MTL - Full Time Mage Lord-Chapter 626 Sunset Fortress Strategy IV

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  Chapter 626 Raiders of Luoxia Fortress IV

  Although Hans and Charlotte didn't understand what "closing the door and beating the dog" meant, but seeing Xiu Yin's expression, it seemed that they were confident about taking down the fortress.

   "Send the signal!" Huin said to Charlotte.

  A fire burst out of the simple fireworks tube in Charlotte's hand and flew directly to the sky of Lorraine Plain.


  A ball of fire lit up in the sky, and the pattern of a group of wyrmprint badges flickered slowly in the sky.

  Miguel Chi also saw it.

  The adjutant was a little panicked when he saw this, and hurriedly shouted, "General, it's the direction of Luoxia Fortress!"

   "Hmph, these barbarians are trying to lure us to the dark forest, so that we can raid the fort from behind, pass my order, and return to the army!"

   Miguel's teeth began to ache.

  He had a feeling that he was being tricked. First, a group of people lured him out of the fortress, and then another group of people raided the fortress while he was away. Although they were repelled, there was another problem in the dark forest.

  Now that the Dark Forest is controlled by Longhui, Miguelchi will naturally want to retake it. Although they can continue to get supplies from the sea, the glory of the Qiyao family will be stained.

   But when Miguelch's cavalry was galloping north and south on the plain, there was another problem in the rear.

   And it was a blatant provocation!

   Miguelchi could see the signal from Charlotte clearly.

   "General, the enemy must mainly want to take down the Luoxia Fortress. We lost the Dark Forest, and then lost the Luoxia Fortress...Now most of the ships have been mobilized to the north, we are in danger..."

  The adjutant wanted to say that we were in danger, but was interrupted by Miguelch, "Shut up!"

   "Hmph, what do these barbarians know? This kind of trick is okay against some idiots, but in front of this general, any trick will be smashed under the absolute strength!"

   Seeing General Miguelchi's anger, the adjutant had no choice but to shut up and dare not say anything.

  Three thousand elite cavalry galloped southward on the plain, and when they were less than ten kilometers away from Luoxia Fortress, Miguelch could already see the flames from Luoxia Fortress.

  It was already afternoon at this time, the setting sun slanted down, but the southern sky reflected half of the sky red.

   "The enemy is on fire!"

  The adjutant couldn't help but screamed out.

   Miguelch was extremely depressed. If he used fire to attack, it would indeed be a good tactic.

  The invasion of the southern part of the mainland this time was mainly to quickly occupy the port, obtain ships and complete the blockade of the Haixin family at sea, so most of the troops are cavalry.

  After breaking through the Forest of Darkness, a large amount of pasture was hoarded at the Luoxia Fortress as food for the horses.

  The inside of the fortress is indeed unable to withstand the fire attack at this time. If there is a fire inside the fortress, and there are strong enemies outside the fire, the Luoxia Fortress will indeed become very difficult to defend, and then think about the consequences of losing the Luoxia Fortress...

   Miguelch's right hand holding the rein had exposed blue veins. He was indeed negligent, but it was impossible for him to admit that he had lost to the southern barbarians in his eyes.

The threat of Luoxia Fortress is not terrible in Miguelch's eyes. As long as he can go back, let alone the Dragon Brilliance Leader, even if the knights of the entire Starlight Kingdom are blocked there, Miguelch is also confident that with his own strength Power to reverse the unfavorable situation in front of you.

Seeing that the fortress was approaching, the thick smoke had already risen high, and Miguelchi secretly swore in his heart that he must capture that lord called Neumann back to the Dark Night Empire, and tie it on the pillar of judgment for him to taste The icy wind from the north.

Miguelch looked at the fortress that was getting closer and closer, and he was still thinking of some strategies to deal with the Longhui collar. Because he didn't know the specific situation of the fortress at this time, Miguelch was considering whether to divide the army into two groups, and then The east and west directions are close to the fortress.

  Suddenly, Miguelch felt a chill down his spine. This was an instinct honed in the long war, an instinctive alertness to the approaching crisis.

not good!

  Although he had already yelled out, it was in his heart, because just before he opened his mouth to make a sound, he heard the sound of the button being pulled in his ears.

   is a crossbow.

  Yes, Long Huiling is good at using crossbows, he knows this, and when chasing the fleeing defenders in the Dark Forest, he was also stopped by the crossbow array and couldn't continue to pursue.

  But unexpectedly, they would ambushe him on the way back without anyone noticing, this...

   Miguelch lowered his head and dodged a crossbow bolt.

  It turned out that the target of the enemy was not Luoxia Fortress, but himself!

  Miguelchi felt his mount get short, and knew that the horse had been hit by an arrow, so he burst out with soul power, lifted his body up, and finally chose to land behind a cavalryman.

   A wave of crossbow arrows baptized the cavalry team on their backs, and over a hundred died.

Only then did Miguelchi realize that right in front of him, a troop of heavy infantry was blocking the cavalry's attack route. In the gaps between the infantry shields, rows of crossbows were reflecting the setting sun. .

   That is the halo of death.


  Miguelch made the most correct judgment and continued to charge forward. Although he could break through the shield formation, the cavalry team would suffer even greater losses if they faced those sharp crossbows head-on.

   "These barbarians!"

Miguelch cursed fiercely, but his mind also quickly analyzed the situation, setting fire to Luoxia Fortress, the purpose was to attract Miguelch to return to the fortress, and the previous raids were all It was to make Miguelch ignore that the enemy would set up an ambush along the way, let alone think that the real target of Long Huiling was himself, the paladin Miguelch!

   Miguelch's cavalry turned to the east, and Xiuyin's eyes showed some coldness and indifference.

If they go north and choose to break into the dark forest as soon as possible and return to the territory of the Bofeng Empire in the north, they can still survive. Going east, Miguelch is just hoping that there will be one or two ships that can take him from here. Return by sea.

   But Miguelchi would not have imagined that the seaports along the coast of Loland, especially those near the north, were originally controlled by Shuyin's Yonghui Chamber of Commerce, and the people in Lolita could be said to be the captains of every ship.

  How could they obey Qi Yao's order? Everything is just a good show ordered by Xiuyin, so Dongfang is just a dead end for Miguelch.

  Irwin didn't really go to burn Luoxia Fortress. According to Xiu Yin, those materials were reserved for Long Hui, and the fodder was enough to provide support for the elite knights in Abissa for three months.

  Irwin set fire to the Luoxia Fortress instead. The fortress guard Modric did not dare to leave the city easily, but Miguelch on the other side didn't know the specific situation, so Xiuyin was given a chance to ambush on the road.

   Now Miguelch is forced to go east, which is exactly the place of death that Xiu Yin drew for Miguelch.

  (end of this chapter)