MTL - From the Head Pillar Tanjiro, Take Stock of the Wonderful Nicknames of Zongman-Chapter 526

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The picture was given to Luffy. At this time, he was standing upside down in the city wall, unable to move.

Gritting his teeth, he murmured, "It's been cut!"

Although he was not cut by the blade, he was still in pain and miserable.

Seeing that Luffy was not dead, the marines all showed disappointment.

Just as Mihawk was about to continue the attack, he found a blue figure wearing clogs standing between him and Luffy.

This person is Shiping.

When everyone in Wanjie thought that Luffy was going to die in Mihawk's hands, Jinping's appearance gave them a shot in the arm.

"As expected of Ace's younger brother, he seemed to be hit directly by your sword energy, but in fact he quietly avoided the key parts and was not fatally injured!"

Mihawk looked at the man in front of him with a little shock in his eyes.

"Seaman Jinpei!"

It was only then that the people of Wanjie discovered Jinping's status in this world, regardless of whether it was black or white, they had to give him a little bit of respect, and looked at Jinping with respect in their eyes.

Ace breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Jinbe appear.

With his protection, Luffy should be fine!

Jinbe also said it directly.

"With the old man here, I will never let you meet Brother Luffy again."

Mihawk said in surprise: "Oh?"

"Even if it takes this life!".

Chapter 465 Predict the danger! Knowledgeable and domineering! (please customize)

"Why do you have to do this!"

Mihawk doesn't understand,

Jinbe used to be one of the Shichibukai, and also cooperated with the government, why is he obsessed with opposing the navy now!

"This old man is saving Mr. Ace, of course, to protect the sea. The war can no longer be stopped, but there is still hope."

Jinbe turned his head to look at Luffy in the distance. At this time, Luffy was still fixed on the wall, twisting and twisting, trying to get out of the rock. It looks extremely embarrassing!

"That hope is Luffy boy!"

Seeing Luffy in such a state of distress, Mihawk didn't say anything, but closed his eyes slightly, and murmured: "So that's the case, and I understand that! But I still haven't seen his fate clearly. !"

"So here, I can only let you back down first!"


Naval Headquarters.

Huang Yuan teased and said, "Yeah, what is fate? It seems that this Mihawk is also a potential traitor!"

"Among the Qiwuhai, it seems that only hopeless villains stand on our side. Has our navy fallen to such a bottom?"

Warring States snorted coldly. Said: "It's just an Ace, a descendant of One Piece, we can kill him before he grows up."

Garp reminded: "I'm not aiming at my grandson, but now Ace is already under the protection of Whitebeard. We couldn't achieve this goal in the picture before. Why can we do it now?"

Akaken said: "Karp. You can just be proud of yourself here. All your descendants are like this. Even if you have made great contributions in the navy, once you do something wrong, you will never be forgiven!"

Garp took a puff of his cigarette, not caring about the threat of Akainu at all!

"Murloc Karate!"

Jinbe took a deep breath and prepared to attack Mihawk.

As soon as his voice came out, the naval cannons on the surrounding walls had already aimed at Jinbei and fired.

Black cannonballs surrounded Jinbe.

bad 1

Jinbe seemed defenseless against these attacks.

A powerful aura is formed around Jinping, which temporarily delays the attack of the cannonballs, but it is already very difficult for Shiping to stop the attack of the cannonballs in this way. Once he wants to dodge, these cannonballs will definitely explode around himself. Unable to escape smoothly.

At this time, Mihawk made a move.

With a flick of his long sword, an invisible sword energy instantly cut all the shells in half.

Since the range of the explosion was still far away from Jinping, it had no effect on him.

Jinbe attacks again, his fist swings directly at Mihawk, and Mihawk's sword also stabs at Jinbe, and surprisingly, he seems to stab sideways, and his sword appears on Jinbe's side.

Even Jinbei is covered, you know this is Mihawk, anyone's sword can be crooked, but this strongest swordsman certainly won't,

In the next scene, sword energy erupted.

The huge energy bounced Jinbei away, flew to a height of ten or twenty meters, and then slammed into the ice.


The ice cracked and Jinbe disappeared into the sea.


This is the most powerful person in Qiwuhai!

No wonder even the three generals and Whitebeard looked at Mihawk with admiration. It turned out that there was such a huge gap in strength between them.

Everyone in the world was shocked.

At the same time, I couldn't help worrying. After all, Mihawk wanted to stop Luffy, and the two had to fight.

Luffy's heart to save Ace is so strong, it is estimated that he would not regress even if he sacrificed his life.

And the person in front of him could really take his life!

Luffy gritted his teeth and murmured, "This guy is really strong¨~."

"Not even Jinbe can stop him."

the other side.

The battle between Ivankov and the bear did not gain the upper hand. Amidst the continuous explosions, he fell hard from the air to the ice, and it took him a long time to recover.

When he raised his head, he immediately looked for Luffy.

This is the child of the dragon, and I must protect his safety.



Ivankov looked around, he soon saw Luffy lying on the wall, and then saw Mihawk who was attacking Luffy.


Ivankov yelled.

And Luffy also noticed Mihawk above him, that knife is not a joke, once it is inserted into his body, it will definitely die!

He twisted hard, and finally escaped from the rock at the moment when the blade was about to pierce his body.

He was breathing heavily, still in shock.

"You bastard!"

His hands are constantly accumulating strength.


Luffy was full of steam, this blow was obviously very powerful!

Could it be that he wants to defeat Mihawk!

However, at the moment when Luffy attacked Qian, the eyes of Luffy and Mihawk were just interlaced. Luffy seemed to see himself attacking Mihawk with his fist, but then his hands were crushed. Its cut off scene.

He gasped in fright, and hit the ground with both fists fiercely.

This moment.

Everyone in Wanjie was very confused.


Does Luffy have the ability to see the future?

He has a special physique, if he can foresee the future, it would be too invincible!

Everyone in Pirate World was also surprised, but understandable.

After all, there are many people who have knowledge and domineering power, but these people are all powerful masters!

Luffy has this ability at a young age, this is where everyone is surprised!

".'It's so dangerous, if I just shot, I should be cut off!"

Luffy was panting.

"The response is not bad!"

Mihawk looked at Luffy with admiration in his eyes, but in the next second, his attack had already been made.

Luffy didn't realize that Mihawk's speed would be so fast, and instinctively leaned back, dodging the blow extremely dangerously.

He was so scared that he almost stopped breathing.

And Wanjie's heart almost jumped out, too fast!

The momentary kung fu is like an unruly ink mark being swayed by a brush on the rice paper in the picture.

More than that.

The black sword aura continued to pervade the entire venue. Hundreds of thousands of people in the scene raised their heads at this moment, looking at this suffocating aura that had never been seen before!



"What's this!"

Whitebeard looked at Mihawk with solemn eyes. Although he knew that Mihawk's swordsmanship was superb, this was the first time he saw someone able to use such terrifying power.

"This aura, this sword aura, it turns out that his reputation as the strongest swordsman is not in vain. Few people are able to counteract such a powerful attack head-on!"

Whitebeard's evaluation is astonishing, after all, he is a strong man standing at the top of the world! .

Chapter 466 Shocking blow, cut off the iceberg! (please customize)





For a time, countless emotions shrouded the hearts of everyone in Pirate World.

Even if they are both Shichibukai, no one knows what Mihawk's strongest strength is, because Mihawk seldom makes a move, as long as he makes a move, there is no need to consider other things, just wait for victory!

Because no one has ever seen a Mihawk fail!


A crisp voice appeared on the screen.

It sounded like something breaking, and it was very crisp.