.

  Fang Yun got a vicious blow on the back of the head, and Fang Yun looked unhappy.

   "If you really want to do that, then what are you doing, why don't you just go to rest?"

   Fighting is slapstick, and everyone didn't take it to heart.

   At this time, Fang He pushed the door open and entered.

  He just walked into the office, and obviously heard the previous conversation.

   "I'm talking about you guys." Fang He said helplessly.

   "Have you all forgotten where the most important point of card games lies?"

   "What do you mean?" Lin Tian rubbed the back of his painful head, wondering.

   Obviously, the brain has not reacted yet.

   It was Henry Zhang and Peng Mo who were thoughtful and understood something.

   "Does this need to be said?" Fang He walked to the work station and slowly put down the documents in his hand.

   "Of course it is the most sensitive and unshakable factor in card games—"

   "Game Balance!"
